Public Auction 74 / Exclusive items
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1861 Sass.24d, Victor Emmanuel II. 50gr in rare color "ardesia otremare"; very fine piece with certificate Colla, c.v.. 22.500€Starting price: 30 000 CZK
1853 Sass.4-6, Victor Emmanuel II. 5C, 20C and 40C; rare set, 20C small bend, overall nice quality, certificates Avi and Biondi, c.v.. 123.000€ (!)Starting price: 150 000 CZK
1917 POST IN CHINA - PECHINO / Sass.6A, overprint PECHINO 40 CENTS on/for 50Cts; very fine, certificate Colla, c.v.. 50.000€, scarce stamp!Starting price: 200 000 CZK
1873 letter with Mi.2 Franz Joseph I. 3 Kr STEINDRUCK, cancel. KOLOZSVAR (Romania); fine color and overall VF quality, ex. Mynář, rareStarting price: 30 000 CZK
1919 SG.96, St. Paul 10Sh black, rare issue with wmk "multiple CA"; very fine piece with certificate Brandon, c.v.. £3.250, rare stampStarting price: 35 000 CZK +2,9 %
1919 Mi.33, Yv.33, Surtax 5Fr+5Fr red, block of four (!) very rare highest value; upper pair lightly hinged, the bottom pair mint never hinged, certificate Roumet, cat. Yvert 7.600€, scarce multipleStarting price: 60 000 CZK
1872 Mi.3, Eagle "small shield" ½Gr "ziegelrot"; superb unused piece with original mint never hinged gum, certificate Eichele, c.v.. ** 7.500€, rare stampStarting price: 26 000 CZK +3,9 %
1872 Mi.5, Eagle "small shield" 2Gr greeyultramarine, unused piece with original gum; minor gum fault, small bend, overall very fine piece, 2x certificate BPP, c.v.. ** 14.000€, scarceStarting price: 40 000 CZK
1905 Mi.91Iy, Germania 50Pfg grey-violet / black on orangeweiß paper, "Friedensdruck"; very fine example with mint never hinged gum (!), certificate Jäschke-Lantelme, c.v.. 4.800€, scarceStarting price: 28 000 CZK
1900 Mi.5bIIK, Adler 25Pfg orange with INVERTED overprint MARIANA ISL. 56º; perfect piece, certificate Jäschke-Lantelme, signed Kohl, c.v.. 2.800€, rare stamp!Starting price: 24 000 CZK
1850 Ferch.1MIII, block of 5 Coat of arms 1 Kr. type III. yellow on machine paper with cancel. OLMÜTU 27.JUL; very fine and rare multiple, c.v.. for block of four 5.800€, blk-of-5 ca. 6.500€, extraordinary offer!Starting price: 39 000 CZK
1850 Ferch.4, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer HP type Ib on geripptes paper, on small cut-square with CDS BRAUNAU IN BOHEMIA; very fine, certificates Puschmann, Ferchenbauer, Seitz, c.v.. 3.000€++, very rare stamp missing in most collections!Starting price: 25 000 CZK +16,0 %
1851 Ferch.6IIIb, Blue Mercury 0,6Kr, unused mint block of four with original gum; wide margins, at right small original fold in gum, certificate Ferchenbauer, overall very fine and attractive multiple, c.v.. 2.000€Starting price: 17 000 CZK
1851 Ferch.7, YELLOW MERCURY 6 Kreuzer brown-orange, on silk paper 0,055mm with CDS KLAGENFURTH 30/4; at top closer margin, overall very fine piece with certificate Ferchenbauer, c.v.. 17.500€, scarce!Starting price: 80 000 CZK
1851 Ferch.8, ROSE MERCURY 30Kr with CDS ZEITUNGSEXPED. WIEN, type Ib; usual irregular margins; fine to very fine, signed Seitz, photo-certificate Ferchenbauer, cat. Ferchenbauer 17.500€, Michel 18.000, scarce stampStarting price: 110 000 CZK
1858-1859 Ferch.17, newspaper Franz Joseph I. 1,05 Kreuzer "lilac", horizontal strip of 3 on small cut-square with CDS VENICE/ 11.4.; very fine, certificate Ferchenbauer, cat. Ferchenbauer 3.000€Starting price: 20 000 CZK +5,0 %
1858 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMPS / ANK.LV3a, Ferch.3a, Sassone 4; Coat of arms 4Kr red, on newspapers "Buona Settimana" (whole title sheet) cancel. VERONA 7/3; very fine, exists only several newspapers with this stamp, cat. Ferchenbauer 30.000€, Sassone 62.500€, scarce!Starting price: 180 000 CZK
1850 letter from Padua with Ferch.2XI, Coat of arms 10Cts as FORWARDER posted in Vienna, with dumb postmark Müller No. 3214h (in addition significant plate variety Ferchenbauer. No.6 "Verquetschtes Wort CENTES"); very fine and rare letter, c.v.. 4.500€, ex. Dr. Jerger, illustrated in his MONOGRAPHIE DER FRANKATUREN / Besondere Frankaturen on/for page. 357, extraordinary offerStarting price: 30 000 CZK
1867 LEVANT / Ferch.6II, Franz Joseph I. 25Sld "feiner Druck" on cut-square with Austrian Ferch.40II, Franz Joseph I. 25 Kreuzer "feiner Druck", cancel. GERUSALEMME 20/1; very fine and unique with certificate Sorani - "assai raro e pregevole", c.v.. Ferchenbauer volume II page. 66 for 25 Kreuzer f.D. in Levant " - "; exclusive item for large collections or exhibits, ex. E. Müller, K. Huber and J. Hajn!Starting price: 64 000 CZK
1840 SG.2, PENNY BLACK black, unused mint vertical block of twelve (I) with full original gum (!), printing plate 5, letters H-G to K-I; wide margins on three sides, sligtly cut to margin on stamps HG and IG, original mint never hinged gum, only 3 stamps with hinge remnants (!), small horiz. bend and small tearing without detracting extremely attractive appearance of this scarce multiple, catalogue value at least £400.000, one of the largest mint multiples, extraordinary item for investors and advanced collectors!Starting price: 7 500 000 CZK +0,7 %
1840 SG.5, TWO PENCE BLUE blue, horizontal pair, plate 1, letters D-A and D-B, rarer cancel. of red Maltese cross; exceedingly fine and attractive pair in perfect quality, c.v.. £2.500++, rareStarting price: 30 000 CZK
1883 SG.137, Victoria £5 orange, wmk anchor, white paper, with oval cancel. REGISTERED 15.AP.99; very fine piece with perfect centreing and perforation, c.v.. £3.500 + 75%, favourite classic stamp!Starting price: 35 000 CZK
1916 POSTOFFICE IN LEVANT / Field Office in Saloniki - SG.S1b, George V. ½P with overprint LEVANT, in vertical pair, at top overprint OMITTED, on reverse in addition machine offset; very fine pair with certificate BPA, c.v.. £2.800, scarce!Starting price: 40 000 CZK
1873 letter to USA with very rare franking of stamps Victoria 1P (pair + 2 singles), SG.13 + 6P (SG.15), cancel. "A02", round cancel. "NEW YORK STEAMSHIP" and transit ST. THOMAS; very fine, ex Grosvenors 2008, nice classic coverStarting price: 84 000 CZK
1853-1855 SG.7, RED MAURITIUS POST PAID 1P orange vermilion, early impression, large margins; small reparation, otherwise attractive stamp, certificates BPA (purple) and The Philatelic Foundation New York, c.v. £8.000Starting price: 110 000 CZK
1848 SG.8, Blue Mauritius 2P blue, "early impression" with light round cancel., wide margins; overall VF, c.v.. £9.000, rare classic stamp!Starting price: 120 000 CZK
1848 SG.23, Red Mauritius POST PAID, 1P latest impression; G-F, c.v.. £6.500Starting price: 50 000 CZK
1848-1859 SG.23, RED MAURITIUS POST PAID, 1P latest impression, "bluish paper", lower cut to margin; fine piece, c.v.. £6.500, rare stamp!Starting price: 64 000 CZK
1859 SG.32+38, cut square with 2P LAPIROT (intermediate impression) + 6P Britannia blue; very fine, with certificate BPA, rareStarting price: 28 000 CZK +10,7 %
1895 small envelope addressed to Mengo on priest Walker, with SG.38, "Cowries" 20c, hand-made stroke; scarce letter in perfect quality with certificate BPA London, only 4 similar letters known, rare offer! Starting price: 70 000 CZK
1895-1896 SG.8j, Indian Victoria 2A6P yellow-green with defective overprint ZANZIDAR instead ZANZIBAR; very fine piece, c.d.s. ZANZIBAR 1.JA.96, rare stamp with certificate RPSL, c.v.. £1.500Starting price: 32 000 CZK
1914 ANGLO-FRENCH OCCUPATION / SG.H17, Yv.35a, Mi.4IIf, Emperor´s Yacht Pfg ultramarine on small cut-square, rare printing error of overprint "TOG" instead "TOGO", CDS LOME; very fine example with certificates Bühler and Scheller, cat. Gibbons £2.500+ significantly misvalues, Yvert 10.500€, only 18 pieces recorded, very rare stamp in perfect quality!Starting price: 74 000 CZK
1914 BRITISH OCCUPATION / SG.H20, Yv.38A, German Emperor´s Yacht 40pfg with overprint TOGO ANGLO-FRENCH OCCUPATION II. type; very fine piece with certificate Behr, exp. H. Bloch and Schlesinger, c.v.. Stanley Gibbons £6.000, Yvert 10.000€, very rare stamp in superb conditionStarting price: 120 000 CZK
1900 Yv.26, overprint Allegory 15c/30c brown with fragmentem of CDS; very fine, scarce stamp, certificate Behr, exp. Calves, c.v.. 4.000€, rare offer!Starting price: 40 000 CZK
1892 Yv.35, overprint Allegory 10c/1F olive, blue Opt, fragment of CDS; very fine used example of this rare colonial stamps, printing only 100 stmaps, certificate Scheller, exp. Calves, c.v.. 6.400€, scarceStarting price: 74 000 CZK
1928 SG.82, Elephants $25 green / orange; very fine example, with large part original gum, c.v.. £2.250, sought stamp!Starting price: 40 000 CZK
1902-1903 SG.122, Edward VII. £100 violet / green and yellow with wmk Crown CA; very fine high value, with original gum, only lightly hinged, signed and certificate Herbert Bloch, c.v.. £22.000, scarce stamp!Starting price: 400 000 CZK
1962 Mi.648A-655A, Theatre art; complete set, mint never hinged, very fine perforation, only Mi.653 minor gum fault, overall very fine, c.v.. 3.000€!Starting price: 24 000 CZK +4,2 %
1962 Mi.Bl.8, miniature sheet Mei Lan-fan 3Y, right size 147x108mm; very fine quality with unmounted mint never hinged gum, without usual bends, gum defects etc., c.v.. 14.000€++, scarce and sought in this quality!Starting price: 130 000 CZK +7,7 %
1961 PLATE PROOF Pof.1219bMs(4), Butterflies 30h light blue, vertical 4-stamps imperforated gutter with upper and bottom margin, in/at definitive colors on stamp paper with gum; mint never hinged, exp. Gilbert, quite rare occurrence, very rare!Starting price: 25 000 CZK +12,0 %
1946 Pof.L22N, UNISSUED 20Kčs brown, 4-BLOK (!); mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert and Karasek, in blocks of four rare and sought!Starting price: 25 000 CZK +16,0 %
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.5 Mp, 10h red, two complete stokusové sheets joined opposite facing gutters, printing plate 1 and 2 with plate variety "tower-clock"; original gum with hints in corners, cross more times folded, sporadically small crack/-s in/at folds, certificate and expertized Vrba, extraordinary multiple two complete sheets, important objekt for all collector Hradčany or archoviny, with regard to rozměrům ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!Starting price: 50 000 CZK
Pof.9N Is, 20h carmine with upper margin with rare I. TYPEM SPIRÁLY from joined types from the first printing plate, stamp field 9/1; lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, expertized Mrňák and Pofis, very rare stamp in good quality, rare occurrence!Starting price: 48 000 CZK +20,8 %
Pof.11a, 25h black-violet, block of four, pos. 74-75 and 84-85/2; hinged ("nahnědlých"), Vrba certificate, expertized Karásek and Hefer, in čtyřblocích only rare occurrence, very sought!Starting price: 25 000 CZK +24,0 %
Pof.13N, 30h light violet, 4-BLOK with upper margin; lightly hinged at top on edge out of stmp, in the middle horiz. folded between stamps, Vrba certificate, expertized Gilbert and Karásek, also through/over fold very sought and rare hradčanský block!Starting price: 50 000 CZK
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.23, 300h green-gray, KOMPLETNÍ 100 pcs of ARCH with margin and control-numbers; very nice quality mint never hinged, only vertical fold between stamps in the middle, certificate and expertized Vrba, rare complete sheet high Hradčany values, very rare usage!Starting price: 100 000 CZK +110,0 %
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.25 joined frame types, 500h brown, 80-BLOK (!) with margin and control-numbers (without L vert. bnd-of-20), printing plate 1, on pos. 93 type II frame (!); lightly hinged incl. pos. 93, otherwise mint never hinged, 1x vertical fold between stamps, Vrba certificate, one from greatest known wholes, in addition with joined frame type! Starting price: 50 000 CZK +32,0 %
1920 SPOJENÉ TYPY SPIRÁL / Pof.25 joined spiral types, parcel dispatch card segment franked pair stamps 500h brown with joined spiral types, stmp field 22 and 32, printing plate 2, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 5.XII.20, on reverse Pof.DL6 with incomplete print CDS (S)ENICA 6.XII.20; good condition, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., spiral types combination pětistovek on/for guide are rare! Starting price: 25 000 CZK +24,0 %
Pof.4N Ms(2), 5h blue-green, STEJNOSMĚRNÉ 2-stamps. unissued gutter, unfolded, print on gummed side; hinged, oblique bend on/for upper stamp, Vrba certificate, expertized Gilbert and Mahr, rare vertical same facing gutter, rare occurrence!Starting price: 25 000 CZK +24,0 %
Pof.5Ms(4), 10h red, 5 joined vertical stejnosměrných light folded gutter with L margin, from plate 3 and 4, on pos. 91/3 with favourite plate variety "tower-clock" + under the pos. 94/3 plate mark - interrupted decimal point after/behind "4"; in/at upper corners with label, otherwise mint never hinged, in the middle small thin place, expertized and Vrba certificate, mark Müller, rare and rare multiple!Starting price: 30 000 CZK +13,3 %
UNISSUED / Pof.7d Ms(2), 15h vermilion, four (!) joined unissued folded dvojznámková same facing gutters, upper stmp from plate 4, the bottom from plate 3, with partial oblique double print and on reverse with oblique offset; hinge / label, usual wrinkle paper, multiple was/were divided on/for middle between stamps and consequently spojen labels, Vrba certificate, expertized Beneš, quite rare multiple unissued gutter, decoration every specialized collection, very rare! Starting price: 80 000 CZK
Pof.8Ms(2), 20h blue-green, unfolded 2-stamps UNISSUED STEJNOSMĚRNÉ (!) gutter, on stamp paper with gum, pos. 91/3 and 1/4; quite lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, expertized Karásek, ex Klein, rare offer nejvzácnějšího hradčanského gutter in very nice quality!Starting price: 300 000 CZK
Pof.IV.M, two joined unissued horiz. gutter Hradčany 3h violet (Pof.2) + newspaper Falcon in Flight (issue) 2h green (Pof.NV1) in/at inverted position on stamp paper with gum, unfolded; mint never hinged, production paper crease in paper and bend in R margin values 3h, Vrba certificate, expertized Mahr, c.v.. Pofis 400.000Kč+, exceedingly rare pair unissued gutter in good quality, decoration every špičkové collection or exhibit!Starting price: 250 000 CZK
1920 VEJPRTSKÉ FORGERY / cut parcel dispatch-note franked with. 4 stamps vejprtských forgeries (!) 2x Pof.F22 and 2x F23, 200h blue and 300h green, full print cancel. VEJPRTY 2/ 7.IX.20; overall very fine, in lower part with small podlepeným tearing out of stmp, Vrba certificate and Pittermann, ex Henry Hahn, rare multiple franking two values proslulých vejprtských forgeries on/for cut, quite rare offer!Starting price: 150 000 CZK +100,0 %
VEJPRTSKÉ FORGERY Pof.F20, value 100h brown with part of CDS WEIPERT 2/ 3.XII.19; overall very fine piece with complete margins, Vrba certificate, expertized Tribuna and Hirsch, rare and sought Hradcany speciality suitable to every big collection or exhibit!Starting price: 100 000 CZK +35,0 %
Pof.7C STk+p, 15h bricky red, UL corner blk-of-4 with line perforation 13¾, with joined type combined + 2x joined podtype bar, pos. 1-2-11-12, printing plate 1; light hinged hinged on/for LR stamp and on/for L margin, joined spiral types and 1x joined bar types mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, expertized Karásek and Gilbert, c.v.. Pofis 90.000Kč++, very rare corner block with joined types, missing also in big collections!Starting price: 60 000 CZK +36,7 %
Pof.7E STk + joined bar types, 15h bricky red, UL corner blk-of-4 with line perforation 11½ : 10¾, stmp field 1-2 and 11-12, printing plate 1, on pos. 2 spiral type I and bar type II., in addition on pos. 1 and pos. 12 joined subtypes bar IIa; hinged, on pos. 1 out fallen grain in paper, certificate Beneš and Vrba, expertized Gilbert and Beneš, very rare corner block with joined types!Starting price: 40 000 CZK +15,0 %
Pof.7G joined spiral types, 15h bricky red with line perforation 11½ : 13¾, marginal block-of-4 with control-numbers with joined spiral types, stmp field 84-85, 94-95, printing plate 1, spiral type I on pos. 94; superb mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, expertized Gilbert and Karásek, catalogue Pofis 77.000 Kč++, Mercure 92.000Kč, sought spiral types combination on/for rare perf values 15h!Starting price: 50 000 CZK +60,0 %
7. TISKOVÁ DESKA / Pof.7Ab IIs, 15h red, pos. 71/7, perf comb perforation 13¾ : 13½; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, short tooth in/at right corner and small prohnutí in paper, Vrba certificate, expertized Karásek and Gilbert, sought color and rare printing plate!Starting price: 15 000 CZK +20,0 %
Pof.11A joined spiral types + joined bar types, 25h violet, UL corner blk-of-4 with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½ with joined spiral types and joined bar subtype, stmp field 1-2 and 11-12, printing plate 1, on pos. 2 bar subtype IIa, on pos. 12 spiral type I.; quite lightly hinged on/for upper pair stamps, small printing minor faults on/for UR stamp, Vrba certificate, expertized Gilbert, sought combination joined types on/for čtyřbloku with rare perf, missing also in/at greatest collections Hradčany! Starting price: 100 000 CZK +30,0 %