Public Auction 74 / Philately / Worldwide Accumulations

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12 000 CZK
252953 - 1880-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  FRENCH COLONIES / collection cancel
1880-1945 [COLLECTIONS] FRENCH COLONIES / collection cancel. / unused stamp. in stockbook A4 on/for 23 pages two-sided, various colonial territory, small partly classical stamps issues Allegory, mainly incomplete long set etc.., in addition supplemented with stockbook A4 with stamp. Liberia and Ethiopia; part various quality
Starting price: 4 000 CZK +200,0 %
Sold: 12 000 CZK
20 000 CZK
252547 - 1870-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / big accumulation in
1870-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / big accumulation in three full IKEA boxes in/at several tens stockbooks, choice notebooks and albums, Asia, Africa, America, various countries, only small part Europe, prevails levný material, part also interesting motives etc..; various quality, suitable also to other elaboration, thousands stamps, as multiple interesting, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
Starting price: 8 000 CZK +150,0 %
Sold: 20 000 CZK
6 000 CZK
251642 - 1890-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  OVERSEAS / wide accumulation used /
1890-2000 [COLLECTIONS] OVERSEAS / wide accumulation used / unused stamps in more than 35 various stockbooks, mainly A4, on album sheets, cards etc.., in two full IKEA boxes, obsažena i.a. Egypt, Tanzánie, Bhútán, Afgánistán, Iran, Panama, Syria, Kuba and line other, various mainly incomplete set, also but souvenir sheets, joined printings, much popular motives etc..; various quality, a lot of of material for elaboration, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
Starting price: 5 000 CZK +20,0 %
Sold: 6 000 CZK
2 200 CZK
252645 - 1880-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / BALÍČKY / accumula
1880-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / BALÍČKY / accumulation mainly used stamp. in packets, little-boxes on/for cards and in/at small stockbooks and choice notebooks, various countries Europe also overseas supplemented with about/by stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 - CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92.; various quality, thousands stamps, placed in 2 IKEA boxes, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: 2 000 CZK +10,0 %
Sold: 2 200 CZK
9 500 CZK
251781 - 1850-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / stamp. from around t
1850-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / stamp. from around the world from uvedeného period, mainly CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 and II., významně contains also Austria-Hungary, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, Slovakia, USSR and other, contains also archovinu, special commemorative print, cut-squares, kolovací booklets (i.a. more interesting China) and other; placed in box on free album sheets, in 2 stockbooks A4 and in box scattered stamp., various quality, part stamp. mounted whole flat, viewing of quality recommended, we advice důkladnou examination
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +850,0 %
Sold: 9 500 CZK
6 000 CZK
253069 - 1963-2006 [COLLECTIONS]  MINIATURE SHEETS / much set blocks
1963-2006 [COLLECTIONS] MINIATURE SHEETS / much set blocks and PB Europe + Singapore in album Safe, Exhibition, Europe, i.a. unusual issue Singapure 95, Mi.Bl.37-46 total 60 pcs of (c.v.. 750€), Serbia Football 2006, Albania 8x Columbus (640€), then origin Portugal, Vatican City, Spain, Yugoslavia, euro-nominály etc., all more times.; nice accumulation blocks often with unusual výskytem in the Czech market, very high catalogue value!
Starting price: 6 000 CZK
Sold: 6 000 CZK
8 000 CZK
253111 - 1850-1980 [COLLECTIONS]  unorganised part estate after/aroun
1850-1980 [COLLECTIONS] unorganised part estate after/around businessman, on cards and in/at envelopes, classic Europe, also overseas, France **, Western Europe, Vatican City, Iran, Switzerland etc.; in no way unworked and neutříděno, booklets, souvenir sheets, also better stamps; high catalogue value, ticket with potenciálem, placed in smaller box, vyvoláváme after/behind symbolical price!
Starting price: 5 000 CZK +60,0 %
Sold: 8 000 CZK
2 600 CZK
251318 - 1870-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  ZBYTKOVÁ PARTIE / mainly cancel. a
1870-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ZBYTKOVÁ PARTIE / mainly cancel. abroad (Commonwealth) on stock-sheets A5, i.a. Canada, Australia, Bahamy etc.., supplemented with about/by různorodou comp. entires abroad and CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / Czech Republic (FDC, CDV), then several screensheets and MS CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 etc..; various quality
Starting price: 1 500 CZK +73,3 %
Sold: 2 600 CZK
2 600 CZK
251790 - 1830-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  CELISTVOSTI / accumulation several
1830-2000 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / accumulation several hundreds various entires from around the world, biggest lot of from Austria-Hungary, also prephilatelic letters, FP, from ostatního významně contains air post, first flights., 1x Zeppelin and other; placed in middle box, various quality, part mounted to background, we advice viewings, interesting collection
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +160,0 %
Sold: 2 600 CZK
2 200 CZK
251647 - 1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection of several h
1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection of several hundreds pieces of entires and FDC from around the world, mostly from countries as Cuba, AUSTRALIA, Czechoslovakia, VATICAN CITY, ITALY, AUSTRALIA, AUSTRIA and others, supplemented with common letters; various quality, placed in box, ca. 2kg of material
Starting price: 1 000 CZK +120,0 %
Sold: 2 200 CZK

Public Auction 74 / Philately / Worldwide Accumulations - Information

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