1884-1885 Mi.24II, overprint Coat of arms 1Fr with overprint new postage stmp values "50", lithography; fine piece with part original gum, certificate RPSL, c.v.. 700€
1872 FRENCH MISSION IN JAPAN / letter to Jeda, with Ceres 25C 2x (from that 1x with plate variety "grande cassure" - "broken frame" and Napoleon III. 80C, CDS PARIS and star cancel. "20", arrival YOKOHAMA Bau FRANCAIS 22/10/72; nice condition, certificate Goebel BPP, rare letter!
1849-1973 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in full 30-pages stockbook A4, from issue Ceres and Napoleon, shades, perf, types, complete also incomplete sets, Surtax, air-mails, postage-due, many corner pieces, also French post abroad etc..; various quality, higher catalogue, it is worth seeing!
1943 Mi.94U-96U, souvenir sheets Work service 2K-7K, imperforated, value 2 Koruna in two shades, incl. unissued color - light green; minor faults, issued without gum, only as single stamps c.v.. 3.600€, 2 Koruna light green is rare
1931 ZEPPELIN / ISLANDFAHRT 1931 / letter to Czechoslovakia franked with zeppelin overprint stamps 30Aur and 2 Kreuzer, Mi.147 and 149, CDS REJKJAVIK 30.VI.31, green flight cachet, on reverse transit and arrival postmark.; good condition, rare
1852 printed matter GOVERNO PONTIFICIO LEGAZIONE DI BOLOGNA / COMUNE DI BAZZANO / AVVISO DI FIERA, cancel. BOLOGNA 2. LUG 1853, franked with "isolato su manifesto" bisected stamp Sass.2am Coat of arms 1Baj "verde azzurro", marked rate 1/2, with c.d.s. instead of grid cancellation; very fine, certificate Sismondo, c.v.. 7.200€ (see. Sassone 2023, page. 263, 280), very rare entire!
1866 letter from Rome to Florence with 8Baj Sass.9, cancel. ROMA 17 SET. 66, then paid with 3x Italian Postage due stamp 1863, Sass.1, 10C ochre, c.v.. 2.925€; signs of age, however very interesting letter
1868 letter from Rome to Philadelphia, franked with Coat of arms 80C rossa chiaro Sass.30, cancel. ROMA 10 AGO 69, arrival PHILA / long address perforation hole RECEIVED/ AUG 28, additional cancel. U.S. AMERICA VIA BREMEN; stamp very fine, envelope signs of age, exp. Diena, certificate Sismondo, c.v.. 3.000€++, rare single franking!
1852 letter to at that time Austrian Mantova with 2x Coat of arms 15C yellow, next to blue cancel. MODENA 20 MARZ 1857 and additional FINALE DI MODENA, arrival MANTOVA 21/3; very fine, certificate Dr. Avi, cat. min. 500€
1861 PROVINCE NAPOLETANE / Sass.17-24, Victor Emmanuel II. ½T-50Gr; complete and very fine set with certificate Cardillo, all with original gum (!), c.v.. 3.450€, extraordinary offer
1861 Sass.21ah, Victor Emmanuel II. 5Gr rosso vermiglio, printing error EFFIGIE CAPOVOLTA, cancel. NAPOLI; certificates E. Diena and A. Diena, c.v.. 24.000€, important rarity!
1857 letter with str-of-3 5C "verde smeraldo grigiastro" + 40C "vermiglio rosa scuro", both issue 1855 (!), from Genoa to Brescia; very rare franking, certificate Chiavarello, c.v.. 17.500€, extraordinary offer!
1937-1943 interesting selection of 7 mainly airmail or Reg entires, various multicolor frankings, airmail stamps., i.a. 4x to Bohemia-Moravia, various CDS, censorship, surtax etc.; fine
1919 Mi.36-38, 43, 45, comp. of 5 stamp with overprint in horiz. pairs values 20H - 90H with printing errors - omitted black square overprint on stamps at right; very fine, 4x exp. Marjanovič and certificate Marjanovič, rare occurrence
1918-1919 SELECTION of / 20 stamps, pairs and bloks of four of various issues, various production flaws of overprints, variants of perf, pin holes etc..; part mint never hinged, several minor faults, all with certificates Šedivý, interesting selection
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] ISSUE FOR BOSNIA AND HERCEGOVINA / CROATIA / very nice specialized collection in 8-pages stockbook A4, contains blocks, various production overprints flaws - inverted, printing errors, types of perf etc..; almost all with certificates Šedivý and Bilandžić, it is worth seeing, catalogue ca. 6.300€
1919-1920 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZATION / ISSUE FOR SLOVENIA / specialized collection on 48 pages, from issue Chainbreakers, single issues, blocks, papers, shades, perf, production flaws - omitted perf, double, offsets, also postage-due, newspaper and plebiscitary, supplemented with several entires; interesting, collection
1880-1896 SELECTION / small mixed collection unused / used stamps on album pages, from I. overprint issue; various quality, overall fine, we advice viewings, interesting, higher catalogue!
1916 Reg letter from Vaduz to Feldkirch, franked with Liechtenstein 10h from 1. issue + 35h Austrian Jubilee 1908, cancel. VADUZ 14.IX. 16; very nice and rare letter!
1871-1872 SELECTION / 24 used stamps, contains lithography Franz Joseph 5 Kreuzer, also complete set of copper print Franz Joseph 2-25Kr and newspaper 1872; overall fine, cat. min. 600€
1900 Mi.69U, Franz Joseph I. 3 K blue-green / black, unissued imperforated marginal block of four; without gum, minor faults in upper margin and small spots of ink on 2 stamps, after all very rare, c.v.. -,-, exceptional offer!
1919 TEMESVÁR / Mi.1 production flaw, postage-due Red numerals 2f green / red with INVERTED overprint 40 FILLÉR; owner mark, certificate Šedivý, rare occurrence
1871-1939 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in two stockbooks A4, from issue 1871 copper print, various issues, complete also incomplete, various perf, shades, some stamps more times, also souvenir sheets as Mi.Bl.1 etc.., postage-due, also occupied territories etc.; various quality, it is worth seeing
1871-1990 [COLLECTIONS] mixed used / mint collection from Franz Joseph I. 1871 copper prints, contains some better inter-war issues, postage-dues, air-mail, souvenir sheets Bl.1-4, overprints on Hungarian stamps (i.a. also PČ 1919 (overprint), then Arad, Debrecen, Fiume, Lajtabánság...) etc.., supplemented with many douplications, cut-squares, special postmarks etc.; placed in 14 various albums and stockbooks, various quality, we advice viewings
1800-1950 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / interesting collection of ca. 90 entires, from "vorphila", letters, postal stationery covers, cards, letter-cards, cut-squares, postcards, special postmarks etc.., also from Slovak territory; interesting, various quality