Public Auction 71 / Autographs / Artists

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242606 - 1940, 1953 ALEX Adolf Jelínek (1890-1957), Czech painter, g
1940, 1953 ALEX Adolf Jelínek (1890-1957), Czech painter, graphic artist, illustrator and writer, comp. of 2 author Ppc with handwritten text and signature, supplemented with about/by author's print (Christmas wish) with handwritten signaturou A.J.A; very nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
242094 - 1892 BENDL Charles (1838-1897), important Czech composer; 2-
1892 BENDL Charles (1838-1897), important Czech composer; 2-pages handwritten written partitura of song "Rodičům - Skřivánčí song čis. XXI.) with whole signature; nice and in good condition, rare!
Starting price: CZK
238936 - 1915 BÍLEK Francis (1872-1941), Czech graphic artist, sculp
1915 BÍLEK Francis (1872-1941), Czech graphic artist, sculptor, architect, symbolista from period of Art Nouveau; handwritten 6-řádkový letter with whole signature, interesting text; very fine
Starting price: CZK
242742 - 1978 BORN Adolf (1930-2016), important Czech painter, handwr
1978 BORN Adolf (1930-2016), important Czech painter, handwritten letter on heading paper with signature; very fine, rare and sought
Starting price: CZK
242682 - 1930 BRAUNEROVÁ Zdenka (1858-1934), important Czech painter
1930 BRAUNEROVÁ Zdenka (1858-1934), important Czech painter end 19. and the first třetiny 20. century, handwritten text with signature on Ppc sent from Tuniska; perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
242942 - 1950 BURIAN Emil Francis (1904-1959), important Czech poet,
1950 BURIAN Emil Francis (1904-1959), important Czech poet, film director, publicist, composer; autograph on card with datací
Starting price: CZK
242729 - 1933 ČEREPNIN Alexander Nikolajevič (1899-1977), Russian c
1933 ČEREPNIN Alexander Nikolajevič (1899-1977), Russian composer and pianist, from year 1921 žijící in France, i.a. friend Bohuslava Martinů, handwritten text with short partiturou and signature on card; very well preserved, rare
Starting price: CZK
242092 -  ČESKÉ KVARTETO / B/W photo format smaller A4 (Drtikol) wi
ČESKÉ KVARTETO / B/W photo format smaller A4 (Drtikol) with signatures members České kvarteto: Joseph Suk, Charles Hoffmann, George Herold and Ladislav Zelenka; sound condition, exceedingly decorative!
Starting price: CZK
242095 - 1891 FIBICH Zdeněk (1850-1900), one from greatest Czech mus
1891 FIBICH Zdeněk (1850-1900), one from greatest Czech musical skladatelů, after/around Smetanovi and Dvořákovi nejvýznamnější Czech composer other middle 19. century, representative romantismu; handwritten written stránková partitura Fanfáry to Jubilee exhibition with signature and datací 4/5 1891 - exhibition was/were nakonec zahájena Fanfárami from Anthony Dvořáka; light folded, authenticity konzultována with experts, very sound condition, all Fibichovy rukopisy are exceedingly rare, here in addition whole partitura (!), unrepeatable offer!
Starting price: CZK
242084 - 1901 FRIML Rudolf (1879-1972), important Czech composer and
1901 FRIML Rudolf (1879-1972), important Czech composer and pianist, founder American musical theatre, signature on B/W photograph from his young years; R lower bend in corner, overall but decorative and rare!
Starting price: CZK
242073 -  HAŠLER Charles (1879–1941), known Czech písničkář, a
HAŠLER Charles (1879–1941), known Czech písničkář, actor, textař, composer, whole signature on portrait photograph greater format, atelier Stoklas Brno; exceedingly decorative
Starting price: CZK
242100 - 1846 HOFFMANN Johann (1802-1865), important singer, film dir
1846 HOFFMANN Johann (1802-1865), important singer, film director and director Stavovského theatre in Prague, handwritten letter on heading paper, sent to director Prozatímního theatre J. Maýra; good condition, important osobnost Prague cultural life middle 19. century!
Starting price: CZK
242090 - 1935-1957 MUSIC / comp. of 5 portrait photo postcard importa
1935-1957 MUSIC / comp. of 5 portrait photo postcard important Czech musical skladatelů: Boleslav Vomáčka (atelier Langhans), Ladislav Vycpálek, Charles Vacek, Wenceslas Vačkář and Charles Valdauf; sound condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
242026 - 1944 HURNÍK Ilja (1922-2013), important Czech composer, aut
1944 HURNÍK Ilja (1922-2013), important Czech composer, autograph with part of partitury from the file "Meditace"; interesting
Starting price: CZK
238914 - 1900 HYNAIS Vojtěch (1854-1925), important Czech painter, a
1900 HYNAIS Vojtěch (1854-1925), important Czech painter, author current opony National theatre, handwritten in Czech written 4-page letter with signature, very interesting text; very fine, rare, rarely offered manuscript!
Starting price: CZK
238910 - 1900 HYNAIS Vojtěch (1854-1925), important Czech painter, a
1900 HYNAIS Vojtěch (1854-1925), important Czech painter, author current opony National theatre, handwritten in Czech written jednostránkový letter with signature; perfect condition, rare, rarely offered manuscript!
Starting price: CZK
242093 - 1926 JANÁČEK Leoš (1854–1928), important Czech composer
1926 JANÁČEK Leoš (1854–1928), important Czech composer, autograph on portrait B/W photo postcard, sent from Janáčkových celebrations; slightly toned, after all decorative and rare!
Starting price: CZK
242022 - 1931 JEREMIÁŠ Otakar (1892-1962) and JIRÁK Charles Bolesl
1931 JEREMIÁŠ Otakar (1892-1962) and JIRÁK Charles Boleslav (1891-1972), významní Czech musical skladatelé; portrait photo postcard with signatures; very fine
Starting price: CZK
242083 - 1936 JEŽEK Jaroslav (1906-1942), Czech composer, conductor,
1936 JEŽEK Jaroslav (1906-1942), Czech composer, conductor, dramaturg and pianist; handwritten written dedication with signature and part/-s partitury his slavné song "Life is only náhoda"; folded, toned, after all exceedingly interesting, manuscript Jaroslav Ježka occures only rarely and is very sought!
Starting price: CZK
238924 - 1929 KOLLWITZ KÄTHE (1867-1945), German grafička, sochařk
1929 KOLLWITZ KÄTHE (1867-1945), German grafička, sochařka and painter, one of nejslavnějších German umělkyň 20. century, 3-stránkový handwritten letter incl. envelope/-s, sent to Rudolf Thiela to Ústí n./L.; perfect condition, very rare and sought manuscript!
Starting price: CZK
242612 - 1930? KUBELÍK John (1880-1940), Czech virtuoso violinist an
1930? KUBELÍK John (1880-1940), Czech virtuoso violinist and composer, autograph on portrait photograph adjustované on/for carton passe-partout; very fine
Starting price: CZK
242510 - 1939 KUBELÍK John (1880–1940), Czech virtuoso violinist a
1939 KUBELÍK John (1880–1940), Czech virtuoso violinist and composer + KUBELÍK Rafael Jeroným (1914–1996), světoznámý Czech conductor; portrait photo size more/larger A4 (atelier Stoklas) with whole signatures and datací; exceedingly decorative, rare
Starting price: CZK
242504 - 1920 KUPKA Francis (1871-1957), světoznámý Czech painter,
1920 KUPKA Francis (1871-1957), světoznámý Czech painter, one from zakladatelů modern abstraktního painting; handwritten 24-řádkový letter with signature "Kupka", dated in/at Puteaux 6.VII. 1920, very interesting text concerning legionaries (Kupka in 1914 odešel dobrovolně on/for frontu as member troop Nazdar, in battle by river Aisne was/were raněn and consequently vyznamenán Řádem officer Čestné legion, later získal hodnost captain), and his decision, věnovat with naplno aristic activity/-ies in France; cross fold, overall very sound condition, extraordinary and very rare manuscript!
Starting price: CZK
243757 - 1954 LADA Joseph (1887-1957), Czech painter, illustrator and
1954 LADA Joseph (1887-1957), Czech painter, illustrator and writer + LADOVÁ Alena (1925-1992), Czech painter and ilustrátorka, daughter Joseph Lady, handwritten signatures on/for author postcard J. Lady; very nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
242738 - 1974 LHOTÁK Kamil (1912–1992), Czech painter, graphic art
1974 LHOTÁK Kamil (1912–1992), Czech painter, graphic artist and illustrator, one from zakládajících members Skupiny 42, autograph on letter týkajícím with připravované issue Czechosl. postal stamps "Z history Czechosl. motorcycles" (1975); 2x small tearing in/at fold, otherwise very fine, předmětná issue stamps also with
Starting price: CZK
244655 - 1941-1942 MALÍŘI / selection of signatures Czech malířů
1941-1942 MALÍŘI / selection of signatures Czech malířů: KAREL Václav (1902-1969): comp. of 3 handwritten written letters with envelopes, author postcard and cut certificate of mailing with signatures + JANČÁLEK Cyril (1891-1954) and PROCHÁZKA Anthony (1882-1945), handwritten written letters with envelopes; very fine
Starting price: CZK
238938 - 1910-1935 MALÍŘI / selection of rukopisů and signatures i
1910-1935 MALÍŘI / selection of rukopisů and signatures important Czech painters, contains i.a. Wenceslas Jansa, Hugo Boettinger, Adolf Kašpar, John Honsa, Lewis Kuba, K. Klusáček, Jaroslav Věšín, R. Nejedlý etc..; overall sound condition, as multiple interesting
Starting price: CZK
238854 - 1916 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), dvoustránkový (!) handwri
1916 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), dvoustránkový (!) handwritten text with signature "Mucha", written in Prague 1.3. 1916, very interesting text, in addition supplemented with about/by B/W photo postcard A. Mucha with text Zdeny Vykypělové-Rufferové; only horiz. fold, otherwise perfect condition, letters written Alfonsem Muchou are exceedingly rare, decorative piece to every collection rukopisů, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
238919 - 1928-1934 NĚMEJC Augustin (1861-1938), important Czech pain
1928-1934 NĚMEJC Augustin (1861-1938), important Czech painter, handwritten text on postcard and postcard with signatures; perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
238918 - 1936 NĚMEJC Augustin (1861-1938), important Czech painter,
1936 NĚMEJC Augustin (1861-1938), important Czech painter, handwritten text on postcard with signature; perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
238707 - 1930 OSTRČIL Otakar (1879–1935), important Czech composer
1930 OSTRČIL Otakar (1879–1935), important Czech composer and conductor, chief opera National theatre, handwritten written text with signature on/for vizitce; decorative
Starting price: CZK
242509 - 1933 postcard with signatures much Czechosl. inter-war paint
1933 postcard with signatures much Czechosl. inter-war painters, writers and other artists, i.a. O. Bubeníček, J. Šejnost, J. V. Mrkvička, R. R. Hofmeister, J. Veselý, I. Lexová, F. Páta and other; very fine
Starting price: CZK
242507 - 1948 RADA Vlastimil (1895–1962), Czech graphic artist, pai
1948 RADA Vlastimil (1895–1962), Czech graphic artist, painter (especially krajinář), illustrator and writer, comp. of 3 handwritten written Ppc with signatures sent from Italy; nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
244650 - 1943? SEKORA Andrew (1899-1967), important Czech writer, žu
1943? SEKORA Andrew (1899-1967), important Czech writer, žurnalista, kreslíř, graphic artist, illustrator, handwritten 17-řádkový letter with signature, pozoruhodný text; only folded, otherwise very fine
Starting price: CZK
244648 - 1943 SEKORA Andrew (1899-1967), important Czech writer, žur
1943 SEKORA Andrew (1899-1967), important Czech writer, žurnalista, kreslíř, graphic artist, illustrator, autograph on strojopisném letter, incl. original envelope/-s with handwritten writen return address; only folded, otherwise very fine
Starting price: CZK
244841 - 1881 SMETANA Frederic (1824-1884), one from best known music
1881 SMETANA Frederic (1824-1884), one from best known musical skladatelů all period, signature on Main statement příjmů after/behind performance Libuše in/at Královském country Czech national divadle from 13. June 1881 - so 2 days after/around premiéře this slavné opera, countersigned tehdejší director National theatre John Nepomuk Maýr (1818-1888); in the middle hints of original adjustaci, overall but very nice in good condition condition, unrepeatable offer!
Starting price: CZK
242736 - 1916 STRETTI-ZAMPONI Jaromír (1882-1959), important Czech p
1916 STRETTI-ZAMPONI Jaromír (1882-1959), important Czech painter and graphic artist podílející with on/for úpravách Prague castle and Czerninského palace, handwritten letter with signature, folded sheet paper; very nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
242091 - 1912 SUK Joseph (1874-1935), important Czech composer, violi
1912 SUK Joseph (1874-1935), important Czech composer, violinist and pedagogue, disciple and zeť Anthony Dvořáka; autograph with datací and part/-s partitury Smyčcového kvarteta op. 3; on reverse hints of original adjustaci, overall very sound condition, decorative and rare!
Starting price: CZK
244843 - 1861 ŠKROUP Francis John (1801-1862), important Czech music
1861 ŠKROUP Francis John (1801-1862), important Czech musician, conductor and composer, author music for Tylovu hru "Fidlovačka" and music to Czech state hymně "Anthem-issue"; handwritten written 2-stránková (!) partitura "Tantum ergo" for mužský corps/chapel doprovázený varhany or klarinetem, fagotem, corners and houslemi, signature "F. Skraup", dated in/at Amsterdam 28. January 1861 (Škroup in Holland pobýval from year 1860, especially then in/at Rotterdam); authenticity konzultována with expert, only small tearing, signs of age and original adjustment in exhibit, overall but nice in good condition condition. Jedná with unique nabídku rukopisu partitury one from best known kulturních personalities Czech history, suitable for biggest collection rukopisů or to sbírkového fund best known private or state institutions!
Starting price: CZK
242082 - 1932 ŠEVČÍK Otakar (1852–1934), Czech violinist and imp
1932 ŠEVČÍK Otakar (1852–1934), Czech violinist and important violin pedagogue, autograph with datací on/for portrait photo postcard Langhans Písek; on reverse hints of original adjustaci, overall very sound condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
238934 - 1935 ŠPÁLA Wenceslas (1885–1946), important Czech painte
1935 ŠPÁLA Wenceslas (1885–1946), important Czech painter, graphic artist and illustrator; handwritten text with signature, good condition
Starting price: CZK
236891 -  TALICH Wenceslas (1883-1961), important Czech conductor, ha
TALICH Wenceslas (1883-1961), important Czech conductor, handwritten letter with signature; horiz. folded, small toned in margin
Starting price: CZK
244653 - 1960? TRNKA George (1912-1969), Czech artist, loutkář, ill
1960? TRNKA George (1912-1969), Czech artist, loutkář, illustrator, painter, sculptor, writer, scenárista, kostýmní artist and film director animovaných filmů, handwritten letter with signature, in/at němž conforms on/for request for vytvoření picture (koncept original letter with request including); folded sheet hand-made paper, very fine, interesting document
Starting price: CZK
242087 -  VEJVODA Jaromír (1902-1988), Czech composer and kapelník,
VEJVODA Jaromír (1902-1988), Czech composer and kapelník, author světoznámé polky Škoda love; autograph with filled address and part/-s partitury to písni "Kdyby ty muziky weren't"; sound condition, decorative and sought
Starting price: CZK