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1882-1888 Sc.205, 210-217, "Presidents and politicians" - new design 1C-30C incl. both colors 2C, 4C, 5C; minor faults, only cheap 2C brown without gum, c.v.. $1.400, Mi.1.650€ U:A5
1882 Sc.210, block of four Washington 2C brown; very fine multiple, c.v.. $230 U:A5
1888 Sc.218, Commodore O. Hazard 90C "bright purpur"; very fine, c.v.. $800, Mi. 1.000€ U:A5
1890-1893 Sc.219-229, "Presidents and politicians", small format 1C-90C, shades in addition, 90C as pair; cheap 4C spots, 8c thin place, 1x 10C ** etc.., c.v.. $2.400, Mi. 2.650€ U:A5
1890-1893 Sc.219-229, PLATE PROOFS "Presidents and politicians", small format 1C-90C, in definitive colors "on card"; very fine, c.v.. $620 U:A5
1893 Sc.230-240, Columbus 1C-50C; some **, but all counted as *, c.v.. $1.640, Mi. 1.600€ U:A5
1893 Sc.230-245, Columbus 1c - 5$; complete set, used, end $5 unused without gum, part various quality (thins), but end $3-$5 in good quality, c.v.. ca. $4.400, sought set U:A5
1893 Sc.238-240, Columbus 15C, 30C and 50C; overall nice, c.v.. $355 U:A5
1893 Sc.241, Columbus 1$ "dark salmon"; very fine piece, c.v.. $1.000, Mi. 1.200€ U:A5
1893 Sc.242, Columbus $2 "brown red"; very fine piece with, heavy hinge, c.v.. $1.100, Mi. 1.300€ U:A5
1893 Sc.243, Columbus $3 "yellow green", VF, c.v.. $1.500, Mi. 1.700€ U:A5
1898 Sc.285-291, 293, Trans-Mississippi, complete popular set; usual minor faults (thins), but for example. $2 fine, overall good quality, c.v.. c.v.. $2.067 U:A5
1898 Sc.285-293, Omaha 1C-$2, incl. shades; $1 regummed, very fine and rare set, c.v.. $5.800 U:DR
1901 Sc.294-299, Pan-Americká exhibition 1c - 10c; complete unused set, various quality, values 4 and 8c new gum, highest value 10c ** U:A5
1904 Sc.323-327, Exhibition Louisiana 1c-10c, complete set; mainly hinged, catalogue value for hinged $305 U:A5
1907 Sc.328-330, Exhibition in Jamestown 1c-5c, complete set; 1c and 5c mint never hinged, 5c finger-print, c.v.. $482 U:A5
1908-1910 Sc.349, Washington 2C carmine, coil-, perf 12 horiz.; very fine, c.v.. $160 U:A5
1913 Sc.397-400A, Exhibition in San Francisco 1c-10c, complete set 5 stamps; 10c new gum, c.v.. * $391 U:A5
1915 Sc.460, Franklin $1 violet black, perf 10; very fine, c.v.. £140 U:A5
1917-1919 Sc.505, Washington 5C carmine, printing error in colour of value 2C in block of 6 with values 2C; hinged, some perforation imperfection, lower cut, after all decorative multiple, c.v.. $325++ U:A5
1917-1919 Sc.505, Washington 5C carmine, printing error in colour of value 2C; mint never hinged, c.v.. $625 U:A5
1918, 1920 Sc.524, 547, Franklin $2 carmine / black and $5 green / black, selection of 2 stamps; hinged, c.v.. $285 U:A5
1928 Sc.647-648, overprint Anniversary of Hawai 2c-5c, complete set in left bottom corner blocks of four with plate number; 5c hinge on upper 2 stamps, otherwise mint never hinged U:A5
1929 Sc.658-668, 1C - 10C, overprint KANS.; complete set hinged, c.v.. for * $216 U:A5
1932 Sc.704-715, Washington ½c-10c, complete set in corner blocks of four with plate numbers; mint never hinged, several usual minor gum faults, 1½c perforation imperfection U:A4
1930 AIRMAIL STAMPS / Sc.C13, Graf Zeppelin 65c; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, sought stamp U:A5
1891 POSTAGE-DUE / Sc.J27, Numerals 30C "bright claret"; tiny thin, c.v.. $225 U:A5
1911 Sc.F1, Registery 10c ultramarine; hinged, c.v.. $75 U:A5
1862-1871 Sc.R36a, revenue Washington 10c Inland Exchange imperforated; left minor faults, otherwise nice piece, c.v.. $500 U:A5
1862-1871 Sc.R73c, revenue Washington $1 red perforated, Mortgage; fine, c.v.. $300 U:A5
1862-1871 Sc.R98a, revenue Washington $20 orange, vertical imperforate pair; overall nice quality, c.v.. $450 U:A5
1871 Sc.R103, R106, R110, revenue Washington 1C, 4C, 15C "small format"; overall nice quality, c.v.. $360 U:A5
1871 Sc.R114, R117, R124, revenue Washington 40C, 70C, $2.50C; 40C "cut cancel", overall nice quality, c.v.. $210 U:A5
1871 Sc.R130, revenue Washington $25 blue; very fine piece with hand-made cancellation, c.v.. $750, rare U:A5
1871-1872 Sc.R134, R136, R139, revenue Washington 1C, 4C, 15C "small format"; very fine, c.v.. $200 U:A5
1871-1872 Sc.R141-R143, revenue Washington 40C, 60C and 70C; value 70C cut cancel, overall nice quality, c.v.. $280 U:A5
1871-1872 Sc.R146, R147, R149, revenue Washington $2.50C, $3, $5, all with hand-made cancellation; overall very fine quality, c.v.. $300 U:A5
1871-1872 Sc.R150, revenue Washington $20 with hand-made cancellation; light bend, overall fine piece without usual thin place, c.v.. $900, rare U:A5
1919 POST IN CHINA / Sc.K1-K16, Washington 1C - Franklin 1$ with overprints SHANGHAI 2C CHINA - SHANGHAI $2 CHINA; very fine and complete set, c.v.. $1.920 U:A5
1919 POST IN CHINA / Sc.K1-K2, overprint Washington 2C/1C and 4C/2C; very fine, c.v.. $140 U:A5
1919 POST IN CHINA / Sc.K4, overprint Washington 8C/4C; very fine, c.v.. $140 U:A5
1919 POST IN CHINA / Sc.K5, overprint Washington 10C/5C; very fine, c.v.. $140 U:A5
1919 POST IN CHINA / Sc.K6, overprint Washington 12C/6C; very fine, c.v.. $210 U:A5
1919 POST IN CHINA / Sc.K8, overprint Franklin 16C/8C; very fine, c.v.. $140 U:A5
1919 POST IN CHINA / Sc.K9, overprint Franklin 18C/9C; very fine, c.v.. $175 U:A5
1919 POST IN CHINA / Sc.K10, overprint Franklin 20C/10C; very fine, c.v.. $140 U:A5
1919 POST IN CHINA / Sc.K11, overprint Franklin 24C/12C; very fine, c.v.. $160 U:A5
1919 POST IN CHINA / Sc.K12, overprint Franklin 30C/15C; very fine, c.v.. $230 U:A5
1919 POST IN CHINA / Sc.K14, overprint Franklin 60C/30C; very fine, c.v.. $275 U:A5
1919 POST IN CHINA / Sc.K15, overprint Franklin $1/50C; very fine, c.v.. $1.000, rare stamp U:A5
1919 POST IN CHINA / Sc.K16, overprint Franklin $2/$1; very fine, c.v.. $750, rare stamp U:A5
1922 POST IN CHINA / Sc.K17, K18, Washington 1C and 2C with local (!) overprints SHANGHAI 2CTS CHINA and SHANGHAI 4CTS CHINA; very fine, c.v.. $200 U:A5
1946-1947 Ryukyu Islands - US occupation (1945-1972) MIYAKO DICTRICT, Sc.RX1, X2, X3, X18, X19, X22, X24, Japanese stamps 1S-1 Yen with overprints; c.v.. $2.120; rare U:A5
1946-1947 Ryukyu Islands - US occupation (1945-1972) MIYAKO DICTRICT Sc.3X26- 3X31 (without 3X28), Japanese stamps 1S-10S with red overprints postmaster J. Tomiyama and other black Japanese overprint; c.v.. $550 U:A5
1948 Ryukyu Islands - US occupation (1945-1972) YAEYAMA DICTRICT Sc.5X7, 5X8, Japanese stamps 40S and 50S with overprints postmaster K. Miyary; c.v.. $145 U:A5
1870-1930 PARTIE / mainly used stamps on card A4, contains i.a. Trans-Mississippi 8c and 10c (new gum), postage-due stamps of various issues and other; various quality, higher catalogue, interesting selection U:A4
1893 6x postcard UX10 Grant 1C as lithographic official postcard WORLD COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, every in addition with mounted stamp Columbus 1C; very nice U:A5
1893 8x postcard UX10 Grant 1C as lithographic official postcard WORLD COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, all with commercial additional-printing "New York ... ; very fine U:A5
1847 letter with Mi.1, Franklin 5C orange brown, blue grid pmk and CDS PHILADA Pa. JAN 5/5, to New York; very fine, c.v.. 825€ U:A5
1847 letter with Mi.2, Washington 10C black, cancel. blue BALTIMORE SEP / 5 and on stamp very rare blue "10", to ELMIRA in New York; very fine small letter, c.v.. 2.200€ U:DR