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1983 R - LABELS train post / complete 30 pcs of sheet train Reg labels, last type (Type A9), original print; mint never hinged, still unpublished!Starting price: 500 CZK
1980-1986 CHYBOTISKY Reg and V- NÁLEPEK / comp. 3 pcs of entires with INVERTED (!) print domicile, 2x Reg label NÝRSKO, COTKYTLE, 1x postal stationery cover sent as CP with V-nálepkou PARDUBICE 5; good condition, rareStarting price: 900 CZK
1989 multicolor gravure rising from předlohy A. Strnadela, used in/at slightly different the shape of as additional printing on/for FDC 6B/76, Cultural Anniv 30h, adjusted in passe-partout as New Year's wish, signed Paul Kovářík; very fine, interestingStarting price: 500 CZK
1992 PLATE PROOF added-print for envelope FDC 10/92, ME juniorů in table tennis, master die in/at zelenočerné color on card křídového paper, adjusted in passe-partout, signature Horniak; very fineStarting price: 800 CZK +12,5 %
1967 PŘIJATÝ NÁVRH / added-print envelope/-s and of commemorative postmark for FDC 16/67 - 100. anniv of birth P. Bezruče, author J. Šváb, printing on/for pauzovacím paper, signed, format A4; vert. fold, otherwise very fineStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1952 FDC 11/52 Agricultural Work, mounted stamp. Pof.650 with plate flaw plate variety 40/1 - reflector; very fine, favourite plate flawStarting price: 700 CZK +42,9 %
1947 FDC 1B/47, Two-year plan, mounted complete set., Pof.447-449, Us to USA; good condition, rare usage!Starting price: 700 CZK +14,3 %
1950 FDC 9a/50, exhibition PRAGUE 1950, FDC with additional-printing I. type - oblique shading in/at koruně; good conditionStarting price: 300 CZK
1947-1992 [COLLECTIONS] FDC - Obálky first of day issue / accumulation several hundreds pieces envelopes from of whole period Czechoslovakia, much pieces more times, supplemented with various neoficiálními envelopes with special postmark, memorial sheets etc..; various qualityStarting price: 4 000 CZK
1948 Dr. E. BENEŠ, B/W. postcard big format with mounted stamp. Pof.464, with black special postmark; good conditionStarting price: 500 CZK
1953 1. DAY / letter franked according to rate platného to 31.5.53 stamp. Pof.486 in value 3Kčs (incl. content with date 29.V.53), vhozený to post. box, posting MC ROKYCANY 1/ 1.VI.53-19, postal-charge 3Kčs was/were akceptováno; good conditionStarting price: 400 CZK
1953 1. DAY / cut square from small parcel sent Express to Česká Kamenice, franked airmail stamps Pofis. L22 and L23 (5x), CDS PRAGUE 185/ 1.VI.53, calculation postage 120Kčs; good condition, sought rate, interesting frankturaStarting price: 800 CZK
1953 NEDĚLE / PC Gottwald 1,50Kčs addressed to to Kroměříž, uprated with stamp Pofis. 505 (6x) and 593, CDS GOTTWALDOV 5/ 14.VI.52; exact franking, commercial correspondence; slightly toned in/at PCStarting price: 800 CZK
1953 NEDĚLE / commercial letter with Pof.489, 521 and 10x 718, CDS HOLICE V Č./ 7.VI.53, right postal-charge 60Kčs, arrival administrative cancel. in front; format 23x16cm, light folds, exp. DražanStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY / letter franked with. str-of-4 airmail stmp 7,50/16Kčs, Pof.L28, postal-charge 30Kčs, cancelled MC State bank/ zlepšená money service workers/ HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 2/ 15.VI.53; good conditionStarting price: 500 CZK +20,0 %
1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY / postcard franked with. pair air-mail stmp with overprint 7,50/16Kčs, Pof.L28, CDS VRCHLABÍ 2/ 16.VI.1953; very fineStarting price: 900 CZK +33,3 %
1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY / Reg letter franked air stamp. Pof.L30 (6x) and postage Pof.488 (2x) in front + Pof.713 on reverse, CDS TURNOV 1/ 6.VI.53; decorative franking, good conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK +20,0 %
1953 CENNÉ PSANÍ / common envelope (!) with stated valuable 2.000CZK (only by pencil) in old currency, paid/franked postal meter stmp KLADNO 1/ 3.VI.53, postal-charge 135Kčs, on reverse paper bulk postage charge p. ú. Kladno 1 with signatures and address sender (according to dochovaného letter obsahovalo identity card). Valuable letter from period of money reform in/at common envelope is absolutely exceptional, in addition franked by meter stmp.!; only light imprint meter stmp, good condition, rare occurrence, on request exp. DražanStarting price: 4 000 CZK +25,0 %
1953 CENNÉ PSANÍ / with stated valuable 5.000CZK in old currency (!), form/blank envelope with multicolor franking 19 pcs of postage and special stamps on both sides, CDS BŘECLAV 2/ 4.VI.53, zapravené postal-charge 241,50Kčs, in/at rozporu with regulations mounted 2x marginal Pr, hand-made "Polepil sám"; on reverse two incomplete seal, good condition, valuable letters are hledaná!
Starting price: 2 000 CZK
1953 LETTER plate variety CIZINY / letter to 20g addressed to to Austria, franked cash (!), hand-made "Taxe percue 80 h", two print CDS CHOTĚBOŘ 8.VI.53 + cancel. Austrian censorship with No. 210, incl. content (obsáhlý text with same censorship mark.); good condition, usage letters abroad franked/paid cash is rare!Starting price: 800 CZK +12,5 %
1953 EXPRES / PC Gottwald 1,50Kčs uprated stamp. Pofis. L24, 487, 488 (8x), 502, posting rolled cancel. PRAGUE 1/ 12.VI.53, sought rate 95Kčs, arrival JIČÍN 13.VI.53 on reverse; good condition, 4-coloured franking, non-philatelic with sought tarifem 95Kčs!Starting price: 700 CZK
1953 EXPRES / private letter franked stamp. Pof.488 (2x) in front and block of 8 airmail stmp 12,50/20Kčs with two "coupons", Pof.L30 (6x) + L30KH (2x) on reverse (!), CDS ŽAMBERK 15.VI.53; good condition, interesting frankingStarting price: 600 CZK
1953 CURIOSITY / Express letter from 1. of day addressed to to Prague, postal-charge 110Kčs, insufficiently franked two postal meter stmp BRATISLAVA 1/ 1.VI.53/ 1,50Kčs (1x in front, 1x on reverse), uprated by. 13 pcs of special stmp à 1,50Kčs in front + 6 pcs of on reverse, in/at general value 31,50Kčs, stamps orazítkovány badly readable CDS PRAGUE 1? / 2.VI.53. Kromě in front also on reverse hand-made avizovaného postage 110Kčs are on/for mailing note. "81,50" (badly spočítané missing postal-charge, without meter stmp), "2/6" (evidently date arrival on/for delivering post) and "32" in circle, postage due 157Kčs isn't avizováno and evidentně wasn't neither chosen; definitely interesting entire, good conditionStarting price: 800 CZK +12,5 %
1953 NOVINOVÝ RUKÁV / complete address strip with multicolor franking special stmp Pof.679 (2x), 707 (5x) and 720, CDS ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICDE 4/ 15.VI.53; good condition, sought rate 10Kčs, on request exp. Dražan, rare occurrence!Starting price: 800 CZK
1953 ordinary commercial letter franked on both sides of envelope 30-násobnou franking stamp. Šverma 1Kčs, Pof.504, CDS PRAGUE 025/ 3.VI.53; without defectsStarting price: 300 CZK
1953 OJEDINĚLÁ FRANKATURA / 1. DAY / letter franked funeral miniature sheet Gottwald Pof.A719, airmail stamp 24Kčs, Pof.L16 and postage stmp 1Kčs, Pof.666, posting rolled cancel. OSTRAVA 1/ 1.VI.53; light tonedStarting price: 600 CZK
1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / insufficiently franked Reg letter 8Kčs according to rate platného to 31. 5. stamp. Pof.507, CDS BRNO 2/ 5.VI.53, uprated by. postal meter stmp BRNO 2/ 5.6.53/ 72,00 on/for proužku paper přilepeného on/for mailing, right value postage 80Kčs; mixed franking with meter stmp are rare, in addition here with value which/what with on/for mailing paid/franked only meter stmp nemůže vyskytovat!; perfect condition, on request exp. DražanStarting price: 1 800 CZK +5,6 %
1953 POSTE RESTANTE / letter sent to post off. Prague Jindřišská street., franked stamp. Pof.549 (2x), L21, posting MC PRAGUE 025/ 18.VI.53, arrival PRAGUE 1/ 19.VI.53 on reverse, mailing in stanovené lhůtě nevyzvednuta, label "Unclaimed", date-stamp 5.VII.1953, other CDS PRAGUE 1/ 7.VII. on reverse and 26.VII. in front; good condition, mailing poste restante from period of monetary reform are quite rare!Starting price: 800 CZK +12,5 %
1953 POŠTOVNÉ PAUŠALOVÁNO / larger part of parcel card in/at rose color with sale price 10h and with pre-printed text "Postage averaged", CDS PRAGUE 022/ 11.VI.53, additional cancel. "P". Without vyplněného data about/by price mailing, weight/scale 1kg, statement "Charges near/in/at delivery" with dopsanou amount 60h, on reverse 2x arrival postmark VACOV/ 12.VI.53, sender Publikační institution ministry of Internal Affairs; usage larger parts parcel cards is rare, with averaged postage quite exceptional (!), good conditionStarting price: 3 000 CZK
1953 POSTAL FORMULÁŘ / NOTIFICATION about/by ztrátě mailing - upper part, about/by výsledku search after/around mailing, č.j. 33-53, fee činil 1,20Kčs in/at new = 60Kčs in old currency, paid postage stamp. Pof.488 (12x) on reverse, CDS PRAGUE 123/ 17.VI.53; good condition, on request exp. Dražan, exceptional entire!Starting price: 600 CZK
1953 PARCEL BILL / whole dispatch note on/for express parcel about/by weight 3,5kg, postal-charge 240Kčs!, paid/franked 33 pcs of stamp., Pof.489 (4x) in front and from part/-s stair franking Pof.489 (5x), 504 (10x), 521 (4x) on reverse + Pof.504 (10x) additionally mounted on/for special paper, CDS LETOHRAD 2.VI.53, through/over all stamp. CDS LETOHRAD 6.VI.53; good condition, on request exp. Dražan, quite exceptional entire!Starting price: 4 500 CZK
1953 PARCEL BILL / larger part Slovak post. dispatch-note to parcel about/by weight 2,8 kg without udané price/-s, postal-charge 160 Koruna. franked/paid 3 pcs of airmail stamps Pofis. L24 in front + Pof.521 on reverse, CDS KOMÁRNO 13.VI.53, on reverse arrival PARDUBICE 2 / 15.VI.53, supplemented with FP cachet cancel. addressee „Posádková administration / Pardubice“; good condition, sought air franking on/for parcel guide, usage dispatch-notes from Slovakia is rare!Starting price: 2 000 CZK
1953 Reg letter to own by hand, franked with. air stamp. Pof.L24, L19 3x, L26 + 10 pcs of delivery stamp. 2Kčs, Pof.DR3, CDS JIČÍN 18.VI.53; good condition, philatelically ovlivněno, but corresponding rate!Starting price: 1 500 CZK
1953 SELECTION of / 2 pcs of more interesting zásilek: heavier Reg letter with 4-coloured franking, CDS DRNHOLEC 4.VI.53, postal-charge 110Kčs, on reverse arrival BRNO 1/ 4.VI.53!; unprofessionally open envelope + larger part parcel of dispatch-note with mnohonásobnou franking Pof.521 in front also on reverse, CDS HUDLICE 8.VI.53, small post office, postal-charge 130CZK, on reverse arrival PŘEROV 10.VI.53 and red cancel. "Posádková administration Přerov; less usual rates, envelope on reverse with unprofessionally open, toned, both pieces exp. DražanStarting price: 400 CZK
1953 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA / letter franked with. Pof.489 + 10Kčs Spa Pofis. L34, CDS NOVÉ MĚSTO above M. 1/ 16.VI.53; usual qualityStarting price: 500 CZK
1953 TISKOPIS / commercial PC paid by stmp Pof.666 and 713 (3x), CDS VYSOKÉ VESELÍ 12.VI.53; light hints of moisture, sought rate 10Kčs!Starting price: 400 CZK
1953 VÍCENÁSOBNÉ FRANKATURY / comp. 10 pcs of letters, postal-charge 10Kčs (1x) and 20Kčs (9x), from that 8 pcs of franked/paid stamp. same values Pof.448 (2 pcs of), 504, 505, 521, 671, 680 and 725, supplemented with about/by mixed franking Pof.449, 707, 718 (3x); usual qualityStarting price: 500 CZK
1953 POSTAL STATIONERY / p.stat photo postcard CPH 23/20 - Mělník, tricolour additional franking Pof.535, 667 (2x), 722 (2x), CDS MĚLNÍK 1/ 3.VI.53; good condition, usage photo postcard is minimum!Starting price: 600 CZK
1953 NOVÁ MĚNA / 1. DAY PC CDV109 used as blank form, paid by stmp Pof.736, posting rolled cancel. OSTRAVA 1/ 1.VI.53, first day issue - FDC!; good condition, non-philatelic, sought by specialists!Starting price: 700 CZK
1953 NOVÁ MĚNA / 2. DAY PC K.G. 1,50 Koruna with tricolor franking already invalidated stamps Pof.487, 704 (3x) and 720 (3x), posting cross-border railway pmk MIEDZYLESIE - PRAGUE/ 40/ 20.VI.53, on reverse hand-made 19.VI.53; good condition, philatelically influenced mailing nezatížená postage-dueStarting price: 600 CZK
1953 NEW CURRENCY / 2. DAY invalidated pictorial PC CDV 108/5 uprated Pof.712, L28, A719 also after/around ending their/its validity, cancelled MC PRAGUE 025/ 20.VI.53, in front handwritten note. "extra paid in/at hot./ -.60 Koruna" lightly readable, arrival postmark SKUTEČ 22.VI.53; interesting, good stav Starting price: 500 CZK
1953 NOVÁ MĚNA / 1. DAY postcard vhozená to post. box, paid/franked airmail stamp Pofis. L21 valid to 18.VI.53, MC PRAGUE 025/ 19.VI.53-14, nezatížena postage-due, franking akceptována, mailing is about/by 1 Koruna přefrankována (after/around ending money reform nepodstatné); good conditionStarting price: 500 CZK
1953 SELECTION of / 18 entires, i.a. 1x R, 4 pcs of uprated CDV, franking low values etc..; as multiple interesting Starting price: 1 900 CZK +5,3 %
1945 JUDAICA / comp. 6 pcs of envelopes sent to Výbor for likvidaci Jewish council/court older or on/for Jewish Council of Elders in Prague, 3x franked by meter stmp., 3x franked with. cash; good conditionStarting price: 500 CZK +60,0 %
1993-94 [COLLECTIONS] SCOUT - JUNÁK (scout) / PC CDV2, 2 pcs of with added-print "75. Anniv of Post Czech of scouts" and "International meeting vodních of scouts", supplemented with about/by more than 230 pcs of cut-squares with postmarks various scout divisions; larger quantity of duplication; sound conditionStarting price: 500 CZK