Public Auction 72 / Autographs

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247244 - 1831 MACDONALD Étienne (1765-1840), duke from Tarentu, Fren
1831 MACDONALD Étienne (1765-1840), duke from Tarentu, French soldier and shortly also politician, veterán from Wagramu, dosáhl hodnosti maršála France, autograph on letter on heading paper Čestné legion, in which/what with omlouvá after/behind neúčast on/for projektu, which/what will be prezentován králi Ludvíku Filipu I., folded sheet paper with filigránem; very nice good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
247237 - 1928 MACDONALD Ramsay (1866-1937), Brit. politician, chairma
1928 MACDONALD Ramsay (1866-1937), Brit. politician, chairman Labour Party and ministerial chairman Great Britain in years 1929-1935; signature on card with datací "Prague Octob. 14. 1928", MacDonald in/at October 1928 was/were on/for "turné" in Vienna, Prague and Berlin; interesting and rare
Starting price: CZK
247036 - 1892-1945 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first C
1892-1945 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czechoslovak President, 3x autograph in vysokoškolském indexu, then for example. many signatures J. Gebauer, F. Drtina, L. Niederle, Č. Zíbrt, J. Goll, J. Jesenský, J. Kapras and much other, total 7 indexů various studentů; rare collection
Starting price: CZK
247689 - 1932 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czecho
1932 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czechoslovak President, full signature on card mounted on/for album sheet with funeral miniature sheet T. G. Masaryk; decorative
Starting price: CZK
247296 - 1909 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czecho
1909 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czechoslovak President; handwritten 14-řádkový letter with signature, in text mentioned i.a. Masaryk's journal Čas; 2x hole after/around perforator, otherwise very fine, rukopisy Masaryk are very sought and for collectors favourite, from period before y. 1918 with objevují exceptionally!
Starting price: CZK
247001 - 1884 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czecho
1884 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czechoslovak President; handwritten 3-stránkový letter with signature; sporadically underglued, overall but good condition, rukopisy Masaryk are very sought and for collectors favourite, here in addition from early period!
Starting price: CZK
247685 - 1930 MEDEK Rudolf (1890–1940), Czech writer, General and p
1930 MEDEK Rudolf (1890–1940), Czech writer, General and politician; autograph on portrait photo postcard in uniform, atelier Langhans; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
247034 - 1935 MILLERAND Alexandre (1859-1943), important French polit
1935 MILLERAND Alexandre (1859-1943), important French politician, prime minister and president France in years 1920-1924; handwritten written wish with signature and datací, interesting
Starting price: CZK
246980 - 1926 MITTELHAUSER Eugene (1873-1949), French General, agent
1926 MITTELHAUSER Eugene (1873-1949), French General, agent (of) commander and later commander French military mission in/at Czechoslovakia, chief Czechoslovak Main staff military force; handwritten 4-page letter with signature + B/W photo postcard with signature (atelier Langhans); hints of original adjustaci, overall but very sound condition, important osobnost modern Czechoslovak military history!
Starting price: CZK
247022 - 1935 MUSSOLINI Benito (1883–1945), Italian prime minister,
1935 MUSSOLINI Benito (1883–1945), Italian prime minister, politician, journalist and diktátor, spolutvůrce and founder fascism, autograph on official document with heading "Ministero della Guerra"; nice good condition and rare
Starting price: CZK
247569 - 1983 NEJEDLÝ Zdeněk (1878–1962), Czech historian and pol
1983 NEJEDLÝ Zdeněk (1878–1962), Czech historian and politician, minister education and work; autograph on děkovné card with envelope; good condition
Starting price: CZK
247110 - 1957 NOVOTNÝ Anthony (1904–1975), Czechoslovak communist
1957 NOVOTNÝ Anthony (1904–1975), Czechoslovak communist politician and president in years 1957–1968, autograph on B/W portrait photograph, with official confirmation autenticity for important period collector rukopisů Emanuel Kopejzna; sound condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
247214 -  PALACKÝ John (1830-1908), important Czech geograf, biogeog
PALACKÝ John (1830-1908), important Czech geograf, biogeograf, academic Professor, nationally obrozenecký politician and mecenáš, son Francis Palacký; handwritten letter with signature, good condition
Starting price: CZK
247233 -  PÉTAIN Philippe (1856-1951), slavný French vojevůdce, ma
PÉTAIN Philippe (1856-1951), slavný French vojevůdce, marshal, president; autograph in book Battle of Verdunu, issued Svazem Czechosl. důstojnictva in Prague; sought
Starting price: CZK
247234 - 1934 PLAMÍNKOVÁ Francis (1875-1942), politička, novinář
1934 PLAMÍNKOVÁ Francis (1875-1942), politička, novinářka and bojovnice after/behind law women, "the first" Czech feministka, popravená nacisty; handwritten letter with signature, interesting
Starting price: CZK
247238 -  POMPIDOU Georges (1911-1974), French politician, prime mini
POMPIDOU Georges (1911-1974), French politician, prime minister and president; signature on card
Starting price: CZK
247676 - 1932-1971 POWELL-BADEN Robert lord (1857-1941) founder scout
1932-1971 POWELL-BADEN Robert lord (1857-1941) founder scout movement + POWELL-BADEN Olave, wife, world náčelnice scout-girls; two strojopisné letters with signatures, sought
Starting price: CZK
246978 - 1912 RAŠÍN Alois, LLD. (1867–1923), important Czechoslov
1912 RAŠÍN Alois, LLD. (1867–1923), important Czechoslovak prvorepublikový politician and ekonom, 1. minister finance Czechoslovakia, one from "five men 28. October", handwritten 4-page letter with signature, on heading paper, very interesting text concerning his action in/at Empire radě and politice as whole; on reverse hints of original adjustaci, overall but very good condition, rukopisy Rašín in the market objevují exceptionally!
Starting price: CZK
247263 - 1877 RIEGER Francis Ladislav (1818–1903), Czech politician
1877 RIEGER Francis Ladislav (1818–1903), Czech politician and publicist, member of parliament, Empire council/court, Empire congress, member Panské sněmovny and vůdčí osobnost Staročechů, autograph on letter týkajícím with přípravy exhibition in support of building National theatre in Prague; cross fold, in the place křížení lightly worn through, good condition, sought manuscript important personality Czech history other middle 19. century, interesting kontext!
Starting price: CZK
247257 - 1901 RIEGER Francis Ladislav (1818–1903), Czech politician
1901 RIEGER Francis Ladislav (1818–1903), Czech politician and publicist, member of parliament, Empire council/court, Empire congress, member Panské sněmovny and vůdčí osobnost Staročechů; handwritten 3-stránkový letter with signature; good condition, sought manuscript important personality Czech history other middle 19. century!
Starting price: CZK
247601 - 1914-1916 RINGHOFFER Hanuš (1885-1946), Czech industrialist
1914-1916 RINGHOFFER Hanuš (1885-1946), Czech industrialist from family Ringhofferů, last director stejnojmenného koncernu, director brewery in Velké Popovicích, comp. of 8 FP cards sent matce from front WWI.; very fine, very rare
Starting price: CZK
247112 - 1938 RUNCIMAN Walter (1870-1949), 1. vikomt Runciman from Do
1938 RUNCIMAN Walter (1870-1949), 1. vikomt Runciman from Doxfordu, Brit. diplomat, zastánce politics appeasementu, vedl diplomatic misi Great Britain to Czechoslovakia, which/what měla zprostředkovat act between Sudetoněmeckou side and Czechoslovak vládou (so-called. Runcimanova mission); signature on card, nice in good condition condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
236899 - 1904 SCHEINER Joseph (1861–1932), important Czech lawyer,
1904 SCHEINER Joseph (1861–1932), important Czech lawyer, politician and mayor Sokol, handwritten text with signature on/for "Sokol" postcard; important osobnost, interesting
Starting price: CZK
247280 - Cancelled

Starting price: CZK
247227 - 1956 SUKARNO (Kusno Sosrodihardjo, 1901-1970), founder and t
1956 SUKARNO (Kusno Sosrodihardjo, 1901-1970), founder and the first president Indonesia; signature on card with dedication
Starting price: CZK
247090 -  SVOBODA Lewis (1895-1979), General and Czechoslovak preside
SVOBODA Lewis (1895-1979), General and Czechoslovak president; autograph on B/W photograph greater format in uniform; hints of original adjustaci, overall sound condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
247095 - 1921 SYROVÝ John Bohumír (1888-1970), Czechoslovak militar
1921 SYROVÝ John Bohumír (1888-1970), Czechoslovak military General, member and commander Czechoslovak legions in Russia and chairman Czechosl. governance in time Mnichovské agreement, autograph on letter addressed commander military school in/at Saint-Cyre, also with 2 photo postcard Syrového from beginning Czechoslovakia and incomplete newspaper "Legion" 27.1. 1938 with articles to Syrového 50. birthday; overall good condition, early signatures Syrového are rare
Starting price: CZK
247266 - Cancelled

Starting price: CZK
247298 - 1940 TISO Jozef (1887–1947), Slovak R.C. priest, politicia
1940 TISO Jozef (1887–1947), Slovak R.C. priest, politician and president + ČATLOŠ Ferdinand (1895-1972), Slovak soldier, Czechosl. legionnaire and officer, in years 1939-1945 Slovak minister national defence + MEDRICKÝ Gejza (1901-1989), Slovak národovecký politician, member of parliament Slovak congress, minister national economy, joined/common handwritten signatures on/for memorial sheet mobile post-office (on a bus) with by hand kreslenou envelope "High Tatras 10.-11. VIII. 1940"; overall good condition, exceedingly rare, especially Čatlošův signature occures quite exceptionally!
Starting price: CZK
247300 - 1928 TISO Jozef (1887–1947), Slovak R.C. priest, politicia
1928 TISO Jozef (1887–1947), Slovak R.C. priest, politician and president Slovakia, autograph "Dr. Tiso" on/for order Ministry veřejného zdravotnictví and physical education from 10.9. 1928, in/at this period was/were J. Tiso Czechosl. minister zdravotnictví in government so-called. panské koalice; autographs J. Tisa from period of the first republic, in addition as minister Czechoslovak governance are very rare and daleko less frequent, then from period of war Slovakia, nice in good condition condition, rare offer
Starting price: CZK
247249 - Cancelled

Starting price: CZK
247055 - 1920? VON TROTHA Adolf (1868-1940), admiral German imperial
1920? VON TROTHA Adolf (1868-1940), admiral German imperial marine, knight order Pour le Mérite, autograph with dedication on/for portrait postcard; very fine and rare
Starting price: CZK
247278 - 1918 VZNIK Czechoslovakia / postcard with signatures members
1918 VZNIK Czechoslovakia / postcard with signatures members Dočasné governance for Slovakia in Skalici: V. Šrobár, P. Blaho, I. Dérer, A. Štefánek and other, signed 6. November 1918, shortly after/around arrival members governance to Skalice, supplemented with 3 documents vysvětlujícími okolnosti origin, sepsané and signed nadporučíkem M. Úlehlou, účastníkem event/-s; very nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
247288 - 1954 ZÁPOTOCKÝ Anthony (1884-1957), Czech communist politi
1954 ZÁPOTOCKÝ Anthony (1884-1957), Czech communist politician, other Czechosl. communist president, odborový předák and prime minister Czechoslovakia, handwritten text with signature on Ppc sent from dovolené in/at Soči, attached signature wife M. Zápotocké (1890-1981); very nice good condition, sought and rare, rare civil kontext
Starting price: CZK
246994 - 1956 ZÁPOTOCKÝ Anthony (1884-1957), Czech communist politi
1956 ZÁPOTOCKÝ Anthony (1884-1957), Czech communist politician, other Czechosl. communist president, odborový předák and prime minister Czechoslovakia; autograph on congratulation to birthday skladatele Vojtěch Bořivoje Aima (1886-1972), on heading paper, horiz. folded, overall sound condition, sought and rare
Starting price: CZK
247567 - 1955 ZÁPOTOCKÝ Anthony (1884-1957), Czech communist politi
1955 ZÁPOTOCKÝ Anthony (1884-1957), Czech communist politician, other Czechosl. communist president, odborový předák and prime minister Czechoslovakia; autograph on card with prezidentským emblem, thanks for congratulation to birthday; good condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
247094 - 1884 GLASSER Edward (1855-1908), Czech-German arabista, trav
1884 GLASSER Edward (1855-1908), Czech-German arabista, traveller and archaeologist, one from zakladatelů vědy about/by starověkých dějinách Jemenu, handwritten 2-page letter with signature sent from Constantinople; very rare, on/for market with at all is rare!
Starting price: CZK
247591 - 1910 GRÜNERT Max (1849-1929), Czech filolog and orientalist
1910 GRÜNERT Max (1849-1929), Czech filolog and orientalista, považován after/behind one from předchůdců Prague egyptologie, in years 1910-1911 rektor Prague German university Karlo-Ferdinandovy, autograph on imatrikulačním sheet; cross fold, in/at křížení light worn through, else preserved, rare
Starting price: CZK
247098 - 1959 HANZELKA George (1920–2003) and ZIKMUND Miroslav (191
1959 HANZELKA George (1920–2003) and ZIKMUND Miroslav (1919-2021), slavní Czech cestovatelé and writers; joined/common signatures on card with B/W společnou portrait photos; decorative
Starting price: CZK
245833 - 1966-1968 HANZELKA George (1920–2003), Czech traveller, wr
1966-1968 HANZELKA George (1920–2003), Czech traveller, writer, photographer, dokumentarista and journalist, proslavený in pair with kolegou Miroslavem Zikmundem, comp. of 8 documents, from that 2x with autograph, mapující Hanzelkovo examining games on/for varhany on/for AMU; overall very nice good condition, interesting and unique collection
Starting price: CZK
247223 -  HEYROVSKÝ Jaroslav (1890–1967), Czech fyzikální chemik
HEYROVSKÝ Jaroslav (1890–1967), Czech fyzikální chemik, discoverer and founder polarografie, Nobel laureate from year 1959; handwritten written short essay with signature; very nice good condition, rare and sought
Starting price: CZK
246968 - 1900 HOLUB Emil (1847-1902), important Czech doctor, travell
1900 HOLUB Emil (1847-1902), important Czech doctor, traveller, kartograf and ethnographer in/at Africa; handwritten pages letter with signature, interesting text, slightly repaired, overall but nice decorative letter with manuscript sought personality other middle 19. century
Starting price: CZK
247265 - 1842 JUNGMANN Joseph (1773–1847), Czech filolog, writer an
1842 JUNGMANN Joseph (1773–1847), Czech filolog, writer and translator; autograph on certificate Prague k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal) academy school, sheet paper with imprinted stamps and seal; cross fold, in/at křížení lightly worn through, otherwise nice good condition, very rare, signatures J. Jungmanna occur exceptionally!
Starting price: CZK
247074 - 1938 KOTARBIŃSKI Tadeusz (1886-1981), nejvýznamnější Po
1938 KOTARBIŃSKI Tadeusz (1886-1981), nejvýznamnější Polish filosof 20. century, Professor filosofie and logiky, rektor university in/at Lodži, president Polish academy věd, creator of vlastního filosofického direction - reismu, founder praxiologie, handwritten 15-řádkový letter with signature; very fine and rare, on/for market with at all is rare
Starting price: CZK
247255 - 1927 KŘIŽÍK Francis (1847-1941), important Czech tech., i
1927 KŘIŽÍK Francis (1847-1941), important Czech tech., industrialist and inventor; autograph on text speech předneseného near/in/at occasion takeover Ceny Hanuše Karlíka ("Czechoslovak Nobelova price", Křižík was/were her the first laureátem); good condition, decorative and sought, interesting kontext!
Starting price: CZK
246986 - 1931 VOJTĚCH Wenceslas (1901-1932), Czech geograf, travelle
1931 VOJTĚCH Wenceslas (1901-1932), Czech geograf, traveller and polárník, member Byrdovy expedition, the first Čech/Bohem, which/what obdržel Zlatou medal Congress USA, autograph on portrait photo postcard + card with signature with wish; on reverse hints of original adjustaci, sought
Starting price: CZK
247232 - 1979 VON HAYEK Friedrich August (1899-1992), ekonom and phil
1979 VON HAYEK Friedrich August (1899-1992), ekonom and philosopher so-called. Austrian school, Nobel laureate after/behind ekonomii; autograph datací on card on/for autographs
Starting price: CZK
247258 - 1934 WALDES Henry (1876-1941), Czech businessman of Jewish o
1934 WALDES Henry (1876-1941), Czech businessman of Jewish origin, owner f. Koh-i-noor Vršovice, vlastenec and mecenáš art, autograph on letter on heading paper, sent to painter/-s A.J. Alexe (1890-1957); very fine
Starting price: CZK
246970 - 1930 BIEBL Konstantin (1898-1951), important Czech poet and
1930 BIEBL Konstantin (1898-1951), important Czech poet and prose-writer; handwritten written 7 line "poem" with whole signature; on card, on reverse light hints of original adjustaci, and horiz. bend, sought
Starting price: CZK
245830 - 1923 ČAPEK Joseph (1887-1945), important Czech painter, wri
1923 ČAPEK Joseph (1887-1945), important Czech painter, writer, photographer, graphic artist and illustrator, handwritten whole signature with dedication in/at 1. issue author book/-s "Málo about/by mnohém"; well preserved, rare, signatures J. Čapek occur řádově less, then by/on/at his bratra K. Čapek!
Starting price: CZK
247091 - 1860? GRILLPARZER Franz (1791-1872), Austrian writer and dra
1860? GRILLPARZER Franz (1791-1872), Austrian writer and dramatist, member Panské sněmovny, žil i.a. in/at Jemnici by/on/at count Stadiona, in Austria považován after/behind national poet, autograph on portrait photograph; very fine, rare and sought
Starting price: CZK
235022 -  KOPELEV Lion (1912-1997), Soviet writer, disident and human
KOPELEV Lion (1912-1997), Soviet writer, disident and humanista, handwritten 3-stránkový letter "výtažek from Goetha" with signature
Starting price: CZK
247253 - 1920 MACHAR Joseph Svatopluk (1864–1942), Czech poet, pros
1920 MACHAR Joseph Svatopluk (1864–1942), Czech poet, prose-writer, satirik, publicist and politician; handwritten 17-řádkový letter with signature "Tvůj M." on heading paper "General inspektor Czechoslovak armies" (office přijal after/around return to Czechoslovakia on request T. G. Masaryk); very fine
Starting price: CZK
246974 - 1930? MACHAR Joseph Svatopluk (1864–1942), Czech poet, pro
1930? MACHAR Joseph Svatopluk (1864–1942), Czech poet, prose-writer, satirik, publicist and politician; handwritten 5-řádkový letter with signature + portrait photo postcard with signature; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
247047 - 1904 MRŠTÍK William (1863-1912), important Czech writer, d
1904 MRŠTÍK William (1863-1912), important Czech writer, dramatist (Maryša), translator; handwritten dvoustránkový letter publ. with signature; slightly toned, Mrštíkovy rukopisy are rare
Starting price: CZK
247092 - 1933 MÜHLBERGER Joseph (1903-1985), important Czech-German
1933 MÜHLBERGER Joseph (1903-1985), important Czech-German poet, native from Trutnov, handwritten text with signature and datací on paper slip; nevýrazné brownish, else preserved and rare
Starting price: CZK
246552 - 1916 OPOČENSKÝ Gustav Roger (1881-1949), Czech writer, jou
1916 OPOČENSKÝ Gustav Roger (1881-1949), Czech writer, journalist and písňový textař, member Prague bohémy in years before/(in front of) the first world war, one from nejbližších friends Jaroslav Haška, which/what about/by German often psal, handwritten text with signature on Ppc Us FP, sent to writer Q.M. Vyskočila; very nice good condition and rare
Starting price: CZK
247218 - 1932-1934 PREISSOVÁ Gabriela, pseudonym Mathilda Dumontová
1932-1934 PREISSOVÁ Gabriela, pseudonym Mathilda Dumontová (1862–1946), important Czech dramatička and authoress, autograph on portrait photo postcard with datací + card with 10-řádkovým manuscript with signature; nice in good condition condition
Starting price: CZK
247050 - 1920-1924 RAIS Charles Wenceslas (1859–1926), important Cz
1920-1924 RAIS Charles Wenceslas (1859–1926), important Czech writer, handwritten 3-stránkový letter + portrait photo postcard with signature; good condition, interesting and sought
Starting price: CZK
247573 - 1965 SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901–1986), Czech poet, writer, jou
1965 SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901–1986), Czech poet, writer, journalist and translator, Nobel laureate after/behind literature (1984); handwritten signature with datací on/for invitation card on/for exhibition John Zrzavého; very fine
Starting price: CZK