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1742-1872 NĚMECKÉ STATES / selection of 24 various small coins from uvedeného period, incl. Ag, mainly Prussia and Saxony; various stavy incl. very nice U:X
1774 BAVARIA / Maxmilián III. Joseph (1745-1777), taler - madona, mint Amberg; úhozy in/at area U:X
1803-1971 GREAT BRITAIN A COLONIES / collection of ca. 20 pcs of coins from uvedeného period, it contains e.g. Ceylon, Hong-Kong, Kanadu and other, incl. Ag; various stavy incl. very nice U:X
1840-1917 OSMANSKÁ EMPIRE / selection of 24 small coins from uvedeného period, incl. Ag; various quality U:X
1850-1920 FAR EAST / comp. 7 pcs of AE coins, from that 5x China, 2x French Indochina; various, mainly however nice quality U:X
1850-1940 FRANCE / collection of ca. 50 pcs of coins from uvedeného period from Napoleon III., also Ag, various face-values, annual volumes, mint; various quality, as multiple interesting U:K
1860-1910 OSMANSKÁ EMPIRE / comp. of 6 Ag coins from uvedeného period, contains i.a. Abdul Mecid (1839-1861), Ag 20 para A. Hitler 1255/22, KM.669; overall fine U:X
1860-1940 ITALY / collection of ca. 40 pcs of coins from uvedeného period, also Ag, various face-values, annual volumes, mint; various quality, as multiple interesting U:K
1876-1911 NĚMECKÉ CÍSAŘSTVÍ / PRUSSIA / comp. of 4 Ag mincí: William I. (1861 - 1888), 2 marka 1876 A, KM.506 (-2/2-) + William II. (1888 - 1918), 5 marka 1902 A, KM.523 (2/1-), 3 marka 1910 A (1/1), 3 marka 1911 A (1/0), KM.527; small hranky, small line marking/-s, nice toned U:X
1876-1921 NĚMECKÉ CÍSAŘSTVÍ / selection of 38 various small ražeb from uvedeného period, incl. Ag, various annual volumes and mint; various stavy incl. very nice U:X
1893, 1898 NĚMECKÉ CÍSAŘSTVÍ / HAMBURG / comp. of 2 Ag mincí: 5 marka 1898 J, KM.293 + 2 marka 1893 J, KM.294; line marking/-s, nice toned U:X
1897-1924 RUSSIA A USSR / 1 poltinik 1924 ПЛ, Y.89.1 + also with comp. 11 pcs of pozdních carských small coins, incl. Ag; mainly nice quality U:X
1912 LIECHTENSTEIN / Johann II. (1858 - 1929), 2 crown 1912, Y.3; very nice U:X
1913 RUSSIA / Nicholas II (1894-1917), 50 kopějka 1913 BC, Petersburg; small line marking/-s, nice toned, very nice U:X
1918-1945 GERMANY / collection of ca. 130 small coins Výmarské republic and III. empire, also 1x Ag, various annual volumes, mint, also several town nouzovek; various quality, as multiple interesting U:K
1923-1938 AUSTRIA / collection of ca. 45 pcs of coins from uvedeného period, incl. Ag; various, mainly however nice quality U:K
1927 PERSIA / Rezá Shah Páhlaví (1925-1941), 2000 dinár (2 kran) SH 1306 (1927) L (Leningrad), KM.1104; nice toned, exceptional zachovalost U:X
1927, 1953 TIBET / comp. of 2 mincí: Ag Tangka b.l. (1953), Y.31 + Cu Sho 16-1 (1927), Y.21a (varnished); nice toned, sought U:X
1932 ESTONIA / 2 krooni 1932 - University in/at Tartu, KM.13; nice toned U:X
1938 GERMANY / TŘETÍ EMPIRE / 1 marka 1938 E (Muldenhutten), KM.78; small line marking/-s, otherwise very fine, rare mint U:X
1971-1982 CANADA / Elizabeth II. (1952-2022), comp. 8 pcs of memorial/special Ag dolars, KM.80, 83, 88a, 97, 106, 118, 121, 133, all Ag 0.500, 23.3276 g.; nice toned, interesting selection of U:K
1980-1995 GERMANY / comp. 7 pcs of memorial/special Ag mincí: 10 marka 1994 - Herder (2x), KM.184 + 10 marka 1995 - Mírová, KM.185 + 10 marka 1995 - Henry Lion, KM.186 + 10 marka 1995 - Röentgen (3x), KM.187 + also with 5 marka 1980 - von der Volgelweide, KM.152; nice toned U:X
983-1002 GERMANY / GOSLAR / Otto III. (983-1002), Denár, Av.: kaplice, ATEAHLHT, Rv.: cross, in výsečích ODDO, transcript DI GRA REX; hole, opisy nedoraženy, nice toned U:X