Public Auction 71 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992 / Philatelic Domains

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240467 - 1953 PARCEL BILL / larger part of parcel card for parcel wit
1953 PARCEL BILL / larger part of parcel card for parcel without udané price/-s, weight/scale 3,30kg, postal-charge 130Kčs, with multiple franking airmail stamps Pof.L21 (8x) in front + Pof.720 on reverse, CDS STRÁŽNICE 12.VI.53, arrival postmark PARDUBICE 2/ 13.VI.53, supplemented with red cancel. "Posádková administration / Pardubice"; usage dispatch-notes with this franking is rare, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
242830 - 1953 PŘÍDAVNÁ POSTMARKS / comp. 3 pcs of Reg letters on/f
1953 PŘÍDAVNÁ POSTMARKS / comp. 3 pcs of Reg letters on/for president A. Zápotockého franked/paid in/at hotovosti: 1x 2-lines cancel. "Postage paid/franked/ cash" + hand-made "80,-", CDS PLZEŇ 1/ 4.VI.53; 1x old cancel. FRANKO + hand-made "69/ 2.20", CDS PLZEŇ 8/ 12.VI.53; 1x line "Paid" + hand-made "1,60", CDS FRANTIŠKOVY LÁZNĚ 5.VI.53; all with administrativním cancel. Kanceláře president, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
240567 - 1953 COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / comp. 2 pcs of Ppc with speci
1953 COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / comp. 2 pcs of Ppc with special postmark, 1x paid/franked cash, cancel. "Paid" + hand-made "30", cancel. FRANTIŠKOVY LÁZNĚ/ 10.VI.53/ REKREACE Labour Unions ...., 1x paid by stmp Pof.488 (3x), cancel. KOUŘIM/ 18.VI.53/ NAVŠTIVTE VYKOPÁVKY ....; usage special postmark on/for mailings from period of money reform is small/rare, common condition
Starting price: CZK
242719 - 1953 RŮZNÉ DRUHY ZÁSILEK / selection of 5ks: Commercial p
1953 RŮZNÉ DRUHY ZÁSILEK / selection of 5ks: Commercial papers, by mistake paid 2-násobkem správného postage 5 pcs of stamp. Pof.728, CDS MNICHOVO HRADIŠTĚ 5.VI.53; postcard franked with. 5x Pof.714 + 15h in new currency extra paid cash (!), CDS FRANTIŠKOVY LÁZNĚ 12.VI.53; letter franked with. 10x Pof.729, CDS PARDUBICE 9.VI.53, postal-charge 30 Koruna; commercial Reg letter with Pof.488 in front also on reverse, CDS OSTRAVA 4/ 5.VI.53, postal-charge 80 Koruna; commercial express letter with multicolor franking 14 pcs of stamps in front also on reverse, CDS SEKYRANY 5.VI.53, postal-charge 110 Koruna; 4x mnohonásobné FRANKINGS, all small format, exp. Dražan, good condition
Starting price: CZK
242826 - 1953 SCHODOVITÁ FRANKATURA / postcard (Spa Jeseník) with n
1953 SCHODOVITÁ FRANKATURA / postcard (Spa Jeseník) with nice officially nepovolenou franking Pof.708 (10x), CDS JESENÍK 2/ 11.VI.53; without defects
Starting price: CZK
240646 - 1953 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA / letter franked with. air stamp.
1953 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA / letter franked with. air stamp. Spa 10Kčs Pof.L34 (3x) and Pof.486, CDS ŘEHLOVICE 10.VI.53; mailing is about/by 3Kčs přefrankována, 1 stmp 10Kčs Spa damaged, minor faults - oblique fold
Starting price: CZK
240465 - 1953 SMÍŠENÉ FRANKATURY / comp. 3 pcs of letters franked/
1953 SMÍŠENÉ FRANKATURY / comp. 3 pcs of letters franked/paid air and postage stmp.: letter with Pof.L23, 485, 502 and 506, MC PRAGUE 025/ 12.VI.53, back lapel damaged; letter franked with. Pof.L19 (3x) and 486, CDS TEPLICE 2/ 15.VI.53; Reg letter franked with. Pof.L24, 521 and 489KP!, LIBEREC 1/ 17.VI.53, window envelope; common condition
Starting price: CZK
239115 - 1953 TISKOPIS - SLOVAKIA / proclamation district sekretariá
1953 TISKOPIS - SLOVAKIA / proclamation district sekretariátu Svazarmu to participation on/for Dukelském závodě military zdatnosti with Pof.521, CDS RUŽOMBEROK 6.VI.53 incomplete print; usage printed-matters from Slovakia is minimum, interesting contemporary text, 2 holes after stapler + folded heading letter f. TOS Hostivař franked with. Pof.725 (10x), rolled CDS PRAGUE 025/ 5.VI.53; viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
240537 - 1953 TISKOPIS / invitation card for schůzi Union Czechosl.
1953 TISKOPIS / invitation card for schůzi Union Czechosl. - Soviet friendship, postal-charge 10Kčs, mailing paid else/yet according to rate platného before/(in front of) currency reform stamp. 1Kčs, Pof.666, MC BRNO 2/ 6.VI.53; wrong paid/franked mailing else/yet 6. June nezatížena postage-due!; interesting, usual quality
Starting price: CZK
242825 - 1953 VĚC POSTAL SLUŽBY / off. envelope (without imprint) u
1953 VĚC POSTAL SLUŽBY / off. envelope (without imprint) used 1x in time monetary reform, posting office TÁBOR 1/ 12.VI.53, receiver post RADENÍN and 1x after/around reform, posting office RADENÍN 27.VI.53, receiver post BRNO 2; good condition, quite extraordinary usage, at our place teprve second time in auction!
Starting price: CZK
240774 - 1953 VÍCENÁSOBNÉ FRANKATURY / comp. 10 pcs of letters fra
1953 VÍCENÁSOBNÉ FRANKATURY / comp. 10 pcs of letters franked/paid same stmp, private also commercial correspondence, i.a. 1x letter in the place, 1x R, 1x postal-charge credited and again franked!; common condition
Starting price: CZK
240775 - 1953 VYPLACENO V HOTOVOSTI / comp. 6 pcs of entires from per
1953 VYPLACENO V HOTOVOSTI / comp. 6 pcs of entires from period of 11.6. - 18.6., where on/for some poštách was/were stamps already quite vypotřebovány, various additional cancel. and handwritten notice, from that 1x Reg letter from Slovakia (Kálna); common condition
Starting price: CZK
238446 - 1953 VYPLACENO V HOTOVOSTI / printed matter with Pofis. 705
1953 VYPLACENO V HOTOVOSTI / printed matter with Pofis. 705 (2x) + hand-made "extra paid cash 0,08 h", CDS VLAŠIM/ 4.VI.53, on reverse framed pmk addressee "Communist Party of Czechoslovakia/ local organization Křešice", interesting text - instructions OV Communist Party of Czechoslovakia concerning výměny money; good condition
Starting price: CZK
240451 - 1953 DOPLATNÉ (due) 54 Koruna / insufficiently franked lett
1953 DOPLATNÉ (due) 54 Koruna / insufficiently franked letter stamp. 3Kčs, Pof.681 (damaged else/yet before mounting), CDS KYTLICE 3.VI.53, avizované postage due "T 1.08" paid/franked 4 pcs of postage-due stamp. Pof.D70 + 10 pcs of D75 in right value 54 Koruna, stamps mounted on reverse, CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 2/ 5.VI.53; sound condition, on request exp. Dražan
Starting price: CZK
238459 - 1953 DOPLATNÉ (due) V NOVÉ MĚNĚ 1,20 Koruna / letter fra
1953 DOPLATNÉ (due) V NOVÉ MĚNĚ 1,20 Koruna / letter franked stamp. Pof.507 and 643 (2x), CDS ČESKÉ MEZIŘÍČÍ 13.VI.53, with address Postal box 8, Hradec Kreuzer., hand-made avizované postage due "T 1.20", frame cancel. Came 19.VI.1953 and Postage due, handwritten note. "Zaplatila Unity", CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 2/ 19.VI.53; interesting entire, rare occurrence, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
242823 - Cancelled - forgery
Cancelled - forgery

Starting price: CZK
242817 - 1953 NEW CURRENCY / 1. DAY / private PC paid/franked already
1953 NEW CURRENCY / 1. DAY / private PC paid/franked already invalidated stamp. in old currency Pof.507 and 709, franking disallowed, mounted stamp. 30h in new currency, Pof.736, CDS TŘEBÍČ 19.VI.53, FDC!; non-philatelic, sought by specialists; very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
240457 - 1953 NOVÁ MĚNA / 2 postcard paid/franked cash, 1x CDS LUHA
1953 NOVÁ MĚNA / 2 postcard paid/franked cash, 1x CDS LUHAČOVICE/ 20.VI.53-12, supplemented with district postmark "246/32" and straight line postmark TAXE PERCUE, 1x CDS JESENÍK 2/ 20.VI.53-12, hand-made "V hotov. zapl."; post. stamps issued 19.VI.53 was/were on/for some postal úřadech already 2. day in/at noon vypotřebovány, posted mailing musely be again vypláceny cash (!), sound condition
Starting price: CZK
244657 - 1953 NEW CURRENCY / 2. DAY OF USAGE / postcard sent to Slova
1953 NEW CURRENCY / 2. DAY OF USAGE / postcard sent to Slovakia with Pof.736, rolled cancel. MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ 20.VI.53 (hand-made 19.6.) + letter with Pof.733 (3x), CDS ŠUMPERK 1/ 27.VI.53; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
1953-1996 [COLLECTIONS] ILAVA, LEOPOLDOV, MARTIN, NITRA, BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA, RUSKOV / selection of lot of mainly parcel mailing to prisons in Slovakia, acceptance labels on/for parcels, postmark prisons, official mailing; good condition, rare!
Starting price: CZK