Public Auction 72 / Autographs / Scientists, Historians and Explorers

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247094 - 1884 GLASSER Edward (1855-1908), Czech-German arabista, trav
1884 GLASSER Edward (1855-1908), Czech-German arabista, traveller and archaeologist, one from zakladatelů vědy about/by starověkých dějinách Jemenu, handwritten 2-page letter with signature sent from Constantinople; very rare, on/for market with at all is rare!
Starting price: CZK
247591 - 1910 GRÜNERT Max (1849-1929), Czech filolog and orientalist
1910 GRÜNERT Max (1849-1929), Czech filolog and orientalista, považován after/behind one from předchůdců Prague egyptologie, in years 1910-1911 rektor Prague German university Karlo-Ferdinandovy, autograph on imatrikulačním sheet; cross fold, in/at křížení light worn through, else preserved, rare
Starting price: CZK
247098 - 1959 HANZELKA George (1920–2003) and ZIKMUND Miroslav (191
1959 HANZELKA George (1920–2003) and ZIKMUND Miroslav (1919-2021), slavní Czech cestovatelé and writers; joined/common signatures on card with B/W společnou portrait photos; decorative
Starting price: CZK
245833 - 1966-1968 HANZELKA George (1920–2003), Czech traveller, wr
1966-1968 HANZELKA George (1920–2003), Czech traveller, writer, photographer, dokumentarista and journalist, proslavený in pair with kolegou Miroslavem Zikmundem, comp. of 8 documents, from that 2x with autograph, mapující Hanzelkovo examining games on/for varhany on/for AMU; overall very nice good condition, interesting and unique collection
Starting price: CZK
247223 -  HEYROVSKÝ Jaroslav (1890–1967), Czech fyzikální chemik
HEYROVSKÝ Jaroslav (1890–1967), Czech fyzikální chemik, discoverer and founder polarografie, Nobel laureate from year 1959; handwritten written short essay with signature; very nice good condition, rare and sought
Starting price: CZK
246968 - 1900 HOLUB Emil (1847-1902), important Czech doctor, travell
1900 HOLUB Emil (1847-1902), important Czech doctor, traveller, kartograf and ethnographer in/at Africa; handwritten pages letter with signature, interesting text, slightly repaired, overall but nice decorative letter with manuscript sought personality other middle 19. century
Starting price: CZK
247265 - 1842 JUNGMANN Joseph (1773–1847), Czech filolog, writer an
1842 JUNGMANN Joseph (1773–1847), Czech filolog, writer and translator; autograph on certificate Prague k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal) academy school, sheet paper with imprinted stamps and seal; cross fold, in/at křížení lightly worn through, otherwise nice good condition, very rare, signatures J. Jungmanna occur exceptionally!
Starting price: CZK
247074 - 1938 KOTARBIŃSKI Tadeusz (1886-1981), nejvýznamnější Po
1938 KOTARBIŃSKI Tadeusz (1886-1981), nejvýznamnější Polish filosof 20. century, Professor filosofie and logiky, rektor university in/at Lodži, president Polish academy věd, creator of vlastního filosofického direction - reismu, founder praxiologie, handwritten 15-řádkový letter with signature; very fine and rare, on/for market with at all is rare
Starting price: CZK
247255 - 1927 KŘIŽÍK Francis (1847-1941), important Czech tech., i
1927 KŘIŽÍK Francis (1847-1941), important Czech tech., industrialist and inventor; autograph on text speech předneseného near/in/at occasion takeover Ceny Hanuše Karlíka ("Czechoslovak Nobelova price", Křižík was/were her the first laureátem); good condition, decorative and sought, interesting kontext!
Starting price: CZK
246986 - 1931 VOJTĚCH Wenceslas (1901-1932), Czech geograf, travelle
1931 VOJTĚCH Wenceslas (1901-1932), Czech geograf, traveller and polárník, member Byrdovy expedition, the first Čech/Bohem, which/what obdržel Zlatou medal Congress USA, autograph on portrait photo postcard + card with signature with wish; on reverse hints of original adjustaci, sought
Starting price: CZK
247232 - 1979 VON HAYEK Friedrich August (1899-1992), ekonom and phil
1979 VON HAYEK Friedrich August (1899-1992), ekonom and philosopher so-called. Austrian school, Nobel laureate after/behind ekonomii; autograph datací on card on/for autographs
Starting price: CZK
247258 - 1934 WALDES Henry (1876-1941), Czech businessman of Jewish o
1934 WALDES Henry (1876-1941), Czech businessman of Jewish origin, owner f. Koh-i-noor Vršovice, vlastenec and mecenáš art, autograph on letter on heading paper, sent to painter/-s A.J. Alexe (1890-1957); very fine
Starting price: CZK