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1939-1945 comp. 13 pcs of entires, contains i.a. 3x letter with parallel franking Czechosl. stamp. Coat of arms, 1x letter Reg and C.O.D. franked with. i.a. overprint stamp. and gutter Linden Leaves, 2x letter franked service stmp the first issue from that 1x with cancel. "V" in circle, 1x CDV 60h A. Hitler I. part sent as Reg with provisional registry label Kamýk n./V., 2x entire with surtax, 1x Registered and Express letter sent by pneumatic tube post; good condition, hodnotný set! U:A5
1940-1943 FISCAL USAGE POSTAL ZN. / fee for insight to court document paid 6 pcs of stamp. 1 Koruna, Pof.31, with hand-made cancellation and on reverse block of four same stamp. with court cancel. MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 17.V.1940 (cut margins) + invoice f. Orion with additionally printed Bohemian and Moravian revenue 50h and mounted stamp. 1,50 Koruna, Pof.58, as postal-charge with railway-station oval postm. (good condition) U:A4
1941 commercial express letter to Switzerland, with 5 Koruna + 2,50 Koruna, Pof.38, 35, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 5.III.41, on reverse arrival postmark ZÜRICH 1/ 9.III.41 and censor stick-on label; very fine decorative entire U:A5
1944 PRAG FLUGHAFEN/ 24.X.44/ PRAGUE LETIŠTĚ/a/ philatelically influenced airmail letter to Germany, with Pof.114, 117, 119, 3x print years. postmark; good condition, rare occurrence this air-mail cancel. on/for Bohemian and Moravian correspondence, ex Bulant U:A5
1939 Pof.NV1 plate number, the first issue 5h blue, L the bottom corner piece with plate number 4; mint never hinged U:A5
1939 Pof.NV1 plate number, the first issue 5h blue, LR corner piece with plate number 39 to plate number 1, thin frame; mint never hinged, sought U:A5
1939 Pof.NV2, the first issue 5h blue, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number 2, thin frame; mint never hinged, quite small signs of storage, rare occurrence U:A5
1939 Pof.NV2, the first issue 5h blue, L and R corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1-39, wide frame; mint never hinged U:A5
1939 Pof.NV2, the first issue 5h blue, R corner blk-of-4 with plate number 39 (to plate number 2), thin frame; mint never hinged, rare occurrence U:A5
1939 Pof.NV2, the first issue 5h blue, R corner blk-of-4 with plate number 39 (to plate number 4); mint never hinged U:A5
1939 Pof.NV7, the first issue 20h grey-green, UR corner blk-of-4 with print ledge at top; mint never hinged, production bend in margin U:A5
1939 Pof.NV8, the first issue 50h brown, whole lower bnd-of-20 with plate number 4-42; mint never hinged, very nice quality, sought U:A4
1939 Pof.NV8, the first issue 50h brown, L and R corner blk-of-4 with plate number 3-42; mint never hinged U:A5
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.NV10-18, issue II., selection of 21 pcs of complete 100 pcs of archů: values 2h 1x, 5h 8x, 7h 1x, 9h 2x, 10h 2x, 12h 2x, 20h 2x, 50h 2x, 1 Koruna 1x, various plate number and protective frames; very nice, only folded between stamp., c.v.. ca. 7.000CZK U:A3v–
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.NV10, issue II 2h yellow-brown, comp. 3 pcs of complete sheets of 100, 1x plate number 1-43 and 1x plate number 2-43, protective frame 9x interrupted and 1x plate number 2-43, protective frame nepřerušený; mint never hinged U:A3v–
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.NV11, issue II 7h orange, comp. 3 pcs of complete sheets of 100, 1x plate number 1-43 and 1x plate number 2-43, protective frame 9x interrupted and 1x plate number 2-43, protective frame nepřerušený; svěží
1943 Pof.NV14, issue II 10h red, right the bottom corner stamp. with 1x broken frame and plate number 2-43; mint never hinged, rarest plate issue II.! U:A5
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.NV17-18, comp. 5 pcs of complete 100 pcs of archů: 2x 50h brown (issue II.), plate number 1-43 and plate number 2-43, protective frame 9x interrupted + 3x 1 Koruna grey (issue II.), plate number 1-43, protective frame nepřerušený and plate number 1-43 and 2-43, protective frame 9x interrupted; svěží
1939-1943 [COLLECTIONS] 20-PÁSY / smaller accumulation bnd-of-20 with plate number I. and issue II., contains i.a. 12x 5h the first issue with plate number 33-42, 27x with plate number 36-42, then 1x 32-42, 34-42, 35-42, then common plate number The 2nd issue various values etc..; various quality, part minor faults and minor gum fault, high catalogue value through/over 20.000 CZK, placed in small box, we advice viewings U:K
1939-1943 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE NUMBERS / nice collection of plate numbers on/for I. also issue II., mainly in/at corner blocks of four, contains i.a. 5h the first issue., plate number 2 - 5 (LL corner zn.), 10h the first issue., plate number 1 - 4 with protective frame ukončeným trigon (4-bloky),několik bnd-of-20 and other; placed in 32-stránkovém stockbook A4, mainly very fine U:Z
1939 MEZIARŠÍ / Pof.DL2, 6, 9, comp. 3 pcs of vertical bnd-of-20 with meziarším: 10h with plate number 1-39 / 1A-39, 50h with plate number 2-39 / 2A-39 and 1 Koruna with plate number 2-39 / 2A-39; 10h and 1 Koruna light bend in corner, 1 Koruna 1x slightly povolená perf, otherwise very nice quality U:A4
1939 Pof.DL3 plate number, 20h red, L the bottom corner stamp. with plate number 4-40 and neprozoubkovaným (L) margin (!); mint never hinged, c.v.. 2.000CZK, minimum usage! U:A5
1939 Pof.DL3-DL14 plate number, comp. 9 pcs of bottom 5-pásů, 1 pcs of 10-pásu and 1 pcs of corner block of four various values 20h - 20K with various plate number; mainly mint never hinged, several minor faults, nice selection of U:A4
1939 Pof.DL6 plate number, 50h red, 2-stamps. detached gutter with plate number 3-40 / 3A-40; quite small thin place in margin, otherwise very fine, c.v.. 3.000CZK, rare! U:A5
1940-1942 comp. 12 pcs of entires with fee paid Postage due stamps various values as 1,20 Koruna, 1 Koruna, 60h, 50h, 30h and 20h, letters, p.stat, cuts dispatch-notes; good condition U:A5
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.SL13-24, issue II., complete set in/at incomplete 90 pcs of sheets (missing upper row with margin); mint never hinged, folded only in perforation U:A3v–
1943 Pof.SL18, issue II 1 Koruna dark brown, 2. printing, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number 2-43; mint never hinged U:A5
1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp on cut-square from parcel, line perforation 10½, CDS CHOTĚBOŘ 27.X.44; overall good condition, c.v.. 8.500CZK U:A5
1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp with line perforation 10½ with CDS PRAG .../ 7.IV.45; very fine piece without usual thin place, c.v.. 7.500CZK U:A5
1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp with line perforation 10½, CDS PIBRANS ...VII.44; nice piece without usual thin place, c.v.. 7.500CZK U:A5
1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp with line perforation 10½, CDS PRAG 3/ 6.X.43; very fine piece without usual thin place, c.v.. 7.500CZK U:A5
1943 Pof.PR1A, Admission stmp with line perforation 10½, LR corner piece; mint never hinged, light print fingers, R cut margin, c.v.. 8.500CZK U:A5
1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp with line perforation 10½; mint never hinged, protlačení paper after office paperclip, c.v.. 6.000CZK U:A5
1943 Pof.Pr1B, Admission stmp, imperforated; luxury piece with wide margin, certificate Pfeiffer, exp. by Gilbert., very sought! U:A5
1943 Pof.Pr1B, Admission stmp, imperforated; hinged, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1943 Pof.Pr1A production flaw, Admission stmp with line perforation 10½, UR corner piece, omitted horiz. perf at top also lower; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, vertical bend in margin, exp. by Gilbert., Mahr BPP, production defects perf are sought and rare! U:A5
1941 PLATE PROOF Pof.II A, perf plate proof in black color with line perforation 10½; mint never hinged, only minor gum fault, ordinary dirty perf, c.v.. 25.000CZK, rare occurrence! U:A5
1943 Pof.PrA1c, Promotional miniature sheet for Red Cross in/at ZELENÉ color (!), ordinal number "087", right size 171x131mm; issued without gum, light bend in UR corner, light spot and print finger with printing color on reverse, certificate Paetow BPP, exp. Möbs, in catalogue always significantly underprized, Pofis 300.000Kč, Michel 10.000€, quite rare offer nejvzácnějšího (!) miniature sheet Protectorate, known only several pieces! U:DR
1943 FORGERY / Pof.PrA1a, forgery Terezin miniature sheet in brown color on paper without gum; on the reverse side marked "Padělek" U:A5
1943 FORGERY / Pof.PrA1c, forgery Terezin miniature sheet in/at green color on paper without gum; on the reverse side marked "Padělek" U:A5
1940 Pof.PD1 plate number, Definitive stamp. food tax 1CZK, right the bottom corner Pr (1 stamp. and 1 coupon) with plate number 1; mint never hinged, rare usage U:A5
1940 Pof.PD1 KD, Definitive stamp. food tax 1CZK, LL corner blk-of-4 (3 stamp. and 1 coupon); mint never hinged, very rare usage U:A5
1944 CDV16, PC A. Hitler. 60h violet with mailing CDS train post LUHAČOVICE - ÚJEZDEC U L. 14.VIII.44; very well preserved, nice postal imprint U:A5
1936-1939 Mng.S53, comp. 2 pcs of commercial identification cards franked with. Czechosl. stamp. 50h, Štefánik and Plzeň, with perfin "S.S." f. Simon Semler, 1x with CDS TEREZÍN 30.VIII.39, 1x from period of Czechoslovakia with railway pmk JOHANGEORGENSTADT - KARLOVY VARY 21.III.36; good condition U:A5
1939-1941 ANULÁTY / comp. 12 pcs of Un envelopes with print various commercial frankotypes, from that 7 pcs of with nulovou value, other 10h or 30h; superb print, good condition U:A5
1939 PR2, BRNO 1/ Visit leader and empire chancellor/ 17.III.39 - zpětně set up date povolené ministerstvem on/for Un envelope with Czechosl. stamp. with print red special postmark with rozlišením and; good condition, sought and ceněné letters with zpětně set up date, ex Bulant U:A5
1939 PR3, PRAGUE - BRNO, 50. birthday Führer, 20.4.1939, to plates inserted 1 double-sheet with officially mounted stamp., 12 copy-print PR3 and 7 copy-print PR4, incl. inserted hedvábného paper; very fine U:A4
1940 PR17, PRAG 1 - PRAGUE 1/ Day birth leader, imprint of commemorative postmark in/at ČERVENÉ (!) color with character c/, on paper slip with text Memorial postmark in blue color; good condition, rare occurrence, ex Bulant U:A5
1940 PR18, BRÜNN 1 - BRNO 1/ Day birth leader, imprint of commemorative postmark in/at ČERVENÉ (!) color with character c/, on cut-square; good condition, rare occurrence, ex Bulant U:A5
1940 PRA1C, PRAG - PRAGUE/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 9.VI.40/ 1d, XXVII. Primátorské osmiveslice, memorial envelope with 5 print oranžového cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus); vertical fold + dusky teeth stamp., rarest usage postmark mobile post-office (on a bus) on/for action, in/at transport only 4,5 clock, minimum extant entires, very rare, ex Bulant U:A5
1940 PRA2 + PR29, PARDUBITZ - PARDUBICE/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 6.VII.40/ 1b, folded commemorative sheet small format PaL, with one print oranžového cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) and one 2-barevným special postmark; good condition U:A5
1940 PRA2, PARDUBITZ - PARDUBICE/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 6.VII.40/ 1b, two print oranžového cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) on/for Us letter; small toned, rare, ex Bulant U:A5
1940 PDR1, NYMBURK/ 80. years Hlaholu, green special postmark NEUENBURG a.d. ELBE/ NYMBURK/ 4.XI.40 on cut-square with newspaper stamp. 2h; nice print, rarest Bohemian and Moravian postmark! U:A5
1941 VIKTORIA / comp. 5 pcs of entires with various cancel. Victoria, i.a. 3 pcs of with three-line cancel. in red color, 1x on reverse more/larger three-line cancel. in black color, 1x letter with stick-on label with red "V" and text; good condition U:A4
1943 MEMORIAL TISK WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / 1. anniv of death Heydrich - small/rare commemorative sheet with mounted mourning stamp. Pof.111 with print CDS PRAGUE 54/ and/ 4.VI.43 - date vzpomínkové celebration, on/for carton paper with black small frame; on reverse hinged, sought U:A5
1939 BRNO 1/ Visit leader and empire chancellor/ 21.III.39, comp. 3 pcs of Us entires with red special postmark with rozlišením and, b, c; good condition U:A5
1939-1942 [COLLECTIONS] MEMORIAL SHEETS / accumulation ca. 100 pcs of entires with memorial postmarks, from that more than 60 pcs of commemorative sheets, then memorial envelope/-s and postcard, part also entires with special postmark, contains also several better items, all in spiral stockbook in/at covers A4; various quality, originates from abroad U:Z
1939-1943 [COLLECTIONS] COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / wide collection Bohemian and Moravian commemorative postmarks and postmarks mobile post-office (on a bus), contains ca. 300 pcs of pieces commemorative sheets, envelopes and Ppc, ca. 300 pcs of entires, supplemented with lot of cut-squares and Un entires, all placed on pages A4 with descriptions in 3 spiral cover; mainly very good quality, rare collection ex Bulant U:Z
1940-1943 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 20 pcs of various commemorative sheets, envelopes and Ppc and commemorative postmarks; mainly good condition U:O5
1939 NĚMECKÁ FIELD POST V PROTEKTORÁTU BOHEMIA-MORAVIA / PC and postcard sent through/over German FP 256 náležející 256. infantry divizi temporarily put from 9. to 11. 1939 in east Bohemia, CDS FIELD-POST with krycím number 277 10. and 21.9.39, hand-made statement 5-místného number FP 37163 and 33120 (6. and 7. troop infantry reg. 456); rare occurrence, chosen pieces nice quality U:A5