Public Auction 71 / Philately / Czech Republic / Stamps

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243072 - 1993 Pof.PL5, Contemporary Art 14CZK, comp. of 2 PB with bot
1993 Pof.PL5, Contemporary Art 14CZK, comp. of 2 PB with both c.v.. plate variety 2/A and 4/A - black and red point; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
243894 - 1993 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.13 production flaw, Towns, Ústí n
1993 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.13 production flaw, Towns, Ústí n./L. 2CZK, complete 100 stamps sheet, NASTAVENÝ PAPER, print on/for set up paper two spodních lines with usage samolepicí strips from both sides, date of print 9.XII.94; mint never hinged without folds, unique Brno find, extraordinary offer for specialized collector Czech Republic and archoviny!
Starting price: CZK
243892 - 1993 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.15 production flaw, Towns, Plzeň 5
1993 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.15 production flaw, Towns, Plzeň 5CZK, complete 100 stamps sheet with significant shifted perforation downward almost to inscription Czech republic, date of print 16.XI.93, supplemented with corner pair with standard perf; mint never hinged without fold
Starting price: CZK
242334 - 1993 Pof.16, Towns 8CZK, horizontal pair with plate variety
1993 Pof.16, Towns 8CZK, horizontal pair with plate variety 65/2 - cut "8" lower, occures only on/for základním print, who was in time of objevu this defects quite vypotřebován; catalogue very misvalues
Starting price: CZK
243687 - 1995 Pof.90 production flaw, Art Nouveau 3CZK, L marginal st
1995 Pof.90 production flaw, Art Nouveau 3CZK, L marginal stmp with production flaw - quite omitted print blue color - missing name state; mint never hinged, also with common stamp. on/for comparison
Starting price: CZK
237019 - 1997, 2010 ODCHYLKY PERFORACE / Pof.140, 664, Rococo 4,60CZK
1997, 2010 ODCHYLKY PERFORACE / Pof.140, 664, Rococo 4,60CZK, horiz. upper marginal Pr with inverted harrow perforation (minor gum fault in margin) + corner blk-of-8 with omitted perforation hole on edge between pane position 21 and 31, with date of print 22.III.99 + Christmas 10CZK, selection of two bnd-of-10 with comb perforation progressing L to R, 1x with 2 overlapping perforation hole on/for L margin (counter sheet 1 and 3) 1x with 6 overlapping perforation hole on/for L margin (counter sheet 2 and 4)
Starting price: CZK
242452 - 1997 Pof.A142/143, miniature sheet Jewish Monuments, without
1997 Pof.A142/143, miniature sheet Jewish Monuments, without plate variety on pos. 3, circular pmk PRAGUE, original gum; sought
Starting price: CZK
236915 - 1998 Pof.179-182 production flaw, Nature Protection, value 8
1998 Pof.179-182 production flaw, Nature Protection, value 8CZK marginal block-of-4 with production flaw on pos. 18 - color point in/at bushes, only part of edition from 6.3.98 + value 4,60CZK corner horizontal pair with production flaw on pos. 49 - line by pecker, only part of edition; mint never hinged, sought
Starting price: CZK
237015 - 1998 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.200, Kozoroh 1CZK, complete 100 pcs
1998 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.200, Kozoroh 1CZK, complete 100 pcs of counter sheet, English paper fl-an, date of print 22.VII.02; horiz. folded in perforation
Starting price: CZK
235858 - 1999-2001 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.204, 243, 281, Traditions Czec
1999-2001 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.204, 243, 281, Traditions Czech stamp. production - Šetelík 4,60CZK, complete 30 pcs of counter sheet, plate 2 + Heinz 5,40CZK, complete 30 pcs of counter sheet, plate 1 + Svolinský 5,40CZK, comp. 2 pcs of complete 30 pcs of counter sheet, both plate; very fine
Starting price: CZK
235898 - 1999 Pof.218  inverted harrow perforation, Zodiac 9CZK, uppe
1999 Pof.218 inverted harrow perforation, Zodiac 9CZK, upper horiz. bnd-of-20 with inverted frame perf and date of print 17.VIII.00; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
237022 - 1999, 2014 Pof.219 plate variety, 797 production flaw, 798VV
1999, 2014 Pof.219 plate variety, 797 production flaw, 798VV, comp. of 3 sought c.v.. vad: For Children-issue 4,60CZK, corner blk-of-4 with plate variety 1/2 - yellow face Pytlíka and date of print 20.IV.99 + Winter Olympic Games Soči 25CZK, corner vertical pair with production flaw 6/1 - white circle on/for blue kombinéze + Paraolympiáda Soči 13CZK, corner blk-of-10 with production flaw 32/2 - white circle below CZK; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
243895 - 2000 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.244 production flaw, BRNO 2000 5CZK
2000 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.244 production flaw, BRNO 2000 5CZK, complete sheet (35+30K), MODRÝ PODTISK, in/at right side sheet wide background print blue color, 2x through/over almost whole stamp., 3x through/over whole coupon; mint never hinged, without folds, extraordinary offer for specialized collector Czech Republic and archoviny!
Starting price: CZK
235873 - 2000-2003 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.247, 371, Mining right 5CZK +
2000-2003 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.247, 371, Mining right 5CZK + Postage Coeli 6,50CZK, comp. 4 pcs of complete 30 pcs of counter sheet, always plate A+B; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236098 - 2001 Pof.A289 production flaw, miniature sheet Baroque 50CZK
2001 Pof.A289 production flaw, miniature sheet Baroque 50CZK, comp. 2 pcs of with production flaw - violet circle, 2 various polohy: in upper part printings above PU (republic) and in the middle upper blue area above KÁ (Czech); mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
235856 - 2002-2003 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.313, 347, Traditions Czech sta
2002-2003 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.313, 347, Traditions Czech stamp. production - Heinz 5,40CZK + Seizinger 6,40CZK, comp. 4 pcs of complete 30 pcs of counter sheet, always plate A+B; very fine
Starting price: CZK
235866 - 2002-2003 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.323, 358, For Children-issue 2
2002-2003 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.323, 358, For Children-issue 2002 5,40CZK + 2003 6,40CZK, comp. 4 pcs of complete 30 pcs of counter sheet, always plate A+B; very fine
Starting price: CZK
235854 - 2003-2004 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.387, 421, Traditions Czech sta
2003-2004 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.387, 421, Traditions Czech stamp. production - Švengsbír 6,50CZK + Šváb 6,50CZK, comp. 4 pcs of complete 30 pcs of counter sheet, always plate A+B; very fine
Starting price: CZK
235853 - 2006-2007 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.457, 502, Traditions Czech sta
2006-2007 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.457, 502, Traditions Czech stamp. production - Lukavský 7,50CZK + Liesler 7,50CZK, comp. 4 pcs of complete 30 pcs of counter sheet, always plate A+B; very fine
Starting price: CZK
243698 - 2006 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.484-487, Pěstitelství - kaktusy,
2006 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.484-487, Pěstitelství - kaktusy, set in/at complete 50 pcs of counter sheet, incl. production flaw on pos. 21 - red wedge [ ˇ ] in corner; only face-value 875Kč
Starting price: CZK
235871 - 2006-2007 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.492, 508, Vrtbovská garden 7,
2006-2007 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.492, 508, Vrtbovská garden 7,50CZK + Malá Strana (Lesser Town) 7,50CZK, comp. 4 pcs of complete 30 pcs of counter sheet, always plate A+B; very fine
Starting price: CZK
243900 - 2007 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.514 production flaw, Praga 2008 11C
2007 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.514 production flaw, Praga 2008 11CZK, complete 100 stamps sheet without print, only stamp. paper with gum and perf; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
U:A3v– | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
236993 - 2007 Pof.A519 production flaw, miniature sheet Charles Bridg
2007 Pof.A519 production flaw, miniature sheet Charles Bridge 45Kč, comp. of 2 aršíků: 1x with production flaw 2 - rose stain above "P" ("fish in water") + 1x with production flaw 4 - rose circle above "M" (ZNÁMEK); mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
242347 - 2007 Pof.A525/528 production flaw, miniature sheet White Car
2007 Pof.A525/528 production flaw, miniature sheet White Carpathians, production flaw - oblique blue line R at top by/on/at Č (ČESKÁ); sought catalogue defect
Starting price: CZK
242324 - 2008 Pof.543 production flaw, Beauty of Flowers 10CZK, R mar
2008 Pof.543 production flaw, Beauty of Flowers 10CZK, R marginal blk-of-4, significant shift golden iridescentní and yellow color R; very unusual, c.v.. for the present doesn't report
Starting price: CZK
243905 - 2008 Pof.546 production flaw, Year planety Earth 18CZK, 2x c
2008 Pof.546 production flaw, Year planety Earth 18CZK, 2x complete complete 35 pcs of sheet, L and right/genuine, on/for right upper margin with perf - 5x nepravý coupon; mint never hinged, without folds, sought
Starting price: CZK
U:A3v– | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
243844 - 2010 Pof.SL634, Mucha value E, (variant B), complete set of
2010 Pof.SL634, Mucha value E, (variant B), complete set of 6 pcs of booklets from all fields printing form; very fine, face-value 1.404Kč
Starting price: CZK
243847 - 2010 Pof.SL634, Mucha value E, (variant C), complete set of
2010 Pof.SL634, Mucha value E, (variant C), complete set of 6 pcs of booklets from all fields printing form; very fine, face-value 1.404Kč
Starting price: CZK
243839 - 2010 Pof.SL635, Mucha value Z, (variant B), complete set of
2010 Pof.SL635, Mucha value Z, (variant B), complete set of 6 pcs of booklets from all fields printing form; very fine, face-value 1.620Kč
Starting price: CZK
243841 - 2010 Pof.SL635, Mucha value Z, (variant C), complete set of
2010 Pof.SL635, Mucha value Z, (variant C), complete set of 4 pcs of booklets from all fields printing form; very fine, face-value 1.080Kč
Starting price: CZK
243851 - 2011 Pof.SL695, Mozart value E, complete set of 6 pcs of boo
2011 Pof.SL695, Mozart value E, complete set of 6 pcs of booklets from all fields printing form; very fine, face-value 1.404Kč
Starting price: CZK
244370 - 2012 Pof.724 production flaw, St. Wenceslas value A, L margi
2012 Pof.724 production flaw, St. Wenceslas value A, L marginal block-of-4 with double násekem all stamp. also pin hole between stamp.; c.v.. 3.600CZK
Starting price: CZK
243850 - 2012 Pof.SL735/740, World car value E, (variant A+B), comple
2012 Pof.SL735/740, World car value E, (variant A+B), complete set of 6 pcs of booklets from all fields printing form; very fine, face-value 1.404Kč
Starting price: CZK
242343 - 2013 Pof.772 production flaw, St. Wenceslaus 13CZK, upper ma
2013 Pof.772 production flaw, St. Wenceslaus 13CZK, upper marginal block-of-4 with production flaw - significant shifted perforation downward transport to to picture of stmp.; mint never hinged, decorative, still known only one sheet!
Starting price: CZK
242559 - 2014 Pof.828, Christmas - Lada value A, three vertical pairs
2014 Pof.828, Christmas - Lada value A, three vertical pairs with rarest shades emise: light blue with světlou building + dark blue with dark building (both katalogizováno) + dark fialovomodrá with dark building (c.v.. for the present doesn't report); decorative, only c.v.. item/-s 1.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
244380 - 2017 Pof.935, Pneumatic tube post value A, L the bottom corn
2017 Pof.935, Pneumatic tube post value A, L the bottom corner blk-of-6 from counter sheet 2 with mark field and name issue, significantly darker shades all ofsetových colors; for comparison also with common stmp, c.v.. 1200CZK
Starting price: CZK
242328 - 2018 Pof.A991-994 plate variety, miniature sheet Zoologické
2018 Pof.A991-994 plate variety, miniature sheet Zoologické garden III, pos. 3 with production flaw 3 - osm black stains in/at characters "RE", big red stain by character "R"; mint never hinged, rare and significant variant defects
Starting price: CZK
242350 - 2020 Pof.1062, Pokušení, value B, comp. of 2 complete prin
2020 Pof.1062, Pokušení, value B, comp. of 2 complete printing sheet (blk-of-9 with oficiálními coupons), 1x darker (normal) and 1x lighter (rare) green; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
242554 - 2020 Pof.1081-1082 production flaw, Roušky, value B, comp.
2020 Pof.1081-1082 production flaw, Roušky, value B, comp. of 2 L bottom corner blk-of-4 with production flaw 46/2 - significant yellow circle in red roušce L, 2 various location (1x between upper and middle vrásou roušky, 1x on/for middle vráse); mint never hinged, will be katalogizováno, very sought
Starting price: CZK
242326 - 2020 Pof.A1091-1092 production flaw, miniature sheet Sovák
2020 Pof.A1091-1092 production flaw, miniature sheet Sovák and Brodský, comp. 2 pcs of with significant c.v.. vadami: on pos. 2 production flaw significant circle 1x closely above prstem Brodského, 1x value between nehtem and čumákem dog; mint never hinged, rare
Starting price: CZK
242359 - 2020 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1093 production flaw, Modrásek 2CZ
2020 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1093 production flaw, Modrásek 2CZK, complete 100 pcs of counter sheet with oblique perf (transport up), mostly zřetelené in UR corner, stamp. R at top have in addition stronger print black; interesting and unusual
Starting price: CZK
242357 - 2021 Pof.1110 flaw print, Bělásek 1CZK, upper bnd-of-40 wi
2021 Pof.1110 flaw print, Bělásek 1CZK, upper bnd-of-40 with significant flaw print - yellow smudges and stains in green background stamp. on pos. 3-8, 13-17, 23-27 and 33-36; unusual and decorative defect
Starting price: CZK
242322 - 2021 Pof.A1135-1136 production flaw, miniature sheet Záhors
2021 Pof.A1135-1136 production flaw, miniature sheet Záhorský and Šejbalová, on pos. 3 significant production flaw - stain in form of imprint rtů on/for of throat middle Šejbalové; very significant defect on/for small part/-s printing one field, will be katalogizováno
Starting price: CZK
240434 - 2021 Pof.1137 production flaw, WIKOV value B, marginal block
2021 Pof.1137 production flaw, WIKOV value B, marginal block-of-4 with production flaw - dark and strong skidding print all colors (value black-brown), black inscriptions in/at double síle; mint never hinged, rare usage, also with common stamp. on/for comparison
Starting price: CZK
242356 - 2022 Pof.A1180, miniature sheet Hřebčín Kladruby, comp. o
2022 Pof.A1180, miniature sheet Hřebčín Kladruby, comp. of 3 aršíků: 1x red roofs (common) and light brown roofs (mint never hinged very rare, this part of edition vypotřebována on/for FDC) + 1x strong skidding print black (with red střechami); very nice selection of
Starting price: CZK
243843 - 2022 Pof.1184 production flaw, Christmas value B, vertical t
2022 Pof.1184 production flaw, Christmas value B, vertical the bottom marginal Pr, production flaw - missing pin hole and násek; from still jediného noted sheet, very rare, on request certificate labour
Starting price: CZK
242555 - 2022 Pof.PL1185-1186 production flaw, Panuška 39 and 45Kč,
2022 Pof.PL1185-1186 production flaw, Panuška 39 and 45Kč, comp. of 2 printing sheet, 1x print upper stamp. shifted crossways up (optically shifted perforation downward) + 1x print upper stamp. shifted crossways downward (optically shifted perforation up); mint never hinged, interesting
Starting price: CZK
242796 - 2012 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0001, Časopis Philately 2012,
2012 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0001, Časopis Philately 2012, complete counter sheet about/by 25 stmp values A and E, vzorec (Specimen) with stamp. overprinted rhombic postmark; very fine, sign. Be
Starting price: CZK
242798 - 2012 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0007, David Szalay - sculptor,
2012 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0007, David Szalay - sculptor, complete counter sheet about/by 25 stmp values A and E; very fine
Starting price: CZK
242797 - 2013 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0013, Krematorium Pardubice, co
2013 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0013, Krematorium Pardubice, complete counter sheet about/by 25 stmp values A; very fine
Starting price: CZK
242799 - 2014 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0029, Brewery Fénix, complete
2014 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0029, Brewery Fénix, complete counter sheet about/by 25 stmp values A; very fine
Starting price: CZK
242802 - 2016 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0054, 1. summer olympic park Ri
2016 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0054, 1. summer olympic park Rio-Lipno 2016 A, complete counter sheet about/by 25 stmp values A and Z; lower small spot, otherwise very fine
Starting price: CZK
242801 - 2016 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0055, 1. summer olympic park Ri
2016 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0055, 1. summer olympic park Rio-Lipno 2016 B, complete counter sheet about/by 25 stmp values A and Z; very fine
Starting price: CZK
242800 - 2017 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0064, Pivo as šperk - brewery
2017 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0064, Pivo as šperk - brewery Bernard, complete counter sheet about/by 25 stmp values A; very fine
Starting price: CZK