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1939 FOOTBALL / SLAVIA PRAGUE / postcard sent from soustředění týmu Slavia Prague in/at Zurich in 1939 with signatures of players: Fikejs, Kubát, Hakl, Vyskočil, Lemberk etc..; good condition and rare U:A5
1946 FRIŠTENSKÝ Gustav (1879–1957), Czech wrestler, autograph on typed written PC, supplemented with about/by postcard without signature; in good condition condition U:A5
1998 HAŠEK Dominik (*1965), Czech hockey-player, envelope 1. of day FDC and miniature sheet Winter Olympic Games Nagano, all with autograph; very fine U:A5
1983 HOCKEY / Price Izvestijí 1983 / postcard to Czechoslovakia with signatures of sportsmen, i.a. Lála, Benák, Rosol, Hrdina, Chalupa, Růžička etc..; in good condition condition, sought U:A5
1947 HOCKEY / B/W photo postcard (winter stadium Davos) sent from Turnaje three nations with signatures Czechoslovak reprezentantů: i.a. Jirka, Stibor, Buckna, Bubník, Zábrodský, Konopásek etc..; sought and very rare U:A5
1955 HOCKEY / championship 1955 GERMANY / B/W photo postcard issued to championship to Czechoslovakia with signatures Czechoslovak representatives, i.a. Bubník, Vidlák, Bacílek, Pantůček, Hajšman, Bartoň, Sedlák etc..; sound condition, very sought U:A5
1987 HOCKEY / championship 1987 VÍDEŇ / postcard to Czechoslovakia with signatures of sportsmen as: Lang, Hašek, Božík, Hrdina, Dolana, Rosol, Doležal, Růžička etc..; vertical bend, sought U:A5
1937 HOCKEY / championship LONDON 1937 / postcard with signatures Czechosl. reprezentantů: i.a. Troják, Modrý, Kučera, Maleček, Košek etc..; good condition, very sought U:A5
1973 HOCKEY / championship MOSCOW 1973 / postcard sent from World Championship with signatures Czechoslovak reprezentantů: i.a. Farda, Kužela, Pospíšil, Holeček, Paleček, Štastný, Kochta etc..; very nice good condition, sought U:A5
1986 HOCKEY / postcard to Czechoslovakia from turnaje in Moscow with signatures of sportsmen as: Hrdina, Růžička, Doležal, Božík etc..; very fine, decorative, sought U:A5
1949 HOCKEY / postcard sent from Davos with signatures Czechosl. reprezentantů: i.a. Konopásek, Bubník, Jirka, Stibor, Troják etc..; good condition, sought U:A5
1961 HOCKEY / postcard sent from mezistátního přátelského zápasu Czechoslovakia national team in Stockholm with signatures of players, i.a. Dolana, Mikoláš, Black, Tikal, Prošek, Golonka etc..; perfect condition, sought and rare U:A5
1953 HOCKEY / postcard sent from Moscow (Москва) with signatures Czechoslovak hockey representatives (friendly match with USSR), i.a. Bacílek, Gut, Wenceslas Bubník, Vidlák, Sekyra, Danda etc..; good condition, sought U:A5
1954 HOCKEY / postcard sent from Oslo with signatures Czechoslovak representatives from mezistátního přátelského match, i.a. signatures of players: Bubník, Bacílek, Jendek, Pantůček, Šinágl etc..; perfect condition, sought U:A5
1936 KOŽELUH Charles (1895–1950), sportsman, Czechoslovak representative in tennis, ice hockey and football, from year 2006 member of International Tennis Hall of Fame, autograph on card on/for autographs; sought U:A5
1920 Summer Olympic Games ANTVERPY 1920 / PLAVCI A VODNÍ PÓLISTÉ / comp. of 3 Ppc from olympic games in Antwerp, sent účastníkem Emanuelem Prüllem (1896-1980, Czechosl. academy painter and graphic artist, sportsman – plavec, after/behind Protectorate odbojář vězněný in/at Mauthausenu), attached spolupodpisy i.a. V. Bucháček, J. Hora, F. Franěk, E. Girl, A. Hrášek and oths.; very nice good condition U:A5
1970 RAŠKA George (1941-2012), Olympic champion in skoku on/for ski + RÝGL Ladislav (1972-), Czech sdruženář, participant Olympic Games; selection of two Ppc with signatures U:A5
1973 TENNIS / envelope FDC with manual signatures tenistů: KODEŠ John, PÁLA Francis, NEWCOMBE John, ANDERSON Mal, LAVER Rod, ROSEWALL Ken and other; very nice good condition U:A5