1858-1960 [COLLECTIONS] mixed used / mint collection on pages Stibůrek, from classic period, various incomplete also complete sets, souvenir sheets etc.., supplemented with duplications in stockbook A4
1879-40 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in stockbook A4, incl. classic from 1. issue Coat of arms, complete also incomplete set, postage-due, etc.; various quality, higher catalogue, it is worth seeing
1849-1973 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in full 30-pages stockbook A4, from issue Ceres and Napoleon, shades, perf, types, complete also incomplete sets, Surtax, air-mails, postage-due, many corner pieces, also French post abroad etc..; various quality, higher catalogue, it is worth seeing!
1860-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection on pages Stibůrek, from classic period, after 1936 placed in 2 stockbooks A4, complete also incomplete sets, several middle values etc.
1863-1970 [COLLECTIONS] mixed used / mint collection on pages Stibůrek, various incomplete also complete sets, i.a. Mi.157-159, 161-164, 206-211, 275-278 etc.., also air-mail, express etc., supplemented with stockbook A4 with stamps after 1945
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] ISSUE FOR BOSNIA AND HERCEGOVINA / CROATIA / very nice specialized collection in 8-pages stockbook A4, contains blocks, various production overprints flaws - inverted, printing errors, types of perf etc..; almost all with certificates Šedivý and Bilandžić, it is worth seeing, catalogue ca. 6.300€
1919-1920 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZATION / ISSUE FOR SLOVENIA / specialized collection on 48 pages, from issue Chainbreakers, single issues, blocks, papers, shades, perf, production flaws - omitted perf, double, offsets, also postage-due, newspaper and plebiscitary, supplemented with several entires; interesting, collection
1871-1939 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in two stockbooks A4, from issue 1871 copper print, various issues, complete also incomplete, various perf, shades, some stamps more times, also souvenir sheets as Mi.Bl.1 etc.., postage-due, also occupied territories etc.; various quality, it is worth seeing
1871-1990 [COLLECTIONS] mixed used / mint collection from Franz Joseph I. 1871 copper prints, contains some better inter-war issues, postage-dues, air-mail, souvenir sheets Bl.1-4, overprints on Hungarian stamps (i.a. also PČ 1919 (overprint), then Arad, Debrecen, Fiume, Lajtabánság...) etc.., supplemented with many douplications, cut-squares, special postmarks etc.; placed in 14 various albums and stockbooks, various quality, we advice viewings
1945-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection on pages in spring folder, incl. better miniature sheets as Roosevelt, Bridges etc.. + ditto Bulgaria; various quality, souvenir sheets faults, viewing of quality recommended
1915-1980 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / stams. and miniature sheets, contains i.a. perforated also imperforated printing sheet Mi.696-698AB, Red Cross - 1942 in good quality, supplemented with selection of used stamps and cut-squares Hungary also of whole world; various quality, placed in two stockbooks A4 and A5
1800-1950 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / interesting collection of ca. 90 entires, from "vorphila", letters, postal stationery covers, cards, letter-cards, cut-squares, postcards, special postmarks etc.., also from Slovak territory; interesting, various quality
1920-1923 [COLLECTIONS] MEMEL TERR. / specialized collection on 19 pages, from the first issue, various overprint issue, types, ST, plate variety, strips, blocks, gutter, postmark, entires, cut-squares; high catalogue value, interesting, it is worth seeing!
1920-1956 [COLLECTIONS] collection in stockbook A4, from 1. issue, exp. specialties, better stamps and sets, highest values, some more times; mostly **, cat. over 4.000€, favourite German destination
1849-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection of Deutsches Reich from 1872 on album pages, mainly used stamps, contains also complete sets, souvenir sheets, postage stamp, zeppelin, air-mail and oths., then Bavaria from classic, occupied territories, Gen. Government, Danzig, Ostland etc..; various quality, we advice viewings
1870-1945 [COLLECTIONS] interesting mixed used / mint collection on album pages in two spring folders, better from 1900, contains complete sets, souvenir sheets, zeppelins, also General Government, occupied territories (i.a. good Montenegro, Serbia atd.), supplemented with small stockbook with duplication and large (empty) album with pages KA-BE; various quality, as multiple interesting, higher catalogue, we advice examination
1945-1960 [COLLECTIONS] 1945 - 1960 / collection of various issues of postwar Germany on pages KA-BE in 3 spring folders, contains local issues, zones, Berlin, GDR, FRG, i.a. incl. many miniature sheets as Debria, Göthe, Exhibition Hannover, Marx and Engels etc., supplemented with spring folder with small collection of USA; various quality, higher catalogue, we advice examination, interesting
1852-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection on pages Stibůrek, from classic period, better sets mainly without highest values, some sets mint, as Mi.205-212, 225-227 etc.., supplemented with period after 1945 in stockbook A4
1920 [COLLECTIONS] UPPER SILESIA / PLEBISCITARY TERRITORY / collection of mainly used stamps and cut-squares in full 12-pages stockbook A5, contains various issues for Upper and East Silesia, overprints SO1920 on Polish and C.G.H.S on German stamps etc., also strips, blocks, gutter, offsets and oths.; interesting collection
1945-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection after 1945 on pages in spring folder + in stockbook A4, from better items for example souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.9, 10, 12 etc..; various quality
1779-1850, [COLLECTIONS] CZECH LANDS / valuable selection of 50 prephilatelic letters, especially area of Moravia, several color postmarks, for example. KROMAU, POHRLITZ, CZASLAU, PROSSNITZ, and other rare i.a. PAWLOWITZ and V. TREBITSCH, very fine set!
1915-1918 [COLLECTIONS] selection of several tens of pieces of cuts and cut-squares dispatch notes with Field-Post, mainly issue Charles with cancel. Etappenpostamt and FP, from that 40 pcs complete cuts, several pieces cuts incl. fiscal revenues with overprint K.u.K.. Militärverwaltung, various values and postmarks; placed in stockbook
1851-1938 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting old collection on pages Stibůrek, from the first issue., i.a. postmarks, types, perforations, colors etc.., also newspaper (Mercuries), Crete, Lombardy-Veneto, Bosnia, issue field post etc.., then inter-war period incl. several unused sets, reprints etc.; various quality, it is worth seeing!
1870-1950 [COLLECTIONS] collection on pages in 4 folders, without classic period, better from from 1890, better FP, issue for Serbia, Romania etc.., also Bosnia, then inter-war period incl. also better sets, as Miklas, Rotary, Composers, FIS, then air-mails, postage-due, postwar period i.a. with imperforate sets Renner, overprint A. H. etc.; various quality, we advice viewings, interesting
1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS] POSTMARKS / CZECH LANDS / selection of several smaller collections with mounted stamps and cut-squares with various postmarks, part from Czech and Slovak territory, various issues; all on pages; various quality
1864-1948 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in stockbook A4, incl. partly classical stamps, various values of issues Prince Cuza and Charles I., several complete better sets as Mi.197-207, also souvenir sheets, occupied territories etc..; various quality, higher catalogue, we advice viewings
1866-1917 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / selection of used stamps, contains mainly issue Coat of arms and House of Romanov, many duplications etc..; in 8-sheet stockbook A4
1850-1994 [COLLECTIONS] collection mainly used, from Mi.8, i.a. complete better sets Pro Juventute and Pro Patria, airmail stamps, 15 miniature sheets, various gutter-pairs and gutters, also issue for UNO Mi.18-20 etc.., in addition several entires; placed in stockbook A4, part various quality, higher catalogue, we advice viewings
1854-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection on pages Stibůrek, i.a. various stamps issues Sitting Helvetia, supplemented with modern issue in stockbook A4, incl. several miniature sheets etc.., supplemented with several entires; various quality
1865-1970 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation of mainly used stamps, from issues Duloz, contains postage stamps, official, Red crescent, postage-due, local etc.; various quality, placed in 14-pages stockbook A4
1840-1970 [COLLECTIONS] used collection on 40 pages Stanley Gibbons, from SG.1, i.a. incl. higher values of Victoria and Edward VI. etc..; various, overall solid quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing
1841-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection on pages Stibůrek, from SG.8, incl. some higher shilling values issues Victoria and Edward VII., supplemented with modern period and duplication in stockbook A4
1870-1945 [COLLECTIONS] HUNGARY / ROMANIA / BULGARIA / 3 small collections on pages Stibůrek, contains incomplete also complete sets, several miniature sheets etc..; various quality, it is worth seeing
1870-1980 [COLLECTIONS] SCANDINAVIA, FINLAND / selection of collections of Finland and Sweden on pages Stibůrek, supplemented with 3 large stockbooks A4 with mainly modern used stamps + 1x notebook with stamps of Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden; various quality, placed in box
1880-1940 [COLLECTIONS] selection of small collections of Europe on pages Stibůrek, contains: Cyprus, Gibraltar, General Government, Estonia, Turkey, Greece, Poland, Serbia, Yugoslavia, German states (line reprints), Montenegro etc..; various quality, placed in middle box
1857-1918 SELECTION / small collection of mint/ used stamps on 3 album pages, from the first issue., i.a. various issues and values etc..; various quality, overall fine, we advice viewings, higher catalogue, interesting, favourite destination
1852-1970 [COLLECTIONS] interesting used collection on 25 pages Stanley Gibbons, i.a. SG.5, 39, 42, 44, then various values from issues Victoria, complete also incomplete sets George V. - Elizabeth; mainly good quality, higher catalogue
1868-1985 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 2 stockbooks A4, from classic "large" and "small" Victoria, then for example part lower values issue Jubilee, several complete sets George V., shades, perf etc.., also small part of Newfoundland etc., supplemented with modern mainly mint stamps, incl. several miniature sheets etc. (favourite motives); part various quality, interesting, we advice viewings
1859-1965 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 9 pages, contains i.a. SG.44a, 56, 58-61, 106-110, 115-125, 126-130, 178-193 and oths.; part various quality, c.v.. ca. £700, interesting
1855-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps from on 8 pages A4 in spiral folder, from first issue, contains postage stamps, special, fiscal, telegraph, air-mail, occupation etc.; various quality
1890-1950 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 3 pages, incl. more interesting middle and higher values, as SG.28, 35, 45, 80, 113, various wmk etc.. etc..; higher catalogue, interesting
1860-1911 JAMAICA / MONTSERRAT / LEEWARD ISLANDS / small collection mint / used stamps on 4 album pages; various quality, overall fine, we advice viewings, interesting
1858-1899 SELECTION / small collection of used / mint stamps on 3 album pages, from issue Sitting Britannia; various quality, overall fine, we advice viewings, interesting
1858-1949 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 7 pages, from issue Sitting Britannia, incl. several middle values etc..; part various quality, as multiple interesting
1893-1961 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 6 pages, i.a. several complete sets Victoria as SG.15-21, 22-25, then i.a. SG.174-188 etc..; several minor faults, overall solid quality
1895-1903 BRITISH EAST AFRICA / BRITISH SOMALILAND / small collection of mint / used stamps on 3 pages, postage stamps, official, i.a. SG.36a with double overprint; various quality, interesting
1868-1948 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 5 pages Stanley Gibbons, from SG.20, several complete sets Edward VII. - George VI.; part various quality, higher catalogue, favourite and sought destination
1853-1900 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 6 pages, i.a. 1x 4P 1853, also various values of Victoria "Chalon Head", issue "Landscape", shades, perforation etc.; part various quality, overall interesting
1952-1972 [COLLECTIONS] collection of mainly MNH stamps on 9 album pages, from SG.1-15 incl. shades, also sought sets (birds, butterflies, flowers, aircraft, fauna atp.), highest values, Postage due stamp and other, it is worth seeing