1939 JASIŇA / blk-of-15 with lower margin Czechosl. stamp. 40h Comenius, Pof.300, with local overprint Ukrajinskéhotrojzubce in black color, type I., overprint also in lower margin; mint never hinged, private spekulační issue without postal usage, according to c.v.. Staiden date issue 14.3.1939, piece à 100€, existenci these overprints shows also catalogues Verleg and Carrigan
1936-1937 MUKACHEVO / comp. 5 pcs of entires sent to France, from that 1x commercial letter, all with multicolor franking postage stmp., hand-made also machine CDS, 4x incl. arrival postmarks; 2x envelope with tearing in upper margin, else preserved
1937-1937TAČOVO / comp. 4 pcs of private entires sent to France, 1x uprated PC Coat of arms 50h, 3x letter with multicolor franking postage stmp T. G. Masaryk, Beneš and Coat of arms, letters incl. arrival postmarks; good condition
1945 Majer PLATE PROOF 3-3bN, I. definitive issue, Pěst 200, imperforated blk-of-4 with lower margin and with significant shifted print red color out of stmp.; without defects
1945 Majer 10, 11, III. definitive issue, Hvězda, without perf, value 10 yellow single stamp. + 20 light grey in horiz. pair; mint never hinged, exp. Blaha
1945 Majer Mv10 + Mv11, III. definitive issue, Hvězda, value 10 yellow and 20h grey in 4-stamps. gutters, at value 20 grey with production flaw - 1x double vert. perf; mint never hinged
1944 RHODES / Sass.10aa, strip-of-3 RODI with German overprint WEIHNACHTEN 1944, overprint DOUBLE OMITTED; very fine used multiple with certificate Pickenpack; c.v.. 4.500€, very rare (see Sassone 23, page 1142)
1947 RHODES / Brit. occupation (earlier under Italian administration), Sass. 14 - George VI. 2Sh6p M.E.F. (Middle East Forces) on Reg letter from Rhodos to London, cancel. RACCOMANDATA ASS. RODI EGEO / 8.3.47; very fine and rare letter, c.v.. 5.000€ (Sassone 23 page. 1124), extraordinary offer!
1878-1938 13 old letters and dispatch-notes, censorship, advertising added prints, multicolor frankings, i.a. better postmarks of small places, 2x ship additional FRAN FINLAND on letters with stamps 20 Pen and 25 Pen with postmarks STOCKHOLM (!) etc.; very fine set
1950 Mi.865, Air 1000Fr, part of PB with 4 stamps, 2 coupons and date of print; mint never hinged, minor faults in margins, stamps in fine quality, cat. min. €560
1944 LIBERATION / revolutionary local issue CLERMOND - FERRAND revolutionary local issue Chouze sur Loire, c.v.. Mayer 1, "Petain" 1,50Fr, with overprint POUR LIBERATION NATIONALE + 100Fr, OVERPRINT on back side, exp. Scheller, c.v.. 420€++, rare!
1944 LIBERATION / revolutionary issue DECAZEVILLE (AVEYRON), c.v.. Mayer 6, pair Pétain with blue overprints, at left "Coat of arms" INVERTED; very fine, exp. i.a. Calves, c.v.. 875€++, very rare!
1933 ZEPPELIN / ITALIENFAHRT Sie.208A,B, letter franked with i.a. Zeppelin stamps Sass. Aerea 45+ 45, 3 +5 Lire, then postage stamp 2,75 Lire Sass.339, return flight from Rome to Germany and then by airmail to Switzerland; very fine, cat. min. 650€
1946 POLISH FIELD POST - "Corpo Polacco" / letter franked with 5 stamps 15c - 80c, red oval pmk COMMANDING OFFICER 15.MAY.1946 + blue censor cancel.; good condition
1922 SG.106-113, George V. - Motives, ½P - 5Sh, complete set of 8 stamps with overprint "SELF-GOVERNMENT", wmk Mult Crown CA; only cheap 6P slightly toned, otherwise fine quality, c.v.. £350
1925 SG.D1var, D5a, Postage due stamp pair ½P with plate variety "BROKEN D" (known but uncatalogued), then pair 2½P L "2" OF ½ OMITTED; minor faults, c.v.. £900++
1872 Mi.27a, Eagle (large shield) 9 Kreuzer red-brown; unused piece with original gum mint never hinged (!), lightly toned, certificate Brugger BPP, c.v.. 2.500€, in this quality rare stamp!
1912 preprinted brown air-mail card post on Rhine franked with airmail stamp 10Pf, Mi.I + 5Pf Germania, special postmark FRANKFURT/ FLUGPOST AM RHEIN 12.6.12; bend in the middle
1913 LZ 17 SACHSEN - LEIPZIG - ZITTAU / photo postcard sent by 1. flight to Zittau, with Germania 5Pf with oval deck cancel. LUFTPOST / ZEPPELIN SHIP SACHSEN 7.9.13 + violet deck round cancel. AN BORD DES ZEPPELIN - LUFTSCIFFES SACHSEN 7. Sep.; good condition, very fine postal imprints, rare occurrence!
1913 LZ 17 SACHSEN - LEIPZIG - ZITTAU / postcard for 1. flight to Zittau, with Germania 5F with CDS ZITTAU 13.7.13, the flight was interrupted; good condition
1929 WELTRUNDFAHRT 1929 / Sie. 30.Aa, photo postcard Zeppelin LZ 127 addressed to Japan, with Mi.423, Zeppelin 2RM, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 15.Aug.29, red flight cachet and red straight line postmark FRIEDRICHSHAFEN - TOKIO, supplemented with arrival MC TOKIO 19/Aug 1929; good condition, exp. + photo-certificate BPP Dieter
1931 2. SÜD AMERICA FAHRT / Sie.129D - postcard (count von Zeppelin) franked with rare mixed franking 2x 1RM POLARFAHRT + zeppelin brasilian stamps, so franking "there also back"; very fine, cat. min. 650€, rare
1932 7. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT / Reg and airmail letter to Brazil, franked with Zeppelin stamp 1RM, Mi.455 and airmail stamps 15+15+50Pf, CDS BAD ALZELMEN 19.9.32, red round cancel. connecting flight STUTTGART - FRIEDRICHSHAFEN and olive zeppelin cachet, on reverse arrival postmark PERNAMBUCO 29.IX.32; ligtly toned
1936 NORDAMERIKAFAHRT / 5 airmail entires sent to USA, from that 3x as Registered, multicolor frankings, CDS BERLIN, STUTTGART, GÖTTINGEN, FRANKFURT, S date 2.5. - 8.5.36, incl. arrival postmarks; toned
1936 OLYMPIAFAHRT / Sie.427, selection of 3 airmail entires sent inland, multicolor frankings, CDS LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN FRANKFURT RHEIN MAIN 1.8.36, arrival BERLIN ZENTRALFLUGHAFEN 1.8.36, all with red flight cachet Luftschiff Hindenburg; good condition