1851-1938 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting old collection on pages Stibůrek, from the first issue., i.a. postmarks, types, perforations, colors etc.., also newspaper (Mercuries), Crete, Lombardy-Veneto, Bosnia, issue field post etc.., then inter-war period incl. several unused sets, reprints etc.; various quality, it is worth seeing!
1952 Pof.A691/692VV, miniature sheet BRATISLAVA 1952 with omitted print blue color, only with stamp. 2Kčs red (!); mint never hinged, minor gum fault, in LR corner abraze paper and thin place, c.v.. 35.000CZK, rare occurrence
1955 Pof.PL840-843II, Costumes I. 60h - 2Kčs, complete set blk-of-10, 60h, 1,60Kčs sought II. types (!); several production minor gum fault, overall fine, sought
7. TISKOVÁDESKA / Pof.7 joined spiral types, 15h bricky red, block of four with lower margin with control-numbers from 7. plate, with joined spiral type, stmp field 86-87 / 96-97, spiral type I on pos. 96; mint never hinged mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. Gilbert, ex auction Profil 11/2013, exceedingly rare spiral types combination on/for sought 7. printing plate in/at marginal čtyřbloku!
Pof.9N Ob, 20h carmine, block of four with offset on gum, stmp field 71-82 / 81-82, printing plate 2; mint never hinged mint never hinged, small production vráska paper, Vrba certificate, expertized Gilbert and Vrba, sought block of four karmínovýchdvacítek in very nice quality, in addition with offset!
UNISSUED / Pof.3 same facing gutter N, 5h light green, unissued same facing 4-stamps vert. gutter, folded, upper pair stamp. plate 2, the bottom pair plate 3; perfect piece with svěžím gum mint never hinged, Vrba certificate and Karásek, expertized Gilbert, quite minimum usage in the market, decoration every specialized collection!
Pof.III.M, unissued horiz. gutter with upper margin Hradčany 3h violet (Pof.2) + newspaper Falcon in Flight (issue) 2h green (Pof.NV1) on stamp paper with gum, unfolded; lightly hinged, small production fold in paper, Vrba certificate, signed Kessler, c.v.. Pofis ** 200.000Kč, ex Max Mahr, very rare occurrence these horiz. gutter!
Pof.1vz - 26vz, basic line values 1h - 1000h (without 10h green, 20h carmine) with overprint VZOREC, all marginal pieces with POČÍTADLY (!); hinged, several dots and slightly toned, all expertized Vrba, rare set!
Prague overprint III. (Levec), set 23 stamp. issues Crown, Charles, Coat of arms, Franz Joseph I. and Express rectangle, i.a. 2x Charles with full overprint offset on gum; 4 pcs of hinged, sought
Pof.SO7, Hradčany 20h carmine imperforated, pos. 68/II, overprint field 68; mint never hinged mint never hinged, certificate Vrba, exp. by Mahr., Hirsch, Tribuna, very fine piece!
1943 Pof.PrA1a, Promotional miniature sheet for Red Cross in brown color, No. 146, right size 171x131mm, issued on paper without gum; small grain in paper and quite small spot, overall very fine, printing only 1.000 pieces, guarantee certificate Beneš, rare and sought!
1931 BURIAN Vlasta (1891–1962), king of comedians, actor, sportsman, film director, writer and imitator, autograph on B/W portrait photo postcard; broken corner, overall but good condition and sought
1839 TREASURY COMPETITION ESSAY, James Bogardus - so-called. "1 PENNY ESSAY", with inscription "1/2 OZ. / PENNY"; extremely rare, ex. sir Rowland Hill, ex. The Royal Collection, ex Sugden and "Durham" Collection, important rarity!
1853 SG.6, MAURITIUS POST PAID 1P vermilion, early impression, with light print of circular cancel. "3"; certificate E. Diena, c.v.. £9.000, VF, scarce stamp in perfect quality!
1962 Pof.1254N, imperforated Ležáky 60h with R margin; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, very rare usage, missing in overwhelming majority collections!
1968 UNISSUED / XIV. Congress of Communists 30h, unissued stmp as blk-of-4, smooth gum; superb, c.v.. significantly misvalues, missing in most collections!
1964 Pof.PL1396, Olympic Games Tokio 1Kčs, inscription at top, wide margins, size 170x134mm; nevýrazné bands in gum of storage, otherwise nice quality, sought
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] MINIATURE SHEETS / PŘEPÁŽKOVÉ SHEETS / collection various miniature sheets and PB, it contains e.g. London MS, 15x types Kosice MS, 9x types 52. birthday K. Gottwald, miniature sheet Zápotocký type II - "berry", "Praga 1962", Art I. and oths., supplemented with about/by remaining accumulation unused / used stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 and II.; placed in 13 various stockbooks A4 in box, various quality, we advice viewings, ATTENTION, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1934-1945PARTIE / collection of ca. 70 pcs of Ppc, p.stat, letáčků and other documents mainly with tématemWinterhilfswerk; placed in spiral album, good condition and interesting
Pof.7b, 15h red, 4-BLOK with lower margin with POČÍTADLY (!), pos. 87-88 and 97-98, printing plate 1, fine color; original gum with light hints hinged, small spots, Vrba certificate, expertized Karásek, very rare block hledaného shade!
Pof.11a joined bar types, 25h black-violet, block of four with R margin with joined bar types, pos. 49-50 and 59-60, printing plate 1, bar type II on pos. 50; mint never hinged, minor gum fault and vertical bend on/for LL stamp, Vrba certificate, expertized Karásek, catalogue Pofis 50.000 CZK, only rare occurrence joined types on/for hledaném shade values 25h!
Pof.22c, 200h dark blue (švestkově blue), LR corner 4-BLOK S POČÍTADLY (!); superb multiple, certificate and expertized Vrba, rare offer corner block of four in/at nejvzácnějším shade values 200h in/at extraordinary quality!
Pof.25 joined spiral types, 500h brown, block of four with SPOJENÝMTYPEMSPIRÁL from other printing plate, stmp field 22-23 and 32-33, on pos. 32 spiral type I.; lightly hinged on/for upper pair stamps, the bottom pair joined types mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, expertized Gilbert and Karásek, catalogue Pofis 600.000Kč, extraordinary offer most precious Hradcany-issue joined types, špičková item to greatest collections the first republic or investičníchportfolií!
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.26, 1000h violet, KOMPLETNÍ 100 pcs of ARCH with control-numbers; original gum, several hints of label, cross fold with small thin place in lower part, partially faded color, certificate and expertized Vrba, quite rare offer kompletníhopřepážkového sheet the highest Hradčany values, preserved only several pieces whole sheets; for the first time in auction, exclusive and stěží repeatable offer!
Pof.12Mp(2), 30h yellow, 2-stamps vert. opposed gutter, folded; hinged, at top close margin, small spot, Vrba certificate, exp. Mrňák and Karásek, rare usage, missing in most collections!
Pof.II.M, unissued horiz. gutter 5h green + 10h red, Pof.3 + 5, unfolded; light hinged and small oblique bend, Vrba certificate, signed Kessler, ex Max Mahr, c.v.. Pofis for ** 200.000Kč, very rare occurrence!
Pof.8M, 20h blue-green, KŘÍŽ Z MEZIARŠÍ 20h+20h, print on/for sticky side with small paper crease in paper, on face-side with standard print stamps this values; mint never hinged, small production folds, Vrba certificate, expertized Karásek, originates from original nerozstřiženého joined printing 4 sheets, see Monograph 1, page. 107, ex auction Majer 12/2007, unrepeatable offer unikátníhohradčanského cross, one from highlightů collection G. Wilhelmse!
VEJPRTSKÉ FORGERY / Pof.F10, value 25h blue in horiz. pair originate from 4 stmp PB, color inscription instead white; on stamp paper with gum with hints hinged, Vrba certificate, on/for market with practically nevyskytujícíproslulý forgery to defraud the post, missing also in/at greatest collections!
1919VEJPRTSKÉ FORGERY / Pof.F23, value 300h green-gray with part of cancel. WEIPERT 2/ 5.XI.19; overall very fine piece, Vrba certificate, expertized Hirsch and Tribuna, rare and sought Hradcany speciality suitable to every big collection or exhibit!
Pof.7E Is, 15h bricky red, perf line perforation 11½ : 10¾, spiral type (!) pos. 92, plate 1; mint never hinged, exp. Gilbert, Škaloud, perf prověřena expert Vrbou, very nice centered piece spiral type in rare perf, sought stamp!
Pof.L3B, I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/1000h violet, LR corner blk-of-4 with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½; 3 stamps mint never hinged, 2x smaller "browny" hinged, expertized Vrba, Tribuna and Hirsch, in/at corner blocks of four very rare usage!
Pof.SO7, 20h carmine imperforated with L margin; mint never hinged, only in margin embossed print office paperclip, Vrba certificate, expertized Möbs, very fine piece!
1920 philatelically influenced air-mail Registered and Express letter addressed to to Paris with multicolor franking, on reverse mounted i.a. 2-stamps Hradčany gutter 25h blue (!), same facing gutter 10h red (!), 5h light green and 3h violet, on face-side i.a. complete set of airmail stamps I. overprint issue from that 14Kč/200h and 24Kč/500h with lower margin (!) and other stamp. with plate variety and production flaw, CDS MALENOVICE 4.XII.20, on reverse arrival postmark PARIS; envelope greater format with fold with reparovanými margin, airmail stmp exp. Mrňák, cat. only used stamp. more than 6.500CZK
1920 commercial preprinted postcard sent in III. postal rate, franked with. 2 pcs of dvoupásek 5h blue-green, from that 1x with joined spiral type, Pof.4E joined spiral types, pos. 91/2, CDS EINSEIDEL 26.IV.20; small toned, exp. Vrba, Karasek, rare spiral types combination on/for Us entires
Pof.21c plate variety, 120h grey, UL corner blk-of-4, significant dark color shade, plate variety on pos. 1, plate 2; mint never hinged, superb corner čtyřblok!
Pof.49II, Coat of arms 3 Koruna light red, landscape format, overprint type II.; mint never hinged, small toned, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., mark Šula, nice piece of this exceedingly rare stamps, which/what often missing also in big collections!
Pof.49aI, Coat of arms 3 Koruna dark red, high size, perfectly centered overprint I. type; superb mint never hinged, Vrba certificate and Šablatúra, exp. by Gilbert., rare and sought stamp in/at extraordinary quality!
Pof.54II, Air FLUGPOST 4 Koruna grey / black, overprint type I.; mint never hinged mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Karasek and Kosack, rare stamp in/at extraordinary quality!