Public Auction 72 / Autographs

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240409 - 1605 ALBRECHT VII. HABSBURG (1559-1621), Austrian archduke,
1605 ALBRECHT VII. HABSBURG (1559-1621), Austrian archduke, cardinal, toledský archbishop, nizozemský guvernér and portugalský místokrál, autograph on letter, folded sheet paper with filigránem, perfectly preserved seal with papírovým krytem; good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
247241 - 1864 ALEXANDER II. NIKOLAJEVIČ (1818-1881), Russian tsar, w
1864 ALEXANDER II. NIKOLAJEVIČ (1818-1881), Russian tsar, which/what vládl in years 1855–1881, where was/were murdered; autograph on document with printed titulaturou and dry seal, in the middle hints of original adjustaci, overall but very good condition, exceedingly rare!
Starting price: CZK
247078 - 1866 BEDŘICH ZE SCHWARZENBERGU (1809-1885), archbishop salc
1866 BEDŘICH ZE SCHWARZENBERGU (1809-1885), archbishop salcburský, cardinal and archbishop Prague, founder Union for dostavbu cathedral St. Vitus in Prague, pioneer alpinismu, autograph in Czech (!) on/for portrait photograph Viennese studio Jagemann; very fine and rare
Starting price: CZK
247006 - 1765 DE CASTRIES Charles Eugène Gabriel de La Croix (1727-1
1765 DE CASTRIES Charles Eugène Gabriel de La Croix (1727-1801), French nobleman and marshal, autograph on parchment printed military povyšovacím decree, daném in Paris 12. 9. 1765, including Czech conversion document; very good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
247064 - 1912 EULALIE BOURBONSKÁ (1864-1958), Spanish infantka, daug
1912 EULALIE BOURBONSKÁ (1864-1958), Spanish infantka, daughter Isabely II., sister Alfonsa XII. and teta Alfonsa XIII., known svými kontroverzními knihami, which/what mostly kritizovaly foreign leader, but also Spanish also foreign government, handwritten text with signature on/for photo postcard, sent to Alfons Bavorského (1862-1933) + also with Un portrait photo postcard; very fine, rare
Starting price: CZK
247229 - 1937 FERDINAND I. BULHARSKÝ (1861-1948), Bulgarian tsar 190
1937 FERDINAND I. BULHARSKÝ (1861-1948), Bulgarian tsar 1908-1918 of the House of Coburgů, autograph on portrait photo postcard, on reverse strojopisná notice; good condition
Starting price: CZK
241797 - 1552 FERDINAND I. HABSBURG (1503–1564), Holy Roman Emperor
1552 FERDINAND I. HABSBURG (1503–1564), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, autograph on Czech language psaném (!) folded letter (misivu) addressed on/for purkmistry and konšele town Tábor; on hand-made paper with filigránem, signs of age, sporadically small fraying, overall however good condition, in Czech written document/-s from middle 16. century with signatures monarchs are very rare!
Starting price: CZK
247251 - 1628 FERDINAND II. HABSBURG (1578–1637), Holy Roman Empero
1628 FERDINAND II. HABSBURG (1578–1637), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, Hungarian, chorvatský and archduke Austrian, imperial folded letter (missiv) in German sent to Joseph Arnošta Šrejnera from Rosnecka, owner castle Mostky (Pernlesdorf) by/on/at Český Krumlov, autograph "Ferdinand"; folded sheet paper with filigránem, preserved seal with papírovým krytem with additional-printed sekretní seal, very good condition, imperial document/-s from period of třicetileté war are very rare!
Starting price: CZK
247005 - 1884 FERDINAND IV. TOSKÁNSKÝ (1835-1908), archduke Austria
1884 FERDINAND IV. TOSKÁNSKÝ (1835-1908), archduke Austrian, velkovévoda toskánský, autograph on document with preserved seal; very good condition, rare, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
247245 - 1795 FRANCIS II (I.) RAKOUSKÝ (1768-1835), King Hungarian,
1795 FRANCIS II (I.) RAKOUSKÝ (1768-1835), King Hungarian, Czech etc.., in years 1804–1835 emperor Austrian, as Francis II. in years 1792–1806 last emperor Holy Roman Empire nation German, autograph "Franz" on letter addressed on/for count Wenzela Sauera, caused by in Vienna 15. 3. 1795, folded sheet with filigránem; on reverse hints of adjustaci, otherwise perfectly good condition, rare, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
247678 - 1907 FRANZ JOSEPH I. (1830-1916), Austrian emperor, Czech an
1907 FRANZ JOSEPH I. (1830-1916), Austrian emperor, Czech and Hungarian King, autograph "Franciscus" for request of from 25.6.1907 for free pána (Freiherr) Buriána concerning road/-s minister war to Bosnia, on paper with embossed emblem empire; nice in good condition condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
247030 - 1837 CHOTEK Z CHOTKOVA Charles (1783-1868), important Czech
1837 CHOTEK Z CHOTKOVA Charles (1783-1868), important Czech nobleman, the highest purkrabí of Kingdom of Bohemia, signature "count Chotek" on/for travel waist from year 1837; hints of original adjustaci, overall but good condition, notice by pencil, zmiňující signature Francis Dedera (1817-1878) - Czech high police úředník, which/what eskortoval Carl Havlíček Borovský to Brixenu; interesting
Starting price: CZK
240394 - 1648 JUAN JOSÉ DE AUSTRIA (1629-1679), Spanish General, lev
1648 JUAN JOSÉ DE AUSTRIA (1629-1679), Spanish General, levoboček Spanish King Filipa IV., místokrál neapolský, katalánský, nizozemský and aragonský, autograph on folded letter, folded sheet paper with filigránem; very nice good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
247228 - 1841 CHARLES ALBERT SARDINSKÝ (1798-1849), King sardinsko-p
1841 CHARLES ALBERT SARDINSKÝ (1798-1849), King sardinsko-piemontský, duke savojský, piemontský and aostský, autograph "Alberto" on letter addressed on/for prince Lewis Victor from Rohanu (1766-1849), French nobleman and owner sychrovského lordship in Bohemia, which/what in years 1836-1849 often pobýval in Prague and věnoval with výstavbě Rohanského palace; on reverse stripped seal, overall but nice in good condition condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
247230 - 1931 CHARLES II. RUMUNSKÝ (1893-1953), Romanian King in yea
1931 CHARLES II. RUMUNSKÝ (1893-1953), Romanian King in years 1930-1940 from dynastie Hohenzollernů; autograph on decree to medal for LLD. Lewis Pazderku (1868-1951), Czech agrárního policy and sekretáře ministry agriculture, countersigned Gheorghe G. Mironescu (1874-1949), Romanian politician and Prime Minister; in front hints of original adjustaci in exhibit, overall nice in good condition condition, rare!
Starting price: CZK
247243 - 1711 LOUIS XIV. (1638-1715), French King Sun of the House of
1711 LOUIS XIV. (1638-1715), French "King Sun" of the House of Bourbonů, vládl in years 1643-1715, autograph on pergamenové document signed in Versailles 14. March 1711, relevant to designation officer in next regiment military formation Dragons de Languedoc; good condition, very interesting and rare, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
247052 - 1906 MARIE DE LA PAZ DE BORBÓN (1862-1946), Spanish infantk
1906 MARIE DE LA PAZ DE BORBÓN (1862-1946), Spanish infantka and daughter queen Isabely II., wife Lewis of Ferdinand Bavorského, handwritten text with signature on/for photo postcard, sent to countess Mathildu von Tattenbach + also with Un portrait photo postcard; nice good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
247242 - 1612 MATYÁŠ II. HABSBURG (1557-1619), Roman emperor, King
1612 MATYÁŠ II. HABSBURG (1557-1619), Roman emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, archduke Austrian etc.., autograph "Matthias" on/for Czech language (!) psaném posélacím sheet (missivu) addressed on/for purkmistry and konšele České Budějovice, caused by on/for Prague castle 10. October 1612, folded sheet paper with filigránem, perfectly preserved seal with papírovým krytem; very well preserved, exceptional offer, in Czech written document/-s from 17. century with signatures monarchs are very rare!
Starting price: CZK
247681 - 1866 MAXIMILIAN I. OF MEXICO (1832-1867), mexický emperor 1
1866 MAXIMILIAN I. OF MEXICO (1832-1867), mexický emperor 1864-1867, archduke Austrian, member house Habsburg, popraven in/at Mexiku, letter with full signature, letter napsán in/at mansion in/at Chapultepeckém castle, interesting text concerning darování řádů; paper with heading Mexického empire, very good condition, very interesting and very rare, signatures mexického emperor Maximiliána Habsburg occur quite rarely!
Starting price: CZK
248361 - 1904 SIDONIE NÁDHERNÁ Z BORUTÍNA (1885-1950), šlechtičn
1904 SIDONIE NÁDHERNÁ Z BORUTÍNA (1885-1950), šlechtična Czech origin, mecenáška and organizátorka cultural life, last nobiliary majitelka castle Vrchotovy Janovice, handwritten text in English with signature "XXX Sidi" on Ppc addressed to on/for bratra John studujícího on/for univerzitě in/at Heidelbergu; very fine, very rare, rukopisy Sidonie practically don't occur in the market!
Starting price: CZK
234111 - 1903 THYRA princess Danish, titulární queen hannoverská (
1903 THYRA princess Danish, titulární queen hannoverská (1853-1933), handwritten letter with signature; perfect condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
247024 - 1933 VIKTOR EMANUEL III. (1869-1947), King Italian, habešsk
1933 VIKTOR EMANUEL III. (1869-1947), King Italian, habešský and albánský, autograph on official document with heading "Vittorio Emanuel III, per grazia di Dio e per volonta della nazione Re d´Italia"; oblique bend, otherwise nice good condition and rare
Starting price: CZK
248365 - 1918 VIKTORIE EVŽENIE Z BATTENBERGU (1887-1969), family hes
1918 VIKTORIE EVŽENIE Z BATTENBERGU (1887-1969), family hesenská princess and sňatkem Spanish queen, wife Spanish King Alfons XIII., vnučka Brit. queen Victoria, autograph on letter addressed on Lev cardinal Skrbenský, i.a. arcibiskupa Prague, folded sheet paper with filigránem; very fine and rare
Starting price: CZK
241248 - 1848 WILLIAM BRUNŠVICKÝ (1806-1884), duke from Brunšviku
1848 WILLIAM BRUNŠVICKÝ (1806-1884), duke from Brunšviku and Lüneburgu, autograph on povyšovacím decree majora Friedricha Stutzera, folded sheet paper with filigránem, perfectly preserved seal with papírovým krytem, decorative titulatura; very nice good condition, rare, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
246992 - 1597 WELSER Matheus (1553-1633), member important German pat
1597 WELSER Matheus (1553-1633), member important German patricijského of family working on/for court emperor Rudolf II., next to Fuggerů were Welserové nejvýznamnějšími businessmen and věřiteli Habsburků turn of 16. and 17. century; handwritten folded letter with seal sent to Octaviána Secunda Fuggera (1549-1600); good condition and interesting
Starting price: CZK
247061 -  BARAZER DE LANNURIEN Émile (1876-1954), French divizní Ge
BARAZER DE LANNURIEN Émile (1876-1954), French divizní General, velkodůstojník order čestné legion (his son velel French dobrovolnické jednotce in/at Slovak National Uprising), handwritten text with signature on the reverse side invitation-cards on/for airmail manifestaci Czechosl. youth; good condition, hints of office svorce, rare
Starting price: CZK
247602 - 1928 BAXA Charles LLD. (1862-1938), member of parliament cou
1928 BAXA Charles LLD. (1862-1938), member of parliament country congress and member empire council/court, from year 1919 mayor and then 1. Prague mayor, 1. chairman Czechosl. Ústavního court (1921-38), chairman managing council/court Czech bank etc.., handwritten text with signature his/her/its and wife on Ppc addressed to on/for P. Zenkla + ZENKL Peter (1884-1975), Czech and Czechoslovak politician, i.a. mayor town Prague, handwritten text with signature his/her/its and wife on Ppc; very nice good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
241243 - 1913 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president
1913 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister; handwritten 8-paginal (!) letter in Czech with signature "Dr. Beneš", interesting text, rukopisy from early period E. Beneš are rare, in good condition condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
247677 - 1912 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president
1912 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister; handwritten pages letter in Czech with signature "Dr. Beneš"; very fine and sought
Starting price: CZK
247115 - 1947 BERAN Joseph cardinal (1888-1969), archbishop Prague an
1947 BERAN Joseph cardinal (1888-1969), archbishop Prague and primas Czech in years 1946–1969, political prisoner nazism and komunismu; autograph with věnovaným požehnáním on card for autographs; sought
Starting price: CZK
246996 - 1950 CLEMENTIS Vladimír (1902-1952), Czechoslovak politicia
1950 CLEMENTIS Vladimír (1902-1952), Czechoslovak politician, foreign minister, in 1952 popraven in terms of operation with Rudolfem Slánským, autograph on card for autographs; on reverse hints of original adjustaci with description, sought
Starting price: CZK
247209 -  ČERMÁK Anthony (1873-1933), American businessman and mayo
ČERMÁK Anthony (1873-1933), American businessman and mayor Chicaga Czech origin narozený in Kladno, died on/for consequences assassination spáchaného near/in/at visit American president Roosevelta; signature on card, rare
Starting price: CZK
245832 - 1923, 1937 ČERNÝ John (1874-1959), Czechosl. politician an
1923, 1937 ČERNÝ John (1874-1959), Czechosl. politician and úředník, chairman Czechoslovak governance, in years 1920 and 1938 minister of Internal Affairs + HABRMAN Gustav (1864-1932), Czechosl. politician, member of parliament, senator and minister vlád Czechoslovak republic after/behind Czechoslovak social demokratickou side dělnickou, comp. of 2 vlastnoručních signatures on/for official documents; small spots, otherwise nice good condition, sought, rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
247104 -  DUBČEK Alexander (1921-1992), Czechoslovak and Slovak poli
DUBČEK Alexander (1921-1992), Czechoslovak and Slovak politician, general tajemník central committee Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, important osobnost Prague Spring 1968 and Sametové revolution; B/W photo greater format with autograph; on reverse hints of original adjustaci, overall very sound condition, decorative and sought
Starting price: CZK
247571 - 1960-192 ĎURIŠ Július (1904 - 1986) Slovak and Czechoslov
1960-192 ĎURIŠ Július (1904 - 1986) Slovak and Czechoslovak communist politician, dlouholetý minister agriculture, in years 1953-1963 minister finance; comp. of 3 congratulation to new year from y. 1960-1962; good condition
Starting price: CZK
247114 - 1939 ELIÁŠ Alois (1890–1942), Czechoslovak military Gene
1939 ELIÁŠ Alois (1890–1942), Czechoslovak military General, politician, minister transport and Bohemian and Moravian Prime Minister in years 1939-1941, member of the resistance, zatčen and popraven; portrait photo postcard (Langhans) with signature and datací 17.2.39 - from first funkčního period as minister transport (from 1. December 1938 – 15. March 1939); very rare and decorative!
Starting price: CZK
246998 - 1933 GAJDA Radola (1892–1948), one's own name Rudolf Geidl
1933 GAJDA Radola (1892–1948), one's own name Rudolf Geidl, Czech General, legionnaire and politician, autograph on portrait photo postcard, atelier Langhans; very fine and sought!
Starting price: CZK
247002 - 1905 GARRIGUE-MASARYKOVÁ Charlotta (1850-1923), wife first
1905 GARRIGUE-MASARYKOVÁ Charlotta (1850-1923), wife first Czechosl. president Thomas Garrigue Masaryk, handwritten 5- line letter with signature; light underglued, overall good condition, rather rare usage
Starting price: CZK
246999 - 1946 GOTTWALD Clement (1896–1953), Czechoslovak communist
1946 GOTTWALD Clement (1896–1953), Czechoslovak communist politician and president, signature on card with datací; sought
Starting price: CZK
247262 - 1877 GRÉGR Edward (1827-1907), Czech journalist and politic
1877 GRÉGR Edward (1827-1907), Czech journalist and politician, tog. with bratrem Juliem main figures National sheets, spoluzakladatel side/party Mladočechů; autograph on letter týkajícím with lottery to podpoře building National theatre in Prague; folded, dobově on stronger paper, overall nice in good condition condition, important osobnost Czech státoprávního fight other middle 19. century!
Starting price: CZK
247604 - 1903 GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ George Stanislav (1861–1943), Czech p
1903 GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ George Stanislav (1861–1943), Czech pedagogue, writer, ceremoniář president republic, zakládající member International Olympic committee, handwritten 2 pages letter with signature; perfect condition, interesting and sought
Starting price: CZK
242944 - 1906 GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ George Stanislav (1861–1943), Czech p
1906 GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ George Stanislav (1861–1943), Czech pedagogue, writer, ceremoniář president republic, zakládající member International Olympic committee, handwritten letter with signature + visiting card with text; perfect condition, interesting and sought
Starting price: CZK
242545 - 1942 HÁCHA Emil (1872–1945), president Czechoslovak repub
1942 HÁCHA Emil (1872–1945), president Czechoslovak republic and Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia; signature on card "Dr. E. Hácha 24.12 42", supplemented with about/by portrait postcard (Hoffmann); very fine and sought
Starting price: CZK
247283 - 1932 HÁCHA Emil (1872–1945), president Czechoslovak repub
1932 HÁCHA Emil (1872–1945), president Czechoslovak republic and Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia; handwritten text with signature "E. Hácha" on Ppc sent from Italy; very fine, very rare and sought, rukopisy Háchy from period before y. 1938 occur quite rarely!
Starting price: CZK
245824 - 1995-2006 HAVEL Wenceslas (1936-2011), Czechoslovak and Czec
1995-2006 HAVEL Wenceslas (1936-2011), Czechoslovak and Czech president + HAVLOVÁ Olga (1933-1996), the first wife Wenceslas Havel, the first lady Czechoslovakia and Czech republic, handwritten spolupodpisy on request to New Year 1996, supplemented with pozvánkami on/for celebration 60. and 70. birthday V. Havel with fascimiles signatures; nice good condition and sought
Starting price: CZK
248364 - 1990-2011 HAVEL Wenceslas (1936-2011), Czechoslovak and Czec
1990-2011 HAVEL Wenceslas (1936-2011), Czechoslovak and Czech president, autograph on color portrait photograph + also with HAVEL Ivan Miloš (1938-2021), Czech kybernetik, vědec, brother V. Havel, handwritten notice with signature on letter týkajícím with i.a. also léčby both bratrů in/at předrevolučním period; very fine, very interesting, like that unique collection
Starting price: CZK
247070 - 1989 HAVLOVÁ Olga (1933-1996), the first wife Wenceslas Hav
1989 HAVLOVÁ Olga (1933-1996), the first wife Wenceslas Havel, the first lady Czechoslovakia and Czech republic, autograph on dodejce to doporučenému letter adresovanému on/for V. Havel, which/what přebírala 15. 11. 1989 (2 days before/(in front of) vypuknutím Sametové revoluce!); very fine, unique rarity!
Starting price: CZK
246985 - 1930? HLINKA Andrew (1864-1938), Slovak politician, handwrit
1930? HLINKA Andrew (1864-1938), Slovak politician, handwritten text on/for portrait photo postcard without signature; on reverse hints of adjustaci
Starting price: CZK
247235 -  HO ČI MIN (1890-1969), vietnamský communist president; si
HO ČI MIN (1890-1969), vietnamský communist president; signature on card with B/W photos with datací, good condition and very rare
Starting price: CZK
246969 - 1946? HORÁKOVÁ Milada (1901-1950), Czech právnička and p
1946? HORÁKOVÁ Milada (1901-1950), Czech právnička and politička after/behind National socialisty, oběť justiční vraždy due to one from best-known political procesů in/at komunistickém Czechoslovakia; autograph with dedication on reverse visiting cards, intended for important collector rukopisů Emanuel Kopejzna, small hints of adjustaci, overall but sound condition, rarely occurring manuscript!
Starting price: CZK
247239 - 1916 HORTHY Miklós (1868-1957), Hungarian viceadmirál vel
1916 HORTHY Miklós (1868-1957), Hungarian viceadmirál velící rakousko-uherskému war loďstvu, in 1920 was/were zvolen regentem Maďarského kingdom, function head state vykonával in years 1920 - 1944; autograph with text on Ppc křižníku S.M.S. NOVARA, kterému velel from year 1915; incl. ship postmark, very rare!
Starting price: CZK
247105 -  HUSÁK Gustav (1913–1991), Czechoslovak communist politic
HUSÁK Gustav (1913–1991), Czechoslovak communist politician, president, representative of so-called normalization.; autograph on card with připojenou B/W portrait photos; good condition
Starting price: CZK
247272 - 1939 KOSO Izidor (1896-1978), Slovak politician, prezidiáln
1939 KOSO Izidor (1896-1978), Slovak politician, prezidiální chief ministry of Internal Affairs, organizátor deportací Jews, autograph on document with heading "Predsedníctvo Slovak governance"; spot after/around office svorce, otherwise very fine, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
247043 - 1908 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), Czechoslovak politician
1908 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), Czechoslovak politician, the first ministerial chairman separate Czechoslovakia, handwritten 14-řádkový letter with signature, sent to town Hranice; nice good condition and sought!
Starting price: CZK
238964 - 1915 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), Czechoslovak politician
1915 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), Czechoslovak politician, the first ministerial chairman separate Czechoslovakia, handwritten 4-page letter in German with signature "Charles", sent to director his/her/its factory in/at Libštátu, passed through censorship, interesting text; incl. envelope/-s, overall good condition and sought!
Starting price: CZK
228353 - 1933 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), important Czechoslovak
1933 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), important Czechoslovak politician, the first ministerial chairman separate Czechoslovakia, handwritten whole signature with datací; sought
Starting price: CZK
247290 - 1943 KREJČÍ Jaroslav (1892-1956), Czechoslovak lawyer, pol
1943 KREJČÍ Jaroslav (1892-1956), Czechoslovak lawyer, politician, chairman Bohemian and Moravian governance in years 1942-1945, autograph on letter on heading paper, incl. original envelope/-s; good condition, hints of adjustaci, Bohemian and Moravian ministři and government representatives are very hledaní!
Starting price: CZK
247690 - 1943 KUTTELWASCHER Charles (1916-1959), nejúspěšnější
1943 KUTTELWASCHER Charles (1916-1959), nejúspěšnější Czech fighter pilot in England by/on/at RAF, air-mail ace WWII., autograph on postcard addressed to Otovi Hrubému, Czechosl. leteckému esu by/on/at 310. wing after/behind stay Kuttelwaschera in USA; very interesting and exceedingly rare!
Starting price: CZK
247059 -  LECLERC DE HAUTECLOCQUE Philippe (1902-1947), French soldie
LECLERC DE HAUTECLOCQUE Philippe (1902-1947), French soldier and General French army during other world war, osvoboditel Paris, after/around death prohlášený maršálem France, autograph on paper slip; spots after/around office svorce, otherwise very fine, sought
Starting price: CZK
247071 -  LESSING Theodor (1872-1933), one's own name Theodor Lewy, G
LESSING Theodor (1872-1933), one's own name Theodor Lewy, German philosopher, psycholog and journalist of Jewish origin, manžel vnučky emperor William I., zavražděný Henleinovci in Mariánské Lázně, known as "the first oběť fascism in Czechoslovakia", autograph on paper slip; good condition and very rare
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 72 / Autographs - Information

Autogramy a rukopisy

Sběratelství rukopisů velikánů začalo už v antice, velkého rozkvětu dosáhlo v renesanci a v 17. století se rozšířilo po celé Evropě. V českých zemích patřil k největším sběratelům národní buditel Václav Hanka, který pracoval jako správce literárních sbírek Vlasteneckého muzea. Mezi velké sběratele se dále řadil architekt a podnikatel Josef Hlávka, zakladatel a redaktor Moderní revue Arnošt Procházka, dekadentní básník Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic nebo spisovatel Emanuel Lešehrad.

Autogram je vlastnoruční originální podpis osobnosti.

Autograf neboli rukopis, který znamená vlastnoruční text napsaný osobností, který může, ale nemusí být podepsaný. Pochází z řečtiny.

Parafa je zkrácený čili zjednodušený vlastnoruční podpis osobnosti, který se považuje za autogram. Parafa je označována také jako podpisová značka.

Autopen je termín pro počítačem provedený podpis osobnosti podle naprogramovaného vzoru, jak se osobnost podepisuje. Autopeny jsou běžné v USA, kdy osobnosti dostávají mnoho žádostí o autogram, zejména astronauti, filmové hvězdy nebo američtí prezidenti, kteří začali autopen používat od padesátých let 20. století.

Tištěný podpis je termín pro rozmnožené kopie originálně podepsané fotografie.

Sekretářský podpis  je termín pro autogramy, které sice vypadají jako originálně podepsané osobností, ale podepsala se za ni jeho asistentka či jiná osoba.

Zájemci o sběratelství autogramů a autografů v ČR se mohou sdružovat v Klubu sběratelů autogramů - KSA.