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1925-1939 Mi.296Bx-297Bx, Lenin 5R and 10R, vertical wmk, perf 13½ and Mi.687-689, Lenin 3R-10R without watermark; mint never hinged, c.v.. 155€ U:A5
1927 Mi.328-334, 10. Anniv October Revolution, complete set + Mi.335-338 (336 and 337 as imperforated); hinged, c.v.. ** 290€ U:A5
1930 Mi.390C-391C, Zeppelin 40K and 80K imperforated (!); lightly hinged, signed, rare and very sought stamps, c.v.. ** 6.000€, rare offer! U:DR
1931 Mi.397-401, air-mail Zeppelin 10K - 1R, nominal complete perforated set; mainly hinged, sought U:A5
1931 Mi.397CX-401CX, imperforated Zeppelins 10Kop-1Rbl; very fine set, c.v.. * 200€ U:A5
1932-1934 Mi.407-409, 480AY-482AY, Express 5K-80K and "Balloons 1"; very fine and favourite sets, c.v.. * 310€ U:A5
1934 PRESENTATION ALBUM/ "DELEGATU XVII. SJEZDA VKP(B), NARODNIJ KOMISSARIAT SVJAZI USSR, MOSCOW 25 JANVARJA 1934 G.", total 16 pages with 111 mounted stamps, i.a. Mi.416CY, with line perforation 12½ (rare), then for example favourite air-mail Mi.402-405, 410-411, 453-455 and others, with special postmarks MOSCOW 25.1.34; fine in good condition, rare occurrence, c.v.. Zverev $2.500, almost complete rarest prewar presentation album! U:O4
1934 Mi.467-471, 10. anniv of death Lenin 5 K - 35K; complete basic set, hinged, very fine, c.v.. ** 300€ U:A5
1935 Mi.499X-508X, 1kop-50kop; complete set, lightly hinged U:A5
1935-1939 SELECTION of / 11 chosen sets, i.a. Mi.523-526, 542-547, 595-598; various quality, c.v. ** ca. 710€ U:A4
1935-1939 SELECTION of / various stamps and incomplete sets, it contains e.g. miniature sheet Mi.Bl.2 (**) and oths.; placed on card A4, various quality, higher catalogue U:A4
1937 Mi.554Ax, Pushkin 1R green, horizontal pair with rarer perf 12¼; mint never hinged, c.v.. 300€ U:A5
1937 FORGERY / Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet Pushkin with brown gum and embossed (albino) double print, size 103x91mm - so called Prague Forgery; for comparison including standard miniature sheet, very interesting U:A5
1937 Mi.Bl.2var, catalogue Ljapin "Почтовые марки СССР 1923-1991" Влок 2X; miniature sheet 4x 40k, UNISSUED onn brown paper (experimental paper); light original bend, otherwise VF, certificate P.B. Trusov, c.v.. Ljapin 25.000€, very scarce! U:DR
1937 Mi.571-577, Airmail 10k - 1R; complete set, part hinged, c.v.. ** 170€ U:A5
1938 Mi.646-651 **, 1125-1130 *, 1484-1490 **, 3 sets Moscow Underground; very fine, c.v.. 190€ U:A5
1938 Mi.652-656, 20th Anniv of Federation of Young Lenin Communists 20K - 80K; lightly hinged, c.v.. ** 200€, sought U:A5
1938 Mi.657-664, Sport in USSR 5K-80K; very fine, only 5 K with offset on gum, c.v.. * 190€ U:A5
1939 Mi.682, 30K blue, right upper corner horizontal strip of 4 with marginal inscription at top 52/6/3; mint never hinged, vert. fold between perforation U:A5
1939-1940 Mi.693-694, 732-735, 736-740, 758-762, 780-785, selection of chosen sets; mint never hinged, Mi.735 bend in margin, otherwise very fine quality, c.v.. ca. 200€ U:A5
1940-1941 Mi.753-157, 801-803, 804-805, 810-811, 812-813, 819-820, 825, selection of chosen sets; part hinged, several minor faults, c.v. ** 363€ U:A5
1941 Mi.786-792, Technics 10K-1R; very fine, stamps 20K, 30K, 50K, 60K with perf L12½; rare, c.v.. 320€ U:A5
1941 Mi.821-824, Museum Lenin 15K-1R; XF, c.v.. 280€ U:A5
1941-1953 Mi.821-824 *, 825A * , 1275-1279 *, 1316-1317 *, 1445 **, 1355-1356 **, 1327 **, 1540 **, 1679-1680 **, selection of better stamps and sets; very fine, c.v.. 545€ U:A5
1947 Mi.Bl.10 , 4x miniature sheet 800th Anniv. of Moscow, II. types, very fine, c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1949 SELECTION of / Mi.1315, 1355-1356, 1391, 1428-1429, 1445; mint never hinged, c.v.. 275€ U:A5
1947 Mi.1327, Soviet army; superb corner block-of-4, c.v.. 200€ U:A5
1952 COUNTER SHEET / Mi.1655b, 3R black-violet, complete sheet of 50; with gum, print CDS MOSCOW 28.8.60, some faults U:A5
1953 Mi.1679-1680, complete set, blocks of four; very fine, c.v.. 275€ U:A5
1956-1971 Mi.1871 I. + II. used, Mi. 2084 I. + II. used, 3942 I. + II. mint never hinged, selection of 3 stamps with printing errors U:A5
1958 Mi.Bl.24-25, comp. of 9, resp. 10 miniature sheets; very fine, c.v.. 680€ U:A4
1957 Mi.2026, corner blocks-of-4 Tsiolkovsky 40k with overprint "4/X 57 G. PERVIJ V MIRE", superb, c.v.. 250€ U:A5
1958 Mi.2106B-2108B, 2169B-2171B, 2193, 3 complete issues "Airmail", marginal blocks of 6, cat. only as singles 228€ U:A5
1962 Mi.Bl.30, 2x miniature sheet, 1x with plate flaw "red dot by 1"; very fine, c.v.. 300€ ++ U:A5
1964 Mi.Bl.33, miniature sheet Tokio; mint never hinged, c.v.. 320€ U:A5
1930 ZEPPELIN / letter to Germany franked with i.a. Zeppelin stamp 80K, Mi.391A, cancel. flight MOSCOU 10.X.30, on reverse transit and arrival postmark.; good condition U:A5
1936 Reg and airmail letter to Prague, with multicolor franking of postage also airmail stamps, i.a. Mi.400, CDS MOSCOU (ETRANGÉR) 17.8.36; very fine and rare U:A5
1964 2x FDC TOKIO, Mi.Bl.33, 33var, on one miniature sheet shorter "I" in VIII; very fine, c.v.. 1.200€ U:A5