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BAAROVÁ Lída (1914-2000), one of nejslavnějších Czech hereček, B/W portrait photo postcard with whole signature, atelier Ströminger; nice in good condition condition, soughtStarting price: 1 500 CZK +60,0 %
BAAROVÁ Lída (1914-2000), one of nejslavnějších Czech hereček, B/W portrait photo postcard with whole signature; only wrinkled corner, otherwise nice in good condition condition, soughtStarting price: 1 500 CZK +46,7 %
1935? BURIAN Vlasta (1891–1962), king of comedians, actor, sportsman, film director, writer and imitator, autograph on B/W photo postcard Poděbrady, attached other spolupodpisy; overall good condition and soughtStarting price: 800 CZK +62,5 %
BURIAN Vlasta (1891–1962), king of comedians, actor, sportsman, film director, writer and imitator, autograph on B/W photo postcard, very interesting; good condition and soughtStarting price: 2 400 CZK +150,0 %
BURIAN Vlasta (1891–1962), king of comedians, actor, sportsman, film director, writer and imitator, autograph on cut-square from journal; soughtStarting price: 1 500 CZK
DELON Alain (1935-), nejvýznamnější French actor, signature on paper slip on/for autographsStarting price: 700 CZK +14,3 %
1923 DESTINNOVÁ Emma (1878–1930) (Emilie Kittlová), světoznámá Czech opera singer; handwritten dedication with signature on/for B/W portrait photo postcard (Langhans); upper margin roztřepen after sticking, after all always decorative and rareStarting price: 1 500 CZK +266,7 %
1935? FERBASOVÁ Věra (1913–1976), one of nejslavnějších Czech hereček, autograph on photo postcard, atelier Ströminger; soughtStarting price: 800 CZK +37,5 %
FRÖHLICH Gustav (1902-1987), important actor, photo postcard with Lídou Baarovou with signature; less frequent autographStarting price: 800 CZK
FUTURISTA Ferenc (one's own name Francis Fiala 1891-1947), known Czech actor, portrait photo postcard with signature, atelier Langhans; small abrasion on reverse, overall but nice, very soughtStarting price: 1 200 CZK +25,0 %
1941 HAŠLER Charles (1879–1941), known Czech písničkář, actor, textař, composer, whole signature on portrait photograph greater format; decorativeStarting price: 1 300 CZK +69,2 %
ACTORS / selection signatures and rukopisů known Czech screen and theatre of actors, part more times, i.a. Jar. Průcha, F. Lederer, E. Kohout, P. Štěpánek, M. Štěpánek, E. Vojan, J. Kroner, E. Höger, J. Mošna; overall sound condition, as multiple interesting Starting price: 900 CZK +188,9 %
ACTORS / comp. of 6 large photos with signatures Czech of actors and hereček: 3x Charles Höger (from that 1x photo with Natašou Gollovou), Francis Smolík, Ladislav Pešek, Blanka Waleská and Leopold Dostálová; nice selection ofStarting price: 900 CZK +22,2 %
ACTORS / comp. of 9 portrait photo postcard and photos with signatures known herců: Charles Höger, Ladislav Pešek, Henry Plachta, Rudolf Deyl, Jaroslav Průcha, Edward Kohout, Wenceslas Vydra, J. Kroner, Peter and Martin Štěpánek; nice setStarting price: 1 000 CZK +140,0 %
HEREČKY / selection of signatures important Czech screen and theatre hereček: J. Štěpničková, M. Hübnerová, L. Dostálová, M. Pačová, R. Nasková, A. Sedláčková, V. Fabiánová, D. Medřická, Z. Baldová; nice setStarting price: 1 000 CZK +40,0 %
1952-1966 HÖGER Charles (1909-1977), important Czech film and theatre actor, comp. of 2 letters (1x handwritten) with manual signatures + also with signatures hereček L. Dostálová (postcard) and R. Nasková (portrait photo); good condition, as multiple interestingStarting price: 600 CZK
1925-1930 HÜBNEROVÁ Mary (1865-1931), slavná Czech theatre actress National theatre, comp. of 7 portrait photo postcard with signatures; good condition, interestingStarting price: 900 CZK +66,7 %
1930 JERITZA Maria (1887-1982), slavná opera singer, autograph on portrait photo postcard + on card with datací; interestingStarting price: 900 CZK
KOHOUT Edward (1889–1976), important Czech actor, comp. of 10 various portrait photo postcard with signatures; nice setStarting price: 1 000 CZK +50,0 %
KRONBAUEROVÁ Jarmila (1893-1968), important Czech actress and songstress, členka National theatre, comp. 5 pcs of various portrait photo postcard with signatures; perfect condition, nice setStarting price: 900 CZK +66,7 %
1939 MANDLOVÁ Adina (1910–1991), slavná Czech movie actress, portrait photo postcard with signature and datací; sound condition, soughtStarting price: 1 600 CZK +100,0 %
MANDLOVÁ Adina (1910–1991), slavná Czech movie actress, portrait photo postcard with signature, atelier Ströminger; sound condition, soughtStarting price: 1 600 CZK +75,0 %
MAŘÁK Otakar (1872-1939), important Czech opera singer, comp. of 10 various portrait photo postcard with signatures, i.a. 1x atelier Langhans; as multiple interestingStarting price: 1 000 CZK
OPERA / comp. of 10 signatures important Czech operních pěvců: Ludikar, Haken, Burian, Mařák, Šrubař, Schütz, Otava, Žídek, Pluschke, Zítek; part large format photos; as multiple interestingStarting price: 1 000 CZK +30,0 %
OPERA / selection of signatures important Czech operních singers, i.a. Z. Ziková, L. Dvořáková, E. Zikmundová, M. Podvalová, M. Tauberová, M. Musilová, H. Svobodová, A. Nordenová; nice selection ofStarting price: 800 CZK
2000 PAVAROTTI Luciano (1935-2007) + DOMINGO Plácido (*1941) + CARRERAS José (*1946), světoznámí tenoři, handwritten spolupodpisy on/for joined/common color photograph; very fineStarting price: 1 500 CZK +100,0 %
PIVEC John (1907-1980), slavný Czech actor, comp. of 2 portrait photo postcard + 2x portrait photo (larger format) with signatures + 5x handwritten card with signature + 3x photo without signature; interesting selection ofStarting price: 900 CZK +22,2 %
SKLENÁŘOVÁ - MALÁ Otýlie (1844-1912), important Czech theatre actress, one of best-known and the most favourite his/her/its period of; handwritten 3-stránkový letter with signatureStarting price: 800 CZK
1955 SKUPA Joseph (1892–1957), Czech puppeteer, founder Theatre Spejbla and Hurvínka; decorative signature with datací and short přípisem; decorativeStarting price: 700 CZK +471,4 %
ŠTĚPNIČKOVÁ Jiřina (1912-1985) + ŠEJBALOVÁ Jiřina (1905–1981), important Czech actress/-es, handwritten signatures on/for portrait photo-PC; perfect conditionStarting price: 600 CZK +300,0 %
1970? WERICH John (1905-1980), film also theatre actor and writer, autograph on portrait photograph; sound condition, soughtStarting price: 1 500 CZK +200,0 %
[COLLECTIONS] monument with much signatures and věnováními various Czechosl. herců: i.a. K. Baren, L. Boháč, M. Budíková, K. Hruška, S. Man, J. Konstantin, J. Grus, S. Neumann, R. Nasková, J. Dohnal, J. Šejbalová, M. Valentová, F. Vnouček, E. Fiala, F. Futurista, O. Nový, Č. Šlégr and other; good condition, interesting collectionStarting price: 2 600 CZK +23,1 %