1952 [COLLECTIONS] CPH13/ 1-28, New steelworks, complete set 28 pcs of p.stat Ppc, also with 5 pcs of duplication (different ořezy, 1x with significant typickou blue smudge on the reverse side); very nice quality
1949-1953 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of / incomplete sets p.stat Ppc, by estimation total ca. 300 pcs of, zahrnuje ca. 30 various issues CPH1 - CPH44, part drawn congratulatory, duplication, Un, several cancel. from favor, several interesting production flaw (shifts cut, shades apod.); nice quality, interesting study set, c.v.. ca. 15.000CZK
1949-1962 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of / 6 complete sets Un p.stat picture-postcards: CPH1, CHP3, CPH6, CPH7, CPH18, CPH52 (3x, 1x shade stamp. red, 1x red-brown and 1x with special postmark to exhibition from favor); nice quality, c.v.. ca. 8.000CZK
1958-1971 CAE1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 + stationery CHP1, comp. 6 pcs of Un aerogram, i.a. CAE2 all folded from 1/3, supplemented with pigeongramem stationery CHP1 with special postmark; very fine, c.v.. 3.590Kč
1969-1975 SELECTION of / 10 pcs of aerogram Us abroad, the first and special flights, contains 1x CAE1A, 1x CAE3B, 1x CAE4B, 2x CAE4C, 2x CAE7II, 2x CAE8A, interesting destination (Libanon, Tunisia, Libye, Cambodia apod.), 4x uprated, from that 1x R, 1x slightly pokrčeno on reverse with postmark "Came damaged from abroad / Post Prague 120"; nice selection of
1945 CPA2.3B, Postal príkaznýhárok Hlinka 50h, C 1940 only on/for part I., red hand overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO; folded in perforation, good quality, c.v.. 1.700CZK
1949 CPA4/ volume I, Postal order 2Kčs black, additionally printed selling price below stamp., sent to Slovakia, arrival postmark MUŽLA 21.X.49; L lower archiving hole, rare occurrence
1945 CPV13.3 Aa, Hlinka 80h red with black machine overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, with pin hole, same overprint also on reverse through/over Slovak state coat of arms, print naznačenýčárkový pin hole isn't at all marked, folded in/at pin hole; perfect condition
1948-1989 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION postal stationery cover + CDV / big selection of special PC and p.stat envelopes, mainly Un or with special postmark, black prints and inquiry MF, part with various added-print, every after/around item in 10 also 20 pcs of, placed in 17 big and 12 small foto-zásobnících; various quality - part partially mounted on/for samolepicí area fotoalbumů, estate, all in 2 Ikea boxes, total 26 pcs of of material, ATTENTION - ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / collection on hingeless sheets, contains i.a. sought set 50. and 60. years, miniature sheet PRAGA 1950, Bratislava 1952 etc.., without "prádla" and oths., supplemented with about/by 2x stockbook with duplication (1x with raz.), placed in box
1945-1953 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / basic collection "old currency" on hingeless sheets POFIS in spring folder, incl. miniature sheets, in addition several II. types, airmail stmp also with Pofis. L31a; all mint never hinged, miniature sheet Prague 1950 yellowy margins, miniature sheet Bratislava 1952 with special postmark, in addition corner MINIATURY postage-due stamp. Pof.D67-D75 in blocks of four (incomplete), value 50h 2x omitted perforation hole in/at počáteční stage; nice quality
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] KUPONY, BLOKY, PŘEPÁŽKOVÉ SHEETS / specialized collection coupons, bloks of four, multiblocks, gutter and PB on free album sheets Leuchtturm, contains PB Art - mainly complete (without the first issue.), Prague castle, part blk-of-10, group of various issue miniature sheets according to MS pos., i.a. Partisan MS, black prints, public inquiry MF etc..; mainly mint never hinged, small part with label, several blocks and PB with special postmark, placed in 2 boxes, interesting to other elaboration, we advice personal examination
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / ODSTÍNY / specialized collection shades colors, contains 322 various stamp. with 2-5 shades, incl. sought postage and catalogue (Pof.1063b, Fair Brno 30h apod.), value collection but spočívá mainly in/at četných still neznámých or nepublikovaných shades special stmp 50. years (included to sum only as basic zn.); placed in superb 16-stránkovém stockbook A4, c.v.. 5740CZK, suitable to continuation or other sale
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / specialized collection used stamp., contains catalogue also uncatalogued plate variety (for example. Pof.2232 R38/1 and R48/1 in block with date of print), production flaw, shades, still nepublikované shifts colors and perf (for example. significant shift values on/for Pof.2755) etc.., some in blocks, also defects publikované in/at Zpravodaji Czechosl. stamps and own výzkum of author; some item/-s very interesting, all described, on 6 on stock-sheets A4 + also with selection of better unused miniature sheets without gum, various quality, and bag with various used stamp. and souvenir sheets to research
1945-1980 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE FLAWS / specialized collection containing catalogue also nekatalogové plate variety, production flaw, shades, coupons and other specialties, defects podrobně described; placed in full 16-stránkovém stockbook A4, interesting collection, only c.v.. plate variety min. 5000CZK, value however spočívá also in one's own research and still nekatalogizovanýchvadách
1945-1985 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE FLAWS A ODCHYLKY / specialized collection containing mainly lot of plate variety and plate variety from y. 1968-1979 (through/over 400 flaws), catalogue, mentioned in Zpravodaji, but also own výzkum, interesting color shades (some still nepublikované) and paper varieties, all carefully described; placed in 32-stránkovém stockbook A4, included to sum only c.v.. item/-s (other budou surely katalogizovány), very interesting collection with big informative value, cat. min. 20.000CZK
1945-1991 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE FLAWS / ČTYŘBLOKY A VÍCEBLOKY/ business supply of stamps from uvedeného period mainly in/at marginal strips, multiblocks etc., contains also various plate variety (catalogue also own výzkum, for example. Pof.2351, R bnd-of-20 with 5x ST I+II+II+I), various dates of print, coupons, airmail stmp and other specialties, often more times, supplemented with about/by group of used stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 (mainly with coupons) and several cut-squares POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919; overall fine, suitable to other elaboration, placed in quite full 32-stránkovém stockbook A4
1938-1988 [COLLECTIONS] MINIATURE SHEETS / specialized selection of, contains mainly souvenir sheets according to fields (also sought), but also some PB and other matters of interest (all described), some group of miniature sheets complete (for example. Pof.A2704B, A2842-A2845apod.); placed in 16-stránkovém stockbook A4, c.v.. 11.500Kč
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] MINIATURE SHEETS, 10-BLOKY / disparate selection of miniature sheets and blk-of-10, i.a. Partisan MS 6 pcs of, Bratislava 1952, Costumes II value 30h, blk-of-10 Praga 68, Columbus 5 pcs of miniature sheets etc..; various quality, c.v.. ca. 15.000CZK
1939-1952 [COLLECTIONS] MINIATURE SHEETS / selection of various miniature sheets, it contains e.g. London MS, 11x Kosice MS, 3x type II 1. Anniv Květnového revolt, types complete group of 52. birthday K. Gottwald, 3x Bratislava miniature sheet with special postmark and oths.; placed in 32-stránkovém stockbook A4, various, mainly however nice quality
1953-1986 [COLLECTIONS] DATATISKU / collection date print from uvedeného period, placed in/at 16-stránkovém stockbook A4, contains 112 date + 1 used, incl. several very sought nepřepůlených date from 50. and 60. years, some with plate variety (described), several reprints, mainly in/at bands, multiblocks and multiple stripe; cat. only single stamp. 4.040Kč, like that multiply higher, very interesting selection of
1965-1992 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE FLAWS, PAPERS / larger comp. plate and production flaws, papers as optically cleared and fluorescent paper, placed in stockbook and on 15 unbound album pages; part strávená fluorescence fluorescent paper No.1
1966-1986 [COLLECTIONS] PŘEPÁŽKOVÉ SHEETS / nice collection PB from uvedeného period, from Art I., contains also several blk-of-10, for example. Airmail PRAGA 68, whole sheets Pof.PA2066b, PA2091-2092 and oths.; placed on album sheets in 2 spring folder, overall fine
19945-1972 [COLLECTIONS] COUNTER SHEET / selection of greater lot of whole sheets and blocks various issues, i.a. Linden Leaves, Newspaper stamps, Postage due stmp, issue from 50., 60. and 70. years, part in more pcs., major-part in advance razítkována, part also Un; various quality, originates from abroad, research material!
1945-1991 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / PLATE FLAWS / VÍCEBLOKY / remaining selection mainly multiblocks and bands from uvedeného period, much with označenými plate variety (catalogue also own výzkum), then for example. various papers, shades, dates of print, coupons and other specialties, duplication; nice quality, placed in small box, suitable to other elaboration or sale, high catalogue value
1950-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / RAZÍTKOVANÝCH stamp. in quite filled Ikea box in/at šanonech + detached/free on pages; a lot of of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1970-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / wide accumulation PB, miniature sheets and stamp. (often in blocks of four) in 43 stockbooks in 3 full IKEA boxes, mainly from other middle 70. years, all more times; suitable to other elaboration, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1930-1990 [COLLECTIONS] COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / larger comp. entires and cut-squares with special postmark, part from period of Czechoslovakia I., envelope/-s with added-print philatelic exhibitions, several letters delivered vrtulníkovými and balonovými flights, supplemented with celinovými envelopes USSR and letters Austria-Hungary etc.., placed in 13 pcs of stockbooks on/for photo; various quality, estate, ATTENTION - ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1940-1990 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection of several tens of various entires mainly from period of CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., supplemented with several pieces from abroad or Czechoslovakia I., contains entires with various frankings stamp. Newspaper stamps, Postage due stmp, balonové flights, first flights., black prints, memorial lity etc..; good condition
1953-1992 [COLLECTIONS] AIRMAIL STAMPS CELISTVOSTI / collection of ca. 230 air-mail entires, contains 1. and special flights from and to Czechoslovakia, envelope/-s, p.stat, response cards and oths.; color and interesting selection of