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1989 multicolor gravure rising from předlohy A. Strnadela, used in/at slightly different the shape of as additional printing on/for FDC 6B/76, Cultural Anniv 30h, adjusted in passe-partout as New Year's wish, signed Paul Kovářík; very fine, interestingStarting price: 500 CZK
1992 PLATE PROOF added-print for envelope FDC 10/92, ME juniorů in table tennis, master die in/at zelenočerné color on card křídového paper, adjusted in passe-partout, signature Horniak; very fineStarting price: 800 CZK +12,5 %
1967 PŘIJATÝ NÁVRH / added-print envelope/-s and of commemorative postmark for FDC 16/67 - 100. anniv of birth P. Bezruče, author J. Šváb, printing on/for pauzovacím paper, signed, format A4; vert. fold, otherwise very fineStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1952 FDC 11/52 Agricultural Work, mounted stamp. Pof.650 with plate flaw plate variety 40/1 - reflector; very fine, favourite plate flawStarting price: 700 CZK +42,9 %
1947 FDC 1B/47, Two-year plan, mounted complete set., Pof.447-449, Us to USA; good condition, rare usage!Starting price: 700 CZK +14,3 %
1950 FDC 9a/50, exhibition PRAGUE 1950, FDC with additional-printing I. type - oblique shading in/at koruně; good conditionStarting price: 300 CZK
1947-1992 [COLLECTIONS] FDC - Obálky first of day issue / accumulation several hundreds pieces envelopes from of whole period Czechoslovakia, much pieces more times, supplemented with various neoficiálními envelopes with special postmark, memorial sheets etc..; various qualityStarting price: 4 000 CZK