Public Auction 71 / Autographs

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242519 - 1928 GRAZIANI Andrea (1864-1931), Italian General, organizá
1928 GRAZIANI Andrea (1864-1931), Italian General, organizátor Czechoslovak legions in Italy, later nahrazen generálem Piccionem; handwritten letter with signature and datací, written in Prague; important osobnost Czechoslovak legions!
Starting price: CZK
242516 - 1869 ARNOŠT HABSBURSKO-LOTRINSKÝ (1824-1899), Austrian arc
1869 ARNOŠT HABSBURSKO-LOTRINSKÝ (1824-1899), Austrian archduke, son lombardsko-benátského místokrále Rainera Joseph and Elizabeth Savojsko-Carignanské, field podmaršálek, veterán from Hradec Králové 1866, autograph on dlužním úpise Austrian national bank in Vienna; slightly toned, otherwise very nice good condition, pozoruhodný document
Starting price: CZK
238712 - 1923 FERDINAND I. BULHARSKÝ (1861-1948), Bulgarian tsar 190
1923 FERDINAND I. BULHARSKÝ (1861-1948), Bulgarian tsar 1908-1918 of the House of Coburgů, handwritten written 3-stránkový text with signature, on paper with embossed heading bulharského tzar, interesting text; good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
241794 - 1547 FERDINAND I. HABSBURG (1503–1564), Holy Roman Emperor
1547 FERDINAND I. HABSBURG (1503–1564), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, autograph on German psaném folded letter (misivu) addressed on council of town Augšpurku, caused by in Vienna 1547; preserved imperial seal with papírovým krytem, overall exceedingly sound condition, document/-s with signatures of Ferdinand I. are very rare and in this stupni zachovalosti rare!
Starting price: CZK
241800 - 1623 FERDINAND II. HABSBURG (1608–1657),  Holy Roman Emper
1623 FERDINAND II. HABSBURG (1608–1657), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, Hungarian, chorvatský and archduke Austrian, imperial folded letter (missiv) in/at latině sent to parmskou vévodkyni Markétu Aldobrandini (1588-1646), autograph "Ferdinandus"; well preserved seal, overall good condition, imperial document/-s from period of třicetileté war are very rare!
Starting price: CZK
242017 - 1742 FREDERIK I. ŠVÉDSKÝ (1676-1751), Swedish King in yea
1742 FREDERIK I. ŠVÉDSKÝ (1676-1751), Swedish King in years 1720–1751 and lankrabě hesensko-kasselský; autograph on document written in Stockholm; very fine and rare
Starting price: CZK
242049 - 1913 KRAKOWSKÝ Z KOLOWRAT Bohuslav (1876-1934), important C
1913 KRAKOWSKÝ Z KOLOWRAT Bohuslav (1876-1934), important Czech nobleman, member of parliament empire congress and composer; handwritten pages letter with signature; very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
242499 -  OTTO VON HABSBURG (1912-2011), son last Austrian emperor Ch
OTTO VON HABSBURG (1912-2011), son last Austrian emperor Charles I. and Zity Bourbonsko-Parmské; signature on color portrait photograph, perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
242018 - 1590 PETR VOK Z ROŽMBERKU (1539-1611), one from best known
1590 PETR VOK Z ROŽMBERKU (1539-1611), one from best known noblemen předbělohorské period of, front representative protestantské stavovské major-part, last Rožmberk; Czech language written document (missiv), sent to nejvyššího hofmistra Czech kingdom George Popela from Lobkovic on/for Libochovicích (1540-1607) in věci splacení dlužné sumy, interesting kontext, in text i.a. mentioned Wenceslas Budovec from Building etc..; text letter is according to contemporary zvyklosti written písařem (úředníkem lordship) and supplemented with about/by handwritten Petrem Vokem written text "vaši milosti volný...švagr and přítel"..."rukú own"; overall very nice and in good condition condition, extraordinary and stěží repeatable offer rukopisu legendary figures Rudolf II - period of!
Starting price: CZK
242854 - 1585 RUDOLF II. (1552–1612), Roman emperor, Czech and Hung
1585 RUDOLF II. (1552–1612), Roman emperor, Czech and Hungarian King, autograph on German psaném posélacím sheet - misivu addressed on/for his/her/its bratra Arnošta Habsburg (1553-1595), caused by in Prague 20. March 1585, folded sheet with filigránem, decorative imperial seal with papírovým krytem; overall exceedingly in good condition condition, all document/-s with signature emperor Rudolf II. are very rare!
Starting price: CZK
242741 - 1926 VIKTOR EMANUEL III. (1869-1947), King Italian, habešsk
1926 VIKTOR EMANUEL III. (1869-1947), King Italian, habešský and albánský, autograph on official document with heading "Vittorio Emanuel III, per grazia di Dio e per volonta della nazione Re d´Italia"; good condition
Starting price: CZK
243092 - 1850-1930 [COLLECTIONS] LOBKOWICZ Ferdinand (1850-1926), Cze
1850-1930 [COLLECTIONS] LOBKOWICZ Ferdinand (1850-1926), Czech nobleman and politician, maršálek Czech kingdom, selection of documents also with signatures family members, obbsahuje i.a. 7 pcs of děkovných paper slips with signature, wedding notification his daughter, lot of private letters, several mourning cards etc..
Starting price: CZK
242534 - 1921 BAŤA Thomas (1876–1932), Czechoslovak businessman,
1921 BAŤA Thomas (1876–1932), Czechoslovak businessman, „král obuvi“, autograph on confirmation of Trade Bank in Prague, on reverse with signature director Joseph Blažka; good condition and sought
Starting price: CZK
243695 - 1920 BAXA Charles LLD. (1862-1938), member of parliament cou
1920 BAXA Charles LLD. (1862-1938), member of parliament country congress and member empire council/court, from year 1919 mayor and then 1. Prague mayor, 1. chairman Czechosl. Ústavního court (1921-38), chairman managing council/court Czech bank etc.., autograph on Listu domovském - znárodněný Austrian printed matter; only folds
Starting price: CZK
244839 - 1946 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president
1946 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister + MASARYK John (1886–1948), Czechoslovak politician, foreign minister, countersignatured pověřovací document with dry seal; cross fold, overall perfect condition, decorative and in this form rare
Starting price: CZK
240089 -  BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and
BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister, autograph on card paper; sought
Starting price: CZK
238706 - 1908 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president
1908 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister; handwritten in Czech written víceřádkový text on Ppc addressed to on/for his future manželku Hanu Vlčkovou to Berlin, with which/what with seznámil near/in/at studiích in Paris; rukopisy from early period life E. Beneš are rare, perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
242734 - 1807 BERTHIER Louis Alexandre (1753-1815), napoleonský comm
1807 BERTHIER Louis Alexandre (1753-1815), napoleonský commander with hodností Marshal France, prince from Neuchâtelu and Wagramu, duke from Valanginu, participant war after/behind nezávislost USA and about nejdůležitější from Napoleonových vojevůdců, autograph on letter, folded sheet paper with filigránem; very nice good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
243693 - 1919-1930 BRADÁČ Bohumír (1881-1935), Czechoslovak politi
1919-1930 BRADÁČ Bohumír (1881-1935), Czechoslovak politician, minister agriculture in years 1929-1932 and national defence after/behind Agrarian side + SRDÍNKO Otakar (1875-1930), Czechosl. doctor and politician, meziválečný minister and member of parliament National Assembly after/behind Agrarian side, in years 1926-1929 minister agriculture, 2x service letter ministry agriculture with manual signatures; only folds
Starting price: CZK
242059 - 1869 BRAUNER Francis August (1810-1880), important Czech law
1869 BRAUNER Francis August (1810-1880), important Czech lawyer and politician, representative staročechů and politics pasivní rezistence in/at "pobřeznovém period", autograph with datací and přípisem "Who chceš homeland vděk si získat, přízeň period of nehledej"; on reverse hints of original adjustaci, overall but nice in good condition condition, important osobnost Czech national movement!
Starting price: CZK
242984 - 1922 Czechoslovakia / ARMY / postcard sent to general Stanis
1922 Czechoslovakia / ARMY / postcard sent to general Stanislava Čečka to France with signatures important prvorepublikových generálů: John Syrový, Alois Podhajský, Joseph Kroupa, Anthony Rada, John Drobný etc.., spolupodepsáno also vedoucími French mission in Czechoslovakia E. Mittelhauserem and L. Faucherem; in good condition condition, rare!
Starting price: CZK
242502 - 1935 DAVID Joseph (Joža) (1884-1968), Czechoslovak politici
1935 DAVID Joseph (Joža) (1884-1968), Czechoslovak politician and dlouholetý meziválečný also postwar member of parliament National Assembly after/behind Czechoslovak side nationally socialistickou, handwritten text with signature "tata" on Ppc sent family; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236896 -  DRTINA Francis (1861-1925), important Czech philosopher, ac
DRTINA Francis (1861-1925), important Czech philosopher, academic Professor, politician and one from zakladatelů scouting at our place , handwritten on both sides text on card with address, sent to Joseph Scheinera; interesting text, perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
243752 - 1990? DUBČEK Alexander (1921-1992), Czechoslovak and Slovak
1990? DUBČEK Alexander (1921-1992), Czechoslovak and Slovak politician; signed B/W photo
Starting price: CZK
242178 - 1946 EČER Bohuslav (1893-1954), Czechoslovak General justi
1946 EČER Bohuslav (1893-1954), Czechoslovak General justiční service and Professor international penal law, member Committee Spojených nations for vyšetřování war zločinů; handwritten written dedication with signature on/for vizitce
Starting price: CZK
242732 - 1760 FOUQUET DE BELLE - ISLE Charles Louis Auguste (1684-176
1760 FOUQUET DE BELLE - ISLE Charles Louis Auguste (1684-1761), French vojevůdce and diplomat, politically angažovaný in service Lewis XV., in wars about/by inheritance Austrian is his name joined with bavorsko-francouzskou okupací Prague, autograph on letter, folded sheet paper with filigránem; very nice good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
242544 - 1953 GOTTWALD Clement (1896–1953), Czechoslovak communist
1953 GOTTWALD Clement (1896–1953), Czechoslovak communist politician and president, 2x signature on confirmation Statní bank Czechoslovak concerning dispozice with účtem Central committee Komunistické side/party Czechoslovakia, attached signatures Bruno Köhlera (1900-1989), communist politician and functionary, organizátor čistek from start 50. years (Clementis, Slánský), then Richard Hradec, tajemník central committee Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and Anthony Faltýnek (ekonomický branch), sjednáno shortly before/(in front of) Gottwaldovou smrtí 27.II.1953; very sought and rare!
Starting price: CZK
242043 - 1868 GRÉGR Edward (1827-1907), Czech journalist and politic
1868 GRÉGR Edward (1827-1907), Czech journalist and politician, tog. with bratrem Juliem main figures National sheets, spoluzakladatel side/party Mladočechů; 3-stránkový handwritten letter with signature, on heading paper, interesting text; folded, hints of adjustaci, overall nice in good condition condition, important osobnost Czech státoprávního fight other middle 19. century!
Starting price: CZK
242945 - 1902 GRÉGR Edward (1827-1907), Czech journalist and politic
1902 GRÉGR Edward (1827-1907), Czech journalist and politician, tog. with bratrem Juliem main figures National sheets, spoluzakladatel side/party Mladočechů; selection of two handwritten written letters with signature; folded, overall in good condition condition, important osobnost Czech státoprávního fight other middle 19. century!
Starting price: CZK
242496 - 1934 GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ George Stanislav (1861–1943), Czech p
1934 GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ George Stanislav (1861–1943), Czech pedagogue, writer, ceremoniář president republic, zakládající member International Olympic committee, handwritten text with signature on/for portrait postcard, sent to sochaře and medailéra O. Španiela; perfect condition, interesting and sought
Starting price: CZK
236890 - 1911 GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ George Stanislav (1861–1943), Czech p
1911 GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ George Stanislav (1861–1943), Czech pedagogue, writer, ceremoniář president republic, zakládající member International Olympic committee, handwritten text with signature on/for portrait postcard, perfect condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
243446 - 1939? HÁCHA Emil (1872–1945), president Czechoslovak repu
1939? HÁCHA Emil (1872–1945), president Czechoslovak republic and Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia; autograph "Dr. Hácha" on/for portrait photograph, size ca. 24x17cm; overall nice in good condition condition, decorative, very rare and sought!
Starting price: CZK
243751 - 1990? HAVEL Wenceslas (1936-2011), Czechoslovak and Czech pr
1990? HAVEL Wenceslas (1936-2011), Czechoslovak and Czech president, autograph on B/W photograph from start office; nice good condition, decorative and sought
Starting price: CZK
242102 - 1941 HIMMLER Heinrich (1900-1945), empire leader SS, chief G
1941 HIMMLER Heinrich (1900-1945), empire leader SS, chief Gestapo, commander Waffen-SS, empire minister of Internal Affairs, handwritten written wish with signature; light folds, very rare, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
242527 - 1933 HLINKA Andrew (1864-1938), Slovak politician, handwritt
1933 HLINKA Andrew (1864-1938), Slovak politician, handwritten written 6-řádkový text with datací and whole signature "Andrew Hlinka, member of parliament"; rare and sought
Starting price: CZK
243686 - 1933 HODŽA Milan (1878-1944), Slovak agrárník and Prime M
1933 HODŽA Milan (1878-1944), Slovak agrárník and Prime Minister Czechoslovakia in years 1935 to 1938, autograph as minister agriculture on/for official letter with slepotiskovou heading ministry; only cross fold, very sought!
Starting price: CZK
242032 -  HRUBÝ Adolf (1893-1951), agrární politician, later membe
HRUBÝ Adolf (1893-1951), agrární politician, later member Strany national unity and Bohemian and Moravian minister agriculture and lesnictví; signature on card, signatures Bohemian and Moravian ministrů are rare!
Starting price: CZK
242731 - 1939 KAROL SIDOR, JOSEPH TISO A DALŠÍ / sheet paper two-si
1939 KAROL SIDOR, JOSEPH TISO A DALŠÍ / sheet paper two-sided with much signatures politicians 2. Czechosl. republic and inter-war Slovakia, i.a. Karol Sidor, Joseph Tiso, Francis Soukup, John Syrový, Dr. Martin Sokol, Šaňo Mach, Dr. Matúš Černák, Ferdinand Ďurčanský, Frederic Homola, Rudolf Viest and other, total 18 signatures, supplemented with print red special postmark; lightly hinged age, otherwise well preserved, unique selection of sought and often rare signatures!
Starting price: CZK
242532 - 1934 KAŠPAR Charles (1870-1941), Czech duchovní, archbisho
1934 KAŠPAR Charles (1870-1941), Czech duchovní, archbishop Prague and bishop královéhradecký; handwritten letter on card arcibiskupství, on reverse hints of original adjustaci
Starting price: CZK
242104 -  KEITEL Wilhelm (1882-1946), German Field Marshal after/behi
KEITEL Wilhelm (1882-1946), German Field Marshal after/behind other world war and chief Hitler's Vrchního velení Wehrmacht; autograph on portrait photo postcard in uniform, atelier Hoffman München (Munich); on reverse hints of original adjustaci, otherwise very sound condition, very rare!
Starting price: CZK
243756 - 1941 KLOFÁČ Wenceslas Jaroslav (1868–1942), Czech politi
1941 KLOFÁČ Wenceslas Jaroslav (1868–1942), Czech politician, chairman National side/party socialistic, místopředseda senátu, journalist, handwritten text with signature "Tvůj V.K." on the reverse side cards with printed wish to new year; very fine
Starting price: CZK
241521 - 1947 KOPECKÝ Wenceslas (1897-1961), stalinista and minister
1947 KOPECKÝ Wenceslas (1897-1961), stalinista and minister information 1948-1953; big photo from act in/at Liberec together with Zdeňkem Nejedlým with autograph "Kopecký"; interesting and rare
Starting price: CZK
243755 - 1927 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), Czechoslovak politician
1927 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), Czechoslovak politician, the first ministerial chairman separate Czechoslovakia, handwritten 3-stránkový letter on heading paper with signature, interesting text; slightly toned, overall good condition and sought!
Starting price: CZK
242192 - 1940 KREBS Hans (1888-1947), Czechoslovak politician and mem
1940 KREBS Hans (1888-1947), Czechoslovak politician and member of parliament National Assembly of Czechoslovakia after/behind Německou nationally socialistickou side dělnickou (DNSAP), government president in Ústí n./L., popraven in 1947; autograph on strojopisném heading letter with German eagle, sent to police president Gustava Nutzhorna; cross fold, overall perfect condition, sought!
Starting price: CZK
242142 - 1938 LINDBERGH Charles Augustus (1902-1974), světoznámý A
1938 LINDBERGH Charles Augustus (1902-1974), světoznámý American pilot, which/what i.a. made the first sólový přelet Atlantského oceánu in 1927 + Anne Spencer Morrow Lindbergh (1906-2001), wife Ch. Lindbergha, American authoress and pilotka; joined signature on card with datací 2. September 1938 near/in/at their/its visit Czechoslovakia with confirmation about/by autentičnosti signatures Col. years. Vladislavem Květoněm, also with attached B/W photo postcard married couple Lindberghových near/in/at joined/common večeři i.a. with brigádním generálem Aloisem Fialou (signature on back side postcard); nice in good condition condition, extraordinary offer autogramu one from best known průkopníků aviation, in addition rarely with kontextem to Czechoslovakia!
Starting price: CZK
242733 - 1818 MACDONALD Étienne (1765-1840), duke from Tarentu, Fren
1818 MACDONALD Étienne (1765-1840), duke from Tarentu, French soldier and shortly also politician, veterán from Wagramu, dosáhl hodnosti maršála France, autograph on letter, folded sheet paper with filigránem; very nice good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
242531 - 1929 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czecho
1929 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czechoslovak President + PÉTAIN Phillipe (1856-1951), marshal France, ministerial chairman + UDRŽAL Francis (1866–1938), Czech agrární politician, ministerial chairman and defence minister; signatures on/for B/W photograph (atelier Stoklas Brno) with signatures and datací during manoeuvres by/on/at Kroměříž on/for end August 1929, on photograph i.a. also jugoslávský General Milan Milovanovič (1874-1942); exceedingly decorative and very rare ganging signatures, špičková item to every collection signatures!
Starting price: CZK
242728 - 1963 MASARYKOVÁ Ann (1911-1996), Czech historička art, vý
1963 MASARYKOVÁ Ann (1911-1996), Czech historička art, výtvarná kritička, dlouholetá pracovnice National gallery in Prague, daughter painter/-s Herberta Masaryk and vnučka T. G. Masaryk, handwritten text with signature on card; very fine
Starting price: CZK
242045 - 1939 MASTNÝ Vojtěch (1874-1954), important Czechoslovak di
1939 MASTNÝ Vojtěch (1874-1954), important Czechoslovak diplomat in time I. republic, ambassador in London, Rome and Berlin (1932-1939) also during so-called. Mnichovské krize, where consequently telegraficky tlumočil výsledky Mnichovské agreement Czechosl. government; autograph on card with přípisem "Work šlechtí - důvěra sílí"; important prvorepubliková osobnost, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
242924 - 1959 NOVOTNÝ Anthony (1904–1975), Czechoslovak communist
1959 NOVOTNÝ Anthony (1904–1975), Czechoslovak communist politician and president in years 1957–1968, autograph in book "U friends nejbližších", supplemented with about/by B/W photograph and official letter from Kanceláře NS; very fine, sought
Starting price: CZK
242177 -  PAVLÍK Matěj - bishop Gorazd (1879-1942), originally R.C.
PAVLÍK Matěj - bishop Gorazd (1879-1942), originally R.C. priest, later bishop Moravian diecéze Church Czechoslovak (husitské) and consequently pravoslavné Church in/at Czechoslovakia, after/behind podíl on/for ukrývání parašutistů, which/what provedli atentát on/for R. Heydrich, was/were popraven nacisty, svatořečen in 1987; handwritten 8-řádkový text with signature "Pravoslavný bishop Gorazd", rare occurrence, rare!
Starting price: CZK
242525 - 1920 PELLÉ Maurice Joseph (1863-1924), French General, chie
1920 PELLÉ Maurice Joseph (1863-1924), French General, chief Czechoslovak Main staff military force in years 1919 - 1921, participant French military mission; four-line text with signature on card, written in Prague 16. April 1920; sought
Starting price: CZK
242180 - 1927 PFITZNER Joseph (1901-1945), Czech historian, war crimi
1927 PFITZNER Joseph (1901-1945), Czech historian, war criminal German nationality, head government komisař for administration Prague, informátor K. H. Franka, popraven in 1945; handwritten 3-stránkový letter with signature, rare, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
236879 - 1900 PIPPICH Charles (1849-1921), important Sokol functionar
1900 PIPPICH Charles (1849-1921), important Sokol functionary and mladočeský politician; handwritten letter with signature sent to Joseph Scheinera, interesting osobnost Sokol movement
Starting price: CZK
243689 - 1919 PRÁŠEK Charles (1868–1932), Czechoslovak politician
1919 PRÁŠEK Charles (1868–1932), Czechoslovak politician, minister of the Czechoslovak government, in years 1918-1920 minister agriculture, service letter with autograph with printed heading ministry agriculture; only folds
Starting price: CZK
244564 - 1908 RYCHTRMOC Robert (1875-1946), Czech officer, General Cz
1908 RYCHTRMOC Robert (1875-1946), Czech officer, General Czechosl. army odpovědný after/behind building pohraničního fortification, after/behind Protectorate chairman of Czech Union válečníků, after/around war as kolaborant popravený, autograph on portrait photograph from youth, on reverse with dedication snoubence, supplemented with about/by other portrait photograph from year 1896; very nice good condition, exceptional usage
Starting price: CZK
236898 - 1915 SCHEINER Joseph (1861–1932), important Czech lawyer,
1915 SCHEINER Joseph (1861–1932), important Czech lawyer, politician and mayor Sokol, handwritten text with signature on/for decorative sheet "Sokol"; important osobnost, interesting
Starting price: CZK
242538 - 1946 SLÁNSKÝ Rudolf (1901–1952), Czechoslovak communist
1946 SLÁNSKÝ Rudolf (1901–1952), Czechoslovak communist politician, 7. generální tajemník central committee KSČ/první tajemník central committee Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, popraven in/at operation with Clementisem in 1952; autograph on card with datací, rare usage, rare!
Starting price: CZK
242498 - 1937, 1940 SOUKUP Francis (1871-1940), Czech sociálně-demo
1937, 1940 SOUKUP Francis (1871-1940), Czech sociálně-demokratický politician, journalist and publicist, one from men 28. October, comp. of 2 vlastnoručních podpisů: 1x with dedication Ivanu Sabinovi (1911-1969, poet) on/for portrait photograph adjustované on paper sheet + 1x handwritten written postcard; overall nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
243691 - 1929 SRDÍNKO Otakar (1875-1930), Czechosl. doctor and polit
1929 SRDÍNKO Otakar (1875-1930), Czechosl. doctor and politician, meziválečný minister and member of parliament National Assembly after/behind Agrarian side, in years 1926-1929 minister agriculture, service letter with autograph with heading ministry slepotiskem; only folds
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 71 / Autographs - Information

Autogramy a rukopisy

Sběratelství rukopisů velikánů začalo už v antice, velkého rozkvětu dosáhlo v renesanci a v 17. století se rozšířilo po celé Evropě. V českých zemích patřil k největším sběratelům národní buditel Václav Hanka, který pracoval jako správce literárních sbírek Vlasteneckého muzea. Mezi velké sběratele se dále řadil architekt a podnikatel Josef Hlávka, zakladatel a redaktor Moderní revue Arnošt Procházka, dekadentní básník Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic nebo spisovatel Emanuel Lešehrad.

Autogram je vlastnoruční originální podpis osobnosti.

Autograf neboli rukopis, který znamená vlastnoruční text napsaný osobností, který může, ale nemusí být podepsaný. Pochází z řečtiny.

Parafa je zkrácený čili zjednodušený vlastnoruční podpis osobnosti, který se považuje za autogram. Parafa je označována také jako podpisová značka.

Autopen je termín pro počítačem provedený podpis osobnosti podle naprogramovaného vzoru, jak se osobnost podepisuje. Autopeny jsou běžné v USA, kdy osobnosti dostávají mnoho žádostí o autogram, zejména astronauti, filmové hvězdy nebo američtí prezidenti, kteří začali autopen používat od padesátých let 20. století.

Tištěný podpis je termín pro rozmnožené kopie originálně podepsané fotografie.

Sekretářský podpis  je termín pro autogramy, které sice vypadají jako originálně podepsané osobností, ale podepsala se za ni jeho asistentka či jiná osoba.

Zájemci o sběratelství autogramů a autografů v ČR se mohou sdružovat v Klubu sběratelů autogramů - KSA.