1851-1977 [COLLECTIONS] collection of mainly used stamps placed in 30-sheet stockbook A4, from Mi.1, then for example. 2x 66, blocks of four 131-142 *, 2x 143-145 (used / mint hinged), 180-181 * and others, special, postage-due, official and oths; various, mainly good quality
1938-1942 RHODOS / selection of 2 air-mail letters, addressed 1x to Switzerland and 1x to Sweden, with Mi.22, 23, 133, CDS POSTA AREA RODI 29.7.38 and CDS SIMI 28.10.42; Italian censorship; good condition
1937 Reg letter sent in the place, franked with imperforated stamps Mi.32-35, 37-39, CDS TARTU-VAKSAL 4.III.37, on reverse arrival postmark TARTU 5.III.37; good condition
1849 PLATE PROOF Mi.2-5, selection of 11 PLATE PROOFs Ceres, values 15C-40C, in various colors; 1x small thin place, otherwise very fine and rare set, c.v.. Maury page. 134 - 1.270€
1858-1859 POST OFFICE IN EGYPT / ALEXANDRIA / 3 letters to Italy sent from French post. office in Alexandria with nice frankings of stamps Napoleon III., i.a. 2x80c+20c; 1 exp. Diena, fine set!
1941 Christmas prisoner p.stat card 5F, NOËL 1941/ SALON DU PRISONNIER, sent to French prisoner in Germany with censorship cancel. STALAG IV C; good condition
1941 2 entires sent to Prague, 1x commercial Reg letter franked with. overprint stamp. Mi.19, 42, with CDS ZAGREB 27.VII.41, 1x ordinary letter franked overprint stamps Mi.9 2x, 10 2x, 41, CDS ZEMUN 5.XII.41, both envelopes passed through German censorship; good condition
1941-1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of unused stamps, contains i.a. overprint II. issue, then postage stamps, special, postage-due, official, souvenir sheets, blocks of four and oths.; on 4 pages A4, various quality
1873-1962 [COLLECTIONS] collection of mainly used stamps placed in 8-sheet stockbook, from Mi.1, various colors, shades, perf, complete also incomplete sets, special, air-mail, official and oths., several miniature sheets; overall fine
1859 Sass.10, 11, 12, three highest values 50 Baj blue, 1 Scudo rose carmine and 50 Baj dark ultramarine; exp. Thier (2x) and Sorani, minor faults, overall fine classic stamps, c.v.. 18.500€
1852 Sass.1; Coat of arms BAJ MEZZO "grigio", pair on letter from Ferrara with sought cancel. "Ferrara cross" from period of cholera infection, then cut square with pair with gutter; very fine, c.v.. 2.475€
1852 Sass.1A, BAJ MEZZO "violetto grigiastro" str-of-3 + 1 on letter from Rome to Frosinone, rare franking and late usage in 1866!; minor faults, c.v.. 5.000€
1859 letter with rare pair Sass.1A, Coat of arms ½ Baj „violetto grigiastro“ + 1Baj, atypical franking "2 Baiocchi", on left stamp from pairs plate variety „BAI“ instead „BAJ“; interesting letter, cat. min. 3.000€
1852 Sass.7na, Coat of arms 5C green, printing error - senza cifra; faded postmark, right at top small thin place, otherwise very fine and rare, c.v.. 3.250€
1861 Sass.17ala, strip-of-4 Victor Emmanuel II. 1/2 Tornesse light green, all printing errors Head Ommitted; very fine, certificate Chiavarello, cat. only as single stamps 2.400€
1858 3 letters with stamps Coat of arms 2Gr, various shades and plates, from that 1x franking 2+1Gr with surtax, rarer cancel. TRANI and decorative FOGGIA, in addition front side with 2x 2Gr; i.a. 1x exp. Diena, very fine, cat. min. 630€
1852 Sass.1a, Coat of arms 5C - strip of 3 on cut-square with unusual cancel. PARENZA; very fine, wide margins, certificate Biondi, c.v.. 1.700€, middle stamp in addition with printing error "STATI PARN"
1852 Sass.5, 40c blue; overall fine unused piece with original gum and good to large margins; small thin place, certificate Avi, c.v.. 13.000€, rare stamp!