1851 Sass.3, Victor Emmanuel II. 40c rose, unused piece with lower margin (!), wide margins; original gum with hinge remnant, right lower oblique bend, certificate Gazzi, c.v.. 45.000€++, rare classic stamp!
1857 letter to Napoli with 3-colour franking Victor Emmanuel II. 5c (pair), 20c and 40c, Sass.16a, 13a and 15Aa, CDS GENOVA; very fine, exp. Biondi, nice letter
1862-1863 Sass.16E, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C "rosa carminio" single on letter to Lyon with cancel. TORINO 14 MAG 1862 and in mixed franking with Italian Sass.12 15C on letter to Trieste with cancel. ANCONA 4 MAG 1863; very fine and attractive entires!
1860 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO / Sass.19, Coat of arms 10C brown; nice unused piece with part of original gum, certificate Biondi, c.v.. 11.000€, rare stamp!
1852 GOVERNO PROVISSORIO / Sass.21, Coat of arms 40c carmine; nice unused piece with original gum and usual margins, certificate Sorani, exp. Diena, c.v.. 45.000€, very rare classic stamp!
1860 GOVERNO PROVISSORIO / Sass.22, Coat of arms 80c "carnicino"; nice unused piece with original gum and usual margins, certificate Sorani and E. Diena, exp. R. Diena, c.v.. 75.000€, very rare classic stamp!
1857 Sass.15, "Heraldic Lion" 6Cr (wmk linee ondulate verticali) "azurro vivo" on letter with cancel. LIVORNO, through MESTRE to MESSINA, note VIA DI MARE; very fine and interesting letter, c.v.. 2.000€++
1858 letter from BAGNI DI S. FILIPPO to Madrid, franked with str-of-3 9Cr, issue 1851 (Sass. 8) + 1Cr issue 1858 (Sass.12); scarce letter, c.v.. 25.000€
1851 Sass.5e and Sass.6b, "Heraldic Lion" 2Cr "azzurro verdastro su grigio" on letter with cancel. PESCIA and 4Cr "verde scuro su azzurro" on letter with cancel. P.D. FIRENZE - rare!; very fine, c.v.. 3.700€
1863 Sass.11n+11m, str-of-3 Victor Emmanuel II. 15C blue, left with embossed print, right both printing error „head ommitted“; certificate Gaffaz, cat. min. 3.300€
1918 VENEZIA GIULIA / Sass.1c, 6c, 7ab, Austrian Coat of arms 3h Charles 15h with overprint REGNO D' ITALIA ... overprint DOUBLE and "Doppia soprastampa, di cui una obliqua" and Charles 20h overprint INVERTED; very fine and rare, c.v. 1.190€
1865 letter with pair of POSTAGE-DUE Sassone 1b, Coat of arms 10C „arancio“, original franking Papal States – 2Baj; rare letter, certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. 2.000€ + ca. 100%
1933 Sass.1a, Official AIR "Crociera Nord-Atlantica 5,25+44,75L SERVIZIO DI STATO with PRŮSVITKOU (filigrana lettere); very fine piece with original gum, mint never hinged (gomma integra), certificate Avi SBPV, exp. Richter, c.v.. for * 5.500€, ** ca. 11.000€, very rare stamp
1943 OCCUPATION MONTENEGRO / Sass.64eaa, "Serto della Montagna" corner blk-of-4 25C green, at right omitted perforation, in the middle double - "non dentellata and destra con la doppia dentellatura al centro"; superb , c.v.. 4.000€, very rare
1941 CORFU / Sassone AEREA No.1, Greek air-mail 50L brown with overprint "Airplane" and hand-made CORFU as pair on cut-square with cancel. KERKYRA; very fine, postmark at right, left stamp MNH, c.v.. 570€ ++, interesting pair
1941 CEFALONIA - Italian occupation / Sass.8, 2x Greek 1Dr with overprint "ITALIA Occupazione Militare Italiana ISOLE ....."; very fine piece, certificate Cardillo, c.v.. * 18.000€, scarce
1941 CEFALONIA - Italian occupation / Sass.10 + 10ub, 4x Greek 8Dr with overprint "ITALIA Occupazione Militare Italiana ISOLE ....."; two pairs as "two" stamps for overprint; overprint shifted with printing error caraterre diverso and normal; very fine marginal block-of-4, certificate Colla, c.v.. 6.750€
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA / Sass.39, Greek Mythology 15D green with hand-made overprint "Occupazione Militare Italiana .....", mint never hinged, certificate Biondi, c.v.. 26.000€, very rare stamp, rare offer!
1941 ITHAKA / Sass. POSTA AEREA č.4dc, 2x Greek airmail overprint 5+5d violet with oblique overprint "Occupatione Militare Italiana Isole Cefalonia e Itaca"; very fine, certificate Biondi, c.v.. 4.500€
1941 ITHAKA - Italian occupation, issue for Ithaka, Sass.14A, 10Dr "bruno rosso", with hand-made light violet overprint "Occupazione Militare Italiana ....."; very fine, exp. A. Diena, c.v.. ** 24.000€, for * ca. 12.000€, rare stamp
1920 ISSUE FOR SLOVENIA / Mi.129+129I, Peter I. 1Din, horizontal pair with sought flaw print - "small "A" next to face value on right stamp; hinged, certificate Velikovič, c.v.. -,-
1954-1955 PRESENTATION ALBUM / Mi.738-749, 750, 751-754, 755-759, 761-762, 763, 764, 765-773, 774, 775, all hinged, green hard cover; very fine, c.v.. for ** 324€
1930-1935 2 airmail picture postcards to Czechoslovakia, 1x registered and as Air-mail i.a. franked by stmp Mi.222-224, CDS BLED 24.VII.30 and arrival postmark PRAGUE - AIRPORT 26.VII.30 + 1x franked with airmail stamps Mi.278, 279, 281, posting blue trigonal cancel. LJUBLJANA 31.VIII.35, transit air-mail cancel. ZEMUN 1.IX.35 and in picture side arrival postmark PRAGUE - AIRPORT 2.IX.35; good condition
1880-1978 [COLLECTIONS] mixed collection in stockbook A4, from SG.1, complete also incomplete sets, better highest values and higher face-values as SG.117, 143 etc..; interesting
1920 Mi.11-16, Prince Johan II., overprint issue 5h-2½K/20h, in addition ERRORS 2x 10h with overprint "1K" and 2x 10h with DOUBLE overprint; VF, c.v.. 270€
1930 ZEPPELIN / two letters VOGTLANDFAHRT and ZULEITUNG with Liechtenstein franking on flight RUNDFAHRT UM DIE OSTSEE, franked with Mi.111(2x) + 113(2x), resp . Mi.75, 59, 71, cancel. TRIESENBERG; cat. Michel only stamps 510€
1936 ZEPPELIN / NORDAMERIKAFAHRT / letter to New York franked with zeppelin stamps 1Fr and 2Fr, Mi.149-150, CDS TRIESENBERG 4.V.36, on reverse arrival NEW YORK; very fine, only used stamps 260€
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection on sheet Scott in folder, contains i.a. Mi.196-208, 293-306, souvenir sheets Bl.1-2, air-mail, then for example. printing error Mi.136, stamps of middle Lithuania etc.., in addition supplemented with about used collection; higher catalogue, it is worth seeing!
1918-1940 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on sheet Scott, contains many complete sets, postage stamp, air-mail, overprint etc.., also imperforated etc.., i.a. 144-148A+B, 159-160, 190-192, 210-214, in addition supplemented with small used collection; mainly hinged, higher catalogue, it is worth seeing
1931 Mi.478-479, overprint Zeppelin 1931 1 Pengo, 2 Pengo; 2 sets with 2 overprint types - second "1" in 1931 piked, resp. with dot at top; very fine, c.v.. 400€