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1848 GENEVA / Mi.5, Large Eagle 5C green olive, red rosette pmk.; wide margins, some faults, on reverse thin place, c.v.. 2.800€, sought classic stamp! U:A5
1852 Mi.10, RAYON III. 15Rp; left at top minor faults, overall fine, exp. Rieger, c.v.. 650€ U:A5
1908 Mi.101x-110x, Seated Helvetia 40C (cancel.) + unused 20C - 3Fr; very fine, c.v.. 530€ U:A5
1936 Mi.Bl.2, joined printing of 4 miniature sheets Pro Patria; overall fine quality, c.v.. 370€, sought U:A4
1940 Mi.Bl.5, miniature sheet Pro Patria 5+5C - 30+30C; very fine and sought miniature sheet, exp. Šablatura, c.v.. 400€ U:A5
1900-1945 SELECTION / of chosen sets, i.a. Mi.101-110 (3Fr hinged), air-mail 387-394, official 46-63, souvenir sheets Bl.4, 8 and 10; part hinged, souvenir sheets i.a. **, higher catalogue U:A4
1895-1925 NEWSPAPER WRAPPERS / selection of 13 p.stat newspaper wrappers, issue Numerals, William Tell, several uprated etc. U:A5
1924-1938 8 airmail entires, various frankings of airmail stamps, i.a. 1x franked with miniature sheet Aarau 1938, 2x Reg, various CDS etc.., and oths.; interesting U:A5
1929 ZEPPELIN / postcard to Lausanne, franked with airmail stamp 75c, 2x red deck cancel. ZEPPELINPOST / SCHWEIZERFLUG 2.XI.29, supplemented with CDS ST. GALLEN 2.XI.29, nice print; good condition U:A5
1934 letter franked with miniature sheet NABA 1934, Mi.Bl.1 with special postmark ZÜRICH 3.X.34, on envelope black additional printing; good condition, c.v.. for used MS 750€ U:A5
1943-1945 3 entires franked with souvenir sheets Mi. Bl.10, 11 and 12, 2x as Registered; good condition U:A5
1944 Reg letter franked with complete set Mi.431-34, CDS Champex 15.VI.44, FDC (!), multiply censored, arrival PRAG 1/ 22.VI.44 on reverse, good condition U:A5
1945 FDC / sent Reg and Express from Basel, franked i.a. Mi.Bl.12, red CDS BASEL, label Zivilpost and arrival postmark FIELD-POST / POSTE DE CAMPAGNE; interesting U:A5
1913 airmail postcard from 1. Swiss air day show, mounted with stamp 10c and Surtax special label Mi.VI, 50c with CDS ERSTE FLUGPOST LANGNAU I. E. - BERNE/ 4.V.13; addressed to to Bohemia; some wrinkled corners, good condition, c.v.. Zumstein Spezial: label Zu.VI. for entires 1.800CHF, Michel only single used airmail label 800€, extraordinary entire! U:A5
1939-1941 MILITARY STAMPS / FP / comp. of 4 letters and 2 cards FP with mounted military stamp.; perfect condition, interesting U:A5
1850-2000 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation of mainly used stamps from Mi.8, lot of issues Sitting and Standing Helvetia, better sets Pro Patria, Pro Juventute, incomplete PAX 1945, air-mail and others, several miniature sheets, for example. Bl.8 and Bl.10, many duplications, supplemented with about several entires; placed in 30-sheet stockbook A4, high catalogue value U:Z
1935-1990 [COLLECTIONS] COVERS / collection of ca. 100 mainly airmail- entires and special flights envelopes, first flights etc.., supplemented with several entires and commemorative sheets of Germany; interesting U:O4