1929-1937 SG.116-126, George V. 1/2P-£1, complete so-called. "Little Penguins", in addition with shade 6P "reddish purple"; very fine, only cheap 2P without gum, c.v.. £750
1934 SG.142a, Jubilee George V. 1Sh, stamp with rare plate variety - extra flagstaff; mint never hinged, very fine piece ex Prappas and Gross, certificate RPSL, c.v.. £3.500
1882 Yv.2a, imperforated overprint Allegory 25c/40c red-orange, INVERTED OVERPRINT; very fine unused mint piece with large part original gum, certificate Roumet, exp. Calves, c.v.. 7.350€
1893 Yv.21, overprint Allegory 4c, black Opt "1893 TAHITI"; G-F, with original gum, at top short tooth, exp. Kosack and Calves, c.v.. 3.300€, rare stamp
1904-1910 SG.127-138, Edward VII. 1P - $5, wmk Mult Crown CA, complete set with SG.134b (30c on chalky paper); value £2 minor fault, overall fine, rare end $5 very fine signed Senf, c.v.. £765
1920 SCOUTING / unused overprint scout PC 2s + 3s for local mailing, overprint SCOUT´S FUND, type III (according to Richard Blakeney No. PC 0054); ordinary toned, certificate The Association of Thailand, ex Pan de Alfaro, rare
1943 Mi.59-66, Sc.75-82, Motives 5M - 60M; complete set, mint never hinged, overall very fine quality, scarce rare set, c.v.. Scott 2022 $3.595 for hinged stamps!
2023STANLEYGIBBONS - Stamp Catalogue 2024, Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970, prestigious stamp catalogue of Commonwealth, format A4; common lightly hinged užívání, otherwise nice in good condition condition
1945 KLOBOUKY U./B., MNICHOVO HRADIŠTĚ, SVATÝ KOPEČEK, STŘÍTEŽ N. LUDMILOU /comp. 4 pcs of entires franked with. overprint stamp., from that 3 pcs of as Registered; good condition
1945 MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA, KOSTELEC U HOLEŠOVA, LITOVEL, HRANICE, NOVÉ MĚSTO N./M. /comp. 5 pcs of entires franked with. overprint stamp., from that 3 pcs of as Registered; good condition
1945 RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA / letter to Rožňava franked with. 9 Hungarian stamp. 1f - 1P with red overprint Czechoslovak Post., CDS RIMASZOMBAT 45.II.27, arrival ROZSNYÓ 45.III.5; on reverse hints of adjustaci, overall good condition and sought
1945 SVATÝ KOPEČEK, MNICHOVO HRADIŠTĚ, SADSKÁ, PRAGUE 51 BŘEVNOV, MNICHOVICE / comp. 5 pcs of entires franked with. overprint stamp., from that 3 pcs of as Registered; good condition
1945 VALAŠSKÉ MEZIŘÍČÍ, ZDOUNKY, MNICHOVICE, KOSTELEC N. O. / comp. 4 pcs of entires franked with. overprint stamp., from that 2 pcs of as Registered; good condition
1945-1947 [COLLECTIONS] PROVISORY / collection provisory postwar postmarks on/for more than 200 pcs of entires, from that 50 pcs of Reg letters, other 90 pcs of usual letters supplemented with lot of cuts dispatch notes, adjusted according to alphabet on album sheets with descriptions in 3 spiral cover SAFE; various quality, originates from abroad
MEZIARŠÍ / Pof.354-356Ms(4), 2K-6K, complete set blocks 2 joined vertical 4-stamp gutter + complete set vertical 4-stamp gutter + block 2 joined horiz. 2-stamps gutter values 2 Koruna with plate mark A1; mint never hinged, several minor faults and minor gum fault, c.v.. 2.080Kč
DESKOVÉZNAČKY / Pof.353-359, line seven corner blk-of-4 and 3 corner stamp. values 1,50 Koruna - 20K with plate mark A1, missing Pof.353 (1) and 359 (1); only Pof.354 (C) and 356 (C) hinged, otherwise very nice quality
1945 Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS, MS pos. 2 according to Pofis, with plate variety Zlomená paw lion at value 5 Koruna + production flaw white circle in/at tail lion in emblem in the middle miniature sheet; mint never hinged
1945 Pof.375 production flaw, Linden Leaves 60h blue, LR corner blk-of-20 with odshora downward and L to R significantly slábnoucím and in addition with rozostřujícím print (name state on pos. 100 already almost illegible), in addition retouch on pos. 78/1; unusual and very decorative