1918 Pof.PP1, ЧЕШСКЯ ПОЧТА 10k blue; mint never hinged, oblique bend, certificate Vrba, exp. by Mrnak., Gilbert, exceedingly rare stamp missing in most collections!
Pof.49II, Coat of arms 3 Koruna light red, landscape format, overprint type II.; mint never hinged, L short tooth, Vrba certificate and Mikulski, exp. by Karasek and Lešetický, overall nice piece of this exceedingly rare stamps, which/what often missing also in big collections!
Pof.55 2KN + 3 K, Triangle 2h brown-red, marginal block-of-7 with strip-of-4 with stamps, 3 overprinted coupons and 2 unoverprinted marginal half coupons, overprint types I+III+III+III on stamps and II+III+I on coupons; only 1x hinge remnant, certificate Vrba, expertized Mrňák, Pofis and Wallner, decorative and very rare multiple in very fine quality, extraordinary example!
Pof.56, Triangle 5h green, well centered overprint I. type; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert.,, very fine piece, rare and sought stamp!
Pof.57C, Rectangle 2h brown-red with rare combined perforation 11½ : 12½, blue Opt I. type; mint never hinged, left at top short teeth, certificate Vrba, exp. Karásek, very rare
Pof.59, Mercure R 10h red, overprint type I.; superb mint never hinged piece, Vrba certificate and Karásek, exp. Lešetický, Gilbert, Karásek and Beneš, commercial mark Kosina, very rare stamp in/at prémiové quality!
UNISSUED / Pof.128Pz, Black numerals 5f green / black, wmk Pz, with different type of overprint F, overprint type IV shifted; lightly hinged, certificate Vrba and Mikulski, exp. Mrňák, Mikulski and Gilbert, rare
Pof.2Ms(4), 3h violet, 4-stamps vertical same facing gutter with R margin (!), folded, on/for upper stamp. plate variety - "interrupted branch"; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Mrnak and Vrba, very nice and sought gutter!
Pof.12Mp(2), 30h yellow, 2-stamps. vert. opposed gutter, folded; mint never hinged mint never hinged, small grain in paper, certificates Vrba and Karásek, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák and Karasek, rare occurrence, missing in most collections!
Pof.51ax, Coat of arms 10K dark violet, clear print, type I.; mint never hinged mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert and Mrňák, very nice piece!
Pof.51ay, Coat of arms 10K dark violet, unclear print, overprint type II., well centered; superb mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., sought stamp in/at prémiové quality!
1934 Pof.283B, 284B, souvenir sheets Anthem-issue, 1CZK and 2CZK both landscape format, size 1CZK 174x284mm, 2CZK 173x283mm, incl. cover; exp. by Mrnak., Pofis, mark Kapras, by/on/at 2CZK small spots lower, overall very fine!
ACCUMULATION / Pof.L1-L3, I. provisional air mail stmp., comp. 5 pcs of complete sets imperforated stmp., from that 2x zavřená spiral at value 24/500h + 1x complete set perf stamp.; all with label, all exp. Vrba, c.v.. 10.800Kč
1919 Pof.PP7-PP15, Charitable stamps - Lion with black additional-printing year "1920" and green value numeral, 2k/1R - 1R/1R, complete set, all I. types - small sabre; 15k bend, 5k minor gum fault, exp. Vrba, Hirsch
1918-1920 [COLLECTIONS] HRADČANY-issue - SYPANÉ STAMPS / box with several tisíci used scattered stamps issue Hradčany, i.a. contains lot of values 1000h, 500h, 400h, 75h and other, general weight/scale stamps through/over 500g, by estimation 10.000ks stamps; origin abroad
1918-1943 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / interesting comp. of stamps from uvedeného period, from issue Hradčany, then POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Legionaire, letterprint and other, also multiblocks, plate number, coupons, stamp. postage stmp, special, air-mail, postage-due, newspaper, SO1920 (overprint), i.a. Pof.6, 10Nc, 2x issue Chainbreaker 50h "little-egg in waist", Congress, Blue Štefánik, London MS, also several parts of sheets, i.a. Coat of arms 5h with shifted transfer on pos. 94; placed in 40-stránkovém stockbook A4, various quality, part examined, we advice viewings, interesting collection
1918-1945 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / interesting comp. of stamps from uvedeného period, mainly Czechoslovakia I., from issue Hradčany, then POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Legionaire, letterprint and other, strips, blocks of four, plate number, PLATE PROOF, control-numbers, coupons, stamp. postage stmp, special, air-mail, postage-due, newspaper, SO1920 (overprint), i.a. block of four Pof.OT3 with 2x ST II + I, several miniature sheets, cut-squares etc., supplemented with about/by group of forgeries (all marked); placed in quite full 16-stránkovém stockbook A4, various quality, better item/-s expertized, we advice viewings, interesting collection
1943 Pof.PrA1c, Promotional miniature sheet for Red Cross in/at ZELENÉ color (!), ordinal number "087", right size 171x131mm; issued without gum, light bend in UR corner, light spot and print finger with printing color on reverse, certificate Paetow BPP, exp. Möbs, in catalogue always significantly underprized, Pofis 300.000Kč, Michel 10.000€, quite rare offer nejvzácnějšího (!) miniature sheet Protectorate, known only several pieces!
1939Sy.NZ34N-36aN, Štefánik 40h-1Ks, complete imperforated set in/at L marginal pcs., incl. 1Ks blue-violet; mint never hinged, 60h label only in margin, exp. by Synek., c.v.. 275€, rare, rare usage
1939-1943 [COLLECTIONS] COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / wide collection Slovak commemorative postmarks and postmarks mobile post-office (on a bus), contains more than 100 pcs of commemorative sheets, envelopes and Ppc, more than 250 pcs of entires, part as Registered, Ex, Flight, supplemented with lot of cut-squares and Un entires, all placed on pages A4 with descriptions in 3 spiral cover; mainly good quality, rare collection ex Bulant
1590 PETR VOK Z ROŽMBERKU (1539-1611), one from best known noblemen předbělohorské period of, front representative protestantské stavovské major-part, last Rožmberk; Czech language written document (missiv), sent to nejvyššího hofmistra Czech kingdom George Popela from Lobkovic on/for Libochovicích (1540-1607) in věci splacení dlužné sumy, interesting kontext, in text i.a. mentioned Wenceslas Budovec from Building etc..; text letter is according to contemporary zvyklosti written písařem (úředníkem lordship) and supplemented with about/by handwritten Petrem Vokem written text "vaši milosti volný...švagr and přítel"..."rukú own"; overall very nice and in good condition condition, extraordinary and stěží repeatable offer rukopisu legendary figures Rudolf II - period of!
1939? HÁCHA Emil (1872–1945), president Czechoslovak republic and Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia; autograph "Dr. Hácha" on/for portrait photograph, size ca. 24x17cm; overall nice in good condition condition, decorative, very rare and sought!
1941HIMMLER Heinrich (1900-1945), empire leader SS, chief Gestapo, commander Waffen-SS, empire minister of Internal Affairs, handwritten written wish with signature; light folds, very rare, extraordinary offer!
1858 ST. ANDREW´S CROSS / selection of 13 crosses, i.a. large and small yellow, then red, brown and blue with various numbers of dots etc..; various quality, mosly regummed, c.v.. for (*) 950€, fine
1848-1859 SG.6, RED MAURITIUS POST PAID 1P vermilion "early impression"; very fine piece with cancel. "1", certificate Diena, + RPSL (J. Wilson), c.v.. £9.000
1860-1950 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of smaller collections of Australian states on pages from stockbooks, contains New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Southern Australia, Tasmania etc.., various issues, i.a. "Chalon Head", incl. also more interesting higher values; various quality, we advice examination!
VELKÉ KŘÍŽE / Pof.354Mx-356Mx(16), Velké cross, complete set values 2 Koruna red, 5 Koruna dark grey, 6 Koruna blue (lighter shade); mint never hinged, exceedingly nice quality!
1953 Pof.713 production flaw, Václavek 3Kčs brown-orange, horizontal pair with lower margin, production flaw - significant color stain below chin; mint never hinged, rare printing flaw
1953 Pof.A719, miniature sheet Gottwald 5Kčs, complete set all šesti types, in addition subtype III.a and type 4 with production flaw - zkrácená L lower nib "X" (XI.), occures only on/for smaller part/-s printing; nice quality
1975 Pof.PL2164 plate variety, Space Exploration 5Kčs, PB with single roll embossing (!), paper without optical brightener; very fine, expert Benes., extraordinary offer, rare occurrence, one of most sought items CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., missing in most collections!
1984 Pof.2663N, Olympic Games Los Angeles 1Kčs, for political reasons UNISSUED stamp. with inscription "Hry XXIII. Olympics/ Los Angeles/ 1984"; all piece are without gum, very fine piece with perfectly preserved perf, rare stamp, on request certificate labour
1986 Pof.2737 production flaw, XVII. Congress of Communists 1Kčs, horizontal pair, production flaw - missing print blue color, without numeral value, supplemented with standard stamp. for comparison; mint never hinged, exp. Kulda, sought printing flaw!