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1980 COMMONWEALTH / British Maritime Postal History I + II, R. Kirk, Proud-Bailey Comp. Essex; two-piece Monograph about/by Brit. lodních traces and post in/at Indic and Australian region and also on/for Dálném Východě; name/-s ship, trace, rozvrhy plaveb, picture material; rare spring well to theme MARITIME in/at Indickém oceánu and in/at Pacifiku (major-part marine literature with zabývá mainly transatlantickou plavbou)Starting price: 3 000 CZK
1921-1987 DIE FERRARY AUKTIONEN, J. ERHARDT 1987, reprint and souborné issue all 14 auction catalogues Paris I-XIV 1921-1925 about sale biggest collection all period (in addition special auction Zurich 1929 - Ferraryho collection Greece). Complete texts, thousands zobrazených tickets and auction výsledky, předmluva Prof. Dr. C. Brühl, all world rarities first-time and naposled pohromadě, ikonická and motivující book for every collector classic, superb conditionStarting price: 6 000 CZK
1989 CHRISTIE´S - R. LOWE 1989 / WEILL BROTHERS: Rarities of Mauritius and British Guiana ...; catalogue auction world rarities i.a. with "Bombay Cover" and "Cordon Cover" (Cotton Reels), from collection of bratrů Weillových (biggest obchodníci in USA in/at whole dějinách philately), UNIKÁTNÍ catalogue, which/what dostávali only přímí VIP participants auction, in the market is today quite nedostupný!Starting price: 5 000 CZK
1984 INDIA / E. B. PROUD (Roll of Distinguished Philatelists), "History of the Indian Army Postal Service I + II" , U.K. 1984; two-piece Monograph and catalogue about/by výbojích Brit. army in Asia 1854-1931, her post, postmark with cenovým ohodnocením (!), trace, map/-s, jinde nepublikované kontexty, much interesting photos; perfect condition, minimum printing!Starting price: 4 000 CZK
1970-1988 INDIA / Numbers in Early Indian Cancellations 1855-1884 and Catalogue of the Handstruck Postage Stamps of India"; both R. Lowe, London; 2 klíčové spring well describing postmark Brit. India; řazení according to numbers postmarks in/at single parts India, picture, identification all post offices, odlišení according to rarities etc..; obdivuhodná work, especially D.H. Giles in/at theme prephilatelic period!Starting price: 4 000 CZK
1968 IRELAND / HANDBOOK OF IRISH PHILATELY, D. Feldman 1968, today basic manual Ireland with much pictures, descriptions, soupisy, description plate proofs etc..; more than 170 sides, handwritten notice by pencil, otherwise perfect conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1997 L.N. WILLIAMS, "Encyklopaedia of Rare and Famous Stamps", DF Genève, 1993; "The Biographies" - příběhy and životopisy hundreds slavných rarities from around the world, 220 sides exkluzivních information, kontextů and picture; the best work in its kind, on/for which/what with podílely tens personalities, expertů, firm and institutions, quite rozebrané and today nedostupné issue!Starting price: 4 000 CZK
2019-2022 GERMANY / GENERALGOUVERNMENT 1939-45 / Der Paketdienst Inland + Ausland, Herald Hacker + Erweiterte Kinderlandverschickung (KLV) Herald Hacker + 7 numbers bulletin ARGE General Government 1939-1945 No. 80, 81, 83-87, full-coloured publication zahrnující parcel dispatch-note and child camps Generálního Gouvernementu in years 1939-45, important detail trial with much pictures; perfect condition, general weight/scale ca. 4kgStarting price: 900 CZK +188,9 %
1971 NIZOZEMSKÁ INDIA / DE PUNTSTEMPELS VAN NEDERLAND EN NEDERLANDS-INDIË, D. C. Hoogerdijk, today basic manual nizozemských tečkovaných postmarks in/at Netherlands India with much pictures, descriptions, soupisy, etc..; more than 70 sides, perfect conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1999 POLAND / Słownik nazw geograficznych Polski zachodniej also północnej, reprint original issue from year 1951 from year 1999, skvělý pomocník for philatelist also filokartisty, 794 sides, solid celoplátěná binding; very good condition Starting price: 400 CZK
1925 AUSTRIA / EDWIN MUELLER - Grosses Guide der Entwertungen von Österreich (Austria) and Lombardy - Venetien, Wien 1925; nadčasový catalogue Austrian postmarks on stmp I-V. issue, incl. dodatků; PRVNÍ ISSUE - today valuable philatelic bibliofilie, first-time in/at our auction!Starting price: 6 000 CZK
1961 AUSTRIA / EDWIN MUELLER - Guide der Entwertungen von Österreich (Austria) and Lombardy - Venetien, Wien, 1961; nadčasový catalogue Austrian postmarks on stmp I-V. issue, incl. dodatků; perfect condition, almost as newStarting price: 4 000 CZK
1961 AUSTRIA / HANDBUCH DER ENTWERTUNGEN der Marken von Österreich-Ungarn and Lombardy-Veneto, E. Müller 1961, surplus print from year 1981; rare original ikonického catalogue on/for postmark Austria 1850-1867; perfect conditionStarting price: 1 500 CZK
2020 AUSTRIA 1850 / Monograph and specialized catalogue, 2020, III. přepracované issue catalogue authors Pelikán, Pour, Hirš, Austrian the first issue., 136 sides; new, good conditionStarting price: 500 CZK
2024 AUSTRIA 1850 / Monograph and specialized catalogue, 2024, nejnovější IV. přepracované issue catalogue authors Pelikán, Pour, Hirš, Austrian the first issue., 200 sides; quite new, good conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK +30,0 %
2008 AUSTRIA/ FERCHENBAUER, AUSTRIA 1850-1918, Guide and Special catalogue, 2008; complete set in a luxury state, 3 pcs of else/yet in original wrappings; nepřekonatelný zdroj expert and cenových information for collector Austria; this catalogue i.a. získal several golden medals on/for world výstavách!Starting price: 4 000 CZK +37,5 %
2022 STANLEY GIBBONS - Stamp Catalogue 2023, Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970, prestigious stamp catalogue of Commonwealth, format A4; common lightly hinged užívání, otherwise nice in good condition conditionStarting price: 2 000 CZK +40,0 %