Public Auction 71 / Autographs

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243688 - 1921 STANĚK Francis Staněk (1867-1936), Czech politician a
1921 STANĚK Francis Staněk (1867-1936), Czech politician agrární side/party, předlitavský also Czechosl. member of parliament, in years 1919-1920 Postmaster General, 1921-1922 minister agriculture, autograph on official letter with heading ministry agriculture; only folds
Starting price: CZK
242501 - 1907 STANOVSKÝ Otto Lion (1882-1945), Czech R.C. priest, vy
1907 STANOVSKÝ Otto Lion (1882-1945), Czech R.C. priest, vychovatel synů Francis of Ferdinand d'Este, rektor Prague kněžského semináře and author line skladeb duchovní music, autograph on portrait fotografické vizitce litoměřického studio Häusler; nice good condition, very rare
Starting price: CZK
242747 - 1920 ŠNEJDÁREK Joseph (1875–1945), Czechoslovak General,
1920 ŠNEJDÁREK Joseph (1875–1945), Czechoslovak General, commander fight for Teschen Silesia, legionnaire, handwritten letter sent to L. Beaufortovou (wife publ. Edvard Beauforta), supplemented with about/by two envelope/-s with manuscript; good condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
244840 - 1906 ŠTEFÁNIK Milan Rastislav (1880–1919), important Slo
1906 ŠTEFÁNIK Milan Rastislav (1880–1919), important Slovak politician, General French army, astronomer, postcard sent to medailéra Otakara Španiela to Paris with signature "Váš Štefánik" and with date 15.XI.05, supplemented with about/by B/W portrait postcard, good condition and rare
Starting price: CZK
244842 - 1938 JEŽEK Francis (1890-1969), politician, minister zdravo
1938 JEŽEK Francis (1890-1969), politician, minister zdravotnictví and without portfeje, member of parliament after/behind Czechoslovak national demokracii and National unification, signature on darovacím diploma Martě Pavlisové after/behind 1. place on/for World Championship in kanoistice in Švédsku 1938, size 58x45cm; good condition and interesting, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
238704 - 1989 MILOŠEVIČ Slobodan (1941-2006), Serbian politician, p
1989 MILOŠEVIČ Slobodan (1941-2006), Serbian politician, president Serbia in years 1991–1997, autograph in his/her/its book Godine Raspleta; exceedingly rare, rare occurrence in the market!
Starting price: CZK
242291 -  BALBÍN Bohuslav (Bohuslaus Balbinus 1621-1688), one of bes
BALBÍN Bohuslav (Bohuslaus Balbinus 1621-1688), one of best known personalities Czech baroka, literát, historian, hagiograf and pedagogue, ochránce Czech language, member jezuitského order, author monumentálního Miscellanea historica regni Bohemiae (Rozmanitosti from history Kingdom čes­kého); handwritten text with podpisem: "Majoris Biblioth. Collegii IHS SI Praga ad S. Clemente(m) Boh. Balbin", lower in Latin written later notice "Est propria manu authoris Bohuslai Balbini F.M.P. 1775" (written Francis Martinem Pelclem 1734-1801, významným Czech historikem, in 1775 issued Balbínův manuscript Obrana language Slavonic, esp. Czech); on hand-made paper with filigránem, signs of age, after all unique and unrepeatable offer rukopisu one from nejdůležitějších figures Czech history pobělohorské "period of temna"!
Starting price: CZK
242493 - 1840 DIEBL Francis (1770-1859), česko-rakouský přírodov
1840 DIEBL Francis (1770-1859), česko-rakouský přírodovědec and Professor agriculture, sekretář Brno pomologické company, učitel světově proslulého genetika Gregora Joh. Mendela, autograph on certificate; cross fold, otherwise very nice good condition, very rare
Starting price: CZK
242039 - 1886 DURDÍK Joseph (1837-1902), Czech philosopher, psycholo
1886 DURDÍK Joseph (1837-1902), Czech philosopher, psycholog, estetik, translator, literary critic and member of parliament Czech country congress; handwritten letter with whole signature; hints of adjustaci, overall but sound condition, important osobnost 2. middle 19. century!
Starting price: CZK
242782 - 1909-1939 ENGLIŠ Charles (1880-1961), nejvýznamnější Cz
1909-1939 ENGLIŠ Charles (1880-1961), nejvýznamnější Czech meziválečný ekonom and národohospodář, minister finance, rektor Charle's university, guvernér National bank + HEYROVSKÝ Leopold (1852-1923), important Czech lawyer, rektor Univerzity Charle's, Professor římského law + other signatures pedagogů právnické fakulty Charle's Univerzity (i.a. Kapras etc..) + pedagogů on/for Vysoké school technical in Prague; comp. of 5 vysokoškolských indexů various studentů
Starting price: CZK
243749 - 1956 HEYROVSKÝ Jaroslav (1890–1967), Czech fyzikální ch
1956 HEYROVSKÝ Jaroslav (1890–1967), Czech fyzikální chemik, discoverer and founder polarografie, Nobel laureate from year 1959; autograph on letter addressed on/for farmakologa Eduard Skarnitzla, personal heading letter; very nice good condition, incl. original envelope/-s
Starting price: CZK
242541 - 1931 HROZNÝ Frederic (1879-1952), světoznámý Czech jazyk
1931 HROZNÝ Frederic (1879-1952), světoznámý Czech jazykovědec and orientalista, rozluštitel chetitského language; handwritten written 10-řádkové essay "Several hethitských Slovak" with whole signature; decorative and rare!
Starting price: CZK
242536 - 1933 KŘIŽÍK Francis (1847-1941), important Czech tech., i
1933 KŘIŽÍK Francis (1847-1941), important Czech tech., industrialist and inventor; handwritten signature with datací on/for portrait photograph, good condition, decorative and sought
Starting price: CZK
242027 - 1862 LEPAŘ John (1827-1902), important Czech pedagogue and
1862 LEPAŘ John (1827-1902), important Czech pedagogue and writer, podporoval national uvědomění in Moravia and in Silesia; handwritten 3-stránkový letter with signature, interesting text; small fraying paper, overall but nice in good condition condition, important osobnost!
Starting price: CZK
242260 - 1860 PURKYNĚ John Evangelista (1787-1869), one of best know
1860 PURKYNĚ John Evangelista (1787-1869), one of best known personalities Czech history, fyziolog, anatom, biolog, poet, philosopher, popularizátor vědy etc..; handwritten 5 line letter with whole signature "John Purkyně" and with text "Velevážený pane! Prosím about/by odpuštění, that I am Vaše rukopisy so long time by/on/at themselves choval, doufaje always is else/yet to print podati. Změny stalé with in Živě nedovolují mi then is podržeti and odesílám is on/for back, nepochybuje, that near/in/at novozbuzení our průmyslového life brzo better place najdou." Časopis Živa vznikl in 1852 in terms of Corps přírodovědeckého Musea of Kingdom of Bohemia and přispívala to it next to Purkyně line important personalities as Božena Němcová, Ladislav Čelakovský, Vojtěch Náprstek etc..; rare written document/attribut from so-called. other Prague period John Evangelisty Purkyně; horiz. folded, on reverse hints of original adjustaci, overall very nice in good condition condition, exceedingly rare manuscript one from best known figures Czech vědeckého, cultural and political life 19. century, unrepeatable offer!
Starting price: CZK
242228 - 1847 PALACKÝ Francis (1798-1876), one of best known figures
1847 PALACKÝ Francis (1798-1876), one of best known figures Czech history, "Otec nation", historian, politician, writer and organizátor veřejného cultural and vědeckého life, author monumentálních Dějin nation Czech in Bohemia and in/at Moravia; handwritten dvoustránkový letter addressed to his synovi Janovi to French Nice to his 17. birthday - napsáno in Prague 10. October 1847 (!), very interesting text, Palacký blahopřeje svému synovi, chválí jej after/behind his examining and zpravuje jej about/by aktuální situaci in Prague, i.a. mentioned Wenceslas Svatopluk Štulc (1814-1887), Czech writer, translator and patriotic priest, Anton August Glückselig (Legis) etc.., in text then poukazuje on/for problémy concerning Viennese academy, zmiňuje zatmění Sun (9. October 1847) and also Janovu sister Mary (later provdanou Riegrovou); text is zakončen "Nyní líbám vás all with srdečným kocháním Tvůj father "manu propria"; folded, on reverse hints of original adjustaci, overall but very good in good condition condition, posudek LLD. Martin Prose, Ph.D., quite rare and hard repeatable offer rukopisu velikána Czech history, in addition supplemented with about/by lithography portrait postcard!
Starting price: CZK
242522 -  NOBILE Umberto (1885–1978), Italian aeronaut, constructor
NOBILE Umberto (1885–1978), Italian aeronaut, constructor and discoverer, autograph on B/W photograph Zeppelins "Italia"; decorative!
Starting price: CZK
242539 -  VOJTĚCH Wenceslas (1901-1932), Czech geograf, traveller an
VOJTĚCH Wenceslas (1901-1932), Czech geograf, traveller and polárník, member Byrdovy expedition, the first Čech/Bohem, which/what obdržel Zlatou medal Congress USA, autograph on photo postcard aircraft "Stars and Stripes"; on reverse hints of original adjustaci, sought
Starting price: CZK
242038 - 1917 BAAR Henry Simon (1869-1925), important Czech poet and
1917 BAAR Henry Simon (1869-1925), important Czech poet and writer, catholic priest, representative realismu and catholic moderny, handwritten 3-stránkový letter with signature; hints of adjustaci, folded, overall but sound condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
242174 - 1880 BARÁK Joseph (1833-1883), Czech journalist, writer and
1880 BARÁK Joseph (1833-1883), Czech journalist, writer and politician, patřil between founder Sokol or Art forum, from year 1874 editor National sheets; handwritten letter with signature and datací on heading paper "Redakce National sheets"; folded, overall but well preserved, important osobnost other middle 19. century!
Starting price: CZK
242070 -  BEZRUČ Peter (1867-1958), one's own name Vladimír Vašek,
BEZRUČ Peter (1867-1958), one's own name Vladimír Vašek, important Czech poet, whole signature below B/W portrait reproduction; sought
Starting price: CZK
242036 - 1925 ČAPEK-CHOD Charles Matěj (1860-1927), Czech prose-wri
1925 ČAPEK-CHOD Charles Matěj (1860-1927), Czech prose-writer, dramatist and journalist, representative naturalismu; handwritten pages text "King Ječmínek" - start románu Anthony Vondrejc, with signature; on reverse hints of adjustaci, overall but sound condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
242051 - 1905 ČECH Svatopluk (1846–1908), important Czech poet and
1905 ČECH Svatopluk (1846–1908), important Czech poet and writer, handwritten letter with signature, supplemented with about/by B/W portrait photo postcard with printed signature; hints of adjustaci, overall but sound condition
Starting price: CZK
242062 -  ČTVRTEK Wenceslas (1911-1976), known writer for children a
ČTVRTEK Wenceslas (1911-1976), known writer for children and youth, author povídek, novels and pohádek (i.a. O loupežníku Rumcajsovi); handwritten úryvek from Rumcajse with signature + B/W photo with signature; rather rare usage, sought
Starting price: CZK
242037 - 1948 DRDA John (1915-1970), important Czech journalist, poli
1948 DRDA John (1915-1970), important Czech journalist, politician, spisovatel-prozaik and dramatist; autograph with dedication + visiting card with signature; on reverse hints of adjustaci, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
242023 - 1928 DYK Viktor (1877-1931), important Czech poet, prose-wri
1928 DYK Viktor (1877-1931), important Czech poet, prose-writer and dramatist, handwritten letter with signature, supplemented with about/by text his women, writer Zdenky Dykové (Hásové); interesting
Starting price: CZK
242269 -  ERBEN Charles Jaromír (1811-1870), Czech historian, lawyer
ERBEN Charles Jaromír (1811-1870), Czech historian, lawyer, archivář, writer, poet, translator and collector Czech lidových songs and pohádek, one of best known personalities Czech national obrození; handwritten written dedication with signature "Panu dvorsk. sekretáři Antonín. Rybičkovi friend milému Erben (manu propria)" on card, Anthony Rybička (1812-1899), Czech historian and archivář, which/what during svých essays bydlel with K. J. Erbenem; quite rare offer rukopisu one from best known figures Czech national obrození and history 19. century!
Starting price: CZK
242088 -  NEUMANN Stanislav Kostka (1875-1947), Czechoslovak journali
NEUMANN Stanislav Kostka (1875-1947), Czechoslovak journalist, poet, literary critic, spoluzakladatel Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, handwritten written text with whole signature; very fine
Starting price: CZK
242089 - 1932 NEZVAL Vítězslav (1900–1958), important Czech poet
1932 NEZVAL Vítězslav (1900–1958), important Czech poet and writer; 8-řádková poem with signature and datací on card; acknowledgments with autograph on card; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
242086 - 1967 PAVEL Ota (1930-1973), Czech prose-writer, journalist a
1967 PAVEL Ota (1930-1973), Czech prose-writer, journalist and sports reporter; handwritten written wish to year 1968 with whole signature; sought
Starting price: CZK
242085 - 1939 PUJMANOVÁ Mary (1893–1958), important Czech authores
1939 PUJMANOVÁ Mary (1893–1958), important Czech authoress and novinářka, handwritten written dedication with úryvkem text from "Zpěvníku"; on paper slip on/for autographs, on reverse hints of original adjustaci
Starting price: CZK
242497 - 1900 RAIS Charles Wenceslas (1859–1926), important Czech w
1900 RAIS Charles Wenceslas (1859–1926), important Czech writer, handwritten letter with whole signature, supplemented with portrait photos K. V. Raise from Prague fotoateliéru Architekt Vaněk; very fine
Starting price: CZK
242609 - 1959 WRITERS / MILAN KUNDERA / bibliofilské issue poems J.
1959 WRITERS / MILAN KUNDERA / bibliofilské issue poems J. Wolkera Moře with manual signatures important Czechosl. writers, i.a. Milan Kundera, George Šotola, Radovan Krátký, Anthony Jelínek, George Havel, Miroslav Florian, Bohuš Vybíral and other; folded sheet hand-made paper A4, separate folder, good condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
242606 - 1940, 1953 ALEX Adolf Jelínek (1890-1957), Czech painter, g
1940, 1953 ALEX Adolf Jelínek (1890-1957), Czech painter, graphic artist, illustrator and writer, comp. of 2 author Ppc with handwritten text and signature, supplemented with about/by author's print (Christmas wish) with handwritten signaturou A.J.A; very nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
242094 - 1892 BENDL Charles (1838-1897), important Czech composer; 2-
1892 BENDL Charles (1838-1897), important Czech composer; 2-pages handwritten written partitura of song "Rodičům - Skřivánčí song čis. XXI.) with whole signature; nice and in good condition, rare!
Starting price: CZK
238936 - 1915 BÍLEK Francis (1872-1941), Czech graphic artist, sculp
1915 BÍLEK Francis (1872-1941), Czech graphic artist, sculptor, architect, symbolista from period of Art Nouveau; handwritten 6-řádkový letter with whole signature, interesting text; very fine
Starting price: CZK
242742 - 1978 BORN Adolf (1930-2016), important Czech painter, handwr
1978 BORN Adolf (1930-2016), important Czech painter, handwritten letter on heading paper with signature; very fine, rare and sought
Starting price: CZK
242682 - 1930 BRAUNEROVÁ Zdenka (1858-1934), important Czech painter
1930 BRAUNEROVÁ Zdenka (1858-1934), important Czech painter end 19. and the first třetiny 20. century, handwritten text with signature on Ppc sent from Tuniska; perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
242942 - 1950 BURIAN Emil Francis (1904-1959), important Czech poet,
1950 BURIAN Emil Francis (1904-1959), important Czech poet, film director, publicist, composer; autograph on card with datací
Starting price: CZK
242729 - 1933 ČEREPNIN Alexander Nikolajevič (1899-1977), Russian c
1933 ČEREPNIN Alexander Nikolajevič (1899-1977), Russian composer and pianist, from year 1921 žijící in France, i.a. friend Bohuslava Martinů, handwritten text with short partiturou and signature on card; very well preserved, rare
Starting price: CZK
242092 -  ČESKÉ KVARTETO / B/W photo format smaller A4 (Drtikol) wi
ČESKÉ KVARTETO / B/W photo format smaller A4 (Drtikol) with signatures members České kvarteto: Joseph Suk, Charles Hoffmann, George Herold and Ladislav Zelenka; sound condition, exceedingly decorative!
Starting price: CZK
242095 - 1891 FIBICH Zdeněk (1850-1900), one from greatest Czech mus
1891 FIBICH Zdeněk (1850-1900), one from greatest Czech musical skladatelů, after/around Smetanovi and Dvořákovi nejvýznamnější Czech composer other middle 19. century, representative romantismu; handwritten written stránková partitura Fanfáry to Jubilee exhibition with signature and datací 4/5 1891 - exhibition was/were nakonec zahájena Fanfárami from Anthony Dvořáka; light folded, authenticity konzultována with experts, very sound condition, all Fibichovy rukopisy are exceedingly rare, here in addition whole partitura (!), unrepeatable offer!
Starting price: CZK
242084 - 1901 FRIML Rudolf (1879-1972), important Czech composer and
1901 FRIML Rudolf (1879-1972), important Czech composer and pianist, founder American musical theatre, signature on B/W photograph from his young years; R lower bend in corner, overall but decorative and rare!
Starting price: CZK
242073 -  HAŠLER Charles (1879–1941), known Czech písničkář, a
HAŠLER Charles (1879–1941), known Czech písničkář, actor, textař, composer, whole signature on portrait photograph greater format, atelier Stoklas Brno; exceedingly decorative
Starting price: CZK
242100 - 1846 HOFFMANN Johann (1802-1865), important singer, film dir
1846 HOFFMANN Johann (1802-1865), important singer, film director and director Stavovského theatre in Prague, handwritten letter on heading paper, sent to director Prozatímního theatre J. Maýra; good condition, important osobnost Prague cultural life middle 19. century!
Starting price: CZK
242090 - 1935-1957 MUSIC / comp. of 5 portrait photo postcard importa
1935-1957 MUSIC / comp. of 5 portrait photo postcard important Czech musical skladatelů: Boleslav Vomáčka (atelier Langhans), Ladislav Vycpálek, Charles Vacek, Wenceslas Vačkář and Charles Valdauf; sound condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
242026 - 1944 HURNÍK Ilja (1922-2013), important Czech composer, aut
1944 HURNÍK Ilja (1922-2013), important Czech composer, autograph with part of partitury from the file "Meditace"; interesting
Starting price: CZK
238914 - 1900 HYNAIS Vojtěch (1854-1925), important Czech painter, a
1900 HYNAIS Vojtěch (1854-1925), important Czech painter, author current opony National theatre, handwritten in Czech written 4-page letter with signature, very interesting text; very fine, rare, rarely offered manuscript!
Starting price: CZK
238910 - 1900 HYNAIS Vojtěch (1854-1925), important Czech painter, a
1900 HYNAIS Vojtěch (1854-1925), important Czech painter, author current opony National theatre, handwritten in Czech written jednostránkový letter with signature; perfect condition, rare, rarely offered manuscript!
Starting price: CZK
242093 - 1926 JANÁČEK Leoš (1854–1928), important Czech composer
1926 JANÁČEK Leoš (1854–1928), important Czech composer, autograph on portrait B/W photo postcard, sent from Janáčkových celebrations; slightly toned, after all decorative and rare!
Starting price: CZK
242022 - 1931 JEREMIÁŠ Otakar (1892-1962) and JIRÁK Charles Bolesl
1931 JEREMIÁŠ Otakar (1892-1962) and JIRÁK Charles Boleslav (1891-1972), významní Czech musical skladatelé; portrait photo postcard with signatures; very fine
Starting price: CZK
242083 - 1936 JEŽEK Jaroslav (1906-1942), Czech composer, conductor,
1936 JEŽEK Jaroslav (1906-1942), Czech composer, conductor, dramaturg and pianist; handwritten written dedication with signature and part/-s partitury his slavné song "Life is only náhoda"; folded, toned, after all exceedingly interesting, manuscript Jaroslav Ježka occures only rarely and is very sought!
Starting price: CZK
238924 - 1929 KOLLWITZ KÄTHE (1867-1945), German grafička, sochařk
1929 KOLLWITZ KÄTHE (1867-1945), German grafička, sochařka and painter, one of nejslavnějších German umělkyň 20. century, 3-stránkový handwritten letter incl. envelope/-s, sent to Rudolf Thiela to Ústí n./L.; perfect condition, very rare and sought manuscript!
Starting price: CZK
242612 - 1930? KUBELÍK John (1880-1940), Czech virtuoso violinist an
1930? KUBELÍK John (1880-1940), Czech virtuoso violinist and composer, autograph on portrait photograph adjustované on/for carton passe-partout; very fine
Starting price: CZK
242510 - 1939 KUBELÍK John (1880–1940), Czech virtuoso violinist a
1939 KUBELÍK John (1880–1940), Czech virtuoso violinist and composer + KUBELÍK Rafael Jeroným (1914–1996), světoznámý Czech conductor; portrait photo size more/larger A4 (atelier Stoklas) with whole signatures and datací; exceedingly decorative, rare
Starting price: CZK
242504 - 1920 KUPKA Francis (1871-1957), světoznámý Czech painter,
1920 KUPKA Francis (1871-1957), světoznámý Czech painter, one from zakladatelů modern abstraktního painting; handwritten 24-řádkový letter with signature "Kupka", dated in/at Puteaux 6.VII. 1920, very interesting text concerning legionaries (Kupka in 1914 odešel dobrovolně on/for frontu as member troop Nazdar, in battle by river Aisne was/were raněn and consequently vyznamenán Řádem officer Čestné legion, later získal hodnost captain), and his decision, věnovat with naplno aristic activity/-ies in France; cross fold, overall very sound condition, extraordinary and very rare manuscript!
Starting price: CZK
243757 - 1954 LADA Joseph (1887-1957), Czech painter, illustrator and
1954 LADA Joseph (1887-1957), Czech painter, illustrator and writer + LADOVÁ Alena (1925-1992), Czech painter and ilustrátorka, daughter Joseph Lady, handwritten signatures on/for author postcard J. Lady; very nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
242738 - 1974 LHOTÁK Kamil (1912–1992), Czech painter, graphic art
1974 LHOTÁK Kamil (1912–1992), Czech painter, graphic artist and illustrator, one from zakládajících members Skupiny 42, autograph on letter týkajícím with připravované issue Czechosl. postal stamps "Z history Czechosl. motorcycles" (1975); 2x small tearing in/at fold, otherwise very fine, předmětná issue stamps also with
Starting price: CZK
244655 - 1941-1942 MALÍŘI / selection of signatures Czech malířů
1941-1942 MALÍŘI / selection of signatures Czech malířů: KAREL Václav (1902-1969): comp. of 3 handwritten written letters with envelopes, author postcard and cut certificate of mailing with signatures + JANČÁLEK Cyril (1891-1954) and PROCHÁZKA Anthony (1882-1945), handwritten written letters with envelopes; very fine
Starting price: CZK
238938 - 1910-1935 MALÍŘI / selection of rukopisů and signatures i
1910-1935 MALÍŘI / selection of rukopisů and signatures important Czech painters, contains i.a. Wenceslas Jansa, Hugo Boettinger, Adolf Kašpar, John Honsa, Lewis Kuba, K. Klusáček, Jaroslav Věšín, R. Nejedlý etc..; overall sound condition, as multiple interesting
Starting price: CZK