Public Auction 71 / Other Collector`s Domains / Posters

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240749 - 1920 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / SOKOL / VII. Sokol festival in
1920 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / SOKOL / VII. Sokol festival in Prague, advertising multicolor print "Pořad and důležité instructions", author stylizované printings J. Obrovský, double-sheet format 27x40cm, supplemented with official postcard with same výjevem; double-sheet with horiz. fold
Starting price: CZK
242613 - 1939, 1945 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA / comp. of 2 plakátů: famous An
1939, 1945 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA / comp. of 2 plakátů: famous Announcement from 27.11. 1939 about/by duty inhabitant Protectorate zdravit empire symbols + "Drazí občané", proclamation Bohemian and Moravian governance to inhabitants from 3.3. 1945; only folds
Starting price: CZK
242308 - 1967 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / Marketa Lazarová, comp. 2 pcs
1967 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / Marketa Lazarová, comp. 2 pcs of tříbarevných screen posters, both size ca. 41x59cm; vert. fold, else preserved, sought plakáty legendárního Czech film, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
242311 - 1974 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / KÁJA SAUDEK / Only with never
1974 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / KÁJA SAUDEK / Only with never nenudit, multicolor film poster, author Kája Saudek, size ca. 85x60cm; cross fold, else preserved, nice work oblíbeného of author
Starting price: CZK
242312 - 1974 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / KÁJA SAUDEK / Kit & Co., mult
1974 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / KÁJA SAUDEK / Kit & Co., multicolor film poster, author Kája Saudek, size ca. 72x56cm, Czech language variety; cross fold, otherwise very fine, decorative work oblíbeného of author
Starting price: CZK
242313 - 1974 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / KÁJA SAUDEK / Kit & Co., mult
1974 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / KÁJA SAUDEK / Kit & Co., multicolor film poster, author Kája Saudek, size ca. 72x56cm, Slovak language variety; cross fold, else preserved, decorative work oblíbeného of author
Starting price: CZK
242309 - 1978 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / KÁJA SAUDEK / Who is hint ros
1978 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / KÁJA SAUDEK / Who is hint rosomáka, multicolor film poster, author Kája Saudek, size ca. 85x60cm, evidently trial imprint still without oříznutých margins; cross fold, else preserved, little known work oblíbeného of author
Starting price: CZK
242316 - 1970-1980 [COLLECTIONS]  CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / big collec
1970-1980 [COLLECTIONS] CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / big collection of ca. 60 pcs of Czechosl. screen posters from uvedeného period, i.a. films Grand restaurant Mr. Septima, Life and period soudce Roye Beana, Světla ramp, Viva Maria!, Big blondýn with black botou and much other, 4x work Káji Saudka, often tentýž motive in format A1 and A3, in/at Czech also Slovak language variety + also with several posters sporting events; overall very fine, interesting and rare collection
Starting price: CZK