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1910 ANK.161-177, Jubilee 1h-10K, set of 15 stamps, without values 5 and 10h; mainly hinged, several minor faults, highest values 2 K and 10K very fine, c.v.. ca. 780€Starting price: 3 600 CZK +38,9 %
1918 ANK.225-227, Airmail 1,50K-4K, selection of 12 sets of mint also used + several stamps in addition, i.a. perf 12½:11½, pairs, types II. on stamp 2,50 K etc..; c.v.. 1.030€Starting price: 3 000 CZK +6,7 %
1890 Postage due stamps / ANK.P1-P9, Numerals 1 Kr - 50 Kreuzer; XF, 50 Kreuzer certificate Soecknick, c.v.. 300€Starting price: 1 500 CZK +73,3 %
1900 Postage due / ANK.P21, bloc of 12 Numerals 100h with blue cancel. ROKYCANY; c.v.. 3.900€Starting price: 8 000 CZK
1870-1894 REPRINTS / selection of 40 reprints issues 1850-1864, and Friedl exhibition ND; mostly1870, 1894 etc..; c.v.. ca. 1.200€ Starting price: 3 000 CZK
1874 TELEGRAPH / Ferch.10-18, Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer - 2Gld, two complete sets SPECIMEN, thin and strong, various perf; very fine, cat. min. 220€Starting price: 1 300 CZK +130,8 %
1900? KINDERPOST / selection of 11 blocks and stripes; on reverse toned, interestingStarting price: 500 CZK +20,0 %
1890 6 dispatch-notes with high values of last Kreuzers issue, 4x Franz Joseph I. 30+30+3Kr; rare combination 1+12+50kr and 3+10+50kr; various quality, cat. min. 1.700€Starting price: 3 400 CZK
1890-1907 SELECTION of / 7 interesting entires, ministery R-portofrei letter (800€), 6x redirected letter with 5 Kreuzer 1890, blk-of-10 1H issued 1900 sent to businessman Rudolf Friedl to Vienna, 2 "Visitenkarte" letters very small format, 2 dispatch-note 1890 1x with stamp 50kr (600€); various qualityStarting price: 2 000 CZK
1891 letter to Příbram with decorative additional-printing of Písek, with Franz Joseph 5 Kreuzer with railway pmk POSTKONDUKTER IM ZUGE/ PROTIVIN - BERAUN NO. 652, supplemented with one circle arrival CDS PŘÍBRAM 7/3 91; good conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
1893 cover of official Reg letter sent from Jablůnkova to Prussian Silesia, franked with pair stamps 10Kr, issue 1890, CDS JABLUNKAU 25/4 98, on reverse arrival postmark KUJAU 26.4.93, sent back with by hand writen notice Zurück (Return); good condition, decorative pieceStarting price: 900 CZK +33,3 %
1894-1908 selection of 4 whole and 2 pcs of larger parts of dispatch notes sent to Sweden, all franked with mixed frankings of stamps issues 1891 - 1905, incl. higher values 1Gld, 1 K, 2 K, various CDS WIEN, VYSOČANY, OBER POLITZ, ARCO; good conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK +140,0 %
1908 commercial Reg letter to Mexico and returned back, with mixed franking issue 1908 and issue 1907 and 1904, total franking 95H, CDS HRONOV 11/2 08, transit and arrival Reg labels also cancel., redirected, by hand written notice, supplemented with cancel. RETOUR and on reverse arrival postmark HRONOV 18/10 08Starting price: 1 000 CZK +300,0 %
1908-1916 SELECTION / 9 chosen entires, i.a. Reg letter 1908+1910, postage-due 14H 1908, express upratings of postcard abroad, Reg and Express 85H on postcard Charles in last postal rate, nice Reg letter with advertising print Karlsbad, Nachrageschreiben etc.., high catalogue valueStarting price: 4 500 CZK +11,1 %
1913 selection of 6 letters addressed to Sweden, from that 3x as Registered, multicolor frankings stamps issue 1908 various values, CDS PRAGUE, VÍDEŇ and KOJETÍN; good conditionStarting price: 900 CZK +233,3 %
1913-1916 8 whole and 1 larger part dispatch notes sent to Sweden, all with mixed frankings of stamps issues 1908 - 1913, incl. higher values 1 K, 2 K and 5 K various CDS NIXDORF, GABLONZ A. D. NEISSE, BRÜNN, WELS and BOZEN; good conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK +400,0 %
1915-1917 selection of 4 whole dispatch notes sent to Sweden, all with mixed frankings of stamps issues 1908-1917, incl. higher values Coat of arms 2 K, various CDS GABLONZ A. D. NEISSE, EBREICHSDORF, MORCHENSTERN and BUDWEIS; good conditionStarting price: 600 CZK +50,0 %
1914 POSTAGE-DUE LARGE NUMERALS / commercial Reg letter sent from Berlin to Bohemia without franking, handwritten note. "T 35H", CDS BERLIN W/ 11.4.14, burdened with surtax 35H, mounted Postage due stamp issue 1908/13 values 1H, 2H 5x, 4H, 6H and 14H (!), cancelled by postmark KRALOVICE U PLZNĚ 13/4 14; envelope opened from two sides, detached seal, cat. Ferchenbauer 1.750€, rareStarting price: 5 000 CZK
1916 POSTAGE-DUE / letter from Dresden to Děčín sent unpaid as "Portopfl. Dienstsache", CDS DRESDEN 2.8.16, in Děčín burdened with postage-due, mounted mixed franking 1h 1900 and 4 + 10h 1908, CDS TETSCHEN 4.VIII.16; vert. fold, otherwise good conditionStarting price: 1 500 CZK
1890-1918 [COLLECTIONS] CZECH LANDS / selection of ca. 140 various entires with issues from 1890, several postal stationery covers, part as Registered, Ex, abroad, several whole and larger parts of dispatch-notes, surtax, Postal Agency, railway pmks, censorship etc..; various qualityStarting price: 5 000 CZK +70,0 %