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1851-1868 [COLLECTIONS] BADEN / mainly complete collection on page from old collection, incl. Mi.1 (exp. Thier, minor faults) + SAXONY ditto; various quality, higher catalogue, we advice viewingsStarting price: 6 000 CZK +41,7 %
1851 printed matter with Mi.1a, Coat of arms 1 Kr on paper "sämisch", cancel. 17 and HEIDELBERG 18.MRZ; rare entire, c.v.. 2.200€Starting price: 6 500 CZK
1849-1879 [COLLECTIONS] small selection of classic on 2 pages, from Mi.2, i.a. cut square with pair and stamp Mi.7 (certificate Schmitt, c.v.. 1.200€) etc..; various quality, higher catalogue, we advice viewingsStarting price: 5 000 CZK +20,0 %
1852-1865 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of classic on 1 page from old collection, contains i.a. Mi.2, 3, 4 and 8a with certificates, Mi.5 and 12 exp. Brettl BPP etc..; overall G-F, cat. min. 2.000€Starting price: 9 000 CZK +77,8 %
1853 Mi.7I, Coat of arms 2Sgr blue with plate variety "obere Randlinie links ausgefranst"; very fine c.v.. 300€Starting price: 1 500 CZK
1861 Mi.10A, Coat of arms ½Gr green; very fine, exp. Engel, c.v.. 500€Starting price: 1 500 CZK
1851-1855 2 letters with stamps Fridrich August II. - vertical pair Mi.3 ½Ngr to Kraslice (Bohemia); Mi.5+2xMi.6, 2+3+3Ngr to Vienna; very fine letters, rarer frankings, then 3 letters and 1 front side, Mi.8-11, i.a. pair ½Ngr with rarer cancel. "127" - RODA, 1+2Ngr from Chemnitz to Vienna etc.; c.v.. 800€Starting price: 3 800 CZK +5,3 %
1852 selection of 6 folded letters with issue 1852 in Thaler currency, from that 1x letter 2x ¼Sgr, Mi.1, 1x letter franked with. ½Sgr + ¼Sgr, then single frankings values 1Sgr, 2Sgr and 2x franked with value 3Sgr, various CDS WEIMAR, WIESELBAD, JENA, GERA, GOTHA and CASSEL; various quality, c.v.. entires ca. 800€Starting price: 2 000 CZK +10,0 %
1852-1859 comp. of 6 folded letters with issue 1852 in Gulden currency, all single frankings of values 3 Kr, Mi.8 4 pcs of letters, 6 Kreuzer, Mi.9 and 9 Kreuzer, Mi.10, various CDS MEISENHEIM, BAD-EMS, FRANKFURT, LUBURG A. D. HAN; various quality, c.v.. entires ca. 475€Starting price: 1 000 CZK +30,0 %
1862 folded letter addressed to Prague, with 9 Kreuzer orange yellow, Mi.23, CDS LEHESTEN 4/5 1862, on reverse arrival postmark PRAG 6/5; good condition, c.v.. entires 250€Starting price: 1 000 CZK +20,0 %
1862-1865 selection of 9 letters with Gulden (6x) also Thaler currency (3x), issues 1859 and 1862, single, mixed frankings, Mi.13, 20, 21, 29, 30, 31, 34, various postmarks LOBENSTEIN, EISENACH, CASSEL, GIESSEN STADT, WIESBADEN, LEHESTEN, FRANKFURT STATION; various quality, c.v.. entires ca. 800€Starting price: 3 000 CZK +6,7 %
1863 whole letter addressed to Vienna, with 15 Kreuzer violet and 9 Kr brown, Mi.24, 34, CDS FRANKFURT A. D. STATION 18/2, on reverse arrival postmark WIEN 20/2, supplemented with red cancel. Chargé and by hand written notices; fold over stamp 9 Kreuzer, c.v.. entires ca. 470€Starting price: 1 500 CZK +46,7 %