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1933 ALBERT EINSTEIN / comp. 3 pcs of photos, 1x from arrival to England, 2x from stay in USA, photo for agenturu Universal Press with descriptions, size ca. 16x12cm; good condition U:A5
1925- DRTIKOL Francis (1883–1961), fotografický nude Woman with vázou flowers, marked 85. DRTIKOL-PRAGUE BROMOGRAFIA PODĚBRADY, picture-postcard format, on reverse violet three-line cancel. ...POUŽÍVÁNÍ JAKO DOPISNIC NEDOVOLENO; very nice good condition, rare and very sought U:A5
1934-1938 HITLER, GOEBBELS / comp. 2 pcs of photos, 1x A. Hitler řeční in/at Bückebergu 1934, 1x Goebbels near/in/at arrival to Vienna in 1938, photo for agenturu Wide World Photos, size ca. 23x17cm; good condition U:A4
1934-1945 NAZISM / WEHRMACHT / PŘÍBĚH comp. of 2 contemporary photoalbums member Wehrmacht sloužícího nejprve by/on/at Infanterie-Regiment München (Munich), later by/on/at Infanterie-Regiment 61, contains 76 resp. 98 photos and photo postcard zachycujících i.a. campaign in France 1940, then stay in/at Jugoslávii, Poland, in Slovakia also jinde, lot of views with uniformami, zbraněmi and válečnými scenes, supplemented with about/by several autentických documents, blank forms, letters and mapek ilustrujících militar life; perfectly good condition, exceptional collection, unique dějinný document! U:K
1941 visit of President Dr. E. Háchy in/at factory Orion in Prague near/in/at occasion 50. Anniv firm, gift album with paste-in photos, total 38 pcs of, mainly size 17x11cm, placed in original box; album also photo in perfect quality U:K
1930-1937 ARTISTS / comp. of 3 photos with významnými painters in svých ateliérech - Wenceslas ŠPÁLA, Alfréd JUSTIZ and Emil HLAVICA, photo for agenturu European Photopress, size ca. 9x13cm; good condition U:A5
1900-1938 [COLLECTIONS] ARTISTS + RODINNÉ PHOTO / selection of more than 50 pcs of photos, portraits personalities as George Pichl, Stanislav Winter, Peter Fingal, Vladislav Polívka, M. Bogucká, Ladislav Vychálek, Feodor Chaliapin, Bohuslav Leopold, J.F. Čečetka, John Hilbert, Alois Charvát, Charles Koutský and other, supplemented with kabinetními and rodinnými photos without determination places and names; good condition U:O4