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2014 Pof.PL825, Funke 29CZK, complete counter sheet with significantly světlejšími colors (light numeral value); for comparison including common piece, c.v.. for the present doesn't report, very rare usageStarting price: 500 CZK +20,0 %
2014 Pof.826 production flaw, Art 37CZK, PB with shift ofsetového print L-wards against die stamping, in addition catalogue production flaw - light stain R in/at zelenožlutém background on pos. 3; unusualStarting price: 500 CZK +60,0 %
2014 Pof.828 production flaw, Christmas - Lada value A, vertical pair with shifted perforation L-wards to picture of stmp., violet background, red-brown building (interesting shade); decorativeStarting price: 600 CZK +83,3 %
2014 Pof.PA829 production flaw, own stmp Cimrman value A, comp. of 3 complete PA: 1x inscriptions on stmp also on/for L margin hnědošedé rozostřené (c.v.. 7.500CZK, exceptional shade) + 1x inscriptions light brown rozostřené + 1x inscriptions on stmp black (on edge black-brown) without jakéhokoli rozostření (very rare variant, almost always is alespoň part counter sheet rozostřená); first-time in/at our auction, from important specialized collectionStarting price: 3 800 CZK
2015 PRIVÁTNÍ PŘÍTISK / Pof.PL841, Post on/for křídlech value A, private additional printing P58125, print on 2 coupon (strnad common - Jilemnice) made gravure (single case užití gravure for private additional printing); very fine, interestingStarting price: 600 CZK
2015 Pof.842 production flaw, Eastern value A, comp. of 4 marginal block-of-4 with significantly odlišnými shades (light, bright, dark and very dark green with dark brown head zajíce), from that 1x in addition nice shifted perforation closely to "Č" (ČESKÁ); unusual and decorative selection ofStarting price: 1 200 CZK +8,3 %
2015 Pof.845 production flaw, World Championship in ice hockey 30CZK, corner blk-of-4 with c.v.. flaw production flaw 4/4 - significant incomplete-printing numeral(s) 3 in value; soughtStarting price: 400 CZK +25,0 %
2015 Pof.867 production flaw, Vlajka value A, marginal Pr with production flaw on pos. 17 - significant rose round stain in grey area R, one of the most significant and most precious flaws on this issue; will be katalogizovánoStarting price: 500 CZK +40,0 %
2015 Pof.867 production flaw, Vlajka value A, marginal strip-of-3 with production flaw on pos. 28 (5. surplus print) - large violet circle in/at blue klínu; one of the most significant ofsetových flaws Czech Republic, cataloged defectStarting price: 500 CZK +20,0 %
2015 Pof.867 production flaw, Vlajka value A, LL corner blk-of-4 with smykovým print black color (strong and rozostřený name state also inscription in lower margin) + LL corner blk-of-4 with normal print black, but with different shade red also blue color and shift náseku L-wards closely to/at jménům authors (also very unusual); decorativeStarting price: 1 400 CZK +7,1 %
2016 Pof.A885, miniature sheet Charles IV. 54CZK, I. printing with printing error "Karolus Quatrus"; mint never hinged, on/for comparison including miniature sheet II. printing with already right text "Karolus Quartus", in addition vzájemně significantly different shades ofsetových colorsStarting price: 500 CZK +60,0 %
2016 PRIVÁTNÍ PŘÍTISK / Pof.PL889, Vazba flowers value A, private additional printing V304 - Pernarec 2019, overprint SPECIMEN; very fine, unusualStarting price: 600 CZK
2017 Pof.931-932, comp. 4 pcs of NEPŘELOŽENÝCH booklets World on rails from fields 1-4 from gift kompletů, zvenku wasn't possible rozpoznat, jaké is in/at set field, that's why with full group appear only quite exceptionally, to sestavení was/were nutné koupit larger quantity of pieces on various places Czech RepublicStarting price: 1 700 CZK
2017 Pof.935, Pneumatic tube post value A, UL corner blk-of-4, significantly darker shades all ofsetových colors (mostly green); c.v.. 800CZK, small/rare usage, for comparison including common pieceStarting price: 500 CZK
2017-2020 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.942, 1090, Praga 2018 / Mauricius in Czech Rep. "A" and PPCP / Rumělkový Mercure "E"; soughtStarting price: 3 000 CZK
2018 Pof.964 flaw print, Eastern value A, flaw print - significantly rozostřený inscription "Eastern" (originates from reprint), R marginal blk-of-4; catalogue very misvaluesStarting price: 400 CZK
2019 Pof.A1038-1041, miniature sheet Zoologické garden IV, comp. 2 pcs of, 1x lighter ofsetové color (background green, rare); 1x normal shade, but s VV - significant yellow stain v těle kozy on/for L margin miniature sheet lower; unusualStarting price: 900 CZK +33,3 %
2020 Pof.1059, Kolo Favorit value B, LL corner blk-of-4 (field 2) from reprint from printing-plant Hradišťko, light rose value letter B place tmavorůžového (only small part of edition); for comparison also with common stamp. from same reprint, significant and very rare shade, mint never hingedStarting price: 500 CZK +60,0 %
2020 Pof.1061 production flaw, Eastern value B, comp. of 2 expressive VV: 42/2B - significant red stain R at top from values B (corner horizontal strip of 4, 1. surplus print from Hradištka with registry lines in margin, which/what are only on/for this printing) and production flaw 1/1C - červenomodrá significant stain R from printings in the middle stamp. by/on/at right perf (corner blk-of-4, 2. surplus print from Hradištka), in addition very distinctive shades light also dark blue color; will be katalogizovánoStarting price: 900 CZK +33,3 %
2020 Pof.1069 production flaw, Bee value B, marginal horizontal pair with production flaw on pos. 12 - significant yellow stain above "and" words "Bee" (will be katalogizováno), in addition yellow horiz. stain closely below obloučkem "p" in/at name stateStarting price: 400 CZK +100,0 %
2020 Pof.1087, Airplane Aero Albatross value B, comp. 3 pcs of pairs with significantly odlišnými shades blue color (normal, very light and very dark), on/for vzácném light shade production flaw on pos. 25 - blue stain below "EP" in/at name state; exceptional offerStarting price: 800 CZK +37,5 %
2020 Pof.1087, Airplane Aero Albatross value B, horiz. corner Pr with production flaw on pos. 5 - horiz. red line L from values B; rare defect on/for very small part/-s printingStarting price: 400 CZK +100,0 %
2020 PRIVÁTNÍ PŘÍTISK / Pof.PL1088, Mucha value A, private additional printing V356 - Col. F. Novák; very fineStarting price: 1 000 CZK
2020 Pof.A1091-1092 production flaw, miniature sheet Sovák and Brodský, comp. 2 pcs of with shift hologram 1x up to to upper perf, 1x downward to "Ý" (BRODSKÝ); mint never hinged, nice selection ofStarting price: 400 CZK
2021 Pof.1094 production flaw, Butterflies 4CZK, the bottom marginal block-of-12 with production flaw - in the direction of downward postupně slábnoucí print black color, extremely thin/light in/at last line (on pos. 95, 96, 97 at all nejslabší print name state and numeral value); decorative and rare production defect, for comparison supplemented with common corner block of 8 from same places sheetStarting price: 2 200 CZK +9,1 %
2020 Pof.1102 production flaw, 900 years order premonstrátů value B, UR corner blk-of-4 with smykovým print ochre and black color (all inscriptions incl. upper in margin); for comparison including common pieceStarting price: 500 CZK
2021 Pof.PL1115, Dancing house value E, complete counter sheet with significantly tmavším shade color (yellow sukně and house) and smykovým print blue, mostly patrným in R column (strong rozostřené inscriptions, name state significantly to fialova); for comparison also with common stamp. with white sukní and blue name stateStarting price: 900 CZK
2021 Pof.1117 production flaw, Girl stones 23CZK, L the bottom corner blk-of-6 with production flaw 37/2 - white stain below K (KAMENY) and 46/2 - light stain R from values; will be katalogizovánoStarting price: 500 CZK +20,0 %
2021-2022 PRIVÁTNÍ PŘÍTISK / Pof.PL1118, Touring value B, private additional printing P62402 - Champions stamp production in/at muzeu in/at Jilemnice + Pof.PL1154, Filla value B, private additional printing P62401 - Battle of Štěrbohol; very fine, rare usageStarting price: 1 200 CZK
2021 Pof.1119 production flaw, Brom 27Kč, UR corner blk-of-4 with production flaw 9/2 - big black stain above trumpetou (on/for very small part/-s printing, will be katalogizováno); rarest defect on this issueStarting price: 600 CZK +33,3 %
2021 Pof.1119 production flaw, Brom 27Kč, comp. of 2 L upper corner blk-of-4, 1x with production flaw 2/2 - yellow stains through/over L trumpetistu + 1x with zánikem this defects; decorative and obtížně sehnatelnéStarting price: 900 CZK +22,2 %
2021 Pof.1119 production flaw, Brom 27Kč, lower bnd-of-10 with production flaw 42/2 - yellow stain above roztrubem right pozounu and production flaw 49/2 - significant yellow stain in "U" (GUSTAV); on/for small part/-s printing, very interestingStarting price: 800 CZK
2021 Pof.A1130-1131, miniature sheet Dante, comp. 2 pcs of with significantly odlišnými color shades on pos. 2 (face and background), difference also in background miniature sheet, patrný mainly in/at L upper and bottom corner; nice selection ofStarting price: 400 CZK
2021 Pof.A1135-1136, miniature sheet Záhorský and Šejbalová, comp. 3 pcs of with odlišnými shades (L portrait Šejbalové on pos. 3 light brown, dark brown, grey-brown); nice, obtížně zkompletovatelná selection ofStarting price: 700 CZK
2021 Pof.1141 production flaw, Christmas value B, 2x block of four with lower margin, 1x shifted perforation L, 1x shifted perforation R + pair with production flaw 47/2 - significant black stain above "Á" (ČESKÁ) by/on/at fish; unusualStarting price: 1 100 CZK
2022 Pof.1184 production flaw, Christmas value B, UR corner blk-of-4, production flaw - missing pin hole and násek, with BTS on/for upper margin; very rareStarting price: 15 000 CZK
2023 PRIVÁTNÍ PŘÍTISK / Pof.PL1195, Cycling value B, private additional printing V368 - ...a přece with točí! with signature J. Slívy, of author stamp.; very fine, rare usageStarting price: 1 000 CZK
2023 PRIVÁTNÍ PŘÍTISK / Pof.PL1195, Cycling value B, private additional printing V368 - ...a přece with točí! with overprint SPECIMEN; very fine, unusualStarting price: 600 CZK
2023 Pof.A1207-1216, miniature sheet President Paul value B, miniature sheet with production flaw on pos. 6 - 3 variously significant rings in R part světlešedé area; significant and rare defectStarting price: 800 CZK +75,0 %
2023 Pof.A1207-1216, miniature sheet President Paul value B, comp. of 2 miniature sheets from dotisku: 1x extremely dark stamp. in R column (pos. 6 grey-black) and as well lighter stamp. L column (color background both sloupců with tisklo zvlášť) stronger and rozostřený print upper inscriptions, in addition shift grey-black L-wards against black (L from flap significant white band) + 1x light stamp. in R column (pos. 6 grey), on pos. 6 production flaw - white circle R from head, very significant difference colors; dark color shade occures quite exceptionallyStarting price: 2 600 CZK +7,7 %
2023 Pof.A1222 production flaw, miniature sheet National park Podyjí with shifted perforation transport (is in contact with L inscriptions stamp. 27Kč and coupon below her); for comparison including common miniature sheetStarting price: 1 200 CZK
2023 Pof.A1233 production flaw, miniature sheet 30. Anniv Czech and Slovak post, selection of 3ks: 2x with production flaw - more/larger yellow stain in upper big envelope at top (various shades ofsetu, LR triangle grey and grey-yellow, 1x light shifted perforation to the right) + 1x without production flaw, with significant shifted perforation transport (L from vertical perf stamp. white band); interesting selection ofStarting price: 900 CZK
2023 Pof.A1234, miniature sheet Běhounek 72Kč, comp. of 3 miniature sheets, printings round/about stamp. light resp. dark brown + also with miniature sheet common color with shifted perforation crossways downward L-wards; mint never hingedStarting price: 800 CZK +62,5 %
2023 Pof.PL1237 production flaw, Sutnar 34CZK, complete counter sheet with shifted perforation up closely to picture stamp.; unusualStarting price: 900 CZK +11,1 %
2023 PERSONALISED STAMP / complete sheet Poklady world philately II, issued near/in/at occasion exhibition BIENNALE 2023, used piece memorial postmark OBECNÍ DŮM; very fine kvalita
Starting price: 6 000 CZK +8,3 %
1995 FORGERY / comp. of 2 letters, every franked with. i.a. 1x forgery stamp. Brno 3CZK to defraud the post, Pof.P35, CDS BRNO 3/ 12.4.95 resp. 16.5.95; good condition and interestingStarting price: 500 CZK
2008 Pof.539 production flaw, letter to Australia, franked with. i.a. krajovým block of four PRAGA 2008 18CZK with significant shifted perforation L-wards (through/over letter A in the word "REPUBLIKA"), CDS BRNO 1/ 24.10.08; very significant shift, soughtStarting price: 500 CZK +80,0 %
2010-2011 VÝROBNÍ VADY / comp. of 2 window envelopes, mounted stamp. with various VV: 1x Pof.610, Anthem Czech Republic 10CZK - defect křídové layers of paper vedoucí to significant nedotiskům especially in/at region values + Pof.660, Myšpulín value A, stamp. with significant shift náseku transport to to picture of stmp.; non-philatelic correspondence, good condition and interestingStarting price: 500 CZK +60,0 %