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1827 CZECH LANDS / folded cover of letter with cancel. BANCAL AMT/ TREBITSCH, addressed as ex offo to Jaroměřice, seal K.u.K.. Salzamt in Trebitsch; very fine U:A5
1828 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Jaroměřice, with straight line postmark V:TREBITSCH (Vot.2443/1.=130b), tariff note. by red raddle; nice piece U:A5
1773-1849 [COLLECTIONS] CZECH LANDS / selection of 50 prephilatelic letters with cancel. NIKOLSBURG (10x), DEUTSCHBROD, BOSKOWITZ, TRUBAU, NEUTITSCHEIN, blue POHRLITZ, GAYA, AUSPITZ, BRUENN, IGLAU, STAKONITZ, ZNAIM, OLMUTZ etc.., mainly very fine quality U:K
1843-1864 [COLLECTIONS] GALICIA - WEST UKRAINE / selection of 39 Ex offo letters with post offices from Galicia, part as Registered, i.a. USTRZYKO, ZOLKIEWDOBROMIL, BOLECHOW, BRODY, BREZAN, KALUSZ, KALWARIA, ROHATYN, SNIATYN, STANISLAU etc..; good condition, chosen postmarks U:O5
1850 Ferch.1HIa, Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow-ochre, type Ia on hand-made paper without gum; very fine stamp, certificate Ferchenbauer., c.v.. 650€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.1HIb, 2x Coat of arms 1 Kr DOPPELSEITIGER DRUCK - four-piece and with St. Andrew's cross; very fine, c.v.. 525€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.1HPIII, Coat of arms 1 Kr dunkelorange, round cancel. WIEN 30/3; certificate and exp. Ferchenbauer, very fine piece, c.v.. 180€+ U:A5
1850 Ferch.1HPIII, Coat of arms 1 Kr kadmiumgelb with round cancel. WIEN 19/6 8A; very fine piece, certificate and exp. Ferchenbauer, c.v.. 160€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.1MPIb, Coat of arms 1 Kr goldgelb with round cancel. ZNAIM 11/9 (Znojmo); small bend in corner, otherwise very fine piece, certificate and exp. Strakosch, cat. ANK 320€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.1MPIII, Coat of arms 1 Kr gelb, round cancel. BISTRITZ IN SIEBENB: 28/3; small fold at lower margin, otherwise very fine piece, wide margins, certificate and exp. Ferchenbauer, c.v.. 125€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.1MPIII, Coat of arms 1 Kr zitronengelb, type III., machine made paper, print frame CDS 11-1 M. WIEN 22-VIII; very fine piece, certificate Steiner, exp. Zenker U:A5
1850 Ferch.1MPIII, Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow type III., machine made paper, on cut-square with cancel. SCZEGEDIN; VF, wide margins, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.2-5HIII, Coat of arms 2Kr-9Kr, III. types, machine made paper, red cancel.; very fine, c.v.. 925€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.2HIb, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer black type Ib on hand-made paper with new gum; wide margins, very attractive stamp with printing flaw "dot in right wing", certificate Steiner, c.v.. 600€++ U:A5
1850 Ferch.2HIIIb, vertical (!) pair Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer black IIIb type on machine paper; very fine, c.v.. 340€++ U:A5
1850 Ferch.2HPIa, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer dunkelgrauschwarz with round cancel. TRIESTE 3/5; very fine piece with wide margins, certificate and exp. Matl, c.v.. 145€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.2MIIIb, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer black, machine made paper, IIIb type, with red cancel. WIEN; very fine, certificate Matl, c.v.. 550€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.3-5, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer T I. HP, 6 Kreuzer T I. HP, 9 Kreuzer type III HP, with wide original paper folds, always through whole stamp, 6 Kreuzer in addition in rare type Ic; very fine, c.v.. 600€++ U:A5
1850 Ferch.3HI, 3MIII, 4x Coat of arms 3 Kr - chosen specialities - underlaid middle, ribbed paper, "balken" through whole upper margin, "St. Andrew's cross" 2mm; very fine set, c.v.. 645€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.3HP1a, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer with fragment of blue cancel. LANDEK 16. JU...; right close margin, fine piece, certificate Ferchenbauer, c.v.. Müller. 225€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.4HI, 4HIII, 4x Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer with PF 42 - "interrupted frame lower", "Abklatsch", underlaid middle, PF 22 - "damaged crown"; very fine; c.v.. £425 U:A5
1850 Ferch.4MPIII, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer hellgraubraun, with part of blue cancel. THERESIENSTADT 10. MAI.; lower close margins, otherwise very fine, certificate and exp. Ferchenbauer U:A5
1850 Ferch.5HI, selection of 13 stamps Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer I. types, light blue, himmelblau, grey-blue, various papers etc.; interesting study selectio; high catalogue value! U:A4
1850 Ferch.5HIIIa, Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer with red frame cancel. PRAG /FRANCO (Müller .2228e); certificate Ferchenbauer., c.v.. 2250 points (!), scarce U:A5
1850 SELECTION of / 55 stamps Coat of arms 1 Kr - 9 Kreuzer on stock-sheet A4 and A5, contains i.a. 1x vertical strip-of-3 value 9 Kreuzer, 1x horiz. 3 Kreuzer, marginal pieces, types, papers, postmarks etc.., part on cut-squares; various quality, supplemented with original descriptions, overall very interesting set! U:A4
1850 SELECTION / Ferch.1, 3-5, selection of 39 used stamps from the first issue., contains i.a. 2x value 1 Kr, 1x 3 Kreuzer with horiz. paper crease in paper, 2x 9 Kreuzer with red cancel., 1x value 10Cts, 3x cut square, various cancel. from Czech countries and oths.,very interesting; various quality U:A5
1850 St. Andrew´s Cross / 2 pcs from sheet 3 Kreuzer with margin and 9 Kreuzer; sought U:A5
1850 REPRINTS / ND 1870, blocks of four Coat of arms 1 Kr (marginal with whole character "B" wmk) and 15Cts; very fine reprints, in blocks very rare, cat. ANK only as single stamps 600€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.5MIIIa, Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer machine made paper, rare type IIIa, cancel. SZARVAS, to BRNO; nice small letter, certificate Ferchenbauer., cat. ANK 900€ U:A5
1850 Reg letter Coat of arms 6+6Kr III. types hand-made paper with BLUE postmarks RICHENBURG, to Kamenický Šenov (Steinschonau); very fine, c.v.. 3.400€, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1850 folded printed matter with Ferch.1HIb, Coat of arms 1 Kr orange, cancel. KREIBITZ (Chřibská), to Kutná Hora; very fine, very wide margins, c.v.. 640€ U:A5
1852 Mi.3, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer, 2x horizontal pair on Reg letter to Timişoara, CDS KABANSEBES 2/4; nice letter U:A5
1850-1865 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 33f folded letters, from that 23 with the first issue., i.a. 1x Reg letter 9 Kreuzer + 2x 3 Kreuzer, then 3 entires of The 2nd issue, 3 pcs of letters The 3rd issue and 4 pcs of entires with V. issue from that i.a. 1x R 10Kr+10Kr; various quality U:O5
1858 ANK.10II, 11I, Franz Joseph I. 2 Kreuzer yellow type II., 3 Kreuzer black type I., with red cancel. WIEN; very fine, c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1858 ST. ANDREW´S CROSS / black large, for 3 Kreuzer, type I.; very fine with original gum, exp. engineer. Müller, c.v.. 1.250€ U:A5
1858 St. Adrewś Cross / black large, for stamp Franz Joseph I. 3 Kreuzer black; new gum, rare, c.v.. for (*) 275€ U:A5
1858 ONDŘEJSKÝ KŘÍŽ / green large, for stamp. Franz Joseph I. 3 Kreuzer; new gum, rare, c.v.. for (*) 220€ U:A5
1858 ST. ANDREW´S CROSS / selection of 13 crosses, i.a. large and small yellow, then red, brown and blue with various numbers of dots etc..; various quality, mosly regummed, c.v.. for (*) 950€, fine U:A5
1863-1864 Mi.30-34, Eagle 2 Kreuzer - 15 Kreuzer, selection of 16 stamps on pages from specialized collection, various shades, postmarks (4x red, 2x blue) etc.. U:A4
1864 letter with Coat of arms 10Kr +cut square from pstationery 5KR, cancel. NAGY KANIZSA 9/11, arrival WIEN 10. XI; very fine and rare franking!, c.v.. 1.350€ (Ferchenbauer. III., page. 29) U:A5
1867 SELECTION / 50 mainly used / MH stamps of VI. issue, various shades, postmarks also from Czech region, perf etc.., better types and oths.; various quality U:A4
1867 ANK.37II PUVII; corner block of four PLATE PROOF "Bogenproben" Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer in blue color (!); with marginal ledge, issued without gum; certificate Soecknick, c.v.. 5.000€, ex. Wiener Postarchiv, rare U:A5
1890 ANK.61A, 67, Franz Joseph I. 2Gld red perf 9¼ and 1Gld violet; very fine, c.v.. 235€ U:A5
1899 ANK.69-83, Franz Joseph I. 1h-4K; very fine set, (i.a. 25h ** c.v.. 280€), c.v.. * 400€, ** 1.350€ U:A5
1901 ANK.84-96, Franz Joseph I. 1h-60h with varnished bands, very fine, c.v.. 165€ U:A5
1908 ANK.151, blk-of-50 Franz Joseph I. 60h red; VF and rare block, cat. only as single stamps 750€ U:A4
1887-1916 [COLLECTIONS] GALICIA - WEST UKRAINE / comp. 10 Ex offo Reg letters from region Galicia, i.a. contains cancel. and Reg labels ZLOCZOW, ROHATYN, KOLOMEA, PRZEMYSLANY, JAWORÓW etc..; fine U:O5
1900 + 1908 POSTAGE-DUE / accounting sheet on 61K38h, franked with block-of-50 100h (1908) + 11x 100h + 20+10+2h + 6h (1900), cancel. WIEN 12.1.11; very fine and largest known franking with values 100h U:A3v–
1851 Ferch.6IIb, str-of-3 Blue Mercury, rare type IIB, blue color, on cut-square with cancel. ZEITUNGS EXPED, WIEN 27/11; very fine, certificate Matl, c.v. ANK.3.800€, scarce U:DR
1851 Ferch.6IIc, Blue Mercury type IIc with almost complete dumb pmk PRESSBURG; very fine, certificate Ferchenbauer. - "wirkungsvolles Prachtstück" RR!, c.v.. Müller 2.250P, extraordinary offer U:DR
1851 Ferch.6IIIa, strip-of-6 Blue Mercury, rare type IIIa, cancel. ZEITUNGS EXPED / WIEN; VF, certificate Ferchenbauer. - "erlesenes Prachtstuck" RR!, c.v. ca. 5.600€, scarce! U:DR
1851 Ferch.6IIIb, whole strip with 5 (!) Blue Mercury (strip-of-3 + pair), type IIIb, cancel. MANTOVA 14/2; very fine, certificate Ferchenbauer. cat. min. 3.200€ U:A5
1851 Ferch.6IIIb, Blue Mercury with bright BLUE cancel. JAWOROW; on reverse thin place, full to wide margins, exp. Seitz, c.v.. 3.500€, scarce U:A5
1958 ANK.16, newspaper Franz Joseph I. 1.05Kr blue; very fine, ex. Rieger, c.v.. 700€ U:A5
1859 Mi.17, newspaper Franz Joseph I. 1.05Kr graulila; very fine piece with CDS KLAGENFURT, wide margins, c.v.. 320€ U:A5
1867 Ferch.42 Id, Mercure 1,05kr Type Id "grauviolett", SCHÜSSELFORMIGER HELM, Stadium II; rare, cancel. BRUNN STADT, c.v.. 325€ U:A5
1901 ANK.101, 103, corner block-of-25 Newspaper stamps 2H and 6H with varnished bands; very fine, cat. only as single stamp. 2.375€ + ledge + plate mark U:A5
1877 Newspaper revenue stamps / Ferch.6II, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer "fahlbraun", type II with red cancel. WIEN; left close margin, certificate Hirš, c.v.. 375€ U:A5
1925 ANK.468-487, I. air-mail 2gr-10Sh; complete set, c.v.. 350€ U:A5
1931 ANK.518-523, Rotary, complete set; mint never hinged, c.v.. 750€ U:A5