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1952 ATHLETICS / Emil Zátopek, Dana Zátopková, J. Skobla, Koubek and other athletes on Ppc sent from Kiev; good condition and soughtStarting price: 1 000 CZK +60,0 %
BOSÁKOVÁ Eva (1931-1991), Czech sports gymnastka, Olympic champion and dvojnásobná mistryně world + FOLTOVÁ Vlasta (1913-2001), Czechosl. sports gymnastka, držitelka silver medal in/at soutěži co-operations women from Summer Olympic Games 1936 in Berlin, comp. of 2 signatures on/for cards; very fineStarting price: 500 CZK +140,0 %
1938 FOOTBALL / AC SPARTA PRAGUE / postcard sent from Berlin with signatures of players: Bouček, Burger, Nejedlý, Čtyřoký, Kolský, Sedláček (Sedl), Košťálek, Senecký, Zeman, Věchet, Puč, Bouška, Říha, Bokšay; very fine, sought Starting price: 1 000 CZK +160,0 %
1931 FOOTBALL / REPREZENTACE / Czechoslovakia / postcard sent from Rome after/around mezistátním match from Italy (15.11.1931) with signatures of players: Plánička, Burgr, Šimperský, Čtyřoký, Knobloch-Madelon, Cross etc..; good condition and rare!Starting price: 2 000 CZK +50,0 %
1956 FOOTBALL / REPREZENTACE / Czechoslovakia / postcard sent from Santiaga de Chile from přátelského match Chile-ČSR with signatures Czechosl. players: Pazdera, Borovička, Kolský, Fairajzl, Pavlovič, Hertl, Tichý, Pluskal, Urban, Masopust, Moravčík, Procházka, Novák, Přáda, Dolejší, Molnár, Schroiff and Hledík; very nice good condition, soughtStarting price: 1 000 CZK +200,0 %
1936-1937 FOOTBALL / SK SLAVIA PRAGUE / postcard sent from Morocco with signatures of players: Plánička, Horák etc..; good condition and rare!Starting price: 1 500 CZK +73,3 %
1924 FOOTBALL / SK SLAVIA PRAGUE / postcard sent from tour to Portugal with signatures of players: Hochman, Bohata, Sedláček, Hojer, Perner, Stephen, Hajný, Steiner, Šimonek, Red, Pešek-Káďa, Kolenatý; missing corner, toned, after all interesting and sought Starting price: 1 000 CZK +450,0 %
FRIŠTENSKÝ Gustav (1879–1957), Czech wrestler, autograph on portrait postcard; nice good conditionStarting price: 800 CZK +25,0 %
1943? HOCKEY / I. ČLTK PRAGUE / postcard sent from Budapest with signatures of players, vítězů league 1941 and reprezentantů: Pácalt, Franz, Drobný, Kalous, Kráťa-Kratochvíl; nice good conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1937 HOCKEY / championship LONDON 1937 / postcard with signatures Czechosl. reprezentantů: i.a. Jirotka, Houba and oths; soughtStarting price: 1 800 CZK +55,6 %
1938 HOCKEY / championship V ČESKOSLOVENSKU 1938 / CANADA photo postcard winter stadionu with signatures of players Canadian reprezentace: J. Russell, J. Coulter, R. Chipman and A. Burn; very fine, interesting and rareStarting price: 1 000 CZK +50,0 %
1938 HOCKEY / championship V ČESKOSLOVENSKU 1938 / GREAT BRITAIN photo postcard with hokejisty Brit. national team (vítězové on/for Summer Olympic Games 1936) with their/its signatures, i.a. Foster, Davey, Stinchcombe, Archer, Kelly and oths.; slightly toned, after all interesting and rareStarting price: 1 500 CZK +200,0 %
1959 HOCKEY / REPREZENTACE Czechoslovakia / postcard sent from Norway (2 friendly matches with norským týmem) with signatures of players: Tikal, Pantůček, Starší, Čapla, Jiřík, Sýkora, Gut, Vojta, Franc, Vlach, Bacílek, Fako, Mountain, Černický, Nadrchal, Prošek, Šmat, Volf and broadcasting broadcaster Sigmund; nice good conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1988 KRUPIČKOVÁ Mary (1909-1997), Czech sportovkyně, pilotka and radiotelegrafistka, the first Czechosl. parašutistka, the first Evropanka with mezinárodním diplomem in/at branch radiotelegrafie, comp. of 2 vlastnoručních signatures on/for cards, 1x with photo, 1x with stručnou handwritten writen charakteristikou; interesting Starting price: 500 CZK
1948 Summer Olympic Games LONDON 1948 / postcard sent from olympic games with signatures Czechosl. participants, i.a. J. Brzák-Felix and B. Kudrna (gold medal in/at kanoistice), Z. Růžička (2x bronze medal in sports gymnastics) and other; very nice good condition, soughtStarting price: 1 000 CZK +550,0 %
1974 VESLAŘI / postcard sent from plants/races in/at Amsterdam with manual signatures V. Kozák, Z. Pecka, M. Laholík, J. Hellebrand, V. Lacina; good conditionStarting price: 600 CZK +433,3 %
1960-19 [COLLECTIONS] monument A4 with signatures of sportsmen, i.a. Plánička, Masopust, Lion Jašin (!), Puč, Raška, brothers Pospíšilové, Zátopek etc..; as multiple interestingStarting price: 2 000 CZK +50,0 %