Public Auction 71 / Autographs / Writers, Poets and Journalists

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242038 - 1917 BAAR Henry Simon (1869-1925), important Czech poet and
1917 BAAR Henry Simon (1869-1925), important Czech poet and writer, catholic priest, representative realismu and catholic moderny, handwritten 3-stránkový letter with signature; hints of adjustaci, folded, overall but sound condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
242174 - 1880 BARÁK Joseph (1833-1883), Czech journalist, writer and
1880 BARÁK Joseph (1833-1883), Czech journalist, writer and politician, patřil between founder Sokol or Art forum, from year 1874 editor National sheets; handwritten letter with signature and datací on heading paper "Redakce National sheets"; folded, overall but well preserved, important osobnost other middle 19. century!
Starting price: CZK
242070 -  BEZRUČ Peter (1867-1958), one's own name Vladimír Vašek,
BEZRUČ Peter (1867-1958), one's own name Vladimír Vašek, important Czech poet, whole signature below B/W portrait reproduction; sought
Starting price: CZK
242036 - 1925 ČAPEK-CHOD Charles Matěj (1860-1927), Czech prose-wri
1925 ČAPEK-CHOD Charles Matěj (1860-1927), Czech prose-writer, dramatist and journalist, representative naturalismu; handwritten pages text "King Ječmínek" - start románu Anthony Vondrejc, with signature; on reverse hints of adjustaci, overall but sound condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
242051 - 1905 ČECH Svatopluk (1846–1908), important Czech poet and
1905 ČECH Svatopluk (1846–1908), important Czech poet and writer, handwritten letter with signature, supplemented with about/by B/W portrait photo postcard with printed signature; hints of adjustaci, overall but sound condition
Starting price: CZK
242062 -  ČTVRTEK Wenceslas (1911-1976), known writer for children a
ČTVRTEK Wenceslas (1911-1976), known writer for children and youth, author povídek, novels and pohádek (i.a. O loupežníku Rumcajsovi); handwritten úryvek from Rumcajse with signature + B/W photo with signature; rather rare usage, sought
Starting price: CZK
242037 - 1948 DRDA John (1915-1970), important Czech journalist, poli
1948 DRDA John (1915-1970), important Czech journalist, politician, spisovatel-prozaik and dramatist; autograph with dedication + visiting card with signature; on reverse hints of adjustaci, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
242023 - 1928 DYK Viktor (1877-1931), important Czech poet, prose-wri
1928 DYK Viktor (1877-1931), important Czech poet, prose-writer and dramatist, handwritten letter with signature, supplemented with about/by text his women, writer Zdenky Dykové (Hásové); interesting
Starting price: CZK
242269 -  ERBEN Charles Jaromír (1811-1870), Czech historian, lawyer
ERBEN Charles Jaromír (1811-1870), Czech historian, lawyer, archivář, writer, poet, translator and collector Czech lidových songs and pohádek, one of best known personalities Czech national obrození; handwritten written dedication with signature "Panu dvorsk. sekretáři Antonín. Rybičkovi friend milému Erben (manu propria)" on card, Anthony Rybička (1812-1899), Czech historian and archivář, which/what during svých essays bydlel with K. J. Erbenem; quite rare offer rukopisu one from best known figures Czech national obrození and history 19. century!
Starting price: CZK
242088 -  NEUMANN Stanislav Kostka (1875-1947), Czechoslovak journali
NEUMANN Stanislav Kostka (1875-1947), Czechoslovak journalist, poet, literary critic, spoluzakladatel Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, handwritten written text with whole signature; very fine
Starting price: CZK
242089 - 1932 NEZVAL Vítězslav (1900–1958), important Czech poet
1932 NEZVAL Vítězslav (1900–1958), important Czech poet and writer; 8-řádková poem with signature and datací on card; acknowledgments with autograph on card; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
242086 - 1967 PAVEL Ota (1930-1973), Czech prose-writer, journalist a
1967 PAVEL Ota (1930-1973), Czech prose-writer, journalist and sports reporter; handwritten written wish to year 1968 with whole signature; sought
Starting price: CZK
242085 - 1939 PUJMANOVÁ Mary (1893–1958), important Czech authores
1939 PUJMANOVÁ Mary (1893–1958), important Czech authoress and novinářka, handwritten written dedication with úryvkem text from "Zpěvníku"; on paper slip on/for autographs, on reverse hints of original adjustaci
Starting price: CZK
242497 - 1900 RAIS Charles Wenceslas (1859–1926), important Czech w
1900 RAIS Charles Wenceslas (1859–1926), important Czech writer, handwritten letter with whole signature, supplemented with portrait photos K. V. Raise from Prague fotoateliéru Architekt Vaněk; very fine
Starting price: CZK
242609 - 1959 WRITERS / MILAN KUNDERA / bibliofilské issue poems J.
1959 WRITERS / MILAN KUNDERA / bibliofilské issue poems J. Wolkera Moře with manual signatures important Czechosl. writers, i.a. Milan Kundera, George Šotola, Radovan Krátký, Anthony Jelínek, George Havel, Miroslav Florian, Bohuš Vybíral and other; folded sheet hand-made paper A4, separate folder, good condition, sought
Starting price: CZK