1945 FDC / sent Reg and Express from Basel, franked i.a. Mi.Bl.12, red CDS BASEL, label Zivilpost and arrival postmark FIELD-POST / POSTE DE CAMPAGNE; interesting
1913 airmail postcard from 1. Swiss air day show, mounted with stamp 10c and Surtax special label Mi.VI, 50c with CDS ERSTE FLUGPOST LANGNAU I. E. - BERNE/ 4.V.13; addressed to to Bohemia; some wrinkled corners, good condition, c.v.. Zumstein Spezial: label Zu.VI. for entires 1.800CHF, Michel only single used airmail label 800€, extraordinary entire!
1850-2000 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation of mainly used stamps from Mi.8, lot of issues Sitting and Standing Helvetia, better sets Pro Patria, Pro Juventute, incomplete PAX 1945, air-mail and others, several miniature sheets, for example. Bl.8 and Bl.10, many duplications, supplemented with about several entires; placed in 30-sheet stockbook A4, high catalogue value
1935-1990 [COLLECTIONS] COVERS / collection of ca. 100 mainly airmail- entires and special flights envelopes, first flights etc.., supplemented with several entires and commemorative sheets of Germany; interesting
1840 SG.5e, TWO PENCE BLUE with BLUE Maltese cross; lower light cut to margin, otherwise very fine piece, on reverse by pencil "BLUE MX", c.v.. £12.000 rare stamp
1864-1879 SG.43, PENNY RED (rose-red), unused block of 12 with upper margin with inscription "... ABOVE the Address and toward the RIGHT HAND SIDE of the...", plate 95, letters AE-CH; original gum mint never hinged, light fold in perforation, c.v.. ** £1.440++, scarce
1848 SG.57, Embossed 10P brown, complete margins, at top touched, significant "silk threads"; small abrasion at right margin, overall fine piece, c.v.. £1.500
1877 SG.F21, INLAND REVENUE / Victoria 1P violet marginal imperforated imprimatur and in addition 2x Colour Trials, carmine and light brown; very fine, c.v.. £800
THE TWO PENNY POST / pre-philatelic folded letter sent from Birmingham to London, 3 lines black cancel. TwoPyPost Unpaid 22314 Holborn, red cancel. 10 O´CLOCK 30.DE...; good condition, sought
1822-1852 LETTERS / selection of 6 folded letters, 3x pre-philatelic, from that 1x BISHOP´S mark GOC/29/1827, then for example. 1x red 2-lines cancel. MINORIES 1D PAID, round PAID with crown 1852 etc..; good condition
1837 FREE FRANK / pre-philatelic folded letter with red decorative cancel. FREE 26.MY.26/1837 with crown with signature of sender, on reverse posting red cancel. "double Maltese cross (London) and rhombic arrival 3M/MV28/37 (Broughshane); rare
1840 selection of letter and larger part of letter with SG.2, PENNY BLACK black, letters P-A, resp. M-D, cancel. black, resp. red Maltese cross, posting and arrival postmark., 1x closer margin; overall fine, c.v.. £1.125+
1878 letter to London with mixed franking of Peru 10C and Victoria 1Sh, SG.68 (plate 13), numeral pmk "13" - CALLOO, on reverse transit and arrival postmarks; signs of usage, certificate RPSL, interesting and rare letter
1857 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.40, 1P rose-red, complete set of 240 stamps according to letters AA - TL, without distinction of plates, various postmarks, shades, plates etc..; various quality, placed on special sheet, c.v.. £1.920++, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1864-1876 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.43, 1P red, complete to plates 71-225 (as always without plate 77), supplemented with 2P blue, plates 7, 8, 9, 12-15; various quality, higher catalogue, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1870-1874 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.51, 1½P rose-red, reconstruction of plate according to letters, total 136 stamps of various combinations of letters, various plates; some faults, thins, various quality, c.v.. £10.200, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1857 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.66, 4P rose-carmine, wmk "Large Garter", selection of 239 stamps (!) including some center pieces with wide margins, so-called. wing margins, missing only 1 stamp to complete reconstruction, various postmarks; various quality, c.v.. £35.850+, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1863 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.80-82, 4P in various shades, mainly with "hair lines" and Roman II (plate 4), wmk "Large Garter", total 146 stamps with various letters combinations , several pairs and "wing margins", postmarks etc..; various quality, cat. only as basic stamps £20.440, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1867-1880 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.103, 3P rose, wmk "Spray of Rose", 180 stamps with various combinations of letters, various plates, several times also better plate 10, "wing margins", postmarks etc..; various quality, cat. only as basic stamps £10.800, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1873-1880 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE REKONSTRUCTION / selection of 3 incomplete plate reconstructions of SG.139, 142 and 166, i.a. various postmarks, several pieces with perfins etc..; various quality, high catalogue value, on 3 special pages, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1876 [COLLECTIONS] RECONSTRUCTION / SG.141, 2½P rose-violet, wmk "Orb", complete set of 192 stamps (!), according to characters AAAA-LPPL, various plates, several pieces with perfins, various postmarks; various quality, c.v.. £16.320+, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1880 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.142, 2½P blue, complete 240 stamps according to letters combinations characters AAAA - LTTL, several pieces with perfins; various quality, c.v.. £13.200+, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1883 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.190, 2½P violet, complete set of 240 stamps according to combinations of letters AAAA - TLLT, several pieces with perfins, supplemented with 3 entires; various quality, c.v.. £4.890, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1840- ME1, Mulready "Letter Sheet" and ME3, "Envelope", both used with red cancel. Maltese cross, posting and arrival postmarks; ME1 small abrasion and folds, c.v.. £1.100
1840-1980 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in two stockbooks A4 from SG.2, incl. also better stamps and values as SG.48, 73, 126, 183 etc..; various quality, high catalogue value, we advice examination!