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1900 La Cerveau du Poete du Crayon - advertisement for aristic work Alfons Mucha, comp. 2 pcs of, various shades print, fototypie A. Bergeret, Nancy, long address, Us; good condition U:A5
1917-1920 Blessed be the Pure of Heart, Blessed be the Merciful, Remembrance on/for native town Ivančice, comp. 3 pcs of Us Ppc small format; good condition U:A5
1935-1949 LADA Joseph, comp. 3 pcs of Ppc, 2x Czech winter - issued Orbis, both Us, 1x advertising Black brewery in/at Parze, Un; good condition U:A5
1947 TRNKA George, Winter, incomplete comp. 12 pcs of, some 2x, supplemented with 2 pcs of from Wenceslas Carl and Carl Svolinský, issued Družstevní práce, 6 pcs of Us, supplemented with cover and envelope; good condition U:A5
1940? SELECTION of / 26 pcs of Un Ppc with portraits slavných hollywoodských of actors classic éry, for example. Marlene Dietrich, Gary Cooper, Clark Gable, Shirley Temple and other; very fine U:O5
1939 CAR / INSURANCE "Who have/has rád his/her/its child pojistí is against úrazu...", drawn color postcard with additional-printing Agricultural reciprocal insurance company in Prague, Un with CDS special post offices PRČD1 + DRČD2; good condition U:A5
1924-1925 FLIEGER GEDENKTAG 1924, DEUTSCHER LEFTFAHRT VERBAND, D. VERKEHRSAUSTELLUNG MUNICH 1925, 3 řádně Us advertising air-mail p.stat postcard, very fine, in addition by air mail transfered by U:A5
1905 RUSSIAN-JAPANESE WAR / multi-view color lithography postacard; long address, used from Jokohama through San Francisco to Prague; very fine U:A5
1914 ITALY / propaganda from period of Italian neutrality in/at 1. St. war - known postcard SPORT BELLICO 1914 and "RAGAZZA NEUTRALE", Un, very fine, in addition with stmp Sassone No. 102 (c.v.. total 150€) U:A5
1915-1916 ITALY / protirakouská and protiněmecká propaganda from period of Italian entry to WWI.., 7 pcs of, caricature Franz Joseph I. and emperor William; superb, every in addition with stmp Sassone No. 102 (c.v.. total 150€), extraordinary offer U:A5
1943 HEYDRICH Reinhard, empire protektor BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, printed postcard, large format, Us as Registered, franked with. i.a. mourning stamp. Pof.111, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 3.VI.43; good condition U:A5
GÖRING Hermann (1893-1946), German Nazi politician, minister aviation, head commander Luftwaffe (airforce), empire marshal, war criminal; B/W portrait photo postcard, issued Röhr Magdeburg; Un, very fine U:A5
NEURATH Konstantin von (1873-1956), German Nazi politician, diplomat, empire protektor in/at Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia in years 1939–1943; portrait photo postcard, issued Hoffmann München (Munich); Un, very fine, sought U:A5
1920-1940 HUNGARIAN PROPAGANDA / selection of 5 postcards; small format, Un, on reverse hinges after sticking U:A5
1935-1942 GERMANY / 15 propagandistic Ppc and p.stat, i.a. Reichsparteitage, atypical A. Hitler., "DIE POLIZEI IM FRONTANSATZ SS", postcard Winterhilfswerk 1934-35 and oths.; as multiple interesting U:A5
1938-1940 comp. 8 pcs of Ppc with nazism propaganda, i.a. Studenten Games Wien 1939, Zwei Völker and Ein Kampf, 2x portrait A. Hitler etc.., all with special postmark postmarks, 2x Us; good condition U:A5
1939 Andrew Hlinka - Národe moj, pre teba som žil, trpel a zomrel..., propaganda Ppc with portrait A. Hlinky in circle in background dvojitého cross and lidovými motives with reproduction signature, sign. V. Hochštenský, color, large format, franked with., but Un with blue PR17; only little wrinkled corners, sought! U:A5
1939 Andrej Hlinka - Národe moj, pre teba som žil, trpel a zomrel...,, propaganda Ppc with portrait A. Hlinky in circle in background dvojitého cross and lidovými motives with reproduction signature, sign. V. Hochštenský, color, large format, on reverse rich franking, but Un with 4 print PR18; good condition, sought! U:A5
1939 Dr. Jozef Tiso - Prvý prezident Slovenskej republiky, propaganda Ppc with portrait president and pochodujícími soldiers, sign. I.V. Hochštenský, color, large format, shifted cut - missing lower inscription "Prvý prezident...", addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia with orange PP16; only little wrinkled corners and bend in upper margin, sought! U:A5
1939-1944 GERMANY / comp. 9 pcs of Ppc with German nazism propaganda, i.a. 1x Reichspateitag Nünberg 1939, Reichshandwertag 1936, photo postacard Gen. in/at. Brauchits, Focke Wulf 189 etc.., small/rare also large format; various quality U:A5
1945-1951 comp. 14 pcs of Ppc with komunistickou or protifašistiskou propaganda, Nech live May Day., Solidarity Day with ženami Asia and Africa, Mao Ce-Tung, Buduj homeland - posílíš peace! etc.., Un, large format; various quality U:A5
1950 HAS Lion, collection 6 pcs of drawn propagandistic Ppc with budovatelskými písněmi, Budujeme, Stavíme world, Hej, Stalinovci!, Pochod united working-class front, Zpěv freedom, Pojďte with us on/for brigádu, issued Orbis, large format, nepožité; good condition, wrinkled margins and corners, rare usage! U:A5
1932-1947 comp. 5 pcs of advertising Sokol Ppc small format, Slety in Příbram, 3x in Ústí n./L. and American Sokol Festival Chicago; good condition U:A5
1887 SOKOL / PŘEDCHŮDCE postcard / correspondence card with promotional added print in support of plánovaného II. Sokol festival 1887 (nepovolen offices, konán to 1891), on picture vlys marks from Prašné gate/-s, with Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer, CDS POLICE N. M. 10/6/87, arrival postmark NÁCHOD 11/6/87; nevýrazná toned, very rare! U:A5
1900-1938 [COLLECTIONS] DĚLNICKÁ TĚLOCVIČNÁ JEDNOTA + OREL (movement) / collection - exhibit ca. 130 pcs of Ppc supplemented with entires and other documents mapujícími history gymnastic organization D.T.J. (Worker Gymnastic Association) and Eagle, color drawn postcard small format, supplemented with fotopohledy from festivals, plesovými pozvánkami, all on pages A4 with descriptions in spiral folder; mainly good condition U:Z
1939 FOOTBALL / SLOVAKIA Slovak national team in/at football from year 1939, postal imprint mobile post-office (on a bus) PR10, BRATISLAVA 27.VIII.39/ FUTBALOVÉ STRETNUTIE SLOVAKIA - GERMANY, slováci vyhráli 2:0, large format, Un; only wrinkled corners, rare U:A5
1900 [COLLECTIONS] JABLKA / complete (!) collection 50 pcs of various Ppc with odrůdami apples "Česká ovocéna", long address, all color lithography, edition Antonín. Zámečníka, placed on pages in corners in spiral stockbook; only several pieces light wrinkled corners, complete collection 50 pcs of lithographic Ppc is vzácný!
1912 FERROTYPE / postcard Basel with inserted adjustovanou ferrotypií (skupinový portrait), Un, long address; good condition, unusual U:A5
2000 [COLLECTIONS] LENTIKULÁRNÍ postcard / collection 93 pcs of Ppc big format with lentikulární folií with motive of castles, castles, map/-s, Czech Republic and Slovakia, supplemented with several pieces with přírodním motive, placed on pages in corners in spiral folder U:Z
1951 [COLLECTIONS] approval documents TVAR in Bratislava for reproduction of paintings Stalin, Gottwald etc.; good condition U:O4