Public Auction 71 / Autographs / Nobility and Dynasties

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242516 - 1869 ARNOŠT HABSBURSKO-LOTRINSKÝ (1824-1899), Austrian arc
1869 ARNOŠT HABSBURSKO-LOTRINSKÝ (1824-1899), Austrian archduke, son lombardsko-benátského místokrále Rainera Joseph and Elizabeth Savojsko-Carignanské, field podmaršálek, veterán from Hradec Králové 1866, autograph on dlužním úpise Austrian national bank in Vienna; slightly toned, otherwise very nice good condition, pozoruhodný document
Starting price: CZK
238712 - 1923 FERDINAND I. BULHARSKÝ (1861-1948), Bulgarian tsar 190
1923 FERDINAND I. BULHARSKÝ (1861-1948), Bulgarian tsar 1908-1918 of the House of Coburgů, handwritten written 3-stránkový text with signature, on paper with embossed heading bulharského tzar, interesting text; good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
241794 - 1547 FERDINAND I. HABSBURG (1503–1564), Holy Roman Emperor
1547 FERDINAND I. HABSBURG (1503–1564), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, autograph on German psaném folded letter (misivu) addressed on council of town Augšpurku, caused by in Vienna 1547; preserved imperial seal with papírovým krytem, overall exceedingly sound condition, document/-s with signatures of Ferdinand I. are very rare and in this stupni zachovalosti rare!
Starting price: CZK
241800 - 1623 FERDINAND II. HABSBURG (1608–1657),  Holy Roman Emper
1623 FERDINAND II. HABSBURG (1608–1657), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, Hungarian, chorvatský and archduke Austrian, imperial folded letter (missiv) in/at latině sent to parmskou vévodkyni Markétu Aldobrandini (1588-1646), autograph "Ferdinandus"; well preserved seal, overall good condition, imperial document/-s from period of třicetileté war are very rare!
Starting price: CZK
242017 - 1742 FREDERIK I. ŠVÉDSKÝ (1676-1751), Swedish King in yea
1742 FREDERIK I. ŠVÉDSKÝ (1676-1751), Swedish King in years 1720–1751 and lankrabě hesensko-kasselský; autograph on document written in Stockholm; very fine and rare
Starting price: CZK
242049 - 1913 KRAKOWSKÝ Z KOLOWRAT Bohuslav (1876-1934), important C
1913 KRAKOWSKÝ Z KOLOWRAT Bohuslav (1876-1934), important Czech nobleman, member of parliament empire congress and composer; handwritten pages letter with signature; very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
242499 -  OTTO VON HABSBURG (1912-2011), son last Austrian emperor Ch
OTTO VON HABSBURG (1912-2011), son last Austrian emperor Charles I. and Zity Bourbonsko-Parmské; signature on color portrait photograph, perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
242018 - 1590 PETR VOK Z ROŽMBERKU (1539-1611), one from best known
1590 PETR VOK Z ROŽMBERKU (1539-1611), one from best known noblemen předbělohorské period of, front representative protestantské stavovské major-part, last Rožmberk; Czech language written document (missiv), sent to nejvyššího hofmistra Czech kingdom George Popela from Lobkovic on/for Libochovicích (1540-1607) in věci splacení dlužné sumy, interesting kontext, in text i.a. mentioned Wenceslas Budovec from Building etc..; text letter is according to contemporary zvyklosti written písařem (úředníkem lordship) and supplemented with about/by handwritten Petrem Vokem written text "vaši milosti volný...švagr and přítel"..."rukú own"; overall very nice and in good condition condition, extraordinary and stěží repeatable offer rukopisu legendary figures Rudolf II - period of!
Starting price: CZK
242854 - 1585 RUDOLF II. (1552–1612), Roman emperor, Czech and Hung
1585 RUDOLF II. (1552–1612), Roman emperor, Czech and Hungarian King, autograph on German psaném posélacím sheet - misivu addressed on/for his/her/its bratra Arnošta Habsburg (1553-1595), caused by in Prague 20. March 1585, folded sheet with filigránem, decorative imperial seal with papírovým krytem; overall exceedingly in good condition condition, all document/-s with signature emperor Rudolf II. are very rare!
Starting price: CZK
242741 - 1926 VIKTOR EMANUEL III. (1869-1947), King Italian, habešsk
1926 VIKTOR EMANUEL III. (1869-1947), King Italian, habešský and albánský, autograph on official document with heading "Vittorio Emanuel III, per grazia di Dio e per volonta della nazione Re d´Italia"; good condition
Starting price: CZK
243092 - 1850-1930 [COLLECTIONS] LOBKOWICZ Ferdinand (1850-1926), Cze
1850-1930 [COLLECTIONS] LOBKOWICZ Ferdinand (1850-1926), Czech nobleman and politician, maršálek Czech kingdom, selection of documents also with signatures family members, obbsahuje i.a. 7 pcs of děkovných paper slips with signature, wedding notification his daughter, lot of private letters, several mourning cards etc..
Starting price: CZK