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Pof.7F production flaw Is/IIp, 15h bricky red, L the bottom corner piece with line perforation 13¾ : 11½, the bottom horiz. double, spiral type I, and bar type II., pos. 91/1; hinged, exp. Gilbert and VrbaStarting price: 1 200 CZK +133,3 %
Pof.7G joined spiral types, 15h bricky red with line perforation 11½ : 13¾, marginal block-of-4 with control-numbers with joined spiral types, stmp field 84-85, 94-95, printing plate 1, spiral type I on pos. 94; superb mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, expertized Gilbert and Karásek, catalogue Pofis 77.000 Kč++, Mercure 92.000Kč, sought spiral types combination on/for rare perf values 15h!Starting price: 50 000 CZK +60,0 %
Pof.7H, 15h bricky red, line perforation 13¾ : 10¾; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert and Vrba, napatrně faded color, overall nice piece with rare perf!Starting price: 5 000 CZK +40,0 %
Pof.7L, 15h bricky red with ministerial perf 10½, pos. 94/1, Is/Ip; hinged, exp. Vrba, rather rare usageStarting price: 3 000 CZK
7. TISKOVÁ DESKA / Pof.7Ab IIs, 15h red, pos. 71/7, perf comb perforation 13¾ : 13½; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, short tooth in/at right corner and small prohnutí in paper, Vrba certificate, expertized Karásek and Gilbert, sought color and rare printing plate!Starting price: 15 000 CZK +20,0 %
Pof.9A joined bar types, 20h carmine, UR corner blk-of-4 with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½ with joined bar types, stmp field 9-10 and 19-20, printing plate 2, bar type II on pos. 9; hinged in margin out of stmp, light production vertical fold in paper through/over right pair stamps, as vertical joined bar types superb, expertized Vrba, sought multiple with joined types!Starting price: 6 000 CZK +58,3 %
Pof.10D production flaw, 25h blue with lower margin with control-numbers, production flaw - 2x double horiz. perf creating nepravý coupon; hinged, expertized KarásekStarting price: 600 CZK +33,3 %
Pof.11A joined spiral types + joined bar types, 25h violet, UL corner blk-of-4 with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½ with joined spiral types and joined bar subtype, stmp field 1-2 and 11-12, printing plate 1, on pos. 2 bar subtype IIa, on pos. 12 spiral type I.; quite lightly hinged on/for upper pair stamps, small printing minor faults on/for UR stamp, Vrba certificate, expertized Gilbert, sought combination joined types on/for čtyřbloku with rare perf, missing also in/at greatest collections Hradčany! Starting price: 100 000 CZK +30,0 %
Pof.11E joined spiral types + joined bar types, 25h violet, UR corner blk-of-24 with line perforation 11½ : 10¾ from printing plate 2, contains: 2x spiral types combination and 4x bar types combination, stmp field 7-10 to 57-60; mint never hinged mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, expertized Gilbert, mark Miltner, decorative multiblock with rare perf with joined types, item suitable to specializovaných exhibits and big collections!Starting price: 35 000 CZK
Pof.11H joined spiral types, 25h violet, horizontal pair with upper margin with line perforation 13¾ : 10¾ with joined spiral types, stmp field 3 and 4, the first printing plate, spiral type I on pos. 3; mint never hinged mint never hinged, certificate Beneš and Vrba, expertized Gilbert, catalogue Pofis 120.000 CZK, Mercure 250.000 CZK, rare offer joined spiral types on/for pětadvacítce with rarest perf, in addition in/at extraordinary quality!Starting price: 100 000 CZK
Pof.11L, 25h violet with lower margin with control-numbers with unofficial perf. line perforation 10½; mint never hinged, expertized VrbaStarting price: 500 CZK +500,0 %
Pof.13D, 30h light violet with line perforation 11½ with part of CDS ŽELEZNÝ BROD/ 21.VIII.20; expertized Karásek and Vrba, overall very fine piece Starting price: 4 000 CZK +112,5 %
Pof.17A, 60h yellow-orange, block of four with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½; on/for upper pair hinged, expertized Fischmeister and Vrba, in blocks of four rare usage!Starting price: 2 000 CZK +60,0 %
Pof.17B production flaw, 60h yellow-orange with comb perforation 11¾, production flaw - in addition horiz. perf in the middle stamps; hinged, expertized Vrba Starting price: 400 CZK +25,0 %
Pof.23D, 300h green-gray, block of four with upper margin with nepřepážkovou line perforation 11½; mint never hinged, upper pair stamps oblique bend, from the front almost small, expertized Vrba, sought multiple!Starting price: 2 400 CZK +33,3 %
Pof.24C, 24D, 400h blue-violet with line perforation 13¾ and line perforation 11½; hinged, expertized VrbaStarting price: 400 CZK
Pof.26D, 1000h violet, block of four with nepřepážkovou line perforation 11½, perfectly centered; superb mint never hinged, expertized Vrba, in čtyřbloku and in this quality sought!Starting price: 5 000 CZK +60,0 %
Pof.2Mp(2), 3h violet, vertical opposite facing unfolded gutter with line perforation 11½; light hinge / labelStarting price: 500 CZK +220,0 %
Pof.5Mp(2), 10h red, vertical opposite facing folded gutter with line perforation 11½; hinged, expertized Mahr and VrbaStarting price: 2 400 CZK +66,7 %
Pof.8D Mp(2), 20h modorozelená, vertical marginal 2-stamps. opposite facing gutter with line perforation 11½; folded, hinged, Vrba certificate, expertized Mahr, rather rare usage, sought!Starting price: 10 000 CZK +70,0 %
Pof.1Cvz - 25Cvz, comp. of 15 values 1h - 500h with overprint VZOREC with line perforation 13¾, contains i.a. 400h type II., 500h, 2x 200h etc.., i.a. 20h carmine **; mainly hinged, expertized Mahr, Fischmeister and VrbaStarting price: 6 000 CZK +333,3 %
Pof.4Evz, 5h blue-green with overprint VZOREC with line perforation 11½ : 10¾; mint never hinged, expertized Mahr and Vrba, only rare occurrence!Starting price: 3 000 CZK +50,0 %
Pof.7Cvz Is/IIap, 15h bricky red with line perforation 13¾ with overprint VZOREC, spiral type I and as well bar subtype IIa, pos. 23/1; hinged, expertized Fischmeister and Vrba, only rare usage!Starting price: 4 000 CZK +87,5 %
Pof.7Dvz, 15h bricky red with overprint VZOREC with line perforation 11½; mint never hinged mint never hinged, expertized Mahr and VrbaStarting price: 700 CZK +828,6 %
Pof.10Lvz, 25h blue with overprint VZOREC with line perforation 10½; mint never hinged, expertized Mahr and VrbaStarting price: 1 200 CZK +1 316,7 %
Pof.14Dvz, 15Dvz, 40h orange and 50h violet with overprint VZOREC, both line perforation 11½; hinged (1x browny), expertized Mahr and VrbaStarting price: 500 CZK +540,0 %
Pof.24Dvz Pp, 400h blue-violet with inverted opt VZOREC, line perforation 11½; mint never hinged, expertized Vrba, in this quality rare occurrence!Starting price: 4 000 CZK +87,5 %
Pof.26Lvz, 1000h violet with overprint VZOREC, line perforation 10½; hinged, at top minor gum fault, expertized Mahr and Vrba, rare stamp with very small výskytem!Starting price: 4 000 CZK +87,5 %
NEPŘIJATÝ NÁVRH on/for stamp 10h Hradčany, supplemented with about/by coats of arms Čech/Bohem, Moravia Silesia and Slovakia, xylograph greater format in/at miniature sheet arrangement with perf, in blue color on/for white smooth paper, originally without gum, author Jindra Schmidt; hinge / label, without usual thin place, overall very fineStarting price: 7 000 CZK +71,4 %
PLATE PROOF / EDUARD CHARLES / plate proof in black color, letterprint print unfinished 2. design/sketch E. Carl on/for from the front side pokřídovaném paper without gum; L lower repaired corner, Vrba certificate, expertized Gilbert, very rare hradčanský plate proof one from stage arrangement, only rare occurrence!Starting price: 50 000 CZK +40,0 %
PLATE PROOF / EDUARD CHARLES / plate proof in red color, second arrangement design/sketch E. Carl with prázdným valuable label, V. printing, on chalky paper without gum with wide margin; overall very fine, certificate and expertized Vrba, sought plate proof!Starting price: 20 000 CZK
PLATE PROOF / EDUARD CHARLES / plate proof in red color, unfinished design E. Carl, die proof with full valuable label, V. printing, unfinished margins, on stamp paper with gum in/at miniature sheet arrangement; hinged and small thin place, Vrba certificate, sought plate proof!Starting price: 22 000 CZK
PLATE PROOF / EDUARD CHARLES / plate proof in blue color, second arrangement design/sketch E. Carl with prázdným valuable label, V. printing, on chalky paper without gum; hinged, overall very fine, certificate and expertized Vrba, sought plate proof!Starting price: 17 000 CZK
PLATE PROOF / EDUARD CHARLES / plate proof in dark green color, second arrangement design/sketch E. Carl with full valuable label, V. printing, on chalky paper without gum; hinged, overall very fine, Vrba certificate, expertized Mahr, sought plate proof!Starting price: 17 000 CZK
PLATE PROOF / EDUARD CHARLES / plate proof in/at green color, second arrangement design/sketch E. Carl with full valuable label, V. printing, on chalky paper without gum with wide margin; overall very fine, certificate and expertized Vrba, sought plate proof!Starting price: 20 000 CZK
PLATE PROOF / EDUARD CHARLES / plate proof in violet color, unfinished design E. Carl, die proof with full valuable label, V. printing, unfinished margins, on stamp paper with gum in/at miniature sheet arrangement; hinged, folds in paper, but without usual thin place, certificate and expertized Vrba, decorative and rare plate proof!Starting price: 28 000 CZK +10,7 %
PLATE PROOF / EDUARD CHARLES / complete printing sheet, 12-známkový joined printing, Hradčany with full valuable label 3x3 pieces + Muchova Girl in costume 3 pcs of (Mother Slávie), second arrangement 2. design/sketch E. Carl in red color, see Monograph I (page. 122), on chalky paper without gum, size 157x114mm; without hints of předchozí adjustaci, only finger-print, Vrba certificate, expertized Karásek, exceedingly rare plate proof suitable to greatest collections or exhibits, interesting also as investment item!Starting price: 350 000 CZK +88,6 %
PLATE PROOF joined printing two stamps Hradčany in/at rozdílných velikostech with odlišnou printings holubic, in red color with full valuable label, čtvrtá arrangement other design/sketch, letterprint on chalky paper without gum; on reverse hinged, overall very fine, Vrba certificate and Karásek, ex Kracík, auction Majer 3/2006, exceedingly rare plate proof, according to available pramenů existují only 3 piece in various colors, skvělá item to every specialized exhibit! Starting price: 200 000 CZK +75,0 %
PLATE PROOF / palte proof of the value 20h, UNISSUED shape II. printings in brown color, letterprint die proof with nevyplněným frame in/at miniature sheet arrangement, on/for white chalky paper originally without gum; very nice quality, Vrba certificate, expertized Karásek, quite rarely occurring hradčanský plate proof, skvělá item for vylepšení collection or exhibit!Starting price: 70 000 CZK
PLATE PROOF / joined printed pair stamps with "gutter" Hradčany 20h (Pof.8) and newspaper Falcon in Flight (issue) 2h (Pof.NV1), in blue color on brownish paper without gum; label, overall fine without folds, Vrba certificate, expertized Gilbert, quite minimum usage, rare plate proof!Starting price: 60 000 CZK +43,3 %
PLATE PROOF / joined printed pair stamps with "gutter" Hradčany 20h (Pof.8) and newspaper Falcon in Flight (issue) 2h (Pof.NV1), in/at rose color on brownish paper without gum; label, overall fine without folds, certificate and expertized Vrba, quite minimum usage, rare plate proof!Starting price: 60 000 CZK +16,7 %
PLATE PROOF values 10h, block of four in brown color, Neotypie (gravure-print), L upper stamp. omitted numeral "1", on brownish paper without gum; exp. Karásek and Beneš Starting price: 1 000 CZK +200,0 %
PLATE PROOF values 20h carmine (V. printing) as blk-of-4 with joined type spirals, joined spiral types, pos. 23-24 and 33-34, printing plate 1, spiral type I on pos. 34; on maculature paper without gum, small brownish in margin, hinged, certificate and expertized Vrba, sought! Starting price: 15 000 CZK
PLATE PROOF values 5h in black color, I. printing, block of four on chalky paper without gum; mint never hinged, small prohnutí in paper, expertized VrbaStarting price: 1 000 CZK +160,0 %
PLATE PROOF values 50h, Neotypie (gravure-print), proof die proof in red-purple color on stamp paper with gum, from joined printing I. competition; hinged, expertized Karásek and VrbaStarting price: 1 000 CZK +90,0 %
PLATE PROOF values 50h, Neotypie (gravure-print), proof die proof in violet color on stamp paper with gum, wide margin, from joined printing I. competition; mint never hinged, expertized Karásek and VrbaStarting price: 2 000 CZK +70,0 %
PLATE PROOF values 75h in dark grey-green color, imperforated blk-of-4 with control-numbers on stamp paper with gum; hinged on/for upper pair stamps, expertized Karásek and VrbaStarting price: 1 500 CZK +140,0 %
PLATE PROOF MEZIARŠÍ / 4-stamps horiz. gutter with upper margin, values 80h olive and 100h brown, on brown maculature paper without gum; folded, small thin place, overall but in good quality, Vrba certificate, expertized Mahr, sought plate proof unissued gutter!Starting price: 30 000 CZK +53,3 %
Pof.L2 IIp, I. provisional air mail stmp. 24Kč/500h brown imperforated, PŘÍČKOVÝ type, pos. 15/2; mint never hinged, certificate and expertized Vrba, c.v.. Pofis 40.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 60.000CZK, rare stamp bar type on/for I. air-mail issue!Starting price: 30 000 CZK +16,7 %
Pof.L2 IIr, I. provisional air mail stmp. 24Kč/500h brown with lower margin, RÁMEČKOVÝ type, stamp field 93, printing plate 1; superb mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, expertized Mrňák and Wallner, cat. Merkur-Revue 45.000CZK, sought frame type on/for air-mail stamp in/at extraordinary quality!Starting price: 25 000 CZK +20,0 %
Pof.L1B, I. provisional air mail stmp. 14Kč/200h blue with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, UL corner blk-of-4; 2x "browny" hinged (1x in margin), 3 stamps mint never hinged superb, Vrba certificate, expertized Gilbert, cat. Merkur-Revue ** 70.000CZK, with this rare perf in blocks of four rare occurrence! Starting price: 35 000 CZK +37,1 %
Pof.L2A joined frame types, I. provisional air mail stmp. 24Kč/500h brown with line perforation 13¾, block of four with joined RÁMEČKOVÝM type, stmp field 83-84 and 93-94, printing plate 1, type II frame on pos. 93; lightly hinged in the middle, Vrba certificate, expertized Darmietzel, Stolow, catalogue Pofis -,- (minimally however 180.000CZK), Mercure 200.000 CZK significantly misvalues, exceedingly rare joined frame type on/for air-mail pětistovce with perf, missing also in/at greatest collections!Starting price: 130 000 CZK +30,8 %
Pof.SO4, 10h green imperforated; lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Leseticky., Franek, Mrňák Starting price: 10 000 CZK
Pof.SO5aB, 15h brown-red with line perforation 13¾, stamp field 61/1; lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, expertized Gilbert, Mrňák, rare!Starting price: 7 000 CZK +57,1 %
Pof.SO5b STs+STk, 15h red imperforated (!), LL corner blk-of-4, contains 2x spiral types combination from that 1x combination types combination spiral and bar, pos. 91 (Is + IIp), pos. 92 (Is), plate 1; light unstuck hinge on/for upper pair stamps, Vrba certificate, expertized Gilbert and Karásek, extraordinary and stěží repeatable offer unikátního block of four red patnáctek with joined types!Starting price: 300 000 CZK +6,7 %
Pof.SO7, 20h carmine imperforated, vertical pair with control-numbers + 1 piece on cut-square with larger part of postmark FRÝDEK 2; on reverse underglued, expertized Mahr and Vrba, only rare occurrence used imperforated karmínových dvacítek with overprint SO1920 (overprint)!Starting price: 25 000 CZK
Pof.SO7B over-printing plate, SO8A over-printing plate, 20h carmine and 25h violet, both with double overprint SO1920 (overprint); both stamps new gum, expertized Karásek and VrbaStarting price: 1 000 CZK +70,0 %
Pof.SO8C, 25h violet, comb perforation 11¾; mint never hinged, expertized Mrňák, Fischmeister and PofisStarting price: 700 CZK
Pof.SO10aN, unissued imperforated 30h dark violet with black overprint as blk-of-4 (!); L the bottom stmp mint never hinged, other hinged, expertized Franěk, Tribuna and Vrba, in blocks of four very rare usage, sought!Starting price: 10 000 CZK +180,0 %
Pof.SO14A, 60h yellow-orange with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, blue Opt; mint never hinged, slightly faded color, Vrba certificate, expertized Gilbert and Šrámek, rare stamp!Starting price: 9 000 CZK +88,9 %