Public Auction 71 / TOP100 Bidding
1906 ŠTEFÁNIK Milan Rastislav (1880–1919), important Slovak politician, General French army, astronomer, postcard sent to medailéra Otakara Španiela to Paris with signature "Váš Štefánik" and with date 15.XI.05, supplemented with about/by B/W portrait postcard, good condition and rare U:A5
1925 PLATE NUMBERS / Pof.191B I, Gravure 2CZK blue, type I landscape format, selection of 21 pcs of L and P bottom corner stamp. with various plate number, various wmk, 4x pair, 1x block of four; all used U:A4
1920 POSTAL AGENCY / BEŇA (Mužijovo) Geb.2505/1, Reg letter to USA (!), franked on back side 6x stamp. Hradčany 15h, in front Hungarian Reg label, transit postmark NEW YORK 2.25/1920; light imprints postal-agencies, after all rare and rare entire to far destination U:A5
1956 certificate of rent with usage postage-due stamps for payment fee, 4x 10h, Pof.DL67, CDS SRBSKÁ KAMENICE 8.XI.56; good condition U:A5
Pof.9A plate mark, 20h carmine, LR corner blk-of-4 with control-numbers, comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, plate 2, plate mark - 2x interrupted desetinná pomlka under the pos. 100; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba U:A5
1972 Pof.1940 production flaw, Winter Olympic Games Sapporo 1972 1Kčs, UR corner blk-of-4 with significant vertical oranžovou line in L upper stamp. and upper margin; mint never hinged, rare! U:A5
Pof.11Fa IIs, 25h black-violet, line perforation 13¾ : 11½, zavřená spiral; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba U:A5
1926 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.DL44A, Postage Due - overprint issue Agriculture and Science 40/300h red, incomplete 99 pcs of sheet divided into 2 parts, line perforation 13¾; mint never hinged, sporadically povolená perf, in larger entireties rare usage U:A3v–
1951 CPH45/ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, Promotional 1951, comp. 9 pcs of, all in time březen-květen 1952 sent on/for same address to USA, from that 8 pcs of with various additional franking 1,50Kčs and 1 pcs of uprated. 6,50Kčs sent Flight, all with special postmark neb CDS BANSKÁ BYSTRICA; good condition, rare offer U:A5
1925 Pof.191B, Gravure 2CZK blue, type I landscape format, L the bottom corner blk-of-15 on cut-square, plate number 27.I., CDS PRAGUE 9/ 12.X.25; good condition, rare block! U:A5
1925 PLATE NUMBERS / Pof.192B I + 193B I, Gravure 3CZK brown + 5CZK green, type I landscape format, selection of 21 pcs of L and P bottom corner stamp. with various plate number, 12 pcs of values 3CZK + 9 pcs of values 5CZK, various wmk, 1x pair 5CZK; all used U:A4
1925 Pof.190B Gravure 1CZK red, type I., wmk P6, L the bottom corner blk-of-6 with plate number 31-I-2/1., incl. rozměřovacího křížku and protective frame, red special postmark PROSTĚJOV; without defects U:A5
1921-1939 [COLLECTIONS] MACHINE POSTMARKS / collection of ca. 35 entires from uvedeného period with machine postmarks with advertising štočky, for example. The Day of matek..., Přihlašujte with after/behind auditor rozhlasu..., Vyplácejte totally postage zásilky..., Nerušte receiving rozhlasu... and other, any other one; nice quality, interesting selection of U:O4
1954 NÁLEPNÍ SHEET / 6/1954 Profession, stamp. 80h mounted conversely; without defects, rare U:A5
Pof.11Db, 25h brownlila, line perforation 11½; mint never hinged, light print finger, exp. by Mrnak and Vrba U:A5
1925 PLATE NUMBERS / Pof.188A, 189A, Neotypie (gravure-print) 50h green + 60h violet, selection of 19 pcs of corner pieces, from that 11 pcs of value 50h with various plate number + values 60h 3 pcs of with various plate number + 5 pcs of upper corner stamp. with řádkovou perf also hřebenovou perf, various wmk; all used U:A4
1925 Pof.192B plate number, Gravure 3CZK brown, L the bottom corner piece with plate number 13.I, wmk P5; hinged, sought U:A5
1925 PLATE NUMBERS / Pof.190B I, Gravure 1CZK red, type I landscape format, selection of 21 pcs of L bottom corner stamp. with various plate number, various wmk; all used U:A4
Pof.SO5A IIs/IIp, SO5E IIs/Ip, Hradčany 15h bricky red, 1x with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½ with spiral type II and bar + 1x with line perforation 11½ : 10¾; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba and Gilbert U:A5
1951 CPH46/ 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, Hunting 1951, comp. 5 pcs of, all in time únor-květen 1952 sent on/for same address to USA, from that 3 pcs of with various additional franking 1,50Kčs, 1 pcs of uprated by. 6,50Kčs sent air mail a 1 pcs of with stripped stmp, all with special postmark or CDS BANSKÁ BYSTRICA; good condition, rare nabídka
Pof.105a Ob, Reaper - MAGYAR POSTA 10f red, type II., full overprint offset on gum; mint never hinged, exp. Hefer and Vrba U:A5
1925 Pof.193B plate number, Gravure 5CZK green, L the bottom corner piece with plate number 5I., wmk P5; lightly hinged, exp. Vrba, sought U:A5
1920 KUPKA Francis (1871-1957), světoznámý Czech painter, one from zakladatelů modern abstraktního painting; handwritten 24-řádkový letter with signature "Kupka", dated in/at Puteaux 6.VII. 1920, very interesting text concerning legionaries (Kupka in 1914 odešel dobrovolně on/for frontu as member troop Nazdar, in battle by river Aisne was/were raněn and consequently vyznamenán Řádem officer Čestné legion, later získal hodnost captain), and his decision, věnovat with naplno aristic activity/-ies in France; cross fold, overall very sound condition, extraordinary and very rare manuscript! U:A4
1918-1920 POSTMARKS HRADČANY-issue / comp. of cancelled stamps Hradčany, part 1-kruhová cancel., contains used stamp. also other issues, blocks and strips, several items Un stamp., park used stamp. in/at envelopes, supplemented with kartou with označenými forgeries, etc.. U:K
1918- [COLLECTIONS] smaller remaining selection in stockbook A4, contains i.a. several bloks of four, production flaw, coupons, then maculature Hradčany, etc.., in addition supplemented with about/by various commemorative sheets and stockbook with special postmark U:K
1910-1950 [COLLECTIONS] selection of various identity-card, i.a. diplomatický pass Czechoslovakia generálního konzula Francis Kopeckého (1921), member passports Czechoslovak Sokol Community, traveller's passports, international driving licence, deposit book, employment book, vocational sheets, letter of discharge from army etc..; various, mainly in good condition condition, as multiple interesting U:K
1919-1935 [COLLECTIONS] Czechoslovakia - PASSPORT / comp. 4 pcs of travel passports Czechoslovakia, 1x from year 1919 in/at red cover, 1x issued in 1922 in/at šedých cover, 1x issued in 1935 in light blue cover, 1x Passport for children, double-sheet issued in 1930, all issued district office in Písek; good condition, esp. passport from year 1919 is in perfect quality and rare! U:O5
1926 JANÁČEK Leoš (1854–1928), important Czech composer, autograph on portrait B/W photo postcard, sent from Janáčkových celebrations; slightly toned, after all decorative and rare! U:A5
1933 HLINKA Andrew (1864-1938), Slovak politician, handwritten written 6-řádkový text with datací and whole signature "Andrew Hlinka, member of parliament"; rare and sought U:A5
1921 BAŤA Thomas (1876–1932), Czechoslovak businessman, „král obuvi“, autograph on confirmation of Trade Bank in Prague, on reverse with signature director Joseph Blažka; good condition and sought U:A5
Pof.170Na-171Na, imperforated Hradčany 40h and 60h without added print; light hinged, exp. Vrba U:A5
1939 FIRST DAY ISSUE / postcard to Wien (Vienna), with Štefánik 60h blue, Sy.1, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 30.III.39 (FDC!), uprated by. str-of-3 stmp with overprint Coat of arms 20h red, Sy.4; very fine, quite minimum usage, existují only 2 podobná FDC, missing also in špičkových exponátech, exceptional offer! U:A5
Pof.170Nb-171Nb, Hradčany 40h and 60h without added print, comb perforation 13¾ : 13½; hinged, exp. Vrba U:A5
Pof.26a, 1000h blue-violet, L the bottom corner piece with control-numbers, wide margins with parts of adjacent stamp.; mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek and Vrba U:A5
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / semifinished collection on pages KA-BE, Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Festival, Congress etc..; various quality U:Z
1974 WERICH John (1905-1980), film also theatre actor and writer, handwritten letter with signature; horiz. folded, overall sound condition U:A5
1938 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / COUNTER SHEET / selection of two complete sheets of 100 revenues 1 Koruna and 5 Koruna 1938; partially allowed in perforation, c.v.. 15.000CZK U:A3v–
1918-1919 SELECTION of / remaining selection various stamp. issues Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 and Scout, contains i.a. Pof.9A **, 2x Pof.49b **, several multiblocks and cut-squares issue PČ 1919 (overprint); part hinged U:A4
Pof.7 STs+p, 15h bricky red, vertical strip of 3 with joined bar subtype on pos. 12/1 and spiral on pos. 22/1; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert and Vrba U:A5
1939 CDV5X/II, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, CHYBOTISK in red color, Us II. response part sent from Protectorate to Slovakia, CDS PRAGUE 20.X.39 + censorship mark D.K. PRAGUE 7; good condition, c.v.. Synek 400€, very rare occurrence! U:A5
1923 Pof.176 plate number, Jubilee 50h green, LR corner piece with plate number II, wmk P5; mint never hinged, small spots, exp. Vrba, sought U:A5
Pof.26, 1000h violet with L margin; mint never hinged U:A5
1939 1. DAY OF USAGE / Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, postcard franked with. Czechosl. stamp. Štefánik 50h, CDS PRAGUE 73/ 15.III.39; very fine, nice piece with nice cancel. first of day! U:A5
Pof.40Ia, Charles 25h blue with subtype overprint Ia; mint never hinged, exp. Schlesinger and Vrba U:A5
Pof.57C, Rectangle 2h brown-red with rare combined perforation 11½ : 12½, blue Opt I. type; mint never hinged, left at top short teeth, certificate Vrba, exp. Karásek, very rare U:A5
1928 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.234A, Jubilee 40h brown, complete 100 pcs of counter sheet with plate number; vert. fold in perforation, lower light allowed, rather rare usage complete sheets this issue U:A3v–
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ZÁSOBA / smaller accumulation mainly unused stamp. in stockbook A4, rozčleněno according to single issues, part values more times etc..; mainly hinged, various quality U:Z
Pof.18vz Pp, 75h grey-green with inverted opt VZOREC; hinged, exp. Vrba, rare usage U:A5
1939 Sy.7x production flaw, Postage due stmp (II) 60h blue, UL corner blk-of-4 with production flaw - significant perf folded paper in margin; mint never hinged U:A5
1824 LOBKOVICOVÉ/ calligraphied decorated vocational certificate on parchment from roudnického lordship Lobkoviců with tkanou ribbon and seal in/at kostěném pouzdru U:A3s|
Pof.22A, 200h ultramarine, nice dark color shade, horizontal pair with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½; mint never hinged, fold in paper on/for L stamp. U:A5
1926 Pof.208 production flaw, Gravure 1CZK red, horizontal pair with significant shift vertical perf L to to picture of stmp.; hinged, exp. by Gilbert and owner's mark, decorative U:A5
Pof.120 Pop, Charles 20f brown, conversely inverted overprint, sole stamp. from complete issue with this overprint (!); repaired gum, short teeth, sought by specialists, exp. by Gilbert and Be U:A5
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / semifinished collection on pages KA-BE in spring folder, Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Festival, Congress. I. air issue etc..; mainly hinged, various quality, we advice viewings U:Z
1940 FUTURISTA Ferenc (one's own name Francis Fiala 1891-1947), known Czech actor, portrait photo format smaller A4 with dedication and signature; decorative U:A4
1918-1920 [COLLECTIONS] HRADČANY-issue - SYPANÉ STAMPS / box with several tisíci used scattered stamps issue Hradčany, i.a. contains lot of values 1000h, 500h, 400h, 75h and other, general weight/scale stamps through/over 500g, by estimation 10.000ks stamps; origin abroad U:K
1939 Sy.D8y plate number, Postage due stmp (I) 1Ks red, comp. of 2 L bottom corner blk-of-4 with plate numbers: 1x I. variant - "1" below characters "plate variety" (rare) + 1x II. variant - "1" below character "O"; mint never hinged, I. variant minor gum fault, rare usage, catalogue misvalues, extraordinary offer! U:A5
Pof.111 production flaw, 50h violet with significant shifted overprint; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba U:A5
1945-1947 SELECTION of / 5 pcs of entires (1x R) with nationalized Bohemian and Moravian postal agency pmk Hladov (Geb.0301/2b), Lanštorf (Geb.0640/5b), Obytce (Geb.0910/6b), Stražisko (Geb.1264/3b) and Žlunice (Geb.1600/2b); chosen pieces with quality postmarks, very sound condition U:A5
1947-1950 SELECTION of / 5 pcs of entires with poválečnými definitive postal agency pmk Jarošov (Geb.0460/4), Koběřice (Geb.0540/4), Lanštorf (Geb.0640/7), Leština (Geb.0659/8) and Zakřany (Geb.1546/5); chosen pieces with quality postmarks, overall sound condition U:A5
Pof.143N-148N, imperforated 5h - 25h, basic line 7 values, 20h and 25h I. types; mainly hinged, light folds, exp. by Gilbert and Vrba U:A5
1925-1929 Pof.PD1, PD3-PD6, overprint issue 1Kč/25h, 1Kč/250h - 2Kč/500h; PD3 new gum, other hinged, all exp. Vrba, sought U:A5
1945 Reg letter franked with. cut stamp. 4 Koruna brown from Partisan miniature sheet, Pof.A408/412, incl. printings children in background, cancelled blue special postmark, on reverse arrival postmark LIPTOVSKÝ HRÁDOK 31.VIII.45, sender Ursiny; rare Us entire with stamp. from miniature sheet! U:A5
1918 Pof.SK1-2 + SK1a-2a, 10h blue and 20h red + 10h light blue and 20h light red; light shades hinged, exp. by Gilbert., Vrba U:A5
Pof.26, 1000h violet with lower margin with control-numbers; mint never hinged U:A5
1918 Budějovice issue (Horner's overprint), selection of 37 pcs of various stamp. with overprint - later printing, all on cut squares; placed on card A4 U:A4
Pof.57A blank coupon, 58A blank coupon, Rectangle 2h violet + 5h green, stamp. with unoverprinted coupon, perf line perforation 12½, both with overprint II. type; mint never hinged pieces, exp. Šr, Vrba U:A5
Pof.57A blank coupon, 58A blank coupon, Rectangle 2h violet + 5h green, stamp. with unoverprinted coupon, perf line perforation 12½, both with overprint III. type; mint never hinged pieces, 2h small bend in/at coupon, exp. Šr, Vrba U:A5
1946-1947 DEAD LETTER OFF. PRAGUE / comp. of 2 undeliverable letters, for ascertainment addressee envelope/-s officially opened, both with stick-on label, both burdened by postage-due (on one envelope 2x mounted postage-due zn.), various CDS and pomocná cancel., handwritten notice; well preserved, interesting and decorative U:A5
1925 Pof.190B plate number, Gravure 1CZK red, landscape format, L the bottom corner piece with plate number 35-I-16/II, wmk P5; hinged, exp. Vrba, sought U:A5
1922 censored Reg letter to Hungary, franked on back side 17 pcs of stamp. low face value, 11x issue Chainbreaker 30h and 6x Pigeon-issue 20h, general postage 4,50CZK conforms V. postal rate for near foreign countries, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 12.IV.22; good condition U:A5
1937 SPAIN / INTERNATIONAL BRIGADES / postcard from Czechosl. member interbrigád, meter stmp post off. directorate VALENCIA 8.V.37, censorship marks; very nice good condition U:A5
1920 letter franked with. Surtax stamp. 60+20h, the bottom marginal piece with control-numbers, Pof.171, posting MC PRAGUE 1/ 23.XII.20; very nice good condition U:A5
1953 1. DAY / PC CDV109 Gottwald, CDS DOLNÍ BOUSOV 1.VI.53, marked by red raddle "Změna currency", uprated by. 5 pcs of stamp. Gottwald 3Kčs; sound condition U:A5
1925 Pof.190AI, Gravure 1CZK red, type I high size, R corner piece with wmk P1 and plate number 6; used stamp. with hints after/around bathing in/at benzínu, exp. by Gilbert., Vrba U:A5
Pof.26 production flaw, 1000h violet, block of four with lower margin and significant printing paper crease in lower pair stamp.; without gum, exp. Le, Vrba U:A5
Pof.11E, 11Fa, 25h violet with line perforation 11½ : 10¾ + 25h black-violet with line perforation 13¾ : 11½; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert and Vrba U:A5
Pof.11vz IIp Pp, 25h violet with inverted opt VZOREC, with bar type II (!); hinged, exp. Vrba, rare occurrence U:A5
1945 CPL5B + CPL5Ba, Slovak certificate of mailing, 2 pcs of, 1x Hlinka 50h yellow, hand-made red Opt ČESKOSLOVENSKO, Un + 1x 50h light green, hand-made violet overprint, uprated with stamp Pof.389 and 391, CDS BRATISLAVA 5/ 30.1.46; light folds, as multiple nice U:A5
Pof.57A blank coupon, 58A blank coupon, Rectangle 2h violet + 5h green, stamp. with unoverprinted coupon, perf line perforation 12½, both with overprint I. type; mint never hinged pieces, exp. Šr, Karasek, Vrba U:A5
1971 PLATE PROOF Pof.D103, Flowers 6Kčs, comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs, 1x master die in/at definitive colors + 2x color stage, 2x signed J. Herčík, all on carton paper without gum U:A5
1894 Franz Joseph I. (1848-1916), 1 crown 1894 KB; very nice U:X
1918 Pof.PP1, ЧЕШСКЯ ПОЧТА 10k blue; mint never hinged, oblique bend, certificate Vrba, exp. by Mrnak., Gilbert, exceedingly rare stamp missing in most collections! U:DR
1950 Pof.A564 production flaw, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950 with production flaw - in lower margin print other pair stamp. in/at PŘEVRÁCENÉ position in/at slightly tmavším shade (!), size 103x120 mm; mint never hinged, only quite small toned in margin, overall fine, exceedingly decorative piece rare production defects on/for populárním miniature sheet, unrepeatable offer! U:DR
Pof.11D joined spiral types production flaw, 25h violet, L marginal horizontal strip of 4 with line perforation 11½ and spiral type I on pos. 12 and 13, in addition through/over all stamp. oblique perf line perforation 13¾; lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert and Karasek, rare strip with joined types, in addition with decorative flaw perf, rare multiple! U:A5
1951 Pof.TL L33 production flaw, Spa 6Kčs green, whole printing sheet with two neoddělenými perf blk-of-10, production flaw - in upper margin folded paper incl. perf; mint never hinged, only small production gum flaw, very nice quality, in this status minimum usage, sought and rare with folded paper for the first time in auction! U:A4
Pof.55 2KN + 3 K, Triangle 2h brown-red, marginal block-of-7 with strip-of-4 with stamps, 3 overprinted coupons and 2 unoverprinted marginal half coupons, overprint types I+III+III+III on stamps and II+III+I on coupons; only 1x hinge remnant, certificate Vrba, expertized Mrňák, Pofis and Wallner, decorative and very rare multiple in very fine quality, extraordinary example! U:DR
UNISSUED / Pof.128Pz, Black numerals 5f green / black, wmk Pz, with different type of overprint F, overprint type IV shifted; lightly hinged, certificate Vrba and Mikulski, exp. Mrňák, Mikulski and Gilbert, rare U:DR
Pof.12Mp(2), 30h yellow, 2-stamps. vert. opposed gutter, folded; mint never hinged mint never hinged, small grain in paper, certificates Vrba and Karásek, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák and Karasek, rare occurrence, missing in most collections! U:DR
1951 Pof.ZT printing sheet L36N, Spa 20Kčs brown, imperforated proof printing sheet with joined printing three (!) whole blk-of-10 from that 2x stejnosměrně and 1x opposite facing, lower opposite facing blk-of-10 with tiskařským cancel red crayon, on reverse 3x partial offset pair stamp. from every blk-of-10; without gum, in the middle fold, unique piece U:DR
1851 Ferch.6IIIa, strip-of-6 Blue Mercury, rare type IIIa, cancel. ZEITUNGS EXPED / WIEN; VF, certificate Ferchenbauer. - "erlesenes Prachtstuck" RR!, c.v. ca. 5.600€, scarce! U:DR
Pof.49aI, Coat of arms 3 Koruna dark red, high size, perfectly centered overprint type I.; superb, Vrba certificate and Karásek, exceedingly rare stamp in/at prémiové quality! U:DR
Pof.107a, MAGYAR POSTA 20f brown, magnificent mint never hinged example, well centered, certificate Vrba and Karásek, expertized Mrňák, Pofis and Wallner, superb and very scarce stamp, c.v. Michel 6.500€ (undervalued), one of the greatest Czechoslovak rarity! U:DR
Pof.56, Triangle 5h green, well centered overprint I. type; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert.,, very fine piece, rare and sought stamp! U:DR
Pof.49II, Coat of arms 3 Koruna light red, landscape format, overprint type II.; mint never hinged, L short tooth, Vrba certificate and Mikulski, exp. by Karasek and Lešetický, overall nice piece of this exceedingly rare stamps, which/what often missing also in big collections! U:DR
Pof.59, Mercure R 10h red, overprint type I.; superb mint never hinged piece, Vrba certificate and Karásek, exp. Lešetický, Gilbert, Karásek and Beneš, commercial mark Kosina, very rare stamp in/at prémiové quality! U:DR
Pof.71, Large numerals 50h red, overprint type III.; mint never hinged , certificate Vrba, exp. by Leseticky., Gilbert and Fischmeister, sought stamp U:DR
Pof.95, 70f brown / black, wmk "z", IV. type, overprint shifted; hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, overall nice piece, exceedingly rare and sought stamp! U:DR
Pof.125y, Newspaper stamp 2f red-orange in horiz. marginal 2-PÁSCE with rare wmk Py (VI) - cross L-wards, overprint combination types III+I; mint never hinged, only small production warping paper, Vrba certificate, expertized Mrňák and Gilbert, rare offer rarely occurring wmk, in addition in dvojpásce! U:DR
1943 Pof.PrA1c, Promotional miniature sheet for Red Cross in/at ZELENÉ color (!), ordinal number "087", right size 171x131mm; issued without gum, light bend in UR corner, light spot and print finger with printing color on reverse, certificate Paetow BPP, exp. Möbs, in catalogue always significantly underprized, Pofis 300.000Kč, Michel 10.000€, quite rare offer nejvzácnějšího (!) miniature sheet Protectorate, known only several pieces! U:DR
2000 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.244 production flaw, BRNO 2000 5CZK, complete sheet (35+30K), MODRÝ PODTISK, in/at right side sheet wide background print blue color, 2x through/over almost whole stamp., 3x through/over whole coupon; mint never hinged, without folds, extraordinary offer for specialized collector Czech Republic and archoviny! U:A3v–
Pof.35a PII, Crown 6h orange, on both sides ČERNÝ overprint, in front II. type, on reverse inverted overprint I. type; hinged, Vrba certificate and BPA, exp. Lešetický, very fine piece with interesting two-sided overprint, exceedingly rare stamp to every big collection or exhibit! U:DR
1848-1859 SG.6, RED MAURITIUS POST PAID 1P vermilion "early impression"; very fine piece with cancel. "1", certificate Diena, + RPSL (J. Wilson), c.v.. £9.000 U:DR
Pof.65, Large numerals 2h red, overprint type III.; very nice piece hinged, Vrba certificate and BPA, exp. Lešetický, Tribuna and Mrňák, exceedingly rare stamp missing also in big collections, rare offer! U:DR
1852 GOVERNO PROVISSORIO / Sass.21, Coat of arms 40c carmine; nice unused piece with original gum and usual margins, certificate Sorani, exp. Diena, c.v.. 45.000€, very rare classic stamp! U:DR
1860 GOVERNO PROVISSORIO / Sass.22, Coat of arms 80c "carnicino"; nice unused piece with original gum and usual margins, certificate Sorani and E. Diena, exp. R. Diena, c.v.. 75.000€, very rare classic stamp! U:DR
Pof.48aII, Coat of arms 2 Koruna dark blue, ŠIROKÝ format, well centered overprint I. type; very fine piece with small opravou of removed hinge, lower partially vylepšená perf, Vrba certificate and Mikulski, exp. by Leseticky., Fr, Gilbert, rarely occurring dark dvoukoruna in/at širokém format, very rare stamp! U:DR
1850 Reg letter with 3x Ferch.1HI and 3x Ferch.2HI, franking Coat of arms 5+5+5+10+10+10Cts from Venice to Padua; very fine, exp. Sorani, c.v.. 16.000€, exclusive offer, scarce U:DR
1943 Pof.A111; Mi.Bl.I, Heydrich's MS / Heydrich Block, mint never hinged original gum quite mint never hinged (!), dokonce more/larger size 101x147mm, type I., perf rámec A, number miniature sheet "226", printing only 1.000 pcs of; mint never hinged in perfect quality, c.v.. 20.000€ (!), on reverse commercial mark Kosina / Prague (George Kosina 1894-1966, legionnaire, Prague philatelic dealer), on request can be zajistit certificate, rare offer miniature sheet in/at prémiové quality, according to catalogues most valuable miniature sheet from complete world philately, missing in overwhelming majority collections! U:DR
1912-1925 SG.323, George V. 1000R purple on red, wmk Multiple Crown CA, perforation 14; an unused example, left bottom corner with margin and plate number "1"; superb with large part original gum, certificate BPA London, c.v.. £35.000++, iconic high face value, one of the rarest generally issued adhesive stamps of the British Empire! U:DR
1939-1965 [SBÍRKY] GHETTO TEREZÍN - PŘÍBĚH / cestovní kufr se kterým se z Terezína vrátila přeživší vězeňkyně Berta Ingrišová v květnu 1945! Kufr obsahuje velký soubor korespondence, dokumentů, legitimací, fotografií vztahující se k jejímu životu, pobytu v Terezíně, osvobození a dalším životu v ČSR, mj. kompletní řadu terezínských bankovek, textilní židovskou hvězdu, více jak 80ks lístků zaslaných z nebo do ghetta, více jak 60ks různých dokumentů, potvrzení, terezínské potravinové a ošatní lístky, 2x terezínská spořitelní knížka, noviny Židovské listy, zajatecké lístky z tábora STALAG VII, Věstník židovských náboženských obcí v ČSR, předválečná i poválečná osobní korespondence a úřední dokumenty, modlitební knížky, kalendáře, turistické mapy a průvodce Izraele, cca 100ks rodinných fotografií atd.; vše uloženo v označeném kufru se kterým do Terezína přijela Alžběta Kutová, která byla zavražděna v KT Treblinka; zcela mimořádný a hodnotný objekt! U:K
1915 MAFIA / Brit. occupation SG.M12, German "Emperor´s Yacht" 4H with overprint G.R. POST 6 CENTS MAFIA; very nice piece, certificate BPA (R. Lowe), c.v.. £2.750 U:DR
1853-1859 SG.13, "Sandbach" (print Waterlow) 1C "brownish red" plate A (Stone A); very fine piece, ex. S. Gibbons 2001, c.v.. £18.000, extremely rare stamp U:DR
1897 SG.F10a, Victoria ONE DOLLAR / TWO DOLLARS olive green, printing error "Both Chinese handstamps omitted"; very fine, c.v.. £4.250, rare U:DR
1901 SG.30ba, Victoria 1Sh grey (bluish grey) with overprint ONE FARTHING, "F" in overprint "INSERTED BY HANDSTAMP"; VF, certificate BPA, c.v.. £8.000, scarce U:DR
1912-1923 SG.215s, George V. $500 SPECIMEN; VF with large part original gum, c.v.. £5.000, rare stamp! U:DR
1857 letter to Napoli with 3-colour franking Victor Emmanuel II. 5c (pair), 20c and 40c, Sass.16a, 13a and 15Aa, CDS GENOVA; very fine, exp. Biondi, nice letter U:DR
1854 SG.4ab, bisected Sitting Britannia 2P "greyish slate" on letter sent to Granada, cancel. BARBADOS 5.9.54; fine and extremely rare cover, certificate BPA London, c.v.. £9.500 U:DR
Pof.129Px, Black numerals 12f green / black, comb perforation 15, rare wmk Px - L-wards, overprint type IV.; light hinged, Vrba certificate and Karásek, exp. Lešetický and Mahr, overall very nice piece in/at extraordinary quality, extremely rare stamp missing in most collections! U:DR
Pof.129Py, Black numerals 12f green / black, comb perforation 15, wmk Py - L-wards, marginal piece with control-numbers with III. type overprint and incomplete offset in margin; lightly hinged and light horiz. bend from the front small, Vrba certificate and Karásek, exp. Tribuna, Hirsch, Mrňák and Karásek, rare marginal piece, decoration every specialized collection CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 U:DR