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1852-1859 SELECTION of / ca. 100 stamps of Old-Italian states, mainly Papal States, then Modena, Napoli and Romagna, mainly used, part on cut-squares; various quality, we advice viewingsStarting price: 2 000 CZK +125,0 %
1852-1863 SELECTION of / 5 classic letters of Papal State, i.a. with Sass.5, then letter of Modena with Sass.4 + 5 pcs of front parts of letters, i.a. 1x with Tuscany Sass.6; various quality Starting price: 1 000 CZK +90,0 %
1852 Sass.1c, Coat of arms ½Baj "grigio lilac"; nice unused piece with part of original gum, certificate Manzoni, c.v.. 1.500€Starting price: 3 000 CZK
1863 Sass.4Ae, Coat of arms 5Baj "bruno rosaceo chiaro"; fine unused piece, issued without gum, certificate Bianchi, c.v.. 5.000€Starting price: 9 000 CZK
1867 Sass.15, Coat of arms 3C "grigio", imperforated; small thin place, certificate Raybaudi and Sorano, c.v.. 15.000€ (!)Starting price: 22 000 CZK
1868 Sass.24a, Coat of arms 3Cts "grigio" with round cancel. ROMA; with certificate Sorani (copy of certificate) and exp. E. Diena, c.v.. 5.500€Starting price: 5 500 CZK
1852 SELECTION of 9 letters with Sass.2,3,4A, Coat of arms 1Baj - 3Baj, i.a. pair 2B "oleoso", pair 2B "senza punto", 1+2B, blue grid pmk, better daily postmark, early usage etc.; cat. min. 1.600€Starting price: 2 000 CZK +10,0 %
1852 Sass.1, Coat of arms 5c green; very fine piece with original gum, certificate Manzoni, c.v.. 7.000€Starting price: 12 000 CZK
1861 Sass.16, Savoy Cross 1/2 Tornese "azzurro"; very fine and favourite classic stamp, certificate Dr. Avi, c.v.. 7.000€Starting price: 14 000 CZK
1861 PROVINCE NAPOLETANE / Sass.22b, strip-of-3 Victor Emmanuel II. 10Gr "bistro oliva" on small cut-square with cancel. NAPOLI 10 AGO / 61; very nice and rare multiple, certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. 30.000€, scarceStarting price: 30 000 CZK
1861 Sass.24d, Victor Emmanuel II. 50gr in rare color "ardesia otremare"; very fine piece with certificate Colla, c.v.. 22.500€Starting price: 30 000 CZK
1859 4 classic letters with frankings 2Gr, 2x 1Gr and 2+2+1Gr (to Venice), typical cancel. ANNULATO; good conditionStarting price: 1 500 CZK +20,0 %
1852 Sass.3, Heraldic lily 15c "rosa"; very fine unused piece with original gum, certificate Biondi, c.v.. * 16.000€, rare classic stamp!Starting price: 27 000 CZK
1859 letter sent from Forli to Brescia, with Numerals 4Baj, Sass.5, CDS FORLI 22.OTT.59, on reverse arrival postmark.; nice letter, c.v.. 1.625€, all classic letters of Romagna are sought!Starting price: 2 600 CZK +38,5 %
1860 folded cover to Padua, with Numerals 1Baj + 3Baj, Sass.2+4, typical rhombic cancel. and on reverse arrival PODOVA; c.v.. for franking 1+3Baj 10.000€, all classic letters of Romagna are rare!Starting price: 10 000 CZK +30,0 %
1853 Sass.4-6, Victor Emmanuel II. 5C, 20C and 40C; rare set, 20C small bend, overall nice quality, certificates Avi and Biondi, c.v.. 123.000€ (!)Starting price: 150 000 CZK
1820 Sass.5, "Cavallini" di Sardegna 25c, embossed printing on 1/2 letter sheet with typical large wmk with Coat of arm and inscriptions ...AUTORIZZATA...GENERALE POSTE...atd.; good condition condition, c.v.. for complete "sheet" 28.000€Starting price: 10 000 CZK
1857 letter to Naples, franked with vertical pair Victor Emmanuel II. 5c verde mirto + 20c, Sass.13A+15A, CDS GENOVA 18.GIU.57, on reverse arrival NAPOLI; nice rare, c.v.. 8.000€Starting price: 6 000 CZK
1857 letter to Piacenza, franked with pair and single stamp Victor Emmanuel II. 40c, CDS TORINO 15.LUGL.57, on reverse arrival postmark TORINO; signs of age, exp. Enzo Diena, rareStarting price: 5 000 CZK +10,0 %
1858 letter to Messina franked with tricolor franking of stamps Victor Emmanuel II. 10c (!)+20c+40c, CDS GENOVA 15.OTT.58, on reverse arrival postmark.; cat. only 10c Tinte del 1858 min. 2.250€ Starting price: 2 000 CZK
1860-1863 4 classic letters franked with single frankings of stamp Victor Emmanuel II. 5c, 10c, 20c and 40c, i.a. with 40c to Lyon, various CDS; overall nice qualityStarting price: 1 500 CZK +26,7 %
1861 letter with Victor Emmanuel II. 5c and 5x Coat of arms 1c, Sass.19, CDS MESSINA 17.8.1861, on reverse arrival PALERMO; small abrasion in corner, overall good conditionStarting price: 800 CZK +225,0 %
1862-1863 selection of 5 classic letters with Victor Emmanuel II., i.a. 3x 5c, 1x 40c, various CDS; good conditionStarting price: 1 500 CZK +6,7 %
1863 letter to Lyon, with Victor Emmanuel II. 80c, CDS TORINO 11.APR.63, transit and arrival LYON 13/AVR.63; letters abroad are rare, cat. min. 4.250€Starting price: 3 600 CZK +11,1 %
1863 selection of 3 classic letters with mixed franking of Sardinia Victor Emmanuel II. 5c and Italian 15c, 2x attractive small format; good condition Starting price: 1 500 CZK +73,3 %
1857-1863 SELECTION / 14 letters with Sass.13-16, mainly 20Cts stamps, but also 40Cts, pair 20Cts, 5+10Cts, small format 4x9cm, Austrian surtax (4), some better issues and colors, i.a. 13Ba verde giallo issue 1859 etc., + 2x letter with 15Cts; cat. over 5.000€Starting price: 6 000 CZK
1860-1863 SELECTION of / 20 classic letters with single frankings of stamp Victor Emmanuel II. 20c, various shades, some better colors and issues, postmarks etc..; overall very interesting setStarting price: 3 000 CZK +13,3 %
1857 Sass.11, Heraldic Lion 1 Soldo "ocra"; fine classic stamps, only small reparation at upper margins, certificate Dr. Avi, c.v.. 12.000€Starting price: 12 000 CZK
1851 Sass.4,5,6,9, "Lion" 3 x 2Cr, 4Cr, pair 1Cr, and 9+9+9+1Cr, on cut-squares; very fine, wide margins, cat. min. 4.500€Starting price: 4 500 CZK +22,2 %
1855 letter to England, with Sass.6(2x)+8; pair "Lion" 4Cr + 9Cr, nice small letter to PATERBORO, redirected to "Aboyne Castle in Aberdeenshire", cancel. ABOYNE OC18 /55 and back to PATERBORO; fine, c.v.. 7.250€++Starting price: 15 000 CZK
1859-1862 3 letters from period of GOVERNO PROVVISORIO, Sass.13, 14, 19; "Lion" 2Cr and 4Cr both from Florence and 10C Coat of arms from CASTIGLION FIORENTINO (rare thimple postmark Sass.5P); c.v.. 2.850€Starting price: 3 000 CZK
1862 letter to Vienna with Heraldic Lion 6cr, Sass.7 (wmk crown), CDS FIRENZE / NOV/1862, on reverse arrival WIEN; fold out of stamp, cat. min. 2.000€Starting price: 1 800 CZK