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1912 ALEŠ Mikoláš (1852–1913), important Czech painter and illustrator, handwritten 8-řádkový text with signature on Ppc; good condition and soughtStarting price: 2 000 CZK
1965 BURIAN Zdeněk (1905–1981), Czech painter and illustrator dobrodružných books, handwritten printing head horses with signature on card, size ca. 176x132mm; very fine, fine workStarting price: 4 000 CZK +175,0 %
ČESKÉ KVARTETO / handwritten signatures members of Czech quartet on card papíru: Joseph Suk, Charles Hoffmann, George Herold and Ladislav Zelenka; on exponátovém sheet, very fineStarting price: 1 800 CZK +5,6 %
1928 JANÁČEK Leoš (1854–1928), important Czech composer, handwritten jednostránkový text whole signature and datací, sent to publ. Mojmíra Urbánka; horiz. folded, overall very sound condition, sought and rareStarting price: 4 000 CZK +525,0 %
1970? KARAJAN Herbert von (1908-1989), Austrian conductor, one from best-known and best known dirigentů 20. century, autograph on portrait photograph; very fine, rareStarting price: 800 CZK +12,5 %
1905 KOTĚRA John (1871-1923), Czech architect, urbanista, teoretik architecture, návrhář furniture and painter, handwritten text with signature on Ppc Munich (München) sent on/for architect J. Stibrala; very fine and rareStarting price: 2 000 CZK +150,0 %
1889 KOVAŘOVIC Charles (1862-1920), important Czech composer, chief opera National theatre; handwritten 3-stránkový letter with podpisem,zajímavý text, i.a. mentioned Francis Ondříček etc..; small tearing in/at fold, overall but in good condition conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
1936-1939 KUBELÍK John (1880–1940), Czech virtuoso violinist and composer, in English written letter with signature + KUBELÍK Rafael Jeroným (1914–1996), Czech conductor; signatures with short partiturami, decorative, sought!Starting price: 1 000 CZK
1912, 1943 KUBELÍK John (1880–1940), Czech virtuoso violinist and composer, autograph on portrait postcard + KUBELÍK Rafael Jeroným (1914–1996), Czech conductor and PREISSOVÁ Gabriela, pseudonym Mathilda Dumontová (1862–1946), Czech dramatička and authoress; joined photo on carton paper with both signatures; good conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1938 KUBELÍK Rafael Jeroným (1914–1996), Czech conductor, autograph on portrait photo postcard studio Förster Prague; on reverse hints of adjustaci, otherwise very fineStarting price: 500 CZK +20,0 %
1855 MÁNES Joseph (1820-1871), Czech painter, illustrator, graphic artist and designér, one from best known representatives Czech romantismu, handwritten 8-řádkový message with full signature and dovětkem "dějepisní painter and bogamazač" on/for sheet paper, size ca. 36x21,5cm; folds, lightly hinged age, overall but nice good condition, on the reverse side small skica by pencil (?), very rare, in/at our offer at all first-time, rare possibility akvizice rukopisu one from front Czech artists 19. century!Starting price: 10 000 CZK +440,0 %
1933 MARTINŮ Bohuslav (1890-1959), světově proslulý composer, representative moderny, handwritten letter with signature and datací (Paris 15/5 1933), interesting text concerning skladby "Tango"; cross fold, very rare and hard dostupný manuscript, often missing in collections!Starting price: 7 000 CZK +42,9 %
1908 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), světoznámý Czech painter, autograph on postcard sent from New York with text and signature Muchovy wife Mary Uchytilové-Muchové, addressed to on/for her tetu to Chrudim; overall good condition, interesting kontextStarting price: 3 000 CZK
NEDBAL Oscar (1874-1930), světoznámý Czech composer, conductor and violista, handwritten written wish with signature on/for portrait cabinet photograph; nice in good condition condition, exceedingly decorativeStarting price: 2 000 CZK
1904 NEDBAL Oscar (1874-1930), important Czech composer, conductor and violista, autograph on psaném program Czechosl. philharmonic orchestra; toned, interestingStarting price: 600 CZK
OISTRACH David Fjodorovič (1908–1974), světoznámý Russian virtuoso violinist, signature on card paper; on exponátovém sheet, very fine, soughtStarting price: 1 800 CZK +5,6 %
1907 ONDŘÍČEK Francis (1857-1922), Czech violin virtuóz, one from the best world houslistů turn of 19. and 20. century, autograph with datací on/for portrait photo postcard; sound conditionStarting price: 800 CZK
1930 PREISSIG Vojtěch (1873-1944), important Czech graphic artist, typograf, painter, illustrator, participant protirakouského also protinacistického resistance, autograph on letter on heading paper sent from New York; on reverse toned, otherwise nice good condition, sought!Starting price: 2 800 CZK
1960 REYNEK Bohuslav (1892-1971), important Czech graphic artist, poet and translator, handwritten jednostránkový letter sent to painter/-s J. Zrzavého, interesting text; very nice good conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK +450,0 %
1932 REYNEK Bohuslav (1892-1971), important Czech graphic artist, poet and translator, handwritten text with signature on Ppc; very nice good conditionStarting price: 800 CZK +25,0 %
1937 STRAUSS Johann (1866–1939), Austrian composer; autograph on reverse side portrait photo postcard with facsimile signature; very fineStarting price: 600 CZK
1912 SUK Joseph (1874-1935), important Czech composer, violinist and pedagogue, disciple and zeť Anthony Dvořáka; autograph with datací and part/-s partitury Smyčcového kvarteta op. 3; on reverse hints of original adjustaci, overall very sound condition, decorative and rare!Starting price: 2 000 CZK +40,0 %
1861 ŠKROUP Francis John (1801-1862), important Czech musician, conductor and composer, author music for Tylovu hru "Fidlovačka" and music to Czech state hymně "Anthem-issue"; handwritten written 2-stránková (!) partitura "Tantum ergo" for mužský corps/chapel doprovázený varhany or klarinetem, fagotem, corners and houslemi, signature "F. Skraup", dated in/at Amsterdam 28. January 1861 (Škroup in Holland pobýval from year 1860, especially then in/at Rotterdam); authenticity konzultována with expert, only small tearing, signs of age and original adjustment in exhibit, overall but nice in good condition condition. Jedná with unique nabídku rukopisu partitury one from best known kulturních personalities Czech history, suitable for biggest collection rukopisů or to sbírkového fund best known private or state institutions!Starting price: 70 000 CZK
1920 VACH Ferdinand (1860-1939), Czech composer, pedagogue, conductor, sbormistr, founder Pěveckého association Moravian teachers; handwritten letter with signature on/for decorative paper Pěveckého association Moravian teachers; cross foldStarting price: 800 CZK
VÁCHAL Joseph (1884-1969), important Czech painter and graphic artist, i.a. author product Ďáblova garden or Přírodopis strašidel; handwritten 4-page letter with signature and small printings nůžek, interesting typically váchalovský text; nice good condition and rareStarting price: 4 000 CZK +37,5 %
1982 VEJVODA Jaromír (1902-1988), Czech composer and kapelník, author světoznámé polky Škoda love; autograph with dedication on paper sheet with portrait photos; very fine and soughtStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1972 VOSKOVEC George (1905–1981), Czech actor, writer, dramatist and textař, member tria Voskovec+Werich+Ježek, autograph with dedication on/for portrait photograph; sound condition, soughtStarting price: 1 500 CZK +166,7 %
1945 ZRZAVÝ John (1890–1977), important Czech painter, graphic artist, illustrator, scénograf and special publicist, handwritten jednostránkový letter with signature sent to painter/-s V. Špálu - congratulation to/at designation National umělcem; very nice good condition, interestingStarting price: 2 000 CZK +70,0 %
[COLLECTIONS] MUSIC / comp. of 12 mainly portrait photo postcard with signatures important Czech skladatelů and hudebníků, contains: John Kubelík, Wenceslas Talich, R. A. Dvorský, Otakar Ostrčil, Eman Fiala, J. Foester, P. Božkovec, K. Jirák, V. Polívka, V. Smetáček, J. Beneš and O. Jeremiáš; perfect condition, very nice setStarting price: 1 500 CZK +6,7 %
[COLLECTIONS] MUSIC / selection of rukopisů and signatures important Czech musical skladatelů, virtuózů and hudebníků, contains i.a.: John Kubelík, Wenceslas Talich, Wenceslas Hudeček, J. Foester, J. Jeremiáš, K. Valdauf, K. Vacek, V. Novák, P. Bořkovec, V. Vačkař, O. Jeremiš, E. Schulhoff, V. Polívka, O. Ševčík etc..; total 25 various personalities, rare set!Starting price: 2 000 CZK +30,0 %