Public Auction 71 / Numismatics

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236825 - 2000 200CZK 2000 - 100. anniv of birth V. Nezvala, proof, pl
2000 200CZK 2000 - 100. anniv of birth V. Nezvala, proof, placed in original etui incl. cards; small spots
Starting price: CZK
236827 - 2000 200CZK 2000 - 150. anniv of birth Z. Fibicha, proof, pl
2000 200CZK 2000 - 150. anniv of birth Z. Fibicha, proof, placed in original etui incl. cards; small toned
Starting price: CZK
236823 - 2000 200CZK 2000 - Sitting MMF in Prague, proof, placed in o
2000 200CZK 2000 - Sitting MMF in Prague, proof, placed in original etui incl. cards; only small oxidační spot
Starting price: CZK
236834 - 2001 200CZK 2001 - 100. anniv of foundation ČFS, proof, pla
2001 200CZK 2001 - 100. anniv of foundation ČFS, proof, placed in original etui incl. cards; small spots in/at area
Starting price: CZK
237649 - 2019 NATIONAL POKLADNICE / comp. of 7 Ag medals with portrai
2019 NATIONAL POKLADNICE / comp. of 7 Ag medals with portraits Czech personalities: Přemysl Otakar I., St. Anezka Czech, Charles IV., J. A. Comenius, Fr. Palacký, Alfons Mucha and T. G. Masaryk (V. Oppl), every Ag 0.999, 29 gr. (total so ca. 200 gr. ryzího stříbra), puncováno, 6x original certificate + also with 2 pcs of medals napodobující 10CZK 1928 T. G. Masaryk and 5h 1924, marked COPY, white, resp. yellow metal, nepuncováno, weight 28.64 and 28 gr.
Starting price: CZK
242236 - 1939-1945 SLOVAKIA 1939-1945 / collection of ca. 80 pcs of s
1939-1945 SLOVAKIA 1939-1945 / collection of ca. 80 pcs of small coins from obecných kovů values 10h-5Ks, various annual volumes; mainly oběhová quality
Starting price: CZK
242078 - 1941-1944 SLOVAKIA 1939-1945 / comp. 5 pcs of Ag mincí: 50K
1941-1944 SLOVAKIA 1939-1945 / comp. 5 pcs of Ag mincí: 50Ks 1944 - 5. anniv of Slovak republic + 20Ks 1941, single cross on/for rotundě (3x) + 10 Koruna 1944, dagger on/for kaplici; toned
Starting price: CZK
242076 - 1944 SLOVAKIA 1939-1945 / 50 haléř 1944; small line markin
1944 SLOVAKIA 1939-1945 / 50 haléř 1944; small line marking/-s, rare year/volume, R!
Starting price: CZK
242052 - 1742-1872 NĚMECKÉ STATES / selection of 24 various small c
1742-1872 NĚMECKÉ STATES / selection of 24 various small coins from uvedeného period, incl. Ag, mainly Prussia and Saxony; various stavy incl. very nice
Starting price: CZK
237619 - 1774 BAVARIA / Maxmilián III. Joseph (1745-1777), taler - m
1774 BAVARIA / Maxmilián III. Joseph (1745-1777), taler - madona, mint Amberg; úhozy in/at area
Starting price: CZK
242282 - 1803-1971 GREAT BRITAIN A COLONIES / collection of ca. 20 pc
1803-1971 GREAT BRITAIN A COLONIES / collection of ca. 20 pcs of coins from uvedeného period, it contains e.g. Ceylon, Hong-Kong, Kanadu and other, incl. Ag; various stavy incl. very nice
Starting price: CZK
242053 - 1840-1917 OSMANSKÁ EMPIRE / selection of 24 small coins fro
1840-1917 OSMANSKÁ EMPIRE / selection of 24 small coins from uvedeného period, incl. Ag; various quality
Starting price: CZK
242144 - 1850-1920 FAR EAST / comp. 7 pcs of AE coins, from that 5x C
1850-1920 FAR EAST / comp. 7 pcs of AE coins, from that 5x China, 2x French Indochina; various, mainly however nice quality
Starting price: CZK
242275 - 1850-1940 FRANCE / collection of ca. 50 pcs of coins from uv
1850-1940 FRANCE / collection of ca. 50 pcs of coins from uvedeného period from Napoleon III., also Ag, various face-values, annual volumes, mint; various quality, as multiple interesting
Starting price: CZK
242468 - 1860-1910 OSMANSKÁ EMPIRE / comp. of 6 Ag coins from uveden
1860-1910 OSMANSKÁ EMPIRE / comp. of 6 Ag coins from uvedeného period, contains i.a. Abdul Mecid (1839-1861), Ag 20 para A. Hitler 1255/22, KM.669; overall fine
Starting price: CZK
242279 - 1860-1940 ITALY / collection of ca. 40 pcs of coins from uve
1860-1940 ITALY / collection of ca. 40 pcs of coins from uvedeného period, also Ag, various face-values, annual volumes, mint; various quality, as multiple interesting
Starting price: CZK
242050 - 1876-1911 NĚMECKÉ CÍSAŘSTVÍ / PRUSSIA / comp. of 4 Ag m
1876-1911 NĚMECKÉ CÍSAŘSTVÍ / PRUSSIA / comp. of 4 Ag mincí: William I. (1861 - 1888), 2 marka 1876 A, KM.506 (-2/2-) + William II. (1888 - 1918), 5 marka 1902 A, KM.523 (2/1-), 3 marka 1910 A (1/1), 3 marka 1911 A (1/0), KM.527; small hranky, small line marking/-s, nice toned
Starting price: CZK
242055 - 1876-1921 NĚMECKÉ CÍSAŘSTVÍ / selection of 38 various s
1876-1921 NĚMECKÉ CÍSAŘSTVÍ / selection of 38 various small ražeb from uvedeného period, incl. Ag, various annual volumes and mint; various stavy incl. very nice
Starting price: CZK
242046 - 1893, 1898 NĚMECKÉ CÍSAŘSTVÍ / HAMBURG / comp. of 2 Ag
1893, 1898 NĚMECKÉ CÍSAŘSTVÍ / HAMBURG / comp. of 2 Ag mincí: 5 marka 1898 J, KM.293 + 2 marka 1893 J, KM.294; line marking/-s, nice toned
Starting price: CZK
242284 - 1897-1924 RUSSIA A USSR / 1 poltinik 1924 ПЛ, Y.89.1 + als
1897-1924 RUSSIA A USSR / 1 poltinik 1924 ПЛ, Y.89.1 + also with comp. 11 pcs of pozdních carských small coins, incl. Ag; mainly nice quality
Starting price: CZK
242048 - 1912 LIECHTENSTEIN / Johann II. (1858 - 1929), 2 crown 1912,
1912 LIECHTENSTEIN / Johann II. (1858 - 1929), 2 crown 1912, Y.3; very nice
Starting price: CZK
242231 - 1913 RUSSIA / Nicholas II (1894-1917), 50 kopějka 1913 BC,
1913 RUSSIA / Nicholas II (1894-1917), 50 kopějka 1913 BC, Petersburg; small line marking/-s, nice toned, very nice
Starting price: CZK
242259 - 1918-1945 GERMANY / collection of ca. 130 small coins Výmar
1918-1945 GERMANY / collection of ca. 130 small coins Výmarské republic and III. empire, also 1x Ag, various annual volumes, mint, also several town nouzovek; various quality, as multiple interesting
Starting price: CZK
242285 - 1923-1938 AUSTRIA / collection of ca. 45 pcs of coins from u
1923-1938 AUSTRIA / collection of ca. 45 pcs of coins from uvedeného period, incl. Ag; various, mainly however nice quality
Starting price: CZK
242466 - 1927 PERSIA / Rezá Shah Páhlaví (1925-1941), 2000 dinár
1927 PERSIA / Rezá Shah Páhlaví (1925-1941), 2000 dinár (2 kran) SH 1306 (1927) L (Leningrad), KM.1104; nice toned, exceptional zachovalost
Starting price: CZK
242463 - 1927, 1953 TIBET / comp. of 2 mincí: Ag Tangka b.l. (1953),
1927, 1953 TIBET / comp. of 2 mincí: Ag Tangka b.l. (1953), Y.31 + Cu Sho 16-1 (1927), Y.21a (varnished); nice toned, sought
Starting price: CZK
242283 - 1932 ESTONIA / 2 krooni 1932 - University in/at Tartu, KM.13
1932 ESTONIA / 2 krooni 1932 - University in/at Tartu, KM.13; nice toned
Starting price: CZK
242254 - 1938 GERMANY / TŘETÍ EMPIRE / 1 marka 1938 E (Muldenhutten
1938 GERMANY / TŘETÍ EMPIRE / 1 marka 1938 E (Muldenhutten), KM.78; small line marking/-s, otherwise very fine, rare mint
Starting price: CZK
242299 - 1971-1982 CANADA / Elizabeth II. (1952-2022), comp. 8 pcs of
1971-1982 CANADA / Elizabeth II. (1952-2022), comp. 8 pcs of memorial/special Ag dolars, KM.80, 83, 88a, 97, 106, 118, 121, 133, all Ag 0.500, 23.3276 g.; nice toned, interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
242267 - 1980-1995 GERMANY / comp. 7 pcs of memorial/special Ag minc
1980-1995 GERMANY / comp. 7 pcs of memorial/special Ag mincí: 10 marka 1994 - Herder (2x), KM.184 + 10 marka 1995 - Mírová, KM.185 + 10 marka 1995 - Henry Lion, KM.186 + 10 marka 1995 - Röentgen (3x), KM.187 + also with 5 marka 1980 - von der Volgelweide, KM.152; nice toned
Starting price: CZK
242464 - 983-1002 GERMANY / GOSLAR / Otto III. (983-1002), Denár, Av
983-1002 GERMANY / GOSLAR / Otto III. (983-1002), Denár, Av.: kaplice, ATEAHLHT, Rv.: cross, in výsečích ODDO, transcript DI GRA REX; hole, opisy nedoraženy, nice toned
Starting price: CZK
242111 - 1686 SALZBURG  - ARCIBISKUPSTVÍ / Max Gandolph (1668-1687),
1686 SALZBURG - ARCIBISKUPSTVÍ / Max Gandolph (1668-1687), 15 Kreuzer 1686; nice toned
Starting price: CZK
242140 - 1893 STŘELECKÉ MEDALS / CHOMUTOV / AE medal Country club/a
1893 STŘELECKÉ MEDALS / CHOMUTOV / AE medal Country club/association German střelců in Bohemia - Přátelská střelecká competition krajských střeleckých clubs/associations Chomutov (Komotau), mosaz 30 mm, 9.08 g, original used ouško; fine toned, minimum usage, sought
Starting price: CZK
242123 - 1898 AUSTRIA / Br medal Austrian social democracy, 50. anniv
1898 AUSTRIA / Br medal Austrian social democracy, 50. anniv of revolution 13. March 1848, Av.: policemen střílející to demonstrantů, Rv.: year 1848 in wreath, 29 mm, 13 g; hranky, nice toned
Starting price: CZK
242130 - 1945-1948 SELECTION of / 3 pcs of single sided plaket with m
1945-1948 SELECTION of / 3 pcs of single sided plaket with motives: E. Beneš - PRESIDENT BUDOVATEL, T. G. Masaryk - PRESIDENT OSVOBODITEL, state coat of arms Czechoslovakia - PRAVDA VÍTĚZÍ, patinovaný bronze, diameter kruhových plaket 80 mm, originally on společném podstavci; good condition
Starting price: CZK
243783 - 1970 FRANCE / Ag medal La Banque de France, novoražba medal
1970 FRANCE / Ag medal La Banque de France, novoražba medal, author Jean-Pierre Droz 1809, Av.: bust Napoleon, transcript, Rv.: allegory shop, transcript, gilt Ag 68mm, 166 g, on/for hraně marked "1970 (hallmark) 1 ARGENT"; original leather etui, fine massive work
Starting price: CZK
243784 - 1977 FRANCE / Ag medal La Banque de France, novoražba medal
1977 FRANCE / Ag medal La Banque de France, novoražba medal, author Jean-Pierre Droz 1809, Av.: bust Napoleon, transcript, Rv.: allegory shop, transcript, patinované Ag 68mm, 164 g, on/for hraně marked "1977 (hallmark Roh hojnosti) 1*ARGENT"; plastová etui, fine massive work
Starting price: CZK
242118 - 1923- AE plaque with motive of reverse side Svatováclavské
1923- AE plaque with motive of reverse side Svatováclavského dukátu with polopostavou St. Wenceslas, probably Zn, diameter 143 mm, weight 448 g; very nice work, sought motive Svatováclavského dukátu, decorative
Starting price: CZK
242136 - 1891-2010 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of / 24 pcs of various med
1891-2010 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of / 24 pcs of various medals, žetonů and plaket, contains i.a. O. Španiel, Br medal to 85. birthday T. G. Masaryk 1935 60 + 50 mm, litá litinová plaque The last večeře of the Lord, 2x medal Slovak national revolt 1944-1979 and other, also several Ag; interesting collection, nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
242105 - 1378-1704 SELECTION of / ca. 80 pcs of coins from uvedeného
1378-1704 SELECTION of / ca. 80 pcs of coins from uvedeného period, contains especially polsko-litevské solidy and Polish poltoráky (incl. period mosazného forgeries), then for example. Wenceslas IV., Prague Groschen (2x), Ferdinand II., 3 Kreuzer 1624 Brno and 1629 Wien (Vienna), Leopold I., grešle 1703 and 1704, Opolí etc..; various quality
Starting price: CZK
242286 - 1800-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  EUROPE / selection circulated coins
1800-2000 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE / selection circulated coins from uvedeného period in box, contains for example. Poland, Belgium, Switzerland, pobaltské states, balkánské country and much other, also much Ag; various, mainly however nice quality, general weight ca. 1,75kg, interesting collection
Starting price: CZK
242293 - 1860-2010 [COLLECTIONS]  WHOLE WORLD / selection various coi
1860-2010 [COLLECTIONS] WHOLE WORLD / selection various coins from around the world, mainly from 20. century, contains i.a. Czechoslovakia, USA, China, South Africa, Middle East and much other, also Ag, placed in 3 albums, on 2 sheets and in box scattered coins, general weight almost 7kg; interesting collection
Starting price: CZK