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1939 COUNTER SHEET / Sy.NV21Xz production flaw, Coat of arms (I) 1Ks grey, complete 100 stamps sheet with production flaw - full machine offset on gum; vertical fold between stamp., hinge / label only in margin, minimum usage, very decorative U:A3v–
1940 Sy.NV11Y-NV2Y, Coat of arms (II) 5h-2Ks, complete set in/at L upper corner blocks of four, value 10h in 2 shades, various, mainly horiz. wmk incl. better; mint never hinged U:A5
1940 Sy.NV11Y-NV2Y, Coat of arms (II) 5h-2Ks, complete set in/at L upper corner blocks of four, various vertical wmk; mint never hinged U:A5
1940-1942 COUNTER SHEET / Sy.NV11Y production flaw, Coat of arms (II) 5h blue, wmk P1, complete 100 stamps sheet with horiz. hair paper crease through/over pos. 51-60; horiz. folded, hinges in margin, unusual U:A3v–
1940-1942 Sy.NV11Y, Coat of arms (II) 5h blue, wmk P1, unfolded 6-zn. horiz. gutter with lower margin; without gum U:A5
1940-1942 COUNTER SHEET / Sy.14Y production flaw, Coat of arms (II) 10h red-brown, wmk P2, complete 100 stamps sheet, NASTAVENÝ PAPER (!) on/for right marginal column stamp.; 2x vert. fold between stamp., hinge / label only in margin, quite rare occurrence on/for complete sheet, c.v.. -,-, extraordinary offer! U:A3v–
1939 Sy.D8y plate number, Postage due stmp (I) 1Ks red, comp. of 2 L bottom corner blk-of-4 with plate numbers: 1x I. variant - "1" below characters "plate variety" (rare) + 1x II. variant - "1" below character "O"; mint never hinged, I. variant minor gum fault, rare usage, catalogue misvalues, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1939 Sy.D8y production flaw, Postage due stmp (I) 1Ks red, R marginal blk-of-4 with production flaw - significant double red line (so-called. „kolejnička“) vertical over margin; label on 1 stmp., unusual and decorative U:A5
1940 COUNTER SHEET / Sy.D3Y, Postage due stmp (II) 20h blue, complete 100 stamps sheet divided into 2 parts, rarer wmk P3; mint never hinged U:A3v–
1939 Sy.7x production flaw, Postage due stmp (II) 60h blue, UL corner blk-of-4 with production flaw - significant perf folded paper in margin; mint never hinged U:A5
1940 Sy.NZD11YN, Postage due stmp (II) 10 Koruna red unissued imperforated, upper marginal block-of-4, wmk P1; unoriginal gum, exp. by Gilbert and Synek, in čtyřblocích rare occurrence U:A5
1942 [COLLECTIONS] Sy.D13-D27, Postage due stmp 1942, values 10h - 10 Koruna, almost complete set of plate numbers in/at miniaturách, schází only block of four 1Ks with plate number 2 and miniature 2 Koruna plate number 2; mint never hinged, several minor faults, exceptional offer U:O4
1939 Mng.H17, identification entire, commercial window envelope with overprint Hlinka 1 Koruna, Sy.24, with perfin "HFs" f. Henrika Francek's synovia, factory for kávoviny, Bratislava, posting MC BRATISLAVA 1/ 8.V.39; nice good condition, rare occurrence U:A5
1939 Mng.S58, identification entire, commercial window envelope franked with. 2 stamp. Hlinka 1 Koruna, Sy.30xA, 1x with perfin "St" f. bros. Stollwerckové, factory for chocolate, Bratislava, posting MC BRATISLAVA 1/ 16.VI.39; folds, overall good condition, rare occurrence U:A5
1939 JEZDECKÁ KORÚHEV 2/ GULOMETNÁ ESKADRONA, blue off. framed pmk arrival post with date 20.VIII.1939 on reverse, on franked letter with black PR8, RUŽOMBEROK 19.VIII.1939; good condition, rare 1939 NĚMECKÁ FIELD POST / comp. of 3 Ppc sent German FP from protective zone/-s in Slovakia (Schutzzone), all with CDS FIELD-POST 22.-28.3.39 and (against předpisu) with FP cachet postmark (all unit 4. light division), 2x hand-made statement 6-místného cvičného number FP; sporadically toned, overall good quality, rare occurrence U:A5
1945 RUMUNSKÁ FIELD POST / off. PC FP and postcard sent various soldiers Romanian FP No. 44 (6. Romanian military corps/chapel, tč. dislokovaný in/at region Iľava) near/in/at osvobozování Slovakia, both CDS OFICIUL POSTAL MILITAR NO. 44/ 28.APR.945, censor and military unit postmark.; nice good condition, rare occurrence U:A5
1940 PR32, BRATISLAVA / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) / Day Hlinkovej youth 9.VI.40, comp. 2 pcs of first day sheets, 1x preprinted Slovak mobile post office on a bus with emblem with 10 print special postmark with rozlišením /b/, 1x small format with proplétanou ribbon with 3 print special postmark with rozlišením /f/; good condition U:A4
1940 PR33, LIPT. S. MIKULÁŠ / 4-8.VII.1940 / XIX. SJAZD EV. A.V. MLÁDEŽE, large first day sheet with additional-printing Sjazd evanj. and. in/at. youth with 13 print blue special postmark, supplemented with 1 print oranžového arz. mobile post-office (on a bus) to/at same event/-s PRA20 with date 6.VII.40; 2x fold, toned, rare usage, ex Bulant U:A4
1940 PRVÉ VÝROČÍ SAMOSTATNOSTI, bicolored commemorative sheet format A4, with 3 print cancel. PR34. PR37, PRA22; vertical fold, rare usage U:A4
1940 PR36, NÁDAŠ / 25.VIII.1940, Odhalenie pamätnej table M. Kollára, Un envelope with 3 print blue special postmark; good condition 1940 PR39, RUŽOMBEROK / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 29.IX.40/f/ I. telovýchovné vystúpenie H.G., commemorative sheet with blue additional-printing Slovak mobile post office on a bus with emblem, 14 copy-print oranžového cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus); small toned in perforation mounted stamp., ex Bulant U:A4
1940 PRA29, ŠTRBSKÉ PLESO / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 11.VIII.40, Tatra celebration and vysvěcení kapličky and opening symbolického cemetery, comp. 3 pcs of Us Ppc with multicolor franking stamp. issue Tatra with more print oranžového cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus), from that 1x addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia with German censorship; good condition, decorative pieces, ex Bulant U:A5
1941 PRA41, ŠTRBSKÉ PLESO / 24.II.41, II. lyžařské majstrovstvá and arm. preteky Slovak. republic, commemorative sheet with additional-printing Štátné klimatické kúpele Štrbské Pleso, format A4, 23 copy-print blue special postmark; good condition U:A4
1939-1943 MACHINE POSTMARKS / comp. 15 pcs of letters and Ppc, supplemented with 4 pcs of cut-squares with print various SRP; various quality U:A5
1944 MODRÉ CDS 14.III.44 / TRENČÍN, TOPOLČANY, NITRA, TURČIANSKÝ S. MARTIN, POPRAD, BÁNOVCE N. BEBRAVOU, RUŽOMBEROK, collection 6 pcs of Us letters from that 4x as Registered, supplemented with 5 pcs of cut-squares and Un cards; good condition, rare usage! U:A5
1939 Un commemorative sheet Národný bohatier with additional-printing portrait of M. R. Stefanik 1879-1919, format A4; good condition U:A4
1938-1944 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 40 pcs of entires supplemented with lot of cut-squares with commemorative postmarks special postmark; various quality U:O5
1939-1943 [COLLECTIONS] COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / wide collection Slovak commemorative postmarks and postmarks mobile post-office (on a bus), contains more than 100 pcs of commemorative sheets, envelopes and Ppc, more than 250 pcs of entires, part as Registered, Ex, Flight, supplemented with lot of cut-squares and Un entires, all placed on pages A4 with descriptions in 3 spiral cover; mainly good quality, rare collection ex Bulant U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection first day sheets, entires and Ppc with memorial postmarks in letter file, incl. sought, also cards and cut-squares with cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) etc..; we advice viewings, rare offer! U:Z
1939 CDV1, Hlinka 50h - Bradlo, used without text on reverse, posting blue special postmark BREZOVÁ P. B./ 4.V.1939/ ŠTEFÁNIKOVY OSLAVY; good condition, c.v.. Synek 250€ U:A5
1939 CDV4/13, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, with rich additional franking, sent as express to Bohemia-Moravia, CDS KRUPINA 2.IX.39, on reverse arrival BRNO 5.IX.39; good condition, decorative piece! U:A5
1939 CDV5X/II, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, CHYBOTISK in red color, Us II. response part sent from Protectorate to Slovakia, CDS PRAGUE 20.X.39 + censorship mark D.K. PRAGUE 7; good condition, c.v.. Synek 400€, very rare occurrence! U:A5
1942 CDV8, Tiso 50h dark green, sent registered and as Air-mail to Bohemia-Moravia, uprated with stamp Air 1940 5 Koruna, Sy.L7, and Tatra 20h, Sy.49, CDS BRATISLAVA 5/ 30.VI.42, bilingual Reg label, German censorship; very nice quality, rare usage bilingual Reg labels on/for stationery U:A5
1942 CDV8, Tiso 50h green sent as Reg to Vienna, richly uprated to general postage 4,60Ks, CDS MALACKY 26.III.42, PROŠLÉ NĚMECKOU CENZUROU; good condition U:A5
1939 [COLLECTIONS] CDV4/1-36, Promotional 1939, complete set of 36 pcs of pictorial post cards, incl. 18a Smolenice Castle - tree L; nice quality, c.v.. 830€, rare usage! U:O5
1940 CAZ2 DCH1, Tiso 50h blue, comp. 2 pcs of address cards, 1x with plate flaw - interrupted 1. letter N (Záznamný), 1x without plate variety; both cards Un U:A5
1939-1945 SELECTION of / 10 pcs of various uprated by. p.stat and cards, i.a. various parallel franking, 1x sent as Reg and Express, 1x Ex, 1x R, 6x to Protectorate, 1x to Germany, 3x German censorship, 4x p.stat with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO and oths.; as multiple interesting U:A5
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection on pages Schaubek, contains complete overprint issue (all marked "M.D.V.P. pošta"), newspaper, postage-due etc..; hinged, better values overprint exp. by Synek U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / mainly unused stamp. in 2 full stockbooks A4, contains set bloks of four, plate number, stripe, plate variety, flaw print, blocks etc.., also for example. air-mail, newspaper, postage-due etc.., supplemented with about/by old big Album Slovak postal známok; a lot of of material U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] PARTIE / ČTYŘBLOKY / collection unused stamp. in 8-sheet stockbook A4, contains overprint issue (hinged, 4 and 10CZK damaged), next issue mainly in blocks of four, contains stamp. postage stmp, special, newspaper, postage-due, air-mail, plate number etc., from better for example. block of four Sy.NV14Xx, miniature sheet For Children-issue (povolená perf) and oths., supplemented with 2 air letters; various quality, we advice viewings U:Z
1939-1945 CELISTVOSTI / SELECTION of / 17 entires, from that 7x R, i.a. first flight PREŠOV-BRATISLAVA,2x printed matter, various multicolor frankings etc..; as multiple interesting U:O4