Public Auction 72 / Philately / Slovakia since 1993

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246154 - 1993 PLATE PROOF  Zber.1, Big state coat of arms 8(Kčs), co
1993 PLATE PROOF Zber.1, Big state coat of arms 8(Kčs), comp. of 3 plate proofs on stamp paper with lepem: blue stage gravure stamp. (trojvrší) + additional printing miniature sheet (definitive color joined printing) + additional printing FDC (definitive color joined printing), all with signature M. Činovský; very fine
Starting price: CZK
246903 - 1993 Zber.2 production flaw, Slovak state coat of arms 3(Kč
1993 Zber.2 production flaw, Slovak state coat of arms 3(Kčs), 2x pair, production flaw - 1x shifted print all colors L-wards + 1x marginal Pr with significant shifted print all colors to perf; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
246907 - 1993 Zber.2 production flaw, Slovak state coat of arms 3(Kč
1993 Zber.2 production flaw, Slovak state coat of arms 3(Kčs), stamp. with lower margin and production flaw - omitted print blue and red color + significant shifted print black and silver color to perf; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
246902 - 1993 Zber.3 production flaw, Ružomberok 5Sk, production fla
1993 Zber.3 production flaw, Ružomberok 5Sk, production flaw - omitted print red color, without nominal value; small bend
Starting price: CZK
246156 - 1993 PLATE PROOF  Zber.10, Bella 5(Sk), print unfinished gra
1993 PLATE PROOF Zber.10, Bella 5(Sk), print unfinished gravure without name state in black color on stamp paper with gum with wide margin + plate proof added-print FDC in/at definitive colour joined printing on chalky paper without gum, both with signatures; very fine
Starting price: CZK
246157 - 1993 PLATE PROOF  Zber.12, Kollár 20(Sk), print definitive
1993 PLATE PROOF Zber.12, Kollár 20(Sk), print definitive gravure (below novými texts patrný original name state "Czechoslovakia" also contraction currency "Koruna") in black color on stamp paper with gum with wide margin + plate proof added-print FDC in/at definitive colour joined printing on chalky paper without gum, both with signatures; very fine
Starting price: CZK
246901 - 1997 PLATE PROOF  Zber.13, Europe Čunderlík 14Sk, comp. 4
1997 PLATE PROOF Zber.13, Europe Čunderlík 14Sk, comp. 4 pcs of plate proofs on chalky paper, 1x definitive making, 3x various stage, all signed P. Kovařík; good condition
Starting price: CZK
239853 - 1993 PLATE PROOF  Zber.18, Zvolen 30Sk, plate proof in black
1993 PLATE PROOF Zber.18, Zvolen 30Sk, plate proof in black color on stamp paper with gum with wide margin, signed Činovský; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
246160 - 1993 PLATE PROOF  Zber.20, Gabčíkovo 10(Sk), print definit
1993 PLATE PROOF Zber.20, Gabčíkovo 10(Sk), print definitive gravures stamp. also coupon in black color on stamp paper with gum with wide margin + plate proof added-print FDC in/at definitive colour joined printing on chalky paper without gum, all with signatures; very fine
Starting price: CZK
248063 - 1994 COUNTER SHEET / Zber.38 VCH, 120. Anniv UPU 8Sk, comple
1994 COUNTER SHEET / Zber.38 VCH, 120. Anniv UPU 8Sk, complete 100 stamps sheet, in/at 1. line L to R with postupně zvětšuje incomplete-printing upper part/-s all 10 stamp.; interesting, in/at complete sheet rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
246131 - 1994 Zber.38 VCH, 120. Anniv UPU 8Sk, upper corner Pr, on/fo
1994 Zber.38 VCH, 120. Anniv UPU 8Sk, upper corner Pr, on/for both stamp. large incomplete-printing - missing frame, part 1. row inscription also nominal value; interesting
Starting price: CZK
246963 - 1995 Zber.PL65 production flaw, Europe 8Sk, production flaw
1995 Zber.PL65 production flaw, Europe 8Sk, production flaw - full incomplete-printing red color blesků on all pane positions; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
248062 - 1995 ZLATÁ ZNÁMKA JAN PAVEL II. / Zber.68 var., Visit pope
1995 ZLATÁ ZNÁMKA JAN PAVEL II. / Zber.68 var., Visit pope 3Sk, embossed printing on/for golden plastic film (6g, 22ct) adjustovaný on/for hranolu green stone, issued on/for objednávku Post Office Department and telekomunikací MC, printing mere 10 pcs of + 1 PLATE PROOF, from čehož 1 piece was/were darován pope near/in/at his visit in Slovakia; very fine, with certificate with number 9/10 and supplemented with article with bližšími informacemi, quite exceptional offer!
Starting price: CZK
246162 - 1995 PLATE PROOF  Zber.68, Visit pope 3Sk, comp. 2 pcs of pl
1995 PLATE PROOF Zber.68, Visit pope 3Sk, comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs, 1x in/at definitive red and 1x in brown color on chalky paper without gum, wide margins, signatures Činovský, 1x slepotiskový initials; very fine
Starting price: CZK
248038 - 1995 PLATE PROOF  Zber.70, New Baňa 4Sk, plate proof, defin
1995 PLATE PROOF Zber.70, New Baňa 4Sk, plate proof, definitive making in/at different colors, in/at black and yellow, on chalky paper, signed Horniak; very fine, exp. by Sablatura
Starting price: CZK
248039 - 1996 PLATE PROOF  Zber.91, Film Jánošík 16Sk, plate proof
1996 PLATE PROOF Zber.91, Film Jánošík 16Sk, plate proof definitive gravure in black color + plate proof gravure coupon in/at modrošedé color, both on chalky paper without gum with signatures Horniak, MS arrangement; very fine
Starting price: CZK
248040 - 1996 PLATE PROOF  Zber.102, Art (I.) - Messerschmidt 10Sk, p
1996 PLATE PROOF Zber.102, Art (I.) - Messerschmidt 10Sk, print barevného joined printing nehotových gravures (missing name state also face-value) in/at definitive colors + plate proof added-print FDC in/at grey-black color, both on/for stronger chalky paper without gum with signatures; very fine
Starting price: CZK
246164 - 1996 PLATE PROOF  Zber.109, Successes sportsmen on/for Summe
1996 PLATE PROOF Zber.109, Successes sportsmen on/for Summer Olympic Games 3Sk, print definitive gravure in/at red-brown color + master die added-print FDC in/at hnědoolivové color, both on/for chalky carton without gum, signatures Cigánik; very fine
Starting price: CZK
246167 - 1996 PLATE PROOF  Zber.110, Benka 3Sk, print definitive grav
1996 PLATE PROOF Zber.110, Benka 3Sk, print definitive gravures stamps and added-print FDC, both in black color on/for stronger chalky paper without gum, with signatures of authors; very fine
Starting price: CZK
248830 - 1998 Zber.161PLb, Panna Mary 18Sk, PB with 1 coupon; very fi
1998 Zber.161PLb, Panna Mary 18Sk, PB with 1 coupon; very fine, c.v.. 35€
Starting price: CZK
246170 - 1999 PLATE PROOF  master die Croatian stamps Haulík 5.00 Ku
1999 PLATE PROOF master die Croatian stamps Haulík 5.00 Kuna from joined slovensko-chorvatského issue (Slovak stamp. below No. Zber.171) in/at black-brown color on chalky paper without gum, MS arrangement, with signature M. Činovský and slepotiskový initials of author; very fine
Starting price: CZK
246171 - 1999 PLATE PROOF  Zber.173-174, Costumes 4Sk and 15Sk, 2 pla
1999 PLATE PROOF Zber.173-174, Costumes 4Sk and 15Sk, 2 plate proofs in black color on chalky paper without gum, value 4Sk else/yet with original, later changed value 3Sk, both signed Cigánik; very fine
Starting price: CZK
247715 - 1999 PLATE PROOF  Zber.177-178, Tatra's National park, value
1999 PLATE PROOF Zber.177-178, Tatra's National park, values 9Sk and 11Sk + additional printing on/for coupon, plnobarevné print gravures on chalky paper, all with signature of author M. Činovský; very fine
Starting price: CZK
246172 - 1999 PLATE PROOF  Zber.182, International year older people
1999 PLATE PROOF Zber.182, International year older people 5Sk, print definitive gravure in black color on/for stronger chalky paper without gum, wide margins, signature A. Feke; very fine
Starting price: CZK
246173 - 1999 PLATE PROOF  Zber.198, Brunovský 5Sk, comp. of 3 plate
1999 PLATE PROOF Zber.198, Brunovský 5Sk, comp. of 3 plate proofs in various colors on/for chalky carton without lepu: original stamp design and coupon + changed zrealizovaný design stamp. + zrealizovaný design coupon, all with signatures; very fine
Starting price: CZK
248044 - 2000 PLATE PROOF  Zber.212, Summer Olympic Games Sydney 18Sk
2000 PLATE PROOF Zber.212, Summer Olympic Games Sydney 18Sk, plate proof unfinished gravure stamps (missing name state) + plate proof unfinished gravure coupon (without frame), both in blue color on chalky paper with signatures of authors; very fine
Starting price: CZK
248045 - 2000 PLATE PROOF  Zber.220, Knights of Malta 10Sk, 2x plate
2000 PLATE PROOF Zber.220, Knights of Malta 10Sk, 2x plate proof definitive gravure stamps in/at black and red color + plate proof added-print FDC in black color, all on chalky carton with signatures Šneider; very fine
Starting price: CZK
248047 - 2001 PLATE PROOF  Zber.227, European Championships in figure
2001 PLATE PROOF Zber.227, European Championships in figure skating 16Sk, print definitive gravures stamp. and added-print FDC, both in/at red-brown color on/for stronger chalky paper without gum with signatures Šneider; very fine
Starting price: CZK
248046 - 2001 PLATE PROOF  Zber.249, Most Štúrovo-Ostrihom 10Sk, 2x
2001 PLATE PROOF Zber.249, Most Štúrovo-Ostrihom 10Sk, 2x plate proof definitive gravure stamp. in/at black and red color on/for chalky carton + plate proof added-print FDC in black color on chalky paper without gum, all with signatures Šneider; very fine
Starting price: CZK
246174 - 2003 PLATE PROOF  Zber.289KĽ, 290KP, 25. Anniv Slovak churc
2003 PLATE PROOF Zber.289KĽ, 290KP, 25. Anniv Slovak church province , comp. of 2 plate proofs both coupons in/at hnědočerné color on/for stronger chalky paper without gum, both with signature F. Horniak; very fine
Starting price: CZK
248051 - 2003 PLATE PROOF  Zber.304-305, Beauty of našej homeland 9S
2003 PLATE PROOF Zber.304-305, Beauty of našej homeland 9Sk and 12Sk, 3x plate proof stamp. in black color + 2x plate proof added-print FDC in/at blue-black color, all on card paper without gum with signature Šneider; very fine
Starting price: CZK
248060 - 2003 PLATE PROOF  Zber.304, Beauty of našej homeland 9Sk, c
2003 PLATE PROOF Zber.304, Beauty of našej homeland 9Sk, comp. 6 pcs of copy-print gravures single color stage and their/its joined printing, adjusted in/at předkládací passe-partout, signed Šneider; very fine and rare
Starting price: CZK
248061 - 2003 PLATE PROOF  Zber.305, Beauty of našej homeland 12Sk,
2003 PLATE PROOF Zber.305, Beauty of našej homeland 12Sk, comp. 6 pcs of copy-print gravures single color stage and their/its joined printing, adjusted in/at předkládací passe-partout, signed Šneider; very fine and rare
Starting price: CZK
248785 - 2008-2009 PLATE PROOF  Zber.429-430, Beauties of Our Homelan
2008-2009 PLATE PROOF Zber.429-430, Beauties of Our Homeland T1 100g, 2x plate proof gravure stamp. with original value 18Sk on/for stronger chalky paper + 2x plate proof gravure FDC + plate proof gravure FDC Majerník 2009, Zber.465, supplemented with about/by skládanku věnovanou rytci F. Horniakovi, all signature Horniak; very fine
Starting price: CZK
246175 - 2010 PLATE PROOF  Zber.476, Castle Topoľčianky 0,40€, pr
2010 PLATE PROOF Zber.476, Castle Topoľčianky 0,40€, print definitive gravure in black color on/for carton without gum, MS arrangement; very fine
Starting price: CZK
246914 - 2001 Pof.AT1 I, Automatová stmp type I., pair with producti
2001 Pof.AT1 I, Automatová stmp type I., pair with production flaw - without printed nominal value; very fine
Starting price: CZK
246913 - 2001 Zber.AT1 II, Automatová stmp 11,00 SKK; very fine, c.v
2001 Zber.AT1 II, Automatová stmp 11,00 SKK; very fine, c.v.. 180€
Starting price: CZK
246916 - 2001 Zber.AT1 II, Automatová stmp type II., pair with produ
2001 Zber.AT1 II, Automatová stmp type II., pair with production flaw - without printed nominal value; very fine
Starting price: CZK
246922 - 2001 PLATE PROOF trial printing stmp from automatic m., with
2001 PLATE PROOF trial printing stmp from automatic m., without printing with value 10,00Sk, thin place zeleně; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
246920 - 2001 PLATE PROOF trial printing stmp from automatic m., with
2001 PLATE PROOF trial printing stmp from automatic m., without printing with value 5,50Sk, thin place zeleně; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
246236 - 1993 SOUKROMÉ BOOKLETS / comp. 9 pcs of private booklets, i
1993 SOUKROMÉ BOOKLETS / comp. 9 pcs of private booklets, i.a. Nature Protection, Christmas 1993, Personalities etc..; interesting
Starting price: CZK
248749 - 2016 ZZ083a, MC in/at Rade EU, advertising sheet with 1 samo
2016 ZZ083a, MC in/at Rade EU, advertising sheet with 1 samolepicí stamp. Zber.614B determined členům Council EU; very fine, low edition
Starting price: CZK
248799 - 1993 CDV1 VCH, Kriváň 2, production defect - on both sides
1993 CDV1 VCH, Kriváň 2, production defect - on both sides print (CDV1/CDV2); nice good condition, c.v.. -,-
Starting price: CZK
248795 - 1993 CDV2 VCHa, Kriváň 2, production defect - quite omitte
1993 CDV2 VCHa, Kriváň 2, production defect - quite omitted brownlila color; very fine, decorative, c.v.. -,-
Starting price: CZK
248798 - 1993 CDV2 VCHb, Kriváň 2, production defect - double impre
1993 CDV2 VCHb, Kriváň 2, production defect - double impression black also brownlila color; very fine, c.v.. -,-
Starting price: CZK
248800 - 1993 CDV2 VCHc, Kriváň 2, production defect - double impre
1993 CDV2 VCHc, Kriváň 2, production defect - double impression black and brownlila color vzájemně pootočený about/by 180°; very fine, c.v.. -,-
Starting price: CZK
247641 - 1994 CDV3 production flaw, Coat of arms 2Sk, comp. 2 pcs of
1994 CDV3 production flaw, Coat of arms 2Sk, comp. 2 pcs of PC, 1x shift red color up + 1x shift red color L-wards; without defects
Starting price: CZK
248778 - 1994 CDV3 production flaw, Coat of arms 2Sk, vertical pair n
1994 CDV3 production flaw, Coat of arms 2Sk, vertical pair nerozdělených PC with significant shift red and silver color downward; without defects
Starting price: CZK
248781 - 1994 CDV3, 4 production flaw, Coat of arms 2Sk, comp. 9 pcs
1994 CDV3, 4 production flaw, Coat of arms 2Sk, comp. 9 pcs of PC with various significant shifts colors, 2x quite without red and silver, 2x Us with MC BANSKÁ BYSTRICA; without defects
Starting price: CZK
248797 - 1995 CDV6 VCH, Kriváň 2 with additional-printing Conferenc
1995 CDV6 VCH, Kriváň 2 with additional-printing "Conference Ouvriere Mondiale", production defect - turned print added-print; very fine, c.v.. -,-
Starting price: CZK
248822 - 1999 CDV32 Fa, Bratislava 4Sk, forgery to defraud the post;
1999 CDV32 Fa, Bratislava 4Sk, forgery to defraud the post; very fine, marked mark "Padělek"
Starting price: CZK
248821 - 1999 CDV32 I VCHb, Bratislava 4Sk, production defect - doubl
1999 CDV32 I VCHb, Bratislava 4Sk, production defect - double impression on face-side; very fine
Starting price: CZK
248082 - 1995, 2004 CSO002+013, official postal stationery covers Sta
1995, 2004 CSO002+013, official postal stationery covers State Coat of Arms 8Sk + Day of Stamp - Baláž (incl. content - PF); very fine
Starting price: CZK
246967 - 1993-2005 [COLLECTIONS] CDV, postal stationery cover / accum
1993-2005 [COLLECTIONS] CDV, postal stationery cover / accumulation PC Kriváň, Coat of arms, Devín and other, postal stationery covers Coat of arms, all with added-print, special postmark, Un also Us, aerograms, supplemented with letters with special postmark, part FDC and private issue, total stovky pieces!; placed in 2 full boxes with lid, more than 7kg of material to other elaboration
Starting price: CZK
248805 - 1994-2006 [COLLECTIONS]  CSO06, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 2
1994-2006 [COLLECTIONS] CSO06, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 21, 24, 25, 26, comp. 12 pcs of used official postal stationery covers, outside 2 pcs of all with PFkami; very fine, c.v.. 419€
Starting price: CZK
248804 - 1996-2014 [COLLECTIONS]  CSO04, 05, 09, 11, 12, 15, 21, 25,
1996-2014 [COLLECTIONS] CSO04, 05, 09, 11, 12, 15, 21, 25, 33, comp. 9 pcs of Un official postal stationery covers, 5x with PFkami; very fine, c.v.. 354€
Starting price: CZK
244366 - 1995-2006 [COLLECTIONS]  CSO02, 07, 11, 12, 13, 14 2 pcs of,
1995-2006 [COLLECTIONS] CSO02, 07, 11, 12, 13, 14 2 pcs of, 15, 17, comp. 9 pcs of Un official postal stationery covers, outside 2 pcs of all with PFkami; very fine, c.v.. 340€
Starting price: CZK
246336 - 1995 PT3, Výr rock, additional printing POFIS Bratislava, s
1995 PT3, Výr rock, additional printing POFIS Bratislava, signed Cigánik, printing 300 pcs of; very fine
Starting price: CZK
246785 - 1995 PT4, Výr rock, additional printing Postal museum Pragu
1995 PT4, Výr rock, additional printing Postal museum Prague, signed Cigánik, printing only 200 pcs of; very fine
Starting price: CZK
246337 - 1995 PT6, Kostolany, additional printing POFIS Bratislava, s
1995 PT6, Kostolany, additional printing POFIS Bratislava, signed Horniak, printing only 300 pcs of; very fine
Starting price: CZK