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1938 SLOVAKIA / comp. 3 pcs of letters with Masaryk 1CZK, Pof.303, with cancel. postal-agencies: Trstice - *NÁDSZEG* (GALANTA2) (Geb.2350/1), Tstená on/for Ostrove - *TRSTENÁ NA OSTROVE*/*NÁDASD* (BAKA) (Geb.2349/5), Zavar - *ZAVAR* (VEĽKÉ BRESTOVANY) (Geb.2404/3); 2x vertical fold, nice good conditionStarting price: 800 CZK +12,5 %
1625-1933 comp. 4 pcs of identification entires with perfins: Mng.C41, letter from y 1927 with perfin "C.W." f. SANA, factory for margarin and poživatiny (earlier Carl Werfel), Prague; Mng.B69, PC from y 1930 with perfin "Br." f. Joseph Bruckner and sons, Prague; Mng.C21, PC from y 1933 with perfin "CHH" f. F. L. Bittner (earlier Chemosan-Hellco), Brno; Mng.B27, letter from y 1925 with perfin "BDC" f. Breitfeld, Daněk & Co., Praha-Karlín, wrinkled envelope and lightly vyšisované margins; other 3 pcs of good conditionStarting price: 900 CZK +11,1 %
1922 Mng.Č10, identification entire, commercial letter addressed to to Germany, with 2x Pof.158 with perfin "ČSKS" f. Tschechoslowakische Kommissions A.G. für Malz, CDS BRNO 6.X.22; envelope vertical folded, otherwise good conditionStarting price: 800 CZK
1923-1937 comp. 4 pcs of identification entires with perfins: Mng.B1, commercial PC from y 1928 with perfin "B" f. Branecké iron-works Inc., Branka by/on/at Opava; Mng.B46, window envelope from y 1936, perfin "B&G" f. engineer. Butta and Götzl, Prague; Mng.B26, letter from y 1937 with perfin "BDB" f. Brunnendirection Bilin, Bilina; Mng.A36, advertising envelope (rybí konzerva) from y 1923 with perfin "A.K." f. A. Kalla, Šmídeberk, vyšisované margins; other 3 pcs of good conditionStarting price: 900 CZK
1926-1932 comp. 4 pcs of identification entires with perfins: Mng.A12, PC from y 1926 with perfin "A. D." f. Milotický hospodář, Milotice n. B.; Mng.A45, letter from y 1928 with perfin "ALPA" f. Joseph Veselý, Brno - King. Field , incl. content; Mng. A20, advertising PC from y 1932 with perfin "A.F.N." f. Anton Fleissigs Nachf., Prague; Mng.B16, letter with 60h Pof.157 with perfinem"B.B.&Co" f. Brno steam mill Bros Brückové & Co., incomplete postmark and missing back lapel envelope/-s; other 3 pcs of good conditionStarting price: 900 CZK
1928 REVENUE STAMP / Mng.K50, franked with. identification card, on reverse additionally printed invoice with Czechosl. revenue 2h issue 1919 with perfin "K & S" f. ES-KA works, Kastrup & Swetlik Inc. provozující in/at Cheb factory for bicycles, with T. G. Masaryk 50h with CDS CHEB 19.XI.26; only small tearing in marginStarting price: 700 CZK
1930 Mng.C13, identification entire, commercial PC with horiz. perf addressed to to Italy, with Pof.214 with perfin "C.F.S."" f. Christ. Fischers sons, Aš, MC AŠ 1/ 28.3.30; good conditionStarting price: 900 CZK +22,2 %
1900-1938 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps with perfins on stmp Czechoslovakia and Austria, total according to owner 770ks stamp. with perfin, in 8-sheet stockbook Pofis; various qualityStarting price: 1 000 CZK +450,0 %
1919-1920 FRANCE / comp. 3 pcs of Ppc with postmarks Czechosl. military formations, i.a. DÉPOT DES RÉGIMENTS TCHÉCO-SLOVAQUES/ FRANCHISE MILITAIRE, franked with. postcard with cancel. CONSEIL NATIONAL DES PAXS TSCHEQUES and 23. REGIMENT STŘELCŮ Z FRANCE; good conditionStarting price: 900 CZK
1919 ITALY / comp. 3 pcs of Ppc with postmarks Czechosl. military. formations from Italy, i.a. POSTA MILITRE 52, etc.; good conditionStarting price: 700 CZK
1919 MISSION MILITAIRE FRANCAISE EN BOHÉME/ PARC AREONAUTIQUE No. 408, photo postcard Nitra with straight line postmark air-mail formation, CDS NAITRA 919 Aug.22.; good condition, soughtStarting price: 2 000 CZK +225,0 %
1919 SLOVAKIA / comp. of 2 contemporary propagandistic flyers, "Čecho-slovensky vojaci and bratje!" issued Maďarskou republikou rad and "Ještě always sa nevieme naučiť?" nacionalistický flyer issued Výkonným committee council/court Slovak rolnikov and remeslnikov; good conditionStarting price: 900 CZK
1938 [COLLECTIONS] FIELD POST - MOBILIZATION 1938 / collection incl. duplication contains ca. 500 pcs of entires with postmarks FP according to numbers, postmark RAILWAY FIELD POST, TŘÍDÍRNY FIELD POST, SB2RNA FIELD POST, censorship marks, military unit postmarks, franked with. letters, official Reg letters etc., smaller part on album sheets with descriptions, contains Us entires also Un cards with postal imprints; various quality, placed in box with lid, total more than 2kg of material to other elaboration, originates from abroad, market price by estimation 50.000CZKStarting price: 10 000 CZK +190,0 %
1937 CDV66/II, II. part from double PC Coat of arms 50h with additional-printed valuable 60h, sent as express + Pneumatic tube post, uprated.. stamp. Dohoda 2CZK and Comenius 40h, CDS PRAGUE 2/ 5.IX.37, transit PRAGUE 22 and delivering PRAGUE 42; transport folds, tonedStarting price: 600 CZK
1926-1936 V.NEUBERT A SYNOVÉ - PRAGUE, KINOFILM - BRNO; RUBEROID - PRAGUE, comp. 3 pcs of commercial PC with added advertising, 2x franked with. stamps, 1x meter stmp; good condition, decorativeStarting price: 500 CZK +60,0 %