1851-1977 [COLLECTIONS] collection of mainly used stamps placed in 30-sheet stockbook A4, from Mi.1, then for example. 2x 66, blocks of four 131-142 *, 2x 143-145 (used / mint hinged), 180-181 * and others, special, postage-due, official and oths; various, mainly good quality
1849 PLATE PROOF Mi.2-5, selection of 11 PLATE PROOFs Ceres, values 15C-40C, in various colors; 1x small thin place, otherwise very fine and rare set, c.v.. Maury page. 134 - 1.270€
1858-1859 POST OFFICE IN EGYPT / ALEXANDRIA / 3 letters to Italy sent from French post. office in Alexandria with nice frankings of stamps Napoleon III., i.a. 2x80c+20c; 1 exp. Diena, fine set!
1873-1962 [COLLECTIONS] collection of mainly used stamps placed in 8-sheet stockbook, from Mi.1, various colors, shades, perf, complete also incomplete sets, special, air-mail, official and oths., several miniature sheets; overall fine
1859 Sass.10, 11, 12, three highest values 50 Baj blue, 1 Scudo rose carmine and 50 Baj dark ultramarine; exp. Thier (2x) and Sorani, minor faults, overall fine classic stamps, c.v.. 18.500€
1852 Sass.1; Coat of arms BAJ MEZZO "grigio", pair on letter from Ferrara with sought cancel. "Ferrara cross" from period of cholera infection, then cut square with pair with gutter; very fine, c.v.. 2.475€
1852 Sass.1A, BAJ MEZZO "violetto grigiastro" str-of-3 + 1 on letter from Rome to Frosinone, rare franking and late usage in 1866!; minor faults, c.v.. 5.000€
1859 letter with rare pair Sass.1A, Coat of arms ½ Baj „violetto grigiastro“ + 1Baj, atypical franking "2 Baiocchi", on left stamp from pairs plate variety „BAI“ instead „BAJ“; interesting letter, cat. min. 3.000€
1852 Sass.7na, Coat of arms 5C green, printing error - senza cifra; faded postmark, right at top small thin place, otherwise very fine and rare, c.v.. 3.250€
1861 Sass.17ala, strip-of-4 Victor Emmanuel II. 1/2 Tornesse light green, all printing errors Head Ommitted; very fine, certificate Chiavarello, cat. only as single stamps 2.400€
1852 Sass.1a, Coat of arms 5C - strip of 3 on cut-square with unusual cancel. PARENZA; very fine, wide margins, certificate Biondi, c.v.. 1.700€, middle stamp in addition with printing error "STATI PARN"
1852 Sass.5, 40c blue; overall fine unused piece with original gum and good to large margins; small thin place, certificate Avi, c.v.. 13.000€, rare stamp!
1851 Sass.3, Victor Emmanuel II. 40c rose, unused piece with lower margin (!), wide margins; original gum with hinge remnant, right lower oblique bend, certificate Gazzi, c.v.. 45.000€++, rare classic stamp!
1857 letter to Napoli with 3-colour franking Victor Emmanuel II. 5c (pair), 20c and 40c, Sass.16a, 13a and 15Aa, CDS GENOVA; very fine, exp. Biondi, nice letter
1860 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO / Sass.19, Coat of arms 10C brown; nice unused piece with part of original gum, certificate Biondi, c.v.. 11.000€, rare stamp!
1852 GOVERNO PROVISSORIO / Sass.21, Coat of arms 40c carmine; nice unused piece with original gum and usual margins, certificate Sorani, exp. Diena, c.v.. 45.000€, very rare classic stamp!
1860 GOVERNO PROVISSORIO / Sass.22, Coat of arms 80c "carnicino"; nice unused piece with original gum and usual margins, certificate Sorani and E. Diena, exp. R. Diena, c.v.. 75.000€, very rare classic stamp!
1857 Sass.15, "Heraldic Lion" 6Cr (wmk linee ondulate verticali) "azurro vivo" on letter with cancel. LIVORNO, through MESTRE to MESSINA, note VIA DI MARE; very fine and interesting letter, c.v.. 2.000€++
1858 letter from BAGNI DI S. FILIPPO to Madrid, franked with str-of-3 9Cr, issue 1851 (Sass. 8) + 1Cr issue 1858 (Sass.12); scarce letter, c.v.. 25.000€
1863 Sass.11n+11m, str-of-3 Victor Emmanuel II. 15C blue, left with embossed print, right both printing error „head ommitted“; certificate Gaffaz, cat. min. 3.300€
1865 letter with pair of POSTAGE-DUE Sassone 1b, Coat of arms 10C „arancio“, original franking Papal States – 2Baj; rare letter, certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. 2.000€ + ca. 100%
1933 Sass.1a, Official AIR "Crociera Nord-Atlantica 5,25+44,75L SERVIZIO DI STATO with PRŮSVITKOU (filigrana lettere); very fine piece with original gum, mint never hinged (gomma integra), certificate Avi SBPV, exp. Richter, c.v.. for * 5.500€, ** ca. 11.000€, very rare stamp
1943 OCCUPATION MONTENEGRO / Sass.64eaa, "Serto della Montagna" corner blk-of-4 25C green, at right omitted perforation, in the middle double - "non dentellata and destra con la doppia dentellatura al centro"; superb , c.v.. 4.000€, very rare
1941 CEFALONIA - Italian occupation / Sass.8, 2x Greek 1Dr with overprint "ITALIA Occupazione Militare Italiana ISOLE ....."; very fine piece, certificate Cardillo, c.v.. * 18.000€, scarce
1941 CEFALONIA - Italian occupation / Sass.10 + 10ub, 4x Greek 8Dr with overprint "ITALIA Occupazione Militare Italiana ISOLE ....."; two pairs as "two" stamps for overprint; overprint shifted with printing error caraterre diverso and normal; very fine marginal block-of-4, certificate Colla, c.v.. 6.750€
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA / Sass.39, Greek Mythology 15D green with hand-made overprint "Occupazione Militare Italiana .....", mint never hinged, certificate Biondi, c.v.. 26.000€, very rare stamp, rare offer!
1941 ITHAKA / Sass. POSTA AEREA č.4dc, 2x Greek airmail overprint 5+5d violet with oblique overprint "Occupatione Militare Italiana Isole Cefalonia e Itaca"; very fine, certificate Biondi, c.v.. 4.500€
1941 ITHAKA - Italian occupation, issue for Ithaka, Sass.14A, 10Dr "bruno rosso", with hand-made light violet overprint "Occupazione Militare Italiana ....."; very fine, exp. A. Diena, c.v.. ** 24.000€, for * ca. 12.000€, rare stamp
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection on sheet Scott in folder, contains i.a. Mi.196-208, 293-306, souvenir sheets Bl.1-2, air-mail, then for example. printing error Mi.136, stamps of middle Lithuania etc.., in addition supplemented with about used collection; higher catalogue, it is worth seeing!
1918-1940 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on sheet Scott, contains many complete sets, postage stamp, air-mail, overprint etc.., also imperforated etc.., i.a. 144-148A+B, 159-160, 190-192, 210-214, in addition supplemented with small used collection; mainly hinged, higher catalogue, it is worth seeing