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1915 MAFIA / Brit. occupation SG.M12, German "Emperor´s Yacht" 4H with overprint G.R. POST 6 CENTS MAFIA; very nice piece, certificate BPA (R. Lowe), c.v.. £2.750 U:DR
1917-1921 SG.45-60, George VI. 1C - 10R with overprint G.E.A.; F-VF, c.v.. ca. €280 U:A5
1922-1924 SG.74-84, 86-87, 5C -10Sh (without 3Sh), wmk "Upright" + values 1Sh, 2Sh and 5Sh with wmk Mult Crown CA (sideways); very fine, c.v.. £400 U:A5
1925 SG.89-92, 5c - 30c, complete set; hinged, popular motive U:A5
1898-1902 SG.84-91, Victoria 1A - 5R, complete set supplemented with shades 1A, 3A and 1R ("bright blue"); nice set, c.v.. £320 U:A5
1898 letter to England sent to reverend Baskervill, with Uganda Protectorate VR, 3A and 1A (local issue of F. Rowlinga) and stamps BAC Victoria 2½A in vertical pair, rare CDS LUBAS DE.30/98, on reverse transit and arrival postmarks; folded, overall fine condition, rare letter ex. Rossiter U:DR
1898 local letter sent to Cyril Uvadale Price with Uganda Protectorate VR with overprint "L" (postmaster R.R. Lacey) 3x 1A + 2x 8A, CDS MASINDI DE I.98; very fine and rare letter, ex. Trapnell, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1913 SG.254a, Sultan Khalifa 75c, WMK "rose" UPRIGHT; very fine, c.v.. £150 U:A5
1913 SG.255-260g, "Ships" 1R - 200R; very fine, including rare high values 50R, 100R and 200R (certificate Bolaffi), c.v.. £5.800 U:DR
1895-1963 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 5 pages from stockbook, from issue Victoria 1895-1896, incl. better values also complete sets as SG.169-174, 236-237, 310-322. 373-388; interesting U:O4
1903-1960 [COLLECTIONS] EAST AFRICA AND UGANDA / G.E.A. / KENYA AND UGANDA / B.E.A. / interesting mixed used / mint collection in stockbook A4, divided according to issues, incl. some better middle values and higher face values; part various quality, part with fiscal cancellation, higher catalogue, we advice examination! U:Z
1938-1946 SG.150-161, George VI. " ½d - 10Sh; complete set, favourite and sought issue, c.v.. £170 U:A5
1957 SG.183a, Pierron GH366IMa, pair "Black Star" 1,3Sh blue, horiz. perf OMITTED; superb, c.v.. £650 U:A5
1962 Mi.102-104, Airmail 25Fr-100Fr, selection of 6 pairs and 2 singles (partialy imperforated etc.; hinged, unusual and decorative U:A5
1874-1879 SG.1(2x), 10, 11(2x), 15, Victoria 1P perf 12½ (2x) + 1P, 2P (2x) and 6P perf 14, wmk Crown CC; c.v.. £490 U:A5
1893 SG.42, 42a, overprint Victoria ½P/4P dull mauve, 1x overprint double; very fine, SG.42 certificate RPSL U:A5
194-1906 SG.54-63, Edward VII. ½P - 10Sh, selection of 21 stamps with wmk Mult Crown CA, complete set supplemented with stamps on chalky paper; overall fine quality U:A5
1914-1919 SG.1-12b, George V. ½P - £1, wmk Mult Crown CA, specialized selection of 42 stamps, incl. line shades as SG.6b, 10c, 11d, 12b etc..; overall fine quality, c.v.. ca. £870 U:A5
1921-1932 SG.15-29, George V. ½P - 10Sh, wmk Mult Script CA, selection of 32 stamps i.a. 3x 2Sh6P (1x DIE I), 2x 5Sh (DIE I, II); overall fine U:A5
1936 SG.34-45, 38a, George V. Motives ½P - £1, complete set, supplemented with rarer 3P with perf 12½:13½ (short tooth); c.v.. £400 U:A5
1936 SG.36a, George V. Motives 1½P brown with rarer perf 12½ : 13½; very fine, c.v.. £85+ U:A5
1938-1951 SG.49-59, George VI. ½P - 5Sh, specialized selection of 43 stamps, contains i.a. SG.59, 59a-c, 58a, ab, c etc..; part mint never hinged, rare and nice set! U:A5
1953-1958 SG.69-80, Elizabeth II. Motives ½P - £1, complete set supplemented with i.a. SG.72ca, cb; mainly hinged, c.v.. £175 U:A5
1892-1894 SG.1-6, overprint Victoria ½P - 1Sh; complete set, c.v.. £170 U:A5
1893 SG.7a, pair of provisional overprint 1/2P on 1P OIL RIVERS, on small cut-square with cancel. OLD CALABAR; very fine piece, certificate RPSL from 1925 (!), signature E.D. Bacon, Roll of Distinguished Philatelists), c.v.. £450 U:A5
1893 SG.21, Victoria 2½P OIL RIVERS with overprint HALF PENNY type 7, printing error "PENN"; very fine piece, certificate Brandon, exp. Thier U:A5
1894 SG.45-50, Victoria ½P - 1Sh, selection of 11 stamps, basic set and shades; minor faults, overall fine U:A5
1894 SG.51-56, Victoria ½P - 1Sh without watermark, selection of 14 stamps, shades and perf; minor faults, overall fine U:A5
1897-1898 SG.66-74, Victoria ½P - 10Sh, wmk Crown CA, selection of 25 stamps, incl. various shades and perf; various quality, overall fine U:A5
1940 Airmail / Yv.1b-5b, "Airplane" 1,90-6,90 Fr imperforated lower without "COTE D'IVOIRE"; important printing error, VF, certificate Guatré U:A5
1903 Yv.6+6d, overprint Chiffre Taxe 50C/60C, used pair, left stamp with plate variety - without mark above "O" in "COTE"; very fine, c.v.. £160+ U:A5
1887 Yv.1, overprint Allegory 5c/20C bricky red; fine unused piece, exp. Brun, c.v.. 260€ U:A5
1902 SG.10-18, Edward VII. ½P - 10Sh, wmk Crown CA; complete set, 1P toned, c.v.. £120 U:A5
1905-1907 SG.20-27, Edward VII. ½P - 2Sh6P, selection of 19 stamps, complete set supplemented with stamp on chalky paper, i.a. SG.25a, 26a and 27a; overall fine U:A5
1859-1874 SG.1, 4, Victoria 6P "dull purple" (*) and 6P "reddish lilac" *, both without watermark; c.v.. £320 U:A5
1859-1874 SG.2-4, Victoria 6P, comp. of 7 stamps, various shades, i.a. 1x SG.3; various quality U:A5
1865 SG.2, Victoria 6P grey-violet "grey lilac", without watermark; new gum, nice piece, c.v.. £300 U:A5
1876-1883 SG.16-22, 23-26, Victoria ½P - 1Sh, wmk Crown CC, perf 14+ ½P - 4P wmk Crown CA, perf 14; various, mainly good quality, c.v.. £218 U:A5
1884 SG.22(N), Victoria 1Sh green with overprint SIERRA 5S. LEONE; fine U:A5
1883 SG.25, Victoria 2P "magenta", wmk Crown CA, perf 14; very fine, c.v.. £75 U:A5
1884-1891 SG.27-34, Victoria ½P - 1Sh, wmk Crown CA, complete set supplemented with SG.28a; c.v.. £150 U:A5
1893 SG.39b, overprint Victoria ½P/½P, printing error PFNNY, wmk Crown CA; minor gum fault, c.v.. £85 U:A5
1897 SG.55-58, corner str-of-4 Victoria 3P with four overprint types POSTAGE AND REVENUE 2½P, plate number 1; very fine, hinges in margins, 3 stamps **, c.v.. £1.400 U:A5
1912-1921 SG.127, 127a, George V. 10Sh "red and green" and "carmine and blue-green", wmk Mult Crown CA; very fine, c.v.. £280 U:A5
1927 SG.146, George V. 10Sh red and green, wmk Mult Script CA; very fine, c.v.. £180 U:A5
1938-1944 SG.188-200, George VI. - Motives ½P - £1; complete set, c.v.. £140 U:A5
1956-1961 SG.210-222, Elizabeth II. - Motives, ½d - £1, complete set incl. SG.214a, wmk Mult Script CA; mainly hinged, c.v.. £85 U:A5
1859-1961 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 8 pages, various issues Victoria according to wmk, also Edward VII., George V., issue 1933 to 2Sh etc..; various quality, we advice examination U:Z
1872-1956 [COLLECTIONS] mixed used / mint collection in stockbook A4, from SG.7, divided according to issues, incl. better values, colors and perf; part various quality, overall interesting, we advice examination, sought destination! U:Z
1915 BRITISH OCCUPATION / SG.H29, Yv.54, Emperor´s Yacht 3Pfg brown on small cut-square; VF piece with certificate APS and Scheller, overprinted only 50 stams, c.v.. £3.000, Yvert 6.500€, scarce stamp U:DR
1915 SG.H35h, stamp Gold Coast George V. 1P red with INVERTED overprint TOGO ANGLO-FRENCH OCCUPATION, so-called. overprint "Accra"; very fine piece, c.v.. £170 U:A5
1876-1884 SG.6, Victoria 2P green, wmk Crown CC, perf 14; very fine piece, c.v.. £160 U:A5
1876-1884 SG.6, Victoria 6P orange, wmk Crown CC, perf 14; c.v.. £375 U:A5
1876-1884 SG.7, Victoria 4P "magenta", wmk Crown CC, perf 14; very fine piece, c.v.. £300 U:A5
1882 SG.9-10, Victoria ½P olive-yellow and 1P blue, wmk Crown CA; very fine, c.v.. £160 U:A5
1884-1891 SG.11-19, Victoria ½P - 2Sh, selection of 28 stamps incl. various shades, wmk Crown CA; mainly fine, nice set! U:A5
1889 SG.20, overprint Victoria 1P/6P orange; very fine, c.v.. £150 U:A5
1889-1894 SG.22-25, 23a, Victoria 5Sh - 20Sh, incl. rare 10Sh "dull mauve and carmine", wmk "Crown CA"; c.v.. £425 U:A5
1894 SG.25, Victoria 20Sh "mauve and black", wmk Crown CA; very fine piece, c.v.. £180 U:A5
1902 SG.38-48, Edward VII. ½P - 20Sh, wmk Crown CA; complete set, c.v.. £450 U:A5